Is this it boys?! Are we possibly going to see the biggest catfight of 2020?!
What a time to be alive, watching teenage girls argue about our climate and future.

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One on the left is wearing more make up than most drag queens do.

Just remember, if Greta had been black, this would have been racist.

Wtf I thought the links would be videos of them facing off to see who could handle the most BBC

The one of the left looks like she could be sytxenhammers kid.

Wheras the one on the right is a literal potato.

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>whites girls acting dumb af


Honestly I don’t understand the Greta hate here. Climate change is literally one of the biggest problems that the world is facing and we really really need to start doing something NOW before it’s too late.

>muh (((Naomi)))

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Shut up, just because Greta might not be super pretty doesn’t mean what she has to say isn’t important.

Poor Greta. I genuinely feel sorry for her...

I didn't even pay attention to this bitch I just ignore females when they talkin cause they always talk about gay shit like killing babies is their right or some crazy shit


Ah yes, the ultimate mutt back at it again.
It's not Greta hate, Naomi just believes that Greta is a doomsday sayer.

>Ugly people are easily influenced to try to feel belonged by the cool kids.

Fugly Greta is just a mouthpiece for dickheads.

Attached: CO2 Emissions.jpg (1063x795, 69.01K)

I have a solution. Any time one of these sluts opens their mouth they go to a rape camp!

First off there’s tons of smart women in politics, secondly climate change will literally kill millions of people including babies who are innocent.
Because climate change will literally destroy humanity.
Shut up.

No, you!

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why are her eyes so apart?

One of those wierd ass white ppl detected next u gonna start talking bout the holocaust was real nigga kys

We have to shut down all of our dirty energy NOW make new energy companies that are clean and all owned and controlled by Jews mining coal and lithium for electricity and batteries!

Their mothers go to the rape gulag...they're just retarded children that don't know any better. I don't know about Naomi's mom but Greta's mom is ready to be put on the fucking block and fucked

>climate change will literally kill millions of people including babies who are innocent
>climate change will literally destroy humanity

>Climate change is literally one of the biggest problems that the world is facing

You and your mom are being raped daily. How is it that "climate change" makes it to your top of list?

Sid from Ice Age, it's a glacier joke


Yeah bruh I just don't get the hate....

greta bc she makes me pepee hard

I cannot speak for every user here, but the big reason why I cannot stand Greta is because this is clear social conditioning. Climate change is the least of our environmental problems when Africa and China are filling the ocean with trash, our petroleum-dependency is leading to more use of automobiles (encouraging urban sprawl) and greater production of plastics that don't decompose and can't be readily recycled. We still don't have any feasible disposal methods for non-bio-degradable trash and instead we're supposed to focus on climate change, when they fail to present any real solutions, because the only REAL solution is to cut consumption.
The use of children in this ongoing """debate""" makes people see the issue as something childish, something that they, as "adults", want to be past. It's all to make people not care about actual environmental issues.

There should definitely be something happening, how much fuel reserve do we have left in our planet?
I just don't believe it's as serious as everyone makes it out to be.

Gretas mother is a lunatic.

naomi looks like a cryptid creature

How much coal and lithium do we have for electric cars and batteries? Electric cars and solar panels are not the solution.

>if Greta had been blacked
God I wish

Hahaha! I'd bang Greta's mom

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Production should also be cut, how much trash do supermarkets throw everyday? Supermarkets here threw stuff away en masse in bags before they expired.

Also you should look at those things per capita. Also just because China does something bad doesn’t mean we should do something bad too.
The holocaust was real.
Well we have to change to renewable energy. I really really don’t understand why conservatives LOVE defending oil companies so damn much.
Stop laughing, I’m telling the truth.
Just because I believe climate change is a huge problem doesn’t mean that I can’t think that other things are also huge problems. Yes Sweden’s immigration policy is also a huge problem, BUT that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t also try to fight climate change.
But climate change can literally destroy the future for young people.
>Climate change is the least of our environmental problems when Africa and China are filling the ocean with trash, our petroleum-dependency is leading to more use of automobiles (encouraging urban sprawl) and greater production of plastics that don't decompose and can't be readily recycled. We still don't have any feasible disposal methods for non-bio-degradable trash and instead we're supposed to focus on climate change, when they fail to present any real solutions, because the only REAL solution is to cut consumption.
Well yeah the real solution is to stop with all the consumption and maybe buy higher quality things instead of cheap things that will get ruined instantly. Also co2 is a HUGE problem and it’s mostly the demand from rich nations that is causing this and yes trash is also a big problem, BUT just because that’s also a huge problem doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t cut our emissions.
>The use of children in this ongoing """debate""" makes people see the issue as something childish, something that they, as "adults", want to be past. It's all to make people not care about actual environmental issues.
It’s children who climate change will effect though.

How about we use more public transportation instead of cars??

>the holocaust was real

Lmao stfu cracker why u crackers always lyin

I’ve literally met a survivor so shut up.

