Time to face justice


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But did he really actually do anything though?

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Trump deported more nazis than Obama

Wait what?

How old is this motherfucker?


Apparently he guarded prisoners while rhey worked at a sub-camp. Literally Adolf Eichmann

well if his visa had been expired all this time, get him the fuck out
if he legally immigrated and spent the time and money to become a citizen, then this would be a fucking outrage

The Carpenter of death

Who can actually prove he was there? How are they all not dead, considering extermination camp and all? Some kind of jew magic?


he has to be at the very least 110 years old unless he guarded these jews at under 18

>How old is this motherfucker?
Must have been a fucking child or something.
1945 was how many fucking years ago?
Even veitnam veterans are 60 plus.

Rookie numbers

So nazi Germany fell apart in 45.
That means the war was over and done 75 years ago.
Assuming he was ten when gassing jews hes be like 80 something.
My grandmother was born in 45 and shes in her 80s.
My grandfather was a child during the first world war and died ten years ago.
So what the fuck? Why cant jews do math.

It says he's 94 years old which places him at 15 years old when he started his guard service and 19 at the end of the war.

How is he being blamed for all of this again? It's not his fault for anything. He was a literal child.

So in America he wouldn't be able to consent to sex but hey whatever nazis.

jew magic=lies

Say anything you want and if someone argues call them an anti-Semite

By the way towards the end of world war two old men and teenage boys were forced to fight on the front lines as all the fighting age men had died or left to hold the eastern front.

>How is he being blamed for all of this again?
because the country is ran by jews. ICE also is trying to punch right and earn some virtue points by saying
spoilers: it won't work

It's so fucking stupid. His crime boils down to...
>Other people committed crimes and pressured a child into joining their army. Therefore, you are being punished for their crimes.

Everyone here is missing the point.

This is an MSM headline that talks about the Holocaust without a single mention of:

1) Jews being the primary/only victims
2) Mentions of the 6gorillion
3) Refers to it as a "camp system" instead of a "Death Camp"

Guys....the Jews are losing control of the narrative.

About 90. I don't understand why people defend people who literally did warcrimes.


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Amazing system we live under.

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Not defending anyone.
It just surprised me that a camp guard from WW2 would still be alive.

Americans are the most disgraceful people in human history. Nothing but slaves for kikes, the most evil race in human history.

straight up this

Trump loves rounding up nazis

>I don't understand why people defend people who literally did warcrimes.

But when they criticize you it's "anti-Semitism" right?

What's wrong with it?
are you implying he should be let off because he's old?

He did literally nothing wrong. The holocaust didn't even happen. He was a holiday camp guard.


He has to go back. Fuck eurotrash.

Happy Purim

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We're fine with you doing crimes against blacks, But we're doing crimes against whites for laughs too. Don't forget that.

>But when they criticize you it's "anti-Semitism" right?

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Yes, he should be let off because he was young when it happened and he is old now. He was a guard at a forced labor camp during a war, not a sociopath who killed innocent people of his own volition. War crimes are often very situation specific - they’re not likely to happen again. Men in their 90’s who haven’t been accused of committing any crimes in the past 75 years are unlikely to commit any more crimes.

It’s sick. The Jews just want vengeance and they’re willing to perform any act of cruelty to get it.

JewSA strikes again.

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Your grandma is 75, user.

Just remember that you'll end up in a cell just like your friends Ep/Wein-stein.


94 years old
>7 years old in 1933 when 3rd Reich began
>19 years old when Camp Guard
>entire sentient childhood spent in Nazi propaganda
>he must be deported and executed for committing crimes against foreign citizens 75 years ago


>be Spic
>carry fentanyl in babby's nappies for Mulebuxx while hopping border
>live in US illegally
>Opioid Epidemic wiping out US Citizens right now, as we speak

I want Coronachan to wipe this fucking society out so I can carry out a campaign of extermination in minecraft.

Did he operate the Holocoaster or the masturbation machine?

Yeah sure. How's your mom doing?

>My grandmother was born in 45 and shes in her 80s.
american education everyone

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Fuck you, cannibal

Synagogue of satan

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Agreed, those who sank the USS Liberty must be brought to justice

>the jews are still fighting ww2

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Well she wasn't skinned and turned into a lampshade and her body wasn't stored in a freezer only to fall out and shatter, unlike yours.

