When will their butthurt end?

They are literally living rent free incarnate

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hangooks are literally the most butthurt race in the world. Jews are just cynical and conniving when they do it as it is for profit but SK are just child brained monkeys.

wait, what's the problem?

Problem, according to South Korea, is that it’s reminiscent of Japanese colonial governors from the occupation. It doesn’t help that Harris is half Japanese.

Attached: jomon.png (1562x832, 339.85K)

The funny part is that the Japanese are descended from Koreans and the two native groups that were on the Japanese islands when the Koreans moved there.

How can one country be so based?

i dont know, the the Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere is a true necessity

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As you can see, the young Jomon girl on the left inquisitively looks at the camera and smiles. Now take a look at the Yayoi girl on the right. Stupid gooky looks, stupid gooky brain. Downs syndrome or Korean? What's the difference?

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Attached: Me on the left.jpg (467x662, 84.08K)

Say "horse culture in the tombs" to trigger the shit out of any Japanese archaeologist.

Japanese are humans with deep souls who care for the plight of humanity; they are guardians, protectors. Koreans are soulless plastics, unthinking and unfeeling.

Japan must go to war with South Korea to prevent them from doing more harm!

Attached: japanese-bicycle-infantry-celebrate-the-capture-of-singapore-1942-colorized-29048226.png (500x365, 93.03K)

Everything was awesome when the Japanese came to town

Attached: JzdsduT.jpg (500x633, 373.2K)

Wait are you the guy who told me to fuck off in Yas Forums or are you a different huehue?

*on Yas Forums

These threads are 80% Japanese shills and 20% Korean diaspora pretending they are white. How pathetic

diferent huehue, i dont lurk the int

KEK his name is literally Harry Harris and the Koreans are whining because he's hairy.


Nah I'm white. To be honest I don't have anything against you gooks I just think this shit is funny.

harry HAPA hairy

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Fuck South Korea

Harry 'hairy hapa' Harris. He was also an Admiral who OK'd torturing muzzies in gitmo. How can one man be so based?

japanese see themselves as if they were white

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No rike upper rip hair cuz feers.

They just understand modern Western culture. Complain about something that you don't like loud enough and you'll get your way.

Because technically they are. Jomons are proto-whites, and Japs are part Jomon. It explains a lot when you think about it.

Look at those wacky Japanese, such jokesters. Good thing they took so many photos!

Attached: Fun Beach Party.jpg (450x391, 64.69K)

The one of the left has barbarian blood that is foreign to Asia. The one on the right has a lot more civilized Han blood.

Left - Low IQ, uncivilized
Right - high IQ, civilized, brought Han culture to Japan.

Exactly. Take note - Japs are already half white, so if you have kids with a Japanese woman they will be white according to the Nuremberg laws.

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Macaco you just ripped off my post in the other thread. Still true though

Jomon were Mongoloids.

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Attached: Chinks.webm (480x272, 2.41M)

>The one on the right has a lot more civilized Han blood.
That's a funny way to say "is a soulless bugman."

Yeah the Japs were Alpha. Like big game hunters!

Attached: crikey that one was a beut.jpg (430x291, 42.53K)


Who was in the wrong here?


Attached: Daily reminder that the Japs didn't do anything wrong in Nanking.jpg (2000x2000, 2.49M)

The Han brought their civilized culture all across Asia. Everyone accepted it because it was superior. Cope.

Japan definitely brought civilization to this wicked part of the world.

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I wish China could've even come close to the beautiful artwork that Japanese artists created in the imperial period.

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No, the problem is those gooks are fucking retarded

Reminder the Torah is a number 1 best seller in korea, can't make this stuff up

google it

> Gooks racist because of WW2
> It's America's fault
BoJo please kill the BBC

Imagine being a gook and getting offended at a Pancho looking moustache because it reminds you of some nips?
The absolute state of worst Korea

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>Being so cucked you reject the most chad of facial hair, the mustache.

Sour grapes my man, y*yoi scum are incapable of growing facial hair

Jamon are close enough.

>Han civilized
I'm going to press x for doubt.
Do we have to do another China rekt thread?

tfw no jomon gf

Nigger it's always time for a China rekt thread

Attached: Gooks of hazzard.webm (480x480, 271.61K)

The Gooks of Hanzhou

Attached: ChinkYes.jpg (2352x1440, 370.42K)

cringe fucking retard.

The Taiwanese aboriginal tribes did that moron

>spacing. Yas Forums
Lurk for 2 years or go back faggot

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You're trying too hard to fit in. Go back to wherever you came from.

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jomon blood explains why nips have 4.5in peens while gooks have 3.5in peens

>defending newfags. memeflaggot
Shew shew

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Chinks and Poos should be best friends! Maybe their hatred is actually just deep competition for who can shit better?

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kek OP you stole my comment

>Kung Poo

Attached: china kung poo.webm (480x480, 2.52M)