Why do conservatives think they are somehow smart independent thinkers for supporting the status quo?
Why do conservatives think they are somehow smart independent thinkers for supporting the status quo?
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>supporting the status quo
I'm not a proponent of large government, nor do I operate under the delusion that government is capable of efficiently solving "problems".
Paying for a product that you think is morally reprehensible is stupid, because you are literally just rewarding the bad practices.
Perhaps you should start by telling us what you think is the reason.
I think we should commit genocide against people who make political cartoons, all of them, from all sides.
>supporting the status quo?
It's opposite day apparently
The only status quo thing about the Republican party is to ignore the people you are representing and bow down to Jews and big business
>We should improve society somewhat
Kys retard
The leaps of logic here are astounding.
Every day we stray farther from God's glory
>seething europoor
Feels bad maaan
I would rather be a little less fortunate here than in the USA and be a golem and a slave
>I'd rather be a poor slave than a rich slave!
>Than European nations
>Whole nations
>you said it on an iphone
while capitalism gives you the chance to buy a phone that supports its workers
>cars should have belts
and you can put them on your car if you want to. just pay, if you think you won't be driving safe enough.
>we should improve society
until you have every freedom possible to do whatever you want without harming anyone. oh, wow! during the middle ages common people weren't free. they were on the same level of the slaves. oh, wow! now you have every freedom to do whatever you want without harming anyone!
If you're trying so hard to be a rebel why wouldn't you be a national socialist?
Oh that's right everyone's a nazi.
In reality its not that women with the iPhone to complains about Apples business practices.
She just gets hurt when people bring it up to her, so he made a comic with a lot of strawmen to make herself not look like a hypocrite
She uses strawmen a lot because she doesn't have an argument for most of her beliefs
I would like to blow lots of men. America is a hamburder away from a man who would make that illegal
>monarchism is the status quo
>ancap is status quo
>natsoc is status quo
>illegal abortion is statis quo
>0 immigration is status quo
>people being able to raise families is status quo
>black man with a car in the 1920s
Top 2 panels the cartoon guy is actually right.
Bottom 2 panels are just silly strawmen
Why do you think you that any of the leftwing ideals are ‘progress’? You’re just trying to burn shit down. It’s evil.
Except its not at all. Your definition of "status quo" is super short.
Your longue durée is weak brah
you can blow me
Aaahhahaha fuckpozzed artist wanted to show a nigger in all 3 scenarios, but since the serf was doing manual labor he had to make it white so he didn't appear to support slavery.
>Comparing snob armchair "intellectuals" on twatter with people producing value or going through actual hardships.
This doesn't work on so many levels
People didn't just talk about no seat belts and serfdom being bad, they did something about it
The people whining about Apple not paying its working, but still buying Apple products are part of the problem
but but but the status quo
Situation 1 (Apple) is an ethical issue
Situation 2 (car) is a safety issue
Situation 3 (society) is a... society issue
Buying a car, or anything with the idea of improving it, is generally how people innovate. Saying a product should have a feature is not hypocritical.
Society... well, you're part of society whether you like it or not. You can't improve it without being in it.
As for Apple, yeah, it's hypocritical. The argument is they don't pay their workers enough, when they could, yet you continue to give them money. To put it into perspective it'd be like buying a Ford that doesn't come with a seatbelt because Ford doesn't want to spend money on installing seatbelts. Or in the case of society it's like supporting the person who is the one keeping society at a worse condition.
It's amazing sometimes how these comics just dumb down and conflate different ideas to try and make a very stupid point.
more like the status blow amirite
Journalism at it's finest.
Because you're limp dick faggots who never practice what you preach and are the first to call someone a hypocrite when you don't actually believe in anything and wouldn't actually do a fucking thing despite how much hot air you blow off even if you actually did.
Whoa, hold the phone...ALL sides? ALL....SIDES? Like, everyone...EQUALLY?? You view everyone that does that thing as THE SAME and that they should be treated EQUALLY??? Are you a super genius? Are you a wizard? Are you God? Thank you for your post. Please, post another. Enlighten us some more with your brilliant broad-brush opinions, you brilliant philosopher-king among mere men.
We are in the process of destroying the world and ourselves via pollution and over pollution. All this has been caused by progressive ideas.
Consider Ned Ludd. A conservative of the deepest hue. His movement attempted to stop the industrial revolution , called luddites they could have prevented our present situation. The thing to note about the luddites, was they loved the life they where living and wanted to protect it. Can any of you say the same?
Don't you have some traffic to block or a trashcan to beat up?
i agree, but don't act like communism is any better.
No, but I will help finally decide what goes in a 7th grade American history textbook next week.
You ding-dongs don't even know how to play the game.
>3rd option... socialism
can i get a 4th?
I dont support the status quo, i support throwing communists into ovens, slut shaming, and taxing people who dont have kids.
Only if their village is completely sacked by foreign invaders, and one illiterate idiot decides to slaughter every single bandit in his path (or simply run away from them).
>supporting the status quo?
that isn't what anyone on Yas Forums supports, chaim.
Because jews told them they are
zoom towards a technocratic post-scarcity society as fast as possible?
Actually invest in science, and get the economy past global.
Henry was actually the son of Sir Radzig proof that you cant get anywhere without some privilige
>what is a false equivalency
The thing about the phone being compared to the peasant is absurd. The mutt girl in the top two squares had a choice of what company to support with her purchase of a phone, and chose Apple despite her disapproval of Apple's business practices. The peasant at the bottom was born into his society and has no choice to gather wood to burn because he might freeze to death at night otherwise. Mutt bitch could have bought an android or a flip phone.
have degenerate brand luxuary product made by child slave labor, larp as medival peasant without a choice
but how do we kill all the niggers and kikes? none of this is possible with two groups of 'people' that actively destroy progress toward such goals.
100% this, thank you
Technology continues to grow at a near-exponential curve. No need to compete over territory when you have the free market of the universe for the races.
>i am very silly
>iphones are analogous to the automobile
Just don't buy the product of a company you dislike, buy a competitor's if you absolutely must have the device. There. Hypocrisy averted. Not exactly difficult.
Lmao @ the author of that comic thinking they are clever
Listen here whiteoid, George Washington Carver, inventor of peanut butter and yes white boi THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was a 100% Genius Black African man of color. Blacks actually created everything you use today but crackas like you came in and stole our history! But blacks are starting to wake up to the truth!
Because this is their competition: youtube.com
another 'left cant meme' thread?
Why should I welcome my supposedly elected ZOG brainwashing my children to either castrate themselves, end my genetic line, or dilute their genetic potential?
Highways ... military ... police and firefighters ... funny thing is government run power utilities are better than for profit private ones. Anti government zealotry is a religious movement at this rate.
look who's talking. anyways make your self useful and take your dick sucking back to bunkerchan. bernout
Retard moment
Why are leftists too stupid to understand that their hypocrisy is overlooking alternatives and that your strawman comic ignores this fact?
America is about two french fries away from forcing me to blow you faggot.