/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1649

► Detected: 100,551 ► Died: 3,410

Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

Nurses refused testing by CDC

15 million to die, $2.3 trillion recession

French lawmaker tests positive

Indonesia police seizes 60,000 masks

Texan tests negative twice, then positive

Virus invades nervous systems

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Virus doesn't show up on throat samples

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

China regularly changes reporting to hide numbers

China burning bodies without testing or registration

China faces shortage of testing kits

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

US hospitals: no tests, CDC: tests only for travel cases

11:05: 59 new cases in Belgium.
11:01: 1,234 new cases and 16 new deaths in Iran. A 17th death mentioned in the source was previously reported at 19:53 on 5 March.
10:29: 48 new cases in Madrid, Spain.
10:28: 28 new cases in Malaysia.
10:21: 1 new case in Queensland, Australia. The patient recently returned from Iran.
10:20: 2 new cases in Indonesia.
10:12: 6 new cases in Norway.


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Other urls found in this thread:


0 cases here

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0.001291% of worlds population officially infected;
0.00004386% of worlds population officially died from corona.

Calculated deaths by taking WHOs 70% worldwide infections and 3% mortality into account:
163.170.000 cases.

Oh no.

Also2: 0 deaths in Germany, wtf?
Also3: To everyone thinking I'm playing it down: Those numbers are too low! I need some more "the world is burning" feels.

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► China 80,559 (3,042) ► International 19,992 (368): S. Korea 6,593 (42) Iran 4,747 (124) Italy 3,858 (148) D. Princess 696 (6) France 577 (9) Spain 382 (5) Japan 381 (6) USA 233 (14) Switzerland 142 (1) Netherlands 128 (1) UK 116 (1) H. Kong 105 (2) Australia 60 (2) Thailand 47 (1) Taiwan 44 (1) Iraq 40 (3) S. Marino 23 (1) Philippines 5 (1) Germany 578 Singapore 130 Belgium 109 Norway 108 Sweden 101 Malaysia 83 Kuwait 58 Bahrain 56 Canada 48 Austria 47 Greece 45 Iceland 37 India 31 UAE 28 Denmark 23 Algeria 17 Israel 17 Lebanon 16 Oman 16 Vietnam 16 Egypt 15 Finland 15 Ecuador 13 Ireland 13 Russia 13 Czechia 12 Macao 10 Croatia 10 Estonia 10 Brazil 9 Georgia 9 Portugal 9 Qatar 8 Romania 8 Palestine 7 Azerbaijan 6 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Pakistan 6 Slovenia 6 S. Arabia 5 Indonesia 4 N. Zealand 4 Senegal 4 Chile 4 Hungary 4 Dom. Rep. 2 Luxembourg 2 Morocco 2 Argentina 2 Bosnia 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Cameroon 1 C. Rica 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Peru 1 Poland 1 Serbia 1 Slovakia 1 S. Africa 1

China +150 (+30) Iran +1,234 (+16) France +154 (+2) Spain +100 (+2) USA +12 (+2) Netherlands +46 (+1) S. Korea +309 Germany +33 Japan +17 Switzerland +22 Singapore +13 Belgium +59 Norway +14 Sweden +7 Malaysia +28 Bahrain +1 Canada +11 Austria +4 Greece +14 Iceland +2 India +1 S. Marino +2 Denmark +3 Egypt +12 Finland +3 Russia +6 Estonia +5 Brazil +1 Romania +2 Pakistan +1 Philippines +2 Indonesia +2 Dom. Rep. +1 Bhutan +1 Cameroon +1 Vatican +1 Peru +1 Serbia +1 Slovakia +1 Total +2,277 (+53)

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Welcome to the club, Slovakia.

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If you think your country is not hit hard, check the national statistics of flu and respiratory diseases.
>Flu season supposed to be over and diseases dropping
>They are actually going up
>pic related Lithuania (top) and Albania (bottom)

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anyone else sleepy?

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I need to coom but all this panicking is killing my sex drive. what do?

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Ok /CVG/, Lima Peru will prove if the ACE2 really plays a part on being fucked hard by the virus

We have a huge chink population compared to anywhere in Latin america, Peruvian poltards will keep you posted if they die more than browns or not.

so fucking hot

0 testing capacity 0 cases, umm based department?

It’s a battle for supremacy between Germany and France.

Thread theme:

corona so cute , im fuckin COOMING

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Did I miss the party?

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We all should take a nap.

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tfw all fujimoris die from coronachan

50% death rate

I've seen many people brag here about their country not being infected. You'll be one of them. Sooner or later.

Doubles and Yas Forumsacks survive

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I've got a ton of these packets lying around how many should I take per day?

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>not wanting to reproduce in stressful times
Your genes should literally die out

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>international cases shot up to 20k and Chinas has barely moved
Anyone believing the Chinese numbers at this point is just laughable

Germany deaths :0
France deaths: 9

mic dropped

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Good afternoon. Your news updates. As usual we have a slow start to the day then burgers wake up and do something stupid.