Go outside and look around mate - the sky is still there, it hasn't fallen!
Greta could still live out a normal childhood!

Lol okay Greta, calm down from your autistic fits of rage against le scary orange man.

You do realize we already are?

All the climate changes that we are feeling right now are a result of the pollution effects from 15 years ago?

By 2035, we will just then start to feel the effects from 2020 then.

We can’t stop it, only make things less fucked up.

Nigga now you service an oven lmao see this why nobody listen to you wierd ass cracker don't come to my hood talkin about some fake ass cracker ass jews nigga y'all the devil y'all should be deported to a volcano Nigga

Then what is? I guess you will say Nuclear but can't batteries be recycled? I do agree we have limited resources, no doubt about that and I believe we should cut on production and consumption, I neither own a car nor do I like going on public transport because it's one of the filthies places to be.

The anti Greta bitch may just be controlled opposition, strategically placed to make Greta more relevant again, now that the majority of people stopped giving a fuck. Don't give any attention to either of them. Just don't. They're both attention whoring for the money.

Flag checks out

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Public transport are disease ridden filthy areas.

> really don’t understand why conservatives LOVE defending oil companies so damn much
Cause they’re not owned and controlled by Jews. Millions of people all over North America own mineral rights they are the descendants of the people that settled the land. You know who they are? White people, non Jews.
Have you ever used a fucking solar system? Do you know where batteries come from? Do you know that there is no electricity when the sun isn’t shining without batteries? How do you charge batteries when the sun isn’t shining? Pic related

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They both seem to have lost the chromosome lottery.

ayy lmao vs leftypol

It's all linked. If you get rid of globohomo megacorps and bring back localism, you get rid of that mass production and turn back to a craft economy. You can't do that without taking down the entire system though.
No, I understand that emissions are a big problem but to cut that you require a complete restructuring of all American infrastructure since we were built for automobile dependency.
Children will be affected, yes, but the average retard doesn't care about the future generations, only their own experiences.

Is the one on the left retarded too? If not she looks more retarded than greta

Could be true, she works for a conservative group called the Heartland Institude.

>Stop laughing
Clowns are for laughing at.

I am greya

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German Dna.

It's already to late god damn you're ignorant of what's going on in the real world huh? Keep listening to MKultra victims who get raped into their belief systems.

Stop using those dishonest tactics. Climate change isn’t a huge issue right now, BUT it will be in the future and it will literally destroy our future if we don’t do anything radical about it now.
My name isn’t Greta and I’m not autistic, though there’s nothing wrong with being autistic.
Well let’s make things less fucked upped them and stop consuming like crazy and stop polluting the earth even more.
Sorry I don’t understand half of the things you’re trying to say.
Yes Swedes tend to care a lot about the environment, how is the a bad thing??
Public transportation can both be really good and really bad. I’ve experienced both.
Please shut up, no climate change isn’t some big Jewish conspiracy.
People used to care about future generations more though. Back in the day people did things like build cathedrals even though they knew they’d never see them. So I think that we can make people care about future generations again.
I’m not a clown.

Don't laugh, he is 16 and currently protesting climate change at home because Greta said so.

Fuck off. Who cares about these virtuesignaling teenage cunts?? I don't know who the left one is nor do I want to

I did not expect that voice coming out her. She sounds like a 50 year old euro bureaucrat.

Likes public speaking? should learn it.

How does a german learn so many english fill words?

I uh um
uh am I
umm anndd
anndd umm
how I um
ah ah ah
umm because umm

Greta is going to wipe the floor with her

Attached: Greta.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Number one: There are too many people on the planet. Number two: there is too much trash. Start by banning plastics and banning shit made in third world counties made by stupid brown people that don’t give a shit about the environment. Destroy their economies and their birth rates will collapse. Stop sharing our technology with them and let them find a natural state of existence. In 1890 something the British went to Africa and took a carriage into a village. The villagers were amazed by it and turned their heads round and round. They never saw a wheel before. You can’t expect people with this low of intellect to have our technology and great the environment well.

Maybe if adults actually cared about climate change then teenagers wouldn’t have to be the ones who are actually trying to do something about it.

How do you have electricity when the sun isn’t shining? Please enlighten me!

Batteries, also wind and nuclear exists.

They should wrestle in the mud.

Well that's specifically what she said and you specifically asked why she gets hate so I specifically informed you of one of the reasons - nothing dishonest about that my friend.
Besides you live in a cold country right? Might do you good if the planet warms up a bit.

i wouldnt be suprised if naomi is a plant from greta's family too

afterall her name is being herd of quite a lot on their media..

I’m afraid Greta will destroy her.

First off Greta isn’t a clown and secondly I like snow and I don’t want Sweden to get warmer during winter. This winter sucked, we had literally snow for like two days and I don’t want to have more snowless winters. Also there was almost no ice so I couldn’t go out on the lakes which I like doing and I want to keep on being able to do that during winter.