Getting them all infected with Corona by coofing on their meals
Now Italy really will not survive if they dont take on more migrants because diversity is Italy's strength.
Getting them all infected with Corona by coofing on their meals
Now Italy really will not survive if they dont take on more migrants because diversity is Italy's strength.
Faces 3 months in jail... Should be death penalty ffs
Wtf. Are pakis evil or just severely mentally deficient?
more than 3500 infected and over 100 deaths. Italy can easily make up those numbers with MORE migrants
I told all you fucking scum not to eat at any restaturant ever. You're just enriching immigrants.
But no, not only do you ignore that, you actually give money to eat chinese muck.
Fucking idiots, burn in hell.
diversity is our strength
I think this disease spells the end of migration for a long time.
And it is our duty to not let this fuel racism!
You must be new. White countries will use this as an excuse to bring in more because of all the suffering out there.
We need to put the Chinese, Italians, and Pakistanis into quarantine camps, like right fucking now!
complete delusion
They care only about themselves. They do not understand infection or disease.
give it a few months and we'll see.
Yeah, I worked in one as a kid, and that put me off eating out. I learned how to make my own pizzas, burgers and such... it makes a world of difference to your quality of life when you make everything from base ingredients... with modern appliances it's easy as fuck too.
This. Never eat the muck others make, it can't be trusted.
It's just the beginning. We're moving towards a world of gated communities dispersed among lawless ghettos. Private police/millitary...
Based. Over here they don't just add saliva, you get corpses added in for free. Deter anyone? Nope.
Yeah, it's normies I aimed that post at and of course they will never read it. Most of us know what these people get up to.
They also account for 70% of birth defects in the UK while making up 4% of the population.
Crazy inbreeding.
>muh pakis
The real culprits here are the doctors who let him go and didn't confirm that he self isolated. How the fuck do you just let him go
>4% of the population
What the actual fuck
the levels of trust were pretty low already, this destroys them even further.
I can imagine like some foreign looking bloke here in a queue coughs and everyone runs, panic sets in.
My friend found a mouse in his pizza once. It got smooshed and dessicated between some boxes... he got a free pizza out of it...
>The real culprits here are the doctors who let him go and didn't confirm that he self isolated.
They all then go on to get mad government benefits for taking care of their disabled kids.
I'm done with cities, the country side is the only place left for "whites". Cities belong to the jews.
Those two things aren't mutually exclusive. Pakistani are usually thick as fuck AND evil
Both and you forgot to mention severely inbred.
>literally no other news reporting this
it's fake. you all are losers
This. ((Globalists)) won't stop until the entire world is South Africa.
You're the ones who insist on importing them. The west has done this to itself, and the west is deserving of everything it gets.
>The west has done this to itself, and the west is deserving of everything it gets.
this is the truth, except it wasn't the working classes who asked for it it was the rich who did it to us.
they wanted a nanny for their kid they could pay £3 an hour instead of £8
>"3 months and 206 euros"
>probably just the 206 euros
>206 euros
>he doesn't have them anyway
>get a rodent in a pizza
>gets pilpuled by other rodents into asking for more of it
Either way you’re evil or mentally retarded if you support anything except the absolute Genocide of that race.
The first guy I've ever heard wanting a genocide of all pakis was a muslim arab. That should tell you what they're worth.
I think him being "patient zero" is absolute fake news. Need a pizza guy to confirm there.
>a pizza guy
a jew?
Diversity is our strength. Seriously, what did the west think would happen when it let in millions of people who's sole purpose for coming was to exploit its native population for resources and cash? We can expect no tribal loyalty or sacrifice from non-white people. Let this be a lesson regarding so called "multiculturalism". The idea is retarded and was invented by KIKES so they could grow their own power over us. There is no solidarity without racial solidarity. If Hitler was in charge of Germany, that country would be all buttoned up, cozy and secure and if any cases slipped through they would be quarantined quickly so as to protect the fatherland and the victims of the virus would gladly go for the sake of his/her people. But niggers, sand niggers, Jews, Asians and all the shitskins will NEVER bother to sacrifice so their so called "oppressors" might survive. So consider every non-white you see as a potential enemy gladly spreading the virus among people he/she hates.
They should have locked him up by force. Are Italians this incompetent?
They actually are both and that isn’t a joke.
>Are Italians this incompetent?
come on... is that even a question???
Stop fucking your sister. NHS is bankrupt taking care of your retarded kids.
hahaha I knew it
Allah confirmed for Nurgle
It’s been floating around for a few months now and only a couple hardcore nations have actually closed their borders, the traitors and kikes running Europe continue to keep things the same even as thousands of infected keep popping up over night.
Nothing will change.
You clearly don't understand the delusional minds of KIKES and their Golems and NPCs.
Based but there are many moms and pops restaurant which are 100% run by families without foreigners.
Also, I always make my own steaks at home so I don’t get jewed at the restaurant.
Picture super related, my lunch
Severely retarded and massively entitled effete apes.
If there’s a God, or a politician with an actual working brain.
based Mom & Pop
google translate
So they just told him to self isolate and leave it at that? They didn't even bother to keep an eye on him?
Telling a migrant he is sick is low key racism. You have to say you are "Wellness Oppressed". Like being fat. A healthy weight is oppression by toxic white masculinity. Telling a shitskin he has nigger lung is literally being Hitler.
should be charged with each death that results, fucking poos
kristallnacht 2.0 cant happen soon enough
where does it say he is patient zero?
Turkey is going to collapse but their horde has already spread
Sad to see you go France. You had such potential.
Nah it was sone Chinese tourist. Remember, Italy is balls deep in CCP money so they can't admit it was the Chinese.
Why not both?
look who's talking...
But diversity is our strength and right now we need more strength.
The Jews are hard at work making living in the country equal to white privilege. They will come for you racists and they will force you to intermarry with the niggers and eat the bugs and praise Israel while you do it. Trust me. This is the plan.
facts and numbers didn't stop them before, why now?
if this turns out to be true i will never order food again, im also not gonna eat at fast food places only traditional family restaurants in non-tourist villages
Our non-representative government's politicians need to face the guillotines.
Why wouldn't they report on this, mhhh