@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpTweet: Mini Mike, you're easy! 3/5/20
>Pres Trump @FoxNews Town Hall in Scranton PA 3/5/20 (pt1) (pt2) (pt3)
>Pres Trump arrives in Avoca PA 3/5/20
>Pres Trump departs DC 3/5/20
>Pres Trump departs WH 3/5/20
>VP Pence @WA Emergency Ops Center in Tacoma 3/5/20 (Gov Inslee) (Roundtable) (News Conf)
>VP Pence arrives in Tacoma WA 3/5/20
>VP Pence @3M in Maplewood MN 3/5/20 (Comments) (Gov Walz &CEO Roman) (Presser)
>VP Pence arrives in Minneapolis MN 3/5/20
>AG IronBarr/ActDHSSec Wolf Launch Initiative against pizza 3/5/20
>Giuliani on Dobbs 3/5/20
>Corona-chan Task Force comments to reporters 3/5/20
>SG Adams on FoxNews 3/5/20
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo) 3/5/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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stoopid darkie

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► Detected: 100,696 ► Died: 3,412

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

French lawmaker tests positive

Virus affects blood circulation

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

White House admits they lack tests

Patients infectious after "recovery"

Bodies must be cremated

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

Resistant to antivirals

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

CDC lab for test kits contaminated

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

Infection could reach 60% of world population

11:05: 59 new cases in Belgium.
11:01: 1,234 new cases and 16 new deaths in Iran. A 17th death mentioned in the source was previously reported at 19:53 on 5 March.
10:29: 48 new cases in Madrid, Spain.
10:28: 28 new cases in Malaysia.
10:21: 1 new case in Queensland, Australia. The patient recently returned from Iran.
10:20: 2 new cases in Indonesia.
10:12: 6 new cases in Norway.



Why did trump cancel his visit to the CDC? It's just SARS + AIDS, a total nothing burger. Why is he so scared?

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>corona shill wave starts up again after market news

How is she an expert on the virus and a not a Dr but a Ms?

RIP stock markets

swimming pools are deadlier

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>the thing responsible for the economy taking a shit and raging through the states is being talked about again : (

>Danney Lee Williams Jr. (born December 7, 1985) is a biracial man from Little Rock, Arkansas who claims to be the biological son of Bill Clinton, the former President of the United States.[1] The claim remains unproven.[2]
>Williams has five children[3] and is unmarried.

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I was first to awoo, goy

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he's from New York? for some reason I just assumed a genius of his caliber could only be produced at Berkeley

the markets will be the least of your troubles soon. this pandemic is only getting started. it's not going away.

>3.5k deaths over 10 years is worse than 3.5k death over the spread of a month at the start of a global pandemic
You stupid fucking leaf

Will Yang promise headpats to all deserving of them?

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whats worse?
A. Niggers
B. Herpes
C. "Journalists"

Attached: popquixotic.png (807x700, 382.68K)

because he knows it is horse shit.
it's a media/globalist larp, dumbass.

>taking a shit
It's not, and thats exactly why you're tring to fear monger more. You fucking suck at your job, faggot.

oh, i've got some crispy bacon

>>Williams has five children[3] and is unmarried.

I miss Sanders having a chance.


Bloomberg puppeting him

You're really bad at this retard. I'm docking your already shit pay.

herpes cant be killed

>because he knows it is horse shit.
>china quarantined 1 billion people indefinitely
>china shut their entire economy down
>industry is still dead, the factories and ports are silent
sure, it's nothing.

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3.5 death rate.

Muh habbenings.

A. Duh.

Based retard

ban assault swimming pools

>people are discussing an ongoing pandemic That currently has a 10% fatality rate in the US
Gee, must be shills.

His mom was a literal whore and that makes me laugh.

If a poster uses this word, just filter them.

Yes, because you aren't using the general. You're not fooling anyone. Enjoy your shitpost wage cage.

They cucked him even sooner than 2016 and the Bernouts are doing literally nothing

Sander’s should have known communists backstab each other from USSR history. Obama gassed him real good

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>based on manipulated chinese numbers
>still 34x more lethal than the flu
>observed numbers from italy put the death rate at around 30%

All but one of the US deaths was cause some chink brought it into a nursing home

Who tf deemed the school librarian a Caronavirus expert?

So was his dad. Double the comedic value.

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Ok faggot.

It's a weak pandemic if it goes after nursing gome residents and no one under 10 has died from it

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They're still in the bargaining phase, pretending that "most of the delegates are still up for grabs!" But yeah, they're not going to do anything. Who would have seen that the movement of "give me free things and require me to do absolutely nothing" sits there and takes it when they're told they're being robbed?

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just wait until reinfection kicks in with the majority of the "survivors".

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POTUS going to Nashville

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Honestly this bong might as well get a tripcode if all he’s gonna do is whine about coronavirus.

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They'll just cry about Chinese numbers or whatever else is on the script. Report and filter, it makes them seethe endlessly.

Your manipulated numbers are chinese "leaks", retard.

Videos of dead families in China directly disproves this, chink.

>Donald Trump CANCELS trip to CDC over coronavirus scare: President's visit is called off because someone is 'potentially infected' as he signs $8.3 billion emergency spending bill amid mounting questions over lack of testing kits

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Why are they noting that? Are they hoping Trump gets corona?

You were asked this last time and failed to answer it. Who was reinfected and what was the virus' mechanism for overcoming t-cells?

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>observed numbers from italy are chinese leaks

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President pussy scared of “just the flu” as he said in his own words

My dick has turned to stone.

>nooooo!!! My hecking safe space!!!

Sanders seems perpetually confused when things don't go his way, even though that's part of his plan to get paid off.
Leave it to a commie Jew to trick himself.

