No, you aren't going to lead a global political party. Yes, you can change the world

Only one thing is proven to actually improve the world
>Marry a good, moral woman
>Have 4+ kids
>Homeschool them to both educate them and avoid Marxism
>Have the boys focus on skilled trades, entrepreneurship, and independence
>Have the girls focus on homemaking and finding a decent husband

That's it. Simple.
The weak-minded, the indoctrinated, and the evil have standard objections that are all born of fear. These include:
>Buh-buh-buh muh immigration
All of Asia, South America, Central America, the Middle East and North Africa
>Below replacement fertility for over 25 years
And Sub-saharan Africa is faking high numbers for more aid money from the UN/Club of Rome. Immigration was hoped to stop the demographic collapse, but it was a pipe dream of fools.

Have many kids or there is no future.
>Buh-buh-but muh cash
Having and raising kids is a LOT cheaper than you think and more kids does indeed give you economies of scale. Middle class and Poor Mormons do it! Middle class and Poor Catholics do it! Why can't you?
>Buh-buh-but women are[insert replacement for 'scary to me' here]
There are still plenty of decent women out there. FFS, the average age of virginity loss in women has been going UP for decades meaning more girls are waiting longer and the dropping N count means more are waiting for marriage.
Remember those Catholics and Mormons with the huge families? Yeah?
They also have the lowest divorce rates. So the women exist.
>Buh-buh-but until I personally radically transform all of society into a utopia having kids means nothing!
Having kids means MORE GOOD PEOPLE and the way you transform society of by having MORE GOOD PEOPLE in it making it better. Your deluded fantasies of being some sort of transformational political or ideological leader are ridiculous and the real solution is simple.
So if you *really* want to improve the world - marry, have 4+ kids, raise them to be strong and moral.
That, or be irrlelvant.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I’m a white girl married to a Nigeria here. I have my first baby on the way, we want a large African style family.

Also skilled trades have pretty bad career outlooks for the future. (BLS says most are below 50k a year on average) The only trades on here are a couple of leadership roles in construction.

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fuck off chang

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These threads always, *always*, drag in people to attack the trades rather than discuss the actual topic.

Ok whatever no girls are going to want to be a stay at home mom if the dad is a 40k a year plumber

I have only ever strived to be better than my parents. As drug addicts, they set a low bar. If I die a single virgin with no children, I'll at least be able to say I never was corrupted, not like that.

The hands-on trade of the future is programming. I'll be sure to make my kids learn it. Even the girls. They will however learn that happiness to them requires raising a family.

This burger has it right.

The thing though is that it is not necessarily easy for this bunch of incels to win a woman (notice a use "win" on purpose. Getting women is a matter of conquest). And 20'somethings non-incels that actually have a active sex life are way too deep in the hole right now. I don't think they they know how to grow the old a pair of metaphorical balls and prepare for marriage.

>Marry a good, moral woman
>Have 4+ kids
>Homeschool them to both educate them and avoid Marxism
>Have the boys focus on skilled trades, entrepreneurship, and independence
>Have the girls focus on homemaking and finding a decent husband
I am doing all of that. Got married last year. Wish me luck.

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There are rules for women here.

No, she will bring home the bacon with that gender studies degree

You morons do the same thing every time.
Skilled trades != all trades.
At the BLS "plumber" includes unlicensed and uncertified plumbers helpers, and literal ditch-diggers. The 'Skilled' portion is to differentiate from, say, untrained house framers
and a licensed carpenter
the *average* licensed plumber makes $60k/year, above the national average for a sole earner.
Hint: don't use an aggregate from a job board that does not focus on skilled trades

Attached: plumber salary.png (891x449, 29.13K)

programming was part of homeschooling for us
>too bad that's illegal in Germany
All the kids were Linux certified before they started trade school.

good luck

BLS says that a plumber is 54k, so it’s just a 5k increase. Remember, this includes all the people who have been plumbers forever not just twenty somethings who are starting out. They get much less

The harsh truth is that the skilled trades most people are going to consider when you talk about this stuff, such as HVAC and plumbing, are done by people who aren't capable of doing much else. These guys are working 50-60 hour weeks to make that money, not to mention that most of them are on-call as well. More and more companies are not charging extra for off-hour service, too, meaning these guys are going to be working more on the weekends, during the night, and on holidays. The only way to move up the ladder once you're a lead technician or installer is to start your own company or find work as an instructor or overseer in a corporate environment. If you're capable of doing either of those things, you're capable of avoiding the punishing route of working trades to begin with.

Really good advice for us nonwhites.


