The most secure investment that anyone can make on Earth (bonds backed by the US govt) is worth Fucking nothing
The most secure investment that anyone can make on Earth (bonds backed by the US govt) is worth Fucking nothing
shhh post stonk graphs like the other obliviots
You will take your 0.6% and LIKE it.
>they do it for free
MAGA, these foreign niggers are going to pay us to loan us money.
this is fucking sick.
kikes will roast for this
one day in minecraft of course
it's all meaningless. the mind of an engineer will not stop producing.
The most secure investment is supplies (food, water, guns, etc), gold and Bitcoin. Bonds are for niggers.
Can one of you explain what a bond is and what does OPs chart mean?
It's when the government says that a piece of paper is magically worth twice itself in 10 years.
A bond is a loan YOU give TO the Government. These loans are considered VERY safe, thus many institutions use them to park their money. The rate of return on the bonds usually goes down when interest rates rise. But it's clown world.
A bond is more or less an investment into the government. You loan them money for some years and you get a small return that beats inflation (at least it's suppose to). They are considered secure by delusional retards who believe the government and society in general are stable.
So...a family member is pregnant. I was planning on buying their newborn baby some bonds to help pay for the kids college one day.
Does this mean I should wait to buy them?
That is the interest rate on the ten year t bill. In order for this rate to fall, the price has to rise. Basically alot of fucking people are buying bonds.
Bonds are the dumbest fucking thing you could ever buy right now.
So what can I buy for the baby that will take 10-20 years to mature and give him/her more money than I paid?
But them Bitcoin instead
>give him/her more money than I paid?
This is why this country is trillions in debt
The vanguard 500 index fund. Not even memeing. Dollar cost average the buy in though. Very volatile.
It's still the safest place to put your money. Even if the value isn't increasing, everything else is even worse.
>Secure Investment
>US Government
Top heh lad
Unless you plan was to get pretty much exactly what you invested in back in 20 years a bond is a poor choice. Although even if that were the case investing into bonds these days is pretty much lighting your money on fire. PMs or Bitcoin.
I just secured a really good rate on a refi tho anons
wuts dat
>or Bitcoin
Retard advice by retards for retards.
There is no guarantee you won't lose everything you have by buying bitcoin. You might earn a lot, yes, but you can also lose everything everything you have. Literally anything else is a better investment than bitcoin, it is only good for short term trading and earning money and nothing else.
Time to refinance dem loans. I'll take it.
go back to Yas Forums
Bitcoin is based on the USD. Only retards think it's separate. USD collapse = BTC collapse.
No it's not.
This is supposedly for a kid. If Bitcoin goes under just never tell them about it. If it pumps, hey kiddo here's a cool million
It's traded with USD the most but not dependant on it.
Your argument could be said about oil too. Oil won't disapear if USD tanks.
This guy gets it. Index funds are the best route to go.
Or gold, I guess.
>This is supposedly for a kid.
It is for a kid. Its for his college or whatever. To be cashed in when he graduates high school.
literally anything can, and probably will, lose its value if we're in a situation where the internet cant be effectively used to trade bitcoin, save maybe gold and guns.
>it is only good for short term trading
spoken like a true fucking retard who doesn't know what he's talking about
must be assblasted that he missed out big time
3.00% fixed locked in today at my local branch. Another had 3.22%.
precious metals, Gold and Silver you should be buying
Only a retard KNOWS where the market will go.
Go be a bitcoin bullshiter on Yas Forums.
>he's responsible for many billions of dollars
>shit's going crazy
>where to put the money?
>where to not lose big?
The most secure investment that anyone can make on Earth.
>OP is retarded
>OP is a child
pick one
Every post above this one was written by a mentally challenged person
Op, you are one low IQ nigger.
Rate and price are inversely proportional. Rate dropping implies higher price.
What did you expect in a Logans run economy?
Wrong retard. Whats the rate on your current mortgage ?
I see what's happening and I'm mad.
What's the best investment then? Real estate? It loses it's monetary value but it's still a place you can live
Buy the dip, literally. The EU and by extension the Euro is fucked because of Brexit, and China is a paper tiger with a slew of problems that make America's seem minor
You can always write off depreciation on taxes though so still a solid investment.
Buy some low-fee U.S. index funds
zoom out you retard
Lower than yours fag
Depends on how much you're willing to spend but high dividend stocks that are historically stable and then auto-reinvest the dividends.
the US government will collapse and your bonds will be worthless. This will happen within the next 20 years, maybe even within the next 10 years. Trump failed.
Once this shit hits -.088 your gonna see some real shit
how are you going to spend your bitcoin when the only internet connections are controlled by the government?
it's true, because both depend on the US government
No risk no reward retard
People are heading to the hills. If you have a hundred million dollars you are more concerned with still having at least a hindered mill 10 years from now than losing half of it in unstable markets
>but muh decentralized currency!
Fucking retards I swear.
America's problems:
* everyone who has a position as a noble, the ranking government officials, the military leaders, these are only good at avoiding responsibility and kissing ass
* everyone who has a position as a priest, the professors, the journalists, these are only good at finding out what the party line is and repeating it no matter how retarded and transparently evil
* the peasants are hopped up on bread and circuses, the peasant girls are all whores, the peasant men don't know the first thing about using weapons, and they barely even have friends let alone churches
Imagine investing in the U.S. Government right now. Wake up, man! This thing's about to go tits up.
Buy them a gold coin. It makes a pretty gift and will actually be worth something in 20 years.
this. gold will have value in the future. maybe roubles will have value in the future. Dollars, bonds, stocks, will all be worthless in 20 years.