14% of "recovered" cases in Hubei have been confirmed reinfected. remember that the tests give false negatives 70% of the time too, so the real number is much higher. there are cases of reinfection in Japan and South Korea too.
The virus overcomes T-cells because it's rapidly mutating and it has ADE.

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He's a dedicated spammer. Their internals must show this could move Trump's approval if they give it 24/7 coverage/spam.

I'm giving this until the end of March and if it doesn't actually turn into a happening I'm just filtering all related words and moving on. Life's too fucking short to spend six months talking about the flu because the Dems have no talking points left

The death rate is not 30% you fucking retard. There are only 148 deaths out of over 3000 cases. Learn some math, then kill yourself.

>you’ll forget about this in A month
t. You at the end of January

Talk shit now, but I bet you’re scared enough to be stockpiling supplies.

>using words you don't understand
Lol imagine paying someone for such a shitty performance. I seriously hope you make no more than $2 an hour.

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You literally have your own safe space you dumb fuck. Go back.

He's either a dumb cuck or a scammer, it can't be both. I'm certain it's the former

>Someone brazenly unfurls Nazi flag at Sanders rally
>Was not anonymous
>Was not doxed

Yeah, if this dude hasn't been doxed yet it's a fucking glow nigger.

Attached: Denken.png (178x186, 38.99K)

you don't use infected during an ongoing outbreak, you calculate the CFR with "recovered" and infected.

I thought you filtered me? ;-)

>life is too short
>spends it on forchin

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>they used the Nazi flag
>not sure if actual Nazis
it's cute when they forget their programming
I guess seeing an actual Nazi flag instead of badly-painted swastikas triggers them too hard


>there will be millions infected in a month
t. your shill group at the end of January

>there will be millions dead at the end of the month
>t. you corona shills in January, Feburary, and still now

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lol Trump's leading up to calling a spade a spade and digging Biden a hole with it

I don't wanna get sick because then I couldnt MAGA so please don't touch me

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>You HAVE TO vote for me, I'm being attacked by LITERAL NAZIS!
>Yes, coincidentally when my campaign is dying that's when the LITERAL NAZIS decide to come for me! Give me your votes!
It's the most 'what ya doin, rabbi' scenario I could think of.

This flag is backwards. What an edgelord.

That thing my frens is a dem congress "woman"

That just means there are two strains, dumbass. Reinfection doesn't work like that. If you aren't an illiterate inbred Paki pick up a book on microbiology and read up on smallpox variolation.
You get another!

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Dumb picture

a man has his hobbies and ways to relieve stress
mine is to ramble about jews

> “If I’m still the majority leader in the Senate think of me as the Grim Reaper. None of that stuff is going to pass,” McConnell said while speaking to community leaders in Owensboro, Ky.

>McConnell noted that if Republicans win back the House or President Trump wins reelection “that takes care of it.” But he pledged that even if Republicans lose the White House, he would use his position as majority leader to block progressive proposals…

>“I guarantee you that if I’m the last man standing and I’m still the majority leader, it ain’t happening. I can promise you,” McConnell added.

Turtle in a half shell

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what did he mean by this?

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No Refunds!

read the /cvg/ pastebin. it's all in there.

Good God i love this man. Watch all the people flip today calling him MEAN.

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God its every fucking day with you. Every day some new doomsaying about this literal nothing virus. The only logical deduction is that this is the only thing interesting going on on your life. No one cares retard.

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Next stop Mara Largo for the weekend.

will we get video of him on the ground in nashville?


I think I saw that one last thread. Otherwise the one before wouldn't have made so much sense.

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Going down as another lie, I bet.

>Literal plague carrier

It's not.
Guess it's time to combine them into one collective shitpost.

>trying to split hairs when your made up calculation isn't true and health agencies divide mortalities over infection rates in a period of time
>it still doesn't add up
God damn, you're pathetic. And next thread you'll pretend you didn't blatantly lie and get BTFO.


>The death toll will be 15 million gooks even if I have to get out there with a wheelbarrow of uranium and four tons of TNT
Straya no!

"we're gonna need a bigger jar"

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15 million is an extremely low estimate, especially considering the rate of mutation, the rate and lethality of reinfection and the fact that you can't gain any immunity. 500 million minimum for this first outbreak and even higher percentages once the "survivors" get reinfected on the second wave.

>AY PAPI! Mi abuela etc.


He is literally paid an incredibly small wage to fear monger like he was for the economy and other shit before this. The same old bots.

It means he has a penis

We never had a pandemic when Obama was President. Just sayin’.

here's hoping

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>15 million people dying from the flu

Nice estimate, dumbfuckstralians.

He is literally paid an incredibly small wage to fear monger like he was for the economy and other shit before this. The same old bots.

Totally a reasonable outlook.

This. We won’t see more than 5 deaths in the US from corona, let alone 100. It’s a total nothingburger.

i knew that bugle was too big to be a vulva

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LEL i meant bulge

It's really fascinating that he's here every day spewing the same baseless bullshit with such consistency. Either he's being paid, or it's one of the most advanced cases of autism I've ever seen. Maybe both.

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well put

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He is literally paid an incredibly small wage to fear monger like he was for the economy and other shit before this. The same old bots.

Old man kot.

34x as lethal as the flu, according to the WHO's bullshit downplayed numbers.

Don't listen to those lies

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if the flag is backwards it's just the standard Hindu flag of Reincarnation

Based eyes.

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>bird flu
>swine flu
>probably some others that I'm forgetting
shut up, nigger

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>literally just keeps outing himself

He literally make up a new symptom or asspulled statistic out his ass every day and every time it gets easily BTFO, he pretends it never happens and shills it over again in the next thread. Full jewish tactics.