>consume more products
>get fat
>work harder
>do nothing

>muh money
Over and over again I point out that the only way to fix the world is large, independent families and every damn time people (mainly Americans) pile it to rant about muh money, instead.
And it is, naturally, about the American obsession with class distinctions.
You pointed this out yourself admitting that people assume skilled trades are
>"...people who aren't capable of doing much else."
A ridiculous notion.
A higher percentage of skilled trades become entrepreneurs than people with a business degree
>fun fact - a plumber that incorporates pays himself is NOT counted as a 'plumber' by the BLS so his earnings are not counted. He is counted as a business owner
According to the SBA the number of skilled trades that own a business (i.e., are incorporated) that become millionaires (which the SBA defines as 'did not inherit more than $10,000 and whose net worth not counting their primary residence is over $1 million')averages to 4 *a day*.
But keep talking about muh money

What is your plan? I bet it is
>stay afraid of women
>live alone
>watch a lot of movies
>daydream about being powerful
>die alone

You can't close your eyes and wish female hypergamy away. Return us to the way whites have lived for millennia: females ready and willing to raise a large family in a log cabin without utilities. Otherwise, you need to stop bitching about men who know they don't make enough money in a world where female hypergamy has run rampant and women have legal rights to choose who they marry.

>daydream about being powerful
>thinking the average poster here still wants to be a part of this society

Being a redneck doesn't change anything, I don't want to change anything either, I'm just trying to get people pissed enough to gas the jews as revenge.

I'm not wishing anything away, I am just pointing out that the average pay for an office worker is $27,000/year the average overall salary of all professions in the US is $60,000/year, and the average *skilled* trade earnings are $62,000/year so complaining that
>'the skilled trades don't make enough, get an office job'
is fucking retarded.
Get it yet?

a simple "yes" would have been enough

>What is your plan?
My plan was to marry a trad virgin Filipina and have 8 or so White kids with Indian $2k ivf. It's going great so far.

Yes, I'm focusing on step 0, which you conveniently left out of your OP.

>female hypergamy
You are probably using the fucktarded definition of that word invented by PUAs rather than the real meaning.
>women have legal rights to choose who they marry
That's been true for thousands of years, kid

>leave your room
That's assumed

Why do you lie? Show me one statistic where an average “office worker” is 27k

Once again, statistics on this?

Also, didn’t you say that you have a masters degree but you’re making your kids go into the trades? You’re a cheap fucker

And skip strait to
>Marry a good, moral woman
You wished away female hypergamy.

>White men are pound-for-pound stronger than Black or Hispanic men.
>Germanic/Nordic people have lower time preference than any other group.
>Asians, Hispanics and Blacks would rather live among White people than among other minorities.
>90% of gang members are non-White.
>The Western aesthetic of big eyes and pale skin is universally considered appealing.

Attached: IMG_20190405_125933_01.jpg (1125x882, 106.88K)

>your life should be a breeding competition
white people have never needed this before ever in history.
what we need to do is to remove niggers

True. These days we settle down with tech bros making six figures and getting an early start on investing.

Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems

Racemixing leads to outbreeding depression & pairings of non-complementary traits.

A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”

A study on Black-White mixes in agreement found that ”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.

Often race-deniers and cultural Marxists will bring up Haldane’s rule, arguing that since races can mix and create fertile offspring, the genetic distance is not too great. Haldane’s rule is “when in the offspring of two different animal races one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the heterogametic [XY] sex.”

Indeed, although Black-White mixes are not sterile and males are not absent, males (the heterogametic sex) are more rare than females.

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My husband’s a ChemE, oil and chemicals are hot in both the US and his native Nigeria.

>settle down with tech bros making six figures and getting an early start on investing
A lot marry them while they're still students with potential. And the ones marring them are usually Asian women who build up her man instead of expecting him to already come mastercraft built.

Dating has only been common for 100 years, yid.

Fuck, son, try Glassdoor, Salary dot com, or the BLS!
See the pic
the rest is even easier
Yes, I have a Masters. My oldest is almost done with his. The next two have BS degrees.
AND they all got certified in the trades, too.
As I said before, the best part of these threads is the shrieking stupidity
>"You have a TRADE!!! ZOMFG !!!1!!eleventy!!! You are *forbidden* to go to university FOR LIFE!!! AAAAGAGGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!"
fucking hilarious.
Here's the deal - homeschoolers can start university at 14-16 and go *for free* in many states. If you go into trades the fees and books are covered, too.
So all of my sons went into trades at about 16, *graduated* at 18 with an AA or AE, got jobs paying between $16 and $30/hour and their new employers paid for them to get the BS or BE (and for the oldest now the ME).
You guys literally don't know how to work the system to make a fuckton of money while businesses pay for your education so they can *give you a big raise*.

JFC, you're one of them.
If you have your shit together hypergamy works FOR you, loser

The TFR of Whites in Britain
If you removed every single non-White in England and sealed the borders with a force field you'd still dwindle away

Fuck, you were a hole all along.

forgot the pic, my error

Attached: office worker pay.png (1461x436, 39.9K)

No, it is just that actual men think that a man who is afraid of women is a loser.

