Christians are NOT ALLOWED to eat meat today!

Weekly reminder that Christians are NOT allowed to eat meat today, or on any Friday of the year except during a festivity.

Fish, seafood, dairy and eggs are allowed.

This is not a dietary restriction based on the Old Law, but a penitence and a fast, practiced even by Our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you have already eaten meat today, try to abstain for the remainder of the day and keep that in mind for next Friday.

>Can. 1250 The penitential days and times in the universal Church are every Friday of the WHOLE year and the SEASON OF LENT.

>Can. 1251 Abstinence from meat, or from some other food as determined by the Episcopal Conference, is to be observed on all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

God bless us, everyone!

>inb4 fish is meat
We don't consider seafood to be meat because they are cold-blooded and have a different type of reproductive system. Aves in general, although also having a different reproductive system than that of mammals, are warm-blooded, so they are forbidden, also.

>inb4 I Tim 4

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Fuck your slave death cult that worships a jewish god Yahweh

Luckily I'm Serbian Orthodox, so no shit rules for me.

This proves that Christianity is a Jew worshipping and imitating religion. The Christian's spiritual goal in life is to become a Jew.

>tfw you don’t believe in Bronze Age mythology

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For some reason I practice that. Me mom usually gives me fish on fridays.

That's Catholics you faggot.
Fuck jannies
Fuck catholics
Fuck trannies
Fuck you

Joshua was a jew

We're in Great Lent, brother.
We're not allowed meat and dairy at all, and wine and oil is only on weekend and some special days.
4 days down, 45 left to go to Pascha!

thank you brother for reminding me amen

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No thanks. You can give that tip to your alter boys.

Lent started 10 days ago, and I know meat is not allowed throughout it, but jannies won't let me post this everyday, so only on Friday. Also, we, Catholics, have different rules and are allowed eggs and dairy. God bless.

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I don't believe all this Jew shit in the bible... knowing those fuckers they wrote themselves in the bible, specifically the new testament.

Name Jews now days that resemble the "Jews" from the bible.

Kikes stole all the philosophy from babylon

Jesus was not a "Jew."

Bruh Islam, Judaism and Christianity are all Branches of judaism. All desert cults. Remember that. God is real, nigger

>1 Timothy 4:1-5 KJV — Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, [and commanding] to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God [is] good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

Reminder that Paul warned us about OP.

Begone from us, Satan.

>or on any Friday that is not a festival
Lmao you're so wrong its laughable. In fact Catholics can eat meat on fridays during lent they just need to pray more.
Go speak of something else you know nothing about tard breath

I'm having a big juicy steak later

Saint Paul warned about Protestant sects.

We can't.


I see you are making a common mistake. You are confusing God with Jew-god Yahweh. Long ago, the Jews changed the name of Yahweh to God when they invented Christianity and today's informed people are well aware of this. Godan ( God ) is one god among many others in the polytheistic Germanic pantheon. God is not a title, it is a name of Godan, or more commonly, Odin. The Jew-god Yahweh is the bible god and the name of the god that applies here. It is important to know the difference. Today's deceptive Christians persist in using God's name to fake being white, which is a form of lying.

It's not what goes in your mouth, it's what comes out of it that matters

Do you want me to change that? Pretty simple to change these limited diktats user. Just get the old quantum computer out...

How about you address the scripture I posted, in which he clearly describes commanding to abstain from meats as the acts of a hypocrite who was departed from the faith.

Again, you are doing the work of Satan in the world. You are more evil than nonbelievers. Repent.

this. this is my favorite bible verse and then one I have on a bumper sticker of my explorer

Mark 7:7
>Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

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Salmon with potato and Sauerkraut. I love fish!

I'm not Christian but I am a meat eating carnivore and proud.

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tonight it is dried bacon, Hungarian salami and sweet sliced pickles for snacks and Hod cannot stop me

Christianity is based off the NEW TESTAMENT changes to the old law. If a law is not changed in the NT then you can refer to the OT.
Jesus did away with dietary law in the NT - FAGGOT

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If you read something other than the Bible to understand CONTEXT, you would know that Saint Paul was fighting against heretical judaising sects that had started to form back then and they were commanding adherence to Mosaic law prohibitions, such as pork and shellfish ALL THE TIME, others forbade all meats ALL THE TIME, others forbade marriage for the FAITHFUL, etc..

Our meat abstention is a form of SACRIFICE that is done every Friday because the Lord was crucified on a Friday so it's out of RESPECT, as is the Lenten fast.




what kind of christianity is this?

>no scriptural proof

Nice D&C faggots.

I only avoid meat on Good Friday because like all good Catholics the rules in the bible we don’t like, we just change, same with lent you just have to give up one indulgent thing, I give up booze every year you don’t need to fast.

My negro friend, you are referencing CATHOLICISM here, not something that a person with a rudimentary brain would ever mistake for Christianity.

>If you read the words of man, you can completely change the meaning of the divine and holy, inspired word of God to mean something entirely different.

Mark 3:28-29 KJV — Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

Read the Bible and believe what it says.

>You folks are allowed now, though for centuries you were not. Funny that.

>Our meat abstention is a form of SACRIFICE
So was Jesus's sacrifice insufficient?

>it's out of RESPECT, as is the Lenten fast.
If it's not commanded but done out of respect, why does the title say NOT ALLOWED?

