What "hundreds of thousands"??
And what kind of games is this boomer playing?
What "hundreds of thousands"??
And what kind of games is this boomer playing?
He's literally senile, approaching Regan levels
Spread it around at work. Make Corona-chan happy.
He accidentally spilled the beans.
He knows shit we don't
Fuck off tranny shill. This is a Trump board
Fuck off boomer. Get infected.
Most people who get infected are perfectly fine. The only people who die are the very sick. It is the fucking flu. And calling me a boomer is not an insult you little fuck
The debates between him and Biden are going to be so great.
>it just lives in your nervous system for life, damages your lungs, and makes you a walking bio weapon lol they are perfectly fine. its genenetically engineered HIV, but its somehow the flu lol
kill yourself faggot
Trump said less than 1 percent of people who get it even die you fucking moron
President has access to every information ever. If it was really that bad, he wouldn't run around shaking hands
He's panicking and trying to cope by pretwnding coronavirus is influenza.
Immediately. But reinfection is even worse, this shit will wait when you're at your weakest and kill you.
When was the last time he was shaking hands in the infected areas?
Interesting how this virus showed up out of nowhere, only kills elderly Alzheimer’s patients in their 90’s, and allowed the PRC to crush the Hong Kong rebellion:
Go back to Chapo tranny and 41 yourself
>He's panicking
No he should be because this will genocide his main support base, but he's too senile to understand that.
38% of americans are retarded and believe everything he says
I am smard.
I always get over being sick by not trying to sleep or drink more fluids. Trump should be everyone’s doctor.
People don't realize it's already everywhere most people have already been infected.
This. No amounts of CCP shills is going to crash Trump's economy.
>And calling me a boomer is not an insult you little fuck
Attempting to 'colonize' reddit really fucking backfired on this place.
good, the weak should perish
Dont stop going to work. Be reactive, not proaxtive. The economy needs you
>trusting slimey jews
are you a slimey jew or something?
He was talking about the flu. He still thinks this is the flu
2 weeks ago when he was hugged and kissed by a man with a high fever. BUT HE WASHED HIS HANDS!!!
at 45:40
right? it's hillarious
>He still thinks this is the flu
Then he should be removed with the 25th amendment.
rural and suburban retards are the safest from a pandemic, idiot. cityfags are the ones that will get hit the hardest.
All old people are in danger, retard.
>rural and suburban
Especially them. They go to church and they die. The end.
theses niggers are completely fucking braindead
He knows there will be swarms of Trump haters now combing the internet in search of real statistics and facts about the virus just to prove him wrong. If he just came out and said it's dangerous as fuck they would argue against that too.
He was clearly comparing this to the flu. TDS can really affect your ability to process information.
This senile old fool should be shot
according to Q fags, he'd just use his timemachine to stop it
Hope he gets the "harmless" virus during one his cult rallies
Coronavirus doesn't exist. There is a wicked flu strain going around (I have it) and for some reason they want to scare people with this shit. Drumpfy knows it's nonsense.
Ronald Regan was the best damn head of state that has graced this shit hole of a planet.
Trump and Trudeau are examples of why you don’t want a science-illiterate dummy as leader during a pandemic.
Implying people should go to work is literally retarded. But at least he is restricting air travel, unlike The Turd.
Why do people call it "THE Coronavirus" when coronavirus is a family of diseases? Can someone explain the disconnect/misinformation being spread by the media?
Yeah all those independently sequenced, publicly available genomes are all fake. It’s all a hoax. As we know, novels pathogens never emerge and humans are special.
We boomers have great healthcare, at least in our great capitalist society. Corona doesn’t keep us down more than a few days. The virus was produced to get rid of our drug addicted, homeless teens - 40’s who contribute nothing of value to society.
Because we clearly aren’t talking about the common cold or FECV. Everyone knows what is meant when we talk about “the coronavirus”. Is being a weak pedant your attempt at feigning intelligence? Try a new approach friend, this one failed.
it should still be called "novel" coronavirus, but that was scaring intellegent people too much
The coronavirus unironically was the last straw. I can't vote for this orange monkey nigger again.
You don’t call something novel forever. At some point it needs a more specific taxonomic designation.
>be regan
Gets shot with revolver, gets defended by full auto uzi.
>goes after full auto
He wasn’t the worst, but certainly not the best.
blue states are the plague states, so remember to wash your hands after you touch your ballot
If your old but you live in a remote area so you dont come in to contact with the coronavirus you wont get corona virus.
Regan and Carter. Fucking love the sweeney.
Ronald Reagan was in westerns.
The quote literally says in the picture “thousands or hundreds”
You can’t even read
The coronavirus reminded me that ITS HER TURN.
Everything you said is wrong. It doesn't live I. Your nervous system forever, it doesn't damage your lungs - that's pneumonia - and it wasn't developed from HIV.
You are stupid.
No one lives like that in the modern world.
Stupid fucking boomer desperately wants to pretend everything is alright, because he thinks its a giant conspiracy to sink his election, CLOWN WORLD.
Hundreds of thousands will die because cheeto elvis wants to stay in the swamp, but who cares americans arent even human
I was watching 'Ben Fogles new lives in the wilderness' and he meets loads of people living like that.
based jihad jesus
>infected count ticked over 100,000 today
>tfw Trump is more informed than you are
Seethe you fucking euro faggot.
blump is a sell out faggot. imagine still thinking blump is a rad meme.
Literally correct on the lethality of Covid19
>South Korea confirms 0.6% lethality so far
>US virologists saying lethality will approach 0.1-0.5% once the total infected is accurately considered.
>even leftist sources acknowledging this
Imagine believing fake news in 2020. Muh rushya, muh impeech, muh coronavirus derrrrrrrrrrrrr
we need president richard spencer asap. fuck president faggot jew lower israel first.
One of the best if you are a shitskin or Jew. One of top 3 worst ever if actual American.
Laugh out loud. He just cost himself the election with his shitty response tonthe virus. And he blames obama for it. If Obama did this shit republicans would chimp out