Can someone please explain to me like how homeschooling does not fuck up your kids social life???

>understanding hypergamy far beyond bare needs to raise a family
keep on strawmanning, Rachel. 9/10 shit test.

Easy. They aren't in Tupperware until they are 20.
Let's compare public/private school & homeschooling
>children are sorted according to zip code and birthdates then assigned a grade and class. For 9 months out of the year they are removed from their homes and placed into a government institution where they spend the majority of their waking time unable to speak, move, or act as they wish. They are also effectively isolated from their entire family as they are managed by total strangers paid to educate them. These strangers are poorly equipped for their jobs, demonstrably terrible at educating, and in addition to the emotional and physical abuse they heap on the kids they are 40 times more likely to sexually abuse the children than even the Catholic Church in the '70's.
>The assortation causes the children to become isolated and competitive creating a hierarchy enforced by emotional shaming and physical violence. Conformity is prized above all. The overworked, underskilled teachers accept and encourage this vicious peer grouping as it makes their lives easier.
>This social competitiveness extends to siblings.
>Isolated from work, businesses, their own families, people of different ages, and even strangers these children are kept in a social environment found nowhere else.

Hypergamy: the tendency of women to value traits such as ambition, wealth, social status, intelligence, and humor over physical attractiveness when seeking a spouse.
Ooooooh. Women are weird!!!

>Kids spend the day with their family. They interact with strangers frequently when shopping, going to the park, and other activities.

Sure, sure, I am exaggerating *mildly*.
But the homseschooled kids I know (and I know hundreds) are in little league, soccer, have friends in the neighborhood, etc. like school kids AND go to dances and have tons of group activities with other homeschoolers all without being locked up in a building where they can't talk.
The OSFS, the Ruf, Wilkerson study, and a ton of other academic studies show homeschooled kids are *more* healthy about socialization that schooled kids and with a ton less depression or anxiety.

>everyone that works in an office has the title office worker

What did you get your “masters” in buddy? Do you really think that?

Aren't you the LARPer that thought plumbers make $40K and lied about the BLS saying skilled trades have a bad outlook?
Shouldn't you be on Yas Forums pretending to be a single girl?

Wow so they spent years learning and working in skills they didn’t even need cause you were too cheap to pay for them? If they had just went to college at 16 they would be earning that money at age 20

>Zane and Berger did not look at the mental health of non-Asian Americans
So, to speak to that issue, white Americans had a 3x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse” than Asian Americans.

So WMAF mixes have less problems than pure whites, and more than pure Asians.

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The average is 54k and most plumbers are like 60. So young people don’t get paid shit

Plumbers, HVAC, Electricians etc. enter the workforce earlier, and are not saddled with student debt. Most of these guys work on the Commercial side in new construction and make 30 an hour with overtime. From there they up to journeyman/master and make over 50/hr. They also become the foreman, supers., project managers, purchasing agents, and even engineers. They also get scooped up quickly as outside sales for distribution and manufacturers.


I’m not single I’m married but I stay at home. And the one year I worked as a chemical engineer I made more than all your kids did after a decade of working in some grimy trade and taking night classes. And if you were good with money then maybe you could afford college for your kids like my dad

Fuck off mormon kike. Go sell some oils to support your 7 unwanted little parasites, your in the closet and trying your best to cope.

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...they were earning that. At 18. They were making a lot more by 20 because they had more education AND more experience by then.
You're really bad at this.

I mean, you are *really* bad at this.
A licensed plumber earns about $60k/year. after 2 years of training.
An RN needs 4 years of training and earns about $48k/year and averages longer hours.
You keep pretending you know things. It is really funny.

Attached: Degree holders in their field.png (1243x774, 47.69K)

I agree with the post, but that dude's wispy spiked hair plugs are a total disaster.

why does adding more humans to an already overpopulated planet improve the world?

Yes. And remember, once a plumber, etc. gets a management job what does the BLS do?
Switch them from 'skilled trades' to 'management' AND put their salaries in the category of 'college graduate' because the BLS defines 'management' as 'degree or equivalent employment'.
Neat trick, huh?

I'm not mormon

1) the world isn't overpopulated; stop believing lies
2) Only people can improve things, so making more good people = making things better

An RN probably makes more than 48K but once you factor in student loans, it is not even close.

What you found on indeed is the average income of every licensed plumber in the United States from age 22-70. What you post here is the average income of a college graduate at age 22

Dammit, nurses = $54k, it is accountants that average $48k

And same with every other job. But people with a business or engineering degree actually can rise up the ranks. Can you name one CEO that started out as a skilled tradesman?