Men riding the roastie carousel then marrying at 40 to a 20 year old

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I see nothing wrong with this.

>implying any of them would marry a 40 year old incel here

The first requirement is being rich and successful.


He looks great for 40 considering how many late nights he's probably had in the past 20 years

Good for him.

Living the dream

I had cinsidered this, but
I dont want to be 60 before my first kid is 18, better to have the first 1 at 26~ tradwife can be 20 but anything under 25 is acceptable. My only regret was splitting up with a ginger 18yo girlfriend who wasnt ready for kids and who promptly had then 18 months later with the dude who wifed her.

That's how it goes

I'm 30 and dating a 22 year old. Sex is amazing. Hardly any baggage with this girl vs other girls my age.

you can choose
a. Slaying pussy and being the carousel before settling with a waifu material 18-24 year old by 30.

b. Cry and moan like a little bitch because you can't get pussy and attempt to claim you actually irl over the internet

op choose the later

having my first at 32, wife is 24

based Fez

any feet pics of this broad?

Genetic load rises with paternal age. It goes from like 25 to 65 mutations as you get older

She’ll fuck him over. Once she hits 24 or 25 she’ll wake up and then he’ll be 45 and like fuck

it can be done, but if you expect to not get cucked after 40 the pressure will be on heavily. unless she turns into a hamplanet that owns your kids and half your shit and then wtf is the point of the whole exercise?

That fucked
Prime Lohan
Prime Avril
Prime Mandy Moore
Prime JLH
Pre-Lesbian Lovato
Minka Kelly
And he's only 5'7"

Most girls are whores themselves by the time they're 20. You're gonna get divorce raped anyways, but the woman that will nag you until then will be younger.

Still reasonable, at 50 you should still be fully fit and capable of spending time with your son.

Good choice with an airtight prenup.

>And he's only 5'7"
AND he's mexican. Can't help but admire him

Everything seems to be in order then.

Only Jeter has a more Kino list.

please dont have kids after ur 40, im only 18 and my dad is fucking 69 years old. most infuriating bullshit ever. ive spent most of my life deeply resenting my dad for this

This. I'm 45 and my girl is 20. She has a little baggage due to having a shit childhood, but she's trad and conservative.

>20 year old
too old.

I did this but married in my 30's. I don't think anyone can ride it too much longer, the older you get the more annoying the youngins get.

Why would I want to waste the prime time of my life raising a spiteful little life ruining parasite shit head ?

Had my first at 23 and second at 34. 21 and 9 going on 10. 44...they keep you young.

i told this once or twice on here. had a gf we were both 28. she looked younger like when we were out it looked i'd just taken a hostage. we were gonna get married. and she leaves me after 4yrs via fucking fb msg lol. turns out i didn't have a decent career and even resented me for "the time wasted traveling with her" for a couple yrs backpacking when we first met. so i got my life together got Yas Forums and moderately well off with cash and career. i ran into her best friends a couple yrs ago, i was 37 then. while i'm on holidays and they're just roasties down at a bar. they invite me to have a drink with them i figure why not. one says to me just to salt an old wound "you know she still looks like she's 28" remembering how fucking crushed i was when she left me. i told her "my gf looks 28 too except she is 28"

i have never seen such pure fucking hate in land based mammals before. married with one boy. wife is now 30. the wall is real.

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Is part of her bad childhood getting groomed by a fat old pedo?

quit being a fucking baby. my father was 68 when I was 20. he was 10x's the father that most these faggots are

that happened to me except i never road the roastiecoaster

Seethe more, roastie. I'll never look at you aged cunts again.

He's not Mexican
He's definitely not mexican


So he was right and she got diddled?

Martin Luther did the same thing.

this unironically a great shot

Inquiring minds want to know

i do, the guy in the pic is a nigger

he looks mexican?

Fez finally getting some. He should after having to do the Monster Candy movie.


And nah. That wasn't a part of her shit childhood. Her mom has BPD. If you've ever experienced a person with BPD, you'd understand how detrimental it can be growing up with a family member with the disorder. Especially a mom.


THIS. is what got him laId. NEVER FORGET

I bet her tiny yellow pussy made your stubby j*w cock look bigger.

I agree unmarried 40 year old men should be forced to marry unmarried 40 year old women.

If you look like that when you re 40 yeah you should marry a 20yo. But only men can look like that at 40.

20 year old girls have great bodies but shitty personality that needs babysitting. Not really worth it imo.

Imagine seething this hard

How did you meet her? I'm 30 and can't seem to meet younger girls

I thought he was gay.

Had my first at 39

I've got good genes thanks in part to having a good amount of Native American ancestry. Lot of my friends start looking like their 40 when they reach 28. I'm pushing 50 and still get carded and get called a youngster. Have a high IQ and model features dated celebrities and millionaires.

Attached: download (45).jpg (474x355, 39.88K)

>dated celebrities and millionaires.
>got pumped&dumped by

That pic - Fuck yeah we know what we are doing, ensuring healthy eggs so our children aren't downsbabies.

Yeah. I have same problem. I want the body of a 20 year old, the mind/chill of a 50-year-old. Lol

Nice, I'm 55 and my wife is 19 and pregnant. Great sex.

Based, fuck roasties.

On a side note, fuck captcha and google as well.
>post shit making leftists look bad
>slow rolled captchas because angry lefties report it
>solve them too fast
>more and more, gaussian noise filters applied
>correctly solve all
>please wait a moment, we think you're a bot

BPD is fake. It just means you're an abusive asshole who has an excuse.

He has brown eyes and it a mutt so yes he is Mexican

I'm 42. My gf of a year is 21. She loves men and treats me like a king.

Fuck roasties

Be fourty and have no children. What a fucking loser. Is he going to play with his down syndrom kids? Or just watch them while he soaks his sack on the beach.

Im 40, met a 26 year old virgin 7 months ago and never been happier. She traditional, hates spending money, hates social media is petite and feminine

Perpetual student drowning in student loans, voting Bernie, pay for me

He's a pretty good looking dude.

same here but mine is 20 best relation in years

She's Thai isn't she?

Are you me?

Fiancee is 19, I'm 25. Was married previously to a woman who was a year older than me. Never again will I fuck around with someone older.

Take the dane cook pill

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haha, shes going to say the same thing user


No, not Thai not Filipino not Indo not Vietnamese not Malaysian not any asian countries. I have tried them though, found them to be lest trustworthy then western girls

>voting Bernie
why do women do this? fuck off

Asian girls have ugly faces.