>577 infected
>0 deaths
germans are immune
577 infected
Are you sure that the infected are German to begin with?
wouldn't immune mean that there are 0 infected you dope?
>tfw i made that image years ago
Glad to see it still exists.
I live in America but I moved here from Germany when I was a little kid. Germans are tough as nails and are nearly unkillable, and I have no doubt that Germany will inherit the earth when garbage countries like America finally fall
Its a coping mechanism don't question it too much. He just needs to feel safe.
Only the Mohammed’s were infested
>577 infected
Look the zoomer cuck with goblino army parents thinks hes an ethnic german lmao.
The chinkvirus fears the germanic
all whites infected are still alive, worldwide.
Street niggas are alive to though.
Both of my parents and I are 100% German, we just moved away. Kill yourself mutt retard
Spread to more migrants please. Go to asylum seekers if you get it
source? British woman died today/yesterday
>british women
doubtful it was a white anglo saxon m8. But feel free to provide source showing so.
I don't have a source and media doesn't specify. Are white people more immune?
Lol continue your LARP, abomiacion del zoomer el mutto.
There are females who are infected. Wedont't have female rapefugees
White people can catch the virus, but it's like a cold to us, none of us have died from it yet.
wow this is literally me
Im 35 years old and 100% german
>100% german
>checks flag
Yeah, no.
Keep telling yourself that though bro.
>100% german
>spricht nicht mal deutsch
True, I am never ill.
Any plans to come back one day?
Honestly? My theory and my gut both say that we DO have deaths. But either we just didnt test people who dropped dead during the last weeks or the Bundesregierung has went full CCP mode and hides these corona deaths among the regular flu deaths so they can keep on telling us
Finally is someone talking about it i noticed it like 2 days ago
lets say for real if we hit the 1000 with no dead something reallly is off
nordic supremacy confirmed sjws im sorry
>577 infected
>mostly exchange students from middle east and asia
Perhaps you're onto something there.
>coronachan weakens your body
>die because of complications
totally nobody died because of the virus honest
>Trusting the BRD®™
nope, you can carry a pathogen and still be immune to it
j-j-just c-coping
u mad cause you fatasses die like flies?
Kek this
I dont trust your trips pal. Bundesregierung is playing tricks on all of us
no niggers have died either.
oh wait
Doesn't work with viruses, as those need to infect your cells to replicate.
good point good sir
we are cleary superior to fat amie cucks
From what I have gathered in the last 3 months Corona acts like a severe flu on Caucasians. You get fever coughing and feel miserable for 3 to 5 days. You won't die unless you are allready on the verge of death due to age or preexisting conditions.
Quite frankly I am convinced thousands of Europeans were already infected and recovered without even realizing it.
I myself had "the flu" 2 weeks ago for the first time in 15 years.
Jetzt mal auf Deutsch für mehr Aufmerksamkeit.
Leute, ernsthaft, jedes andere Land mit mehreren hundert Infizierten hatte mindestens eine Handvoll Leute, die es dahingerafft hat, meist eben die uralten Boomer, die sowieso schon kurz vor der Fahrt über den Styx standen.
Deutschland hat was? 550 Infizierte und angeblich keine Toten? Im ganzen Leben stimmt das nicht. Da ist hundertprozentig was oberfaul. Wir werden verarscht.
Wie ich hier schon sagte: Entweder haben sie keinen, der in den vergangenen Wochen an Corona-typischen Krankheiten verreckt ist auf den Erreger getestet oder sie haben das getan, was ich dieser Bande absolut zutraue, und stecken die ganzen Corona-Toten in die normale Grippestatistik rein, damit sie sagen können
>Guckt mal, Spahn hatte Recht, Spahn for Bundeskanzler
>Lest weiterhin den Spiegel
less then 50 people infected 0 dead we Slovenians are immortal.
Nächste Woche. Der hohe Anstieg an Fallzahlen kam erst diese Woche und es dauert zwei bis drei Wochen bis es zum Endstadium kommt.
Gedult. Du wirst dein Klopapier schon noch los.
post feet uwu
Divine trips of truth!
For any non Kraut : tl:Dr German government is hiding the deaths in the flu statistics
main wave of expected infections is winter 2021 or winter 2022.
you need to keep cool for atleast 2 years for the full blow
no ur a mune!
wrong. no one dies. thats why he made the post
but what about all the chinese slave factories in italy and around there where a lot of chinese died the statistics consider to be white italians?
can't get more white than that
not by being born italian at least
>In Germany
Kek, there are more Germans in the American Midwest.
You are currently dealing with the weak S strain of the virus, when the strong L strain gets there you'll start dropping in the streets.
No, he meant Dies(es) as in This.
trips sagen immer die wahrheit
ich traue der Regierung nicht wirklich aber definitiv mehr als der ccp und die haben die Toten zugegeben wenn auch viel weniger
lol tinder
Ich bin borderline-AnCap, ich traue weitestgehend gar keiner Regierung und ganz sicher nicht den Commie-Schweinen in Berlin.
Mean time it takes for patients to die:
2-3 weeks
>this fact is too hard for Yas Forums to grasp
Kanake detected
>unsere oberste Priorität
Yeah, except for all the STDs
get rekt
Figgen ohne Gummi geht aber klar, oder?
That includs arabs too. thank god we are "immunue"
Suck to be you, but the refugees are there to stay.
Your government is lying and most death happens upon re-infection after your body has developed antibodies.