Patton knew.

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Pounding nails
Sawing wood
Building off the square foundation you're creating
Sturdy solid structures
Well joined sides
Builder. Carpenter of Death.
Making things.

Why would we care about spics? That's your own fuckup.
"Just doing my job" was not a valid defense, remember? They were excecuted back in the day, be thankful we only deported him.
>they’re not likely to happen again
No shit. But i don't care.
>waaaah they just want vengence
says a fucking Yas Forumsack. I keep noticing it's only americans that make these autistic posts.

Ok so your grandmother who was born after the war is YOUNGER than someone who was fighting age during the war?

Wow! German genius everyone! The Muslims truely did invent math and science!

Also, they didn't actually commit those crimes.

You're using past tense when you should use future/present.
We're already fucking you.

Because we don't allow ex post facto laws in this country. Also, their only crime was not killing enough of you.

no user, she cant be in her 80s if she was born in 45, thats the point

Wonder how many bolshevik jews were reprimanded 60 years after they killed the Czars and started ww1

? Is he 120 years old ?

Do they have to keep “finding” new nazis to keep the memory alive? Apathy is a cruel mistress

>Other people committed crimes
not even that

>"Just doing my job" was not a valid defense, remember?
Should be a valid defense for a boy that was 7 when Hitler came to power.
12 straight years of propaganda then he was a guard for a short while at 19 years old, in a camp he didn't set up.

Deporting him was a Crime Against Humanity, no question.

Doesn't matter, no one gives a fuck about Justice unless you're a jew or nigger

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prove it

Your right.
Nuke Israel for war crimes against Palestine and the world, starting with the zionist terrorist attacks of the late 40's.

I'll do a little war crime in your ass, you hook nosed faggot

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Hadrian didn’t finish the job I can’t wait for when all you jews fall into the abyss


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How fucking old is this guy? I mean, if he was 18 in 1945, he'd be 93 today. Who gives a shit?

Are you retarded?

>dunking on 90-year-olds so you can score points with Small Hat Gang



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You’re a blind sheep.

>I want Coronachan to wipe this fucking society out so I can carry out a campaign of extermination in minecraft.
Believe me you're not the only one. If, as I suspect, it hits whites the least hard, oh fuck, oponents that are left are in for the worst pain ever inflicted before their longed-for death sends them back to Hell

>Who gives a shit?
Jews would execute every German who was alive before 1945 if they were allowed

Statistically, almost everyone born before 1945 will be dead by the end of this decade. No more 100-year-old camp guards getting deported and jailed, no more old Jews getting trotted out to talk about how they survived fifty rounds in the gas chamber, we'll probably see a slew of new scams and mentally ill Anastasias claiming to be survivors and the holocaust will finally be demoted to a fucking footnote of history.

This hero should be honored. After all the kikes have done to us, we still do their bidding.

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>why people defend people who literally did warcrimes.

Because for most people war gives no good choices.

>no more old Jews getting trotted out
We can rebuild him. We have the technology.


I can't believe drumpgh did this. I mean I used to support this orange asshole and the memes were fun but we can't let him get the nuclear codes.

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I’m surprised he not already dead from Tennessee diabetes

Yeah but did he actually do anything that is in fact a war crime?

If he was a black kid who murdered someone half of America would be sympathetic and want him released from prison as a victim of circumstances

If he was that young why did he served as a camp guard? Why wasn't he at the eastern front? This doesn't make sense.
Was he a son of someone higher up? Karma bitting his ass for getting saved from eternal cold?
Or more likely a smelly jew lie.

He was 13 years old when war broke out in 1939

State of the art tech and we're using it for this.

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>the holocaust will finally be demoted to a fucking footnote of history.
Yeah (((they))) will never allow this to happen

Making Jews work for goyim?

So he was a water boy

Cry. It fuels me.
But not for soldiers you don't like, right?

It doesn't matter - any historical event loses all potency once the people who were alive for it die off. 9/11 will be no more meaningful or relevant for people a hundred years from now than the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand is for us today.

Meanwhile, Canada and other leftcuck nation's are inviting ISIS fighters back with open arms, after they slaughtered women and children and burned churches down in the name of their ideology

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