Russia blames Italy
US blames China
Slovakia numba wuan

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god I would love to see that. no livestream available?

It's just starting user




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Keep us informed.
Does your country have enough testing capability?

Luckily here they don't have to test people that did travel abroad, shame about the unseasonal rise of colds and flus though.

I want to feel the touch of a cute girl before I die

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I get more erect seeing 2d disease-chans than real waymen.I don't think this board is good for me anons....

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Reminder to stock up and CONSOOM 20 times your normal rate of product™ with your nothingburger, goyim.

In the US? Yeah, I guess that's correct


posting in ebin bread
how you doods holding up? Ima post prep when i get a non doxable shot.

What a fag. This pandemic should have you hard on a constant basis


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HHS is stating the mortality rate is only .1-1%


add Peru to the list OP


thank you

Anyone believing chinese numbers at any point is the true laughable

Be honest, if you got it, would you spread it?

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First death reported in the Netherlands
>Man comes to emergency room sunday with urinary complaints
>develops respiratory problems
>gets tested positive for coronachan
>dies in days

how can I identify a peruvian chink with a Indio one in Yas Forums?

Can't get new cases of you lock everyone in solitary confinement

Why aren't Fucking countries doing skills drafts right now and drafting anyone with any healthcare skills or experience to fight Corona!?

I mean if this is a pandemic all resources should be brought to bare! Just get a list of all certifications including folks who have retired or changed careers and make them work to fight against Corona!

"The Dutch are immune" guy got real quiet after things changed. Let's see if you're more lucky.

2 British Airways staff have the kung flu.
Doesn't say if crew or not.

So did they fuck later or what?

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they haven't had a school shooting in awhile

Italy update should come in three hours. Total of 4700 infections and 215 deaths predicted. Pic related.

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Haha no. /ptg/ is unironically not worth living.
Tho i hope some anons from /sg/ and /cvg/ gonna make it.

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>PLA confirmed biolab leak
>confirmed bioweapon
>US govt responding exactly the same as china
>death numbers from china are unknown
>everyone thinks its no big deal
>WHO, CDC, and presidential conferences, for a nothing burger
Holy fuck alot of people are going to die.

>Janitor applications are now being accepted for the next ~48 hours.

What is this faggot tree?

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>11 cases in Estonia now
>new case is a teenage kid
>Estonian authorities are closing down the school, which he was attending
>patient 0 in Estonia is an Iranian citizen with a permanent residency permit
>he arrived in Riga International Airport from Istanbul and then took a bus to Tallinn



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At this rate it might open at -800, the news of that alone could send stocks into a rapid panic selloff unless some positive news comes out of nowhere

Fuck your feeling

You're the kind of faggot that would go around pozzing your little twinks aren't you? Don't be such a fucking degenerate.

There's a pandemic at least once every hundred years.

If we survive this at least we can say we've seen one.

Corona sure showed him how to party

Numbers will come from the domino effect of healthcare systems, global supply chains and economy breaking down.

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Definitely no.

But I have friends on the Peruvian air Force hospital and in the mobile emergency units that Will "handle" this, they'll probably get info that won't even be released to the MSM here.

he was 86 years old. he would have died if someone farted on him

Olympics is straight up porn.

To some very shitty people i know, yeah. I would straight up kill them(before they realize what theyre in an killl me) in a civil unrest scenario so i dunno.

There will be Germans deaths, no doubt, we got many not aryan people here who are not as strong as real shit.
It is more a bit of a meme
stay safe m8

Hope those two fuck

>US govt responding exactly the same as china
I wish even China got wise eventually and started to quarantine. The US won't even try to force the schools closed. They will blanket the country in propaganda and hope no one notices the bodies

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They always do after those events.

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Happy 100k cases Corona-chan!

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>jannies are infected and dying so they need replacements

Anyone else finding it strange how India, a place where it's fucking impossible not to be sick. Has only 31 cases??

If they die and stop posting, it was a chink.

This lifeless version of corona chan is the most attractive, like a stupid girl during spring break who will 69 you at the beach just for the fuck of it

Official information travels sluggishly in Germany.

Murder is a sin, user.

How can people think that this is slow? I wish this was slow.

Where are you, faggot? Get in here so we can laugh at you.

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Now I’ll never learn how to break dance, woe is me


>60000 influenza deaths in 2020
>3500 coronavirus deaths
This is literally a nothingburger. Why no /flu/ general?

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it's the willing of god to purge this degenerate humanity for their sins and I'll just help god to end the job faster.


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Hey anons, what did I miss these past few hours? Give me the QRD, thanks

Indians eat lot of turmeric/spices and smoke weed

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China did absolutley nothing for a month and a half, that gives us about a month before the US govt decides to do something.

Corona chan has to compete with so many other diseases there she decided she wouldn’t bother.

