Pack of 20 dindus beat up 15 year old girl, steal her sneakers

What can we do about the dindu problem?

A group of teenagers beat up a 15-year-old girl and stole her Air Jordan sneakers during a robbery in Brooklyn, surveillance footage released by cops on Friday shows.

The teenager was walking on Utica Avenue near Sterling Place in Crown Heights on Thursday at 4:10 p.m. when she was spotted by the dozen youths, cops said.

When she reached the corner, the gang lunged at her and punched and kicked her repeatedly, the video shows.

The clip begins with the victim already on the ground, one of the boys kicking her in the chest and face. A second later, more kids run across the street, and continue to beat her up, with one kid leaping onto her and then kicking her in the head, the footage shows.

The appalling 20-second beatdown ends with one kid yanking the victim’s black and white Air Jordan 1s from her feet and leaving her limp on the ground, the footage shows. They also took her cellphone and debit card before running away in several directions, police said.

She was taken to NYC Health & Hospitals/Kings County to be treated for bruising and head trauma, cops said. It was unclear what provoked the attack.

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She relaxed.

>It was unclear what provoked the attack.
Was she white?

Whites are gonna get tired of playing

>It was unclear what provoked the attack.
Stop playing dumb jew media you know exactly why they attacked her.

Bitch probably complains about racism when she's not busy being beaten by a pack of niggers. 90% chance. Toll paid.

to sniff?

Trump 2020
Pence 2024
Fags can pray their gay away

I prefer to think these things happen to the 10%.

Teen ?
You mean Nigglet

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>air jordans
Hmmm what could go wrong

Shoot em all dead. Fuck niggers.

Who is “we”? Because you guys won’t do shit.

Wearing air Jordan’s. I think you’re right.

Was she a nigger or not?

>the dozen youths

Those aren't white hands and air jordans are NIGGER SHOES

it was definitely a nigger

Do nothing it's impossible for blacks to climb the economical ladder due to either lack of impulse control low iq or going through entire life with "i cant do this cause white people bad" syndrome. Plus they kill themselves in record numbers any ways they do it for us.

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Aren't AJ1 rather cheap?


this is so obviously genetic. that's dozens of members of a community in one single area, who reflexively attack a single defenseless girl by instinct. niggers are a cancer.

This is the real solution
If they would kill you for your sneakers, it should be just fine to kill them whenever you feel threatened.
They are all worthless.

I don't think that's a huWhite hand

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Chimp out #8471537504725

Imagine beating a person up for fucking shoes kek

w-what year were dem Jordans tho??

If she’s a nigger then fuck her

>cops said. It was unclear what provoked the attack.

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more like that they were black

Hate crime?
Naw, just a mis-understanding..imagine if 15-20 white people jumped a "black" citizen on camera..hmm

Press S to ship all niggers back to africa

>I prefer to think
doubt, nigger

Imagine being an 80 IQ nigger that has no more humanity than a feral dog.

>" Teens "
They keep doing it.

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Trump and pence are dumb faggot Israeli cock sucking nigger lovers who secretly want the white race to end.

what wrong with air jordans?

Anyone left in New York deserves what they get

A nigger getting her ass beat by other niggers. I fail to see what the problem is here.

All normal white people need to empty out of the major cities. Just fucking leave. GO. Leave the inner city businesses to be run by the blacks and the immigrants. Let them run their own hospitals. Let them police themselves. Let them put their own fires out. What will the rich whites do then? ALL white people NEED. TO. LEAVE. Leave the rich to have their flesh gnawed to the bone by their feral black pets.

Bitch probably said the n-word. She deserved it.

yet for the dems it is not a secret

Around blacks don't wear Nike

was she White ?

They're the same book with a different cover and I'm not in the mood to read any more.

Nigs will nog. Not much you can do. Just conceal carry until the government starts looking the other way on lynchings.

>Dindus quarrel amongst each other in dindu neighbourhood
I don't see the problem here. We should respect that people (yes I use the term loosely here) of other cultures have different ways of interacting with each other. What gives us the right to impose our values on them?

You mean nigger? Doubt that was it because she herself in fact looks like a nigger.

Did they split the sneakers amongst themselves?

Doesn’t rhyme, retard.

You guys don't understand. Its purely economic reasons why they act like this.

8 ball jacket

Welcome to NYC in the 80's

Haha niggers were killing themselves like crazy over those stupid 8 ball jackets. Every time I remember that I start laughing.

Niggers have no place in western civilization.

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Oh nice, nothing of value lost. Thanks niggers!

they have place in western africa
its called liberia

Yes that is proper english what's the problem?

I can't believe they still sag their pants down. I thought that was just a fad over a decade ago but they are still doing it.

Beat me to you it, you speedy bastard

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Black teens. I just don't get em.

Makes good blacks look bad.

I assume it's easier to reach their guns?

It's from a pretty good movie, "My Cousin Vinny", where Joe Pesci is a new york lawyer who says "youts" instead of youths, and Fred Munster asks him what he said.

The movie is worth watching for Marisa Tomei alone.

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it's so their homies don't have to bother with undoing their belts when they want to fuck em in the ass on "the downlow"

Around bike thieves dont wear Nikes

Wouldn't have happened if she didn't wear nigger shoes


Every single headline reads like it was written by the fucking onion

Back then teens were called wolfpacks when they would go wildin'

I see they all have the fuckboy 2020 haircut

>>air jordans
>Hmmm what could go wrong

Lol, reread your post you ultracuck

>cops said. It was unclear what provoked the attack
hmm, that's a tough one Holmes

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>Brotherly looting
Ayo whatchu tryna imply boutta brotha white devil? Smh
Day of the miracle whip soon, mayo skinned faggots

No. All blacks are bad. The "good blacks" used to police or at least shame "the bad blacks." Now they just let them run wild, and say, "Not all of us - You're RACIST!"

how do the nogs know which one gets the shoes?
is it whoever they fit? or do they elect a delegate for each rape/pillage/plunder mission who will receive the goods and distribute them to those who really need them?