You need to stop pretending to speak for God.

Paul is talking about people who don’t eat meat AT ALL, ie) vegetarians. Not abstaining on certain days.

Fish, and plankton. And sea greens, and protein from the sea. It's all here, ready. Fresh as harvest day.

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Right so Paul was teaching it was okay to make up your own commandments and teach them as God's law, just as long as you don't go "too far".

Nice pilpul. Catholics are the modern pharisees.

>We don't consider seafood to be meat because they are cold-blooded and have a different type of reproductive system.
You can't eat tuna then, they're warm blooded.
You can't eat sharks, many have live births.

I gave up Alcohol for lent... am i allowed to drink on Sundays?

we can still eat fish you mong

Well, there's no blinder man that the one who doesn't want to see.

Keep worshiping the idol you made out of the Bible. I'm sure it will work out...

>he doesnt realize that the entire fish exception was put in place in the middle ages because fisherman were being aversly affected by the 'no meat on friday' catholic church rule.

Fasting and all other forms of pentinence are not required to go to heaven- and are also entirely personal and at the discretion of the individual Christian.

Heretic confirmed. Thread over.

I don't eat tuna. Too much mercury. As for sharks, I have no access to them, and wouldn't eat them if I did.

stop trying to convert Christians to Catholicism.
the end of times is near, and you cathocucks are part of the great whore.

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the capybara is considered a fish bc it chills in the water and is the only real food source for the area it lives in

Protestants aren't Christian, though.

Catholicism = 95% Satanic

i think isreal doesn't deserve to exist
do i count as part of the great whore?
i wana know

No, it proves that Catholics are and have always been opposed to the revelation of God and are direct descendants of the types of people explicitly warned against therein.
>Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will renounce the faith by paying attention to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons, through the hypocrisy of liars whose consciences are seared with a hot iron. They forbid marriage and demand abstinence from foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, provided it is received with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by God’s word and by prayer.
1 Timothy 4:1-5
RCC is a church of and for those inclined toward pharisaic practice. It is Judaic at its root and thus worships man and not God Almighty.

I observe Ash Wednesday for this but not other times. Though once i used to give up something enjoyable for Lent

israel, the current land, is taken by force by the jews, who are not the chosen people, and are not israelites. So what you hate it's OK to hate, they're the old pharisees, levites, etc., the ones who killed Jesus, from the synagogue of satan.

I see you are making a common mistake. You are confusing God with the Jew-god Yahweh. Long ago, the Jews changed the name of Yahweh to God when they invented Christianity and today's informed people are well aware of this. Godan ( God ) is one god among many others in the polytheistic Germanic pantheon. God is not a title, it is a name of Godan, or more commonly, Odin. The Jew-god Yahweh is the bible god and the name of the god that applies here. It is important to know the difference. Today's deceptive Christians persist in using God's name to fake being white, which is a form of lying.

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Sounds fake, my family is as catholic as one can get and not even the small-ass town in the countryside where my mother was born had this, and they have like 3 fancy baroque churches for an population of 3,000.

Thats for the reminder, luckilly my father made fich today

>Jesus: divorce and remarriage is adultery
>Protestants: Right! Divorce and remarriage is okay

If there is bigger evidence of the demonic doctrine of the protestant cults, I'm not aware... contradicting the LORD HIMSELF.

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>and oil is only on weekend
Lolwut? Literally everything has oil in it.






What's the verdict on eating eggs during Friday Fast?

It's not just Catholics. Some protestant churches and churches in the Eastern Orthodoxies observe Lent as well. Some even apply the rule regarding fasting on all 40 days instead of only on Fridays.

>its fine everybody, they only rape 200 boys a year! The church is practically a moral authority!

>we, Catholics, have different rules and are allowed eggs and dairy.
Don't forget the nigger feet.

>Jesus: whoever causes harm to come to children, it would be better for them to have a giant millstone tied around their neck and thrown into the sea
>cathocucks- priests cant get married at all but raping altar boys is fine we will just move you to another church

See I can play this game too.

Catholics & indeed other Christians do all manner of fasts, from abstaining from some foods & even food itself for marked periods, to giving up alcohol & smoking for marked periods.
Go away with yourself that fasting is not biblical, you don't want to join in, fine, but don't be retarded by taking the position that fasting is not biblical.

How many of those public school employees were atheist? They were likely Christians, Catholics, and Jews.

Good thing I dont believe in Jewish fairy tales then

I've never seen a Catholic defend ANY child abuse, but ALL protestants defend their immoral practices of divorce and remarriage...

>can still eat beaver meat
Hehh, nothing personnel fish salesman

It's ok user. I got a massive fish to eat right here.

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The point is that requiring people to fast is not biblical. Fasting is perfectly fine if you choose to do so, but telling others that they have to observe your fast is not biblical.

you mean

>also on wednesday
>no eggs or dairy either

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You’re retarded
t. orthodox


Good thing I'm not Christian then.

Yep im thinking hes based

I dont defend divorce and remarriage. My parents divorced so I witnessed firsthand the damage it does to a family. Furthermore I never stated that individual catholics condone child abuse. However the catholic church as an institution not only condones it but enables it.

My uncle used to hunt them. They're pretty tasty if done right.