Time to panic

I'm not Iranian but I would consider it

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/sci/ confirmed pretentious NPC retards.

Well, you can get corona from farts, so maybe someone did.

don't think so. there is one critical guy in Berlin, otherwise we are fine, we even know where the coronachans are.

Yeh right, fuck the Alpenkikes.


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Won’t open at -800, but it doesn’t make a big difference. News this morning were all talking about massive selloffs already so you know that’s what’s on everyone’s mind at wall street

>210 cases in switzerland

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Zoomer prepper here.
>first case in my bloody city
>wearing respirator and gloves at work right now
>have a fucking meeting in the afternoon
Getting the crossbow and finishing work on the flamethrower today, plus 20 more filters, 2 more litres of alcohol and bleach.

Remember to have plenty of dry food - you can always collect rainwater or snow to cook rice and beans; they don't take up much space and are good "filler".


Good luck to everyone - may your loved ones be safe, and may good fortune be on your side.

Not quite whats gonna happen. They'll say "oh no that sucks. Thoughts and prayers." But they'll do nothing because muh economeee

Once again, does anybody know of anyone that is sick or died from this personaly?

$imple fucking question.

Of course not. Particularly not in synagogues and rapefugee camps.

>no fat
This woman is not attractive her ass is not shaped correctly for reproduction
She probably doesn't menstraute
Liking low BF% is degenerate and a sign of bad genetics

I live in NC and have started to have a coof, and a lot of congestion with sneezes that hurt my lungs. How fucked am I?

Imagine the smell

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snow can have bad bacteria in it.

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It was a 1% mortality rate a month ago... why did it climb to 3%? That’s 15-30 times more deadly than the flu

it was nice to know you, user

Last two digits of posts that reply are how many infected tomorrow.

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You too, the next few months are going to be a shit show all over the world.

Mongoloid, 60000 with a 0.05% mortality rate, that's 60k out of 120.000.000.
It would be 360000 for coronavirus, a catastrophe.

No shit their river has a microbe that murders the shut out of toxic and harmful things, it’s the only way they can use it safely

Indians are essentially bathing in disinfectant that only they can use

I don’t think disease in general is a big problem in india. pajeets are baptized in rivers of shit and piss so they build a pretty strong immune system. At least that’s what a pajeet classmate told me, though she didn’t use those exact words to describe it. Why do you think whites are getting hit so hard with this?

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India has 1.4 billion people but is way less developed than China and has swaths of territory where the government can't even reach. It has more cases, they're just not being detected.

Do you guys think Switzerland can overtake Iceland for most coronas per capita?

Britbro got it right.

Well... the number is heavily skewed by chinas figures to get a more accurate figure calculate the actual rate of dead in Italy and South Korea... its +22%

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Calgarian here too. I'd say good luck, but the flamethrower thing has me thinking you might be a dangerous retard.

Why all the fuss over a simple flu? I see no panic anywhere

Remember the tagline for Contagion
>Nothing spreads like fear

I haven’t known a single person that’s died of cancer. Does that make it a nonhappening?

Nigger you're fucking blind.
Or retarded.
Probably retarded.

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Just how doctored are the chinese figures?

this one will

just took valium. godspeed juden peterson.

markets will prolapse today
screencap this

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>staff member
>cheeky random nigger with a black t-shirt and a spray bottle of piss

You have to be human to catch the virus

1st case in Vatican City
>1st case in Vatican City
1st case in Vatican City
>1st case in Vatican City
1st case in Vatican City
>1st case in Vatican City
1st case in Vatican City
>1st case in Vatican City

Is it the Pope?

normies get scared more and more these days when will their harddrives overflow ?

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Womp womp

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Anyone got the template for Hazmat suit
I want to make an OC of my avatar when shit hits the fan.

Don't think corona smells like anything.

You tried fren but nothing can save us, we owe a great karmic debt.

>spends time licking niggers feet
I wouldn't be shocked one bit.


Attached: hazmat chink backstab.png (672x335, 191.66K)

I can't believe they could be so retarded halfway through February.

original template here

Attached: Hazmat suit template.png (686x526, 81.14K)

He took Alprazolam. Wash ur room

user you need to get out more often, and yes it does have had many in and around my family that have.

>local news just whining about stonks
>national news whining about orange man

it's all so tiresome

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4 new cases in Portugal: 3 are in the hospital center of São João, in Porto and "have an epidemiological link to previous cases", which indicates that the source of the infection is in Italy. The other case, for which no information was provided, is receiving treatment in a health care in Lisbon.

>Portugal 13, now with community transmission

Sample boy at Costco here, we just shut down the sample program for coronachan, ama

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>disinfecting random Asians
Pure based

I take it back DOW futures are at -782 as of right now

it's probably been much, much more than that for a long time, but it's nice to see it made official! i can't wait until it hits a million!

He's american. They fuck landwhales there.

Maybe kek thought he meant all polish and said FUCK NO?

Be prepared!

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