Why is Sweden so fucked?


> Swedish mother reports school to police after a teacher told her daughter to write “I am a Muslim”

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This is what happens when women are on power


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The Reformation destroyed Sweden. They were traumatized and murdered. Read about Nils Dacke uprising.


Not sure why the curriculums keep forcing Swedes to follow Allah, but my best guess is that the government is trying to go for forced empathy.

"See refugees? These people are your friends, they believe in Allah, too!"

"See citizens? This is what it's like to be a Muslim, their customs aren't so bad."

sweden democrats

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WTF are you doing Sven, take over your country. Why the fuck should Swede feel insecure in their own country, how depressing is this!

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What do((((( they)))) even feed to swedish people how can you be so cucked

dont worry bro its cool, relax, nothing to worry about

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The answer is in the flag.

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Alliance between communists and muslims, as both ideologies require 100% of the planet be under their thumb before you can even examine whether it is a "success".

this cucked

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That’s a lie. Communism would collapse all the same if it dominated the world or not

Ask this fine Swedish lady

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The source is what some nutjob christian fundamentalist mom wrote on facebook. Kys muttoid worry about your own shithole. If this would have been legitimate the teacher would have been fired immediately

The state of your country makes me depressed as fuck, even though I am not even remotely related. Its time you start taking action Sven!

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I agree. It's an unsustainable model. But it's how they think.
>It's not REAL communism because it was, uh, sabotaged by CAPITALISTS!!!!

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I hope you are being sarcastic and that you dont actually believe what some larping mutt posting misleading headlines is saying

Is this you?

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At least this muttoid’s country doesn’t welcome rapefugees with an open arsehole

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Or maybe this is you?

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>literally castrated
>like swedish men are

Captain Sweden conquering the world with his humanitarian superpower

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Simple and well-known:

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Embrace Islam bro, it's the only non-cucked religion.

Trannies are increasing exponentially too, the amount of people requesting gender overhaul is literally doubled every year.

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I grew up with gender neutrality, and I thought having a dick was somehow a mistake. I remember answering no when someone asked me if I had one. Luckily I didn't become a tranny, but I have no problems seeing how gender dysphoria would arise with those policies.

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It’s difficult to say what’s really wrong with Swedish culture. But really, there’s almost nothing special or unique in Sweden, like, we barely even have a culture. Everyone just behaves in the same way, same food, same pastimes, same tastes. While every immigrant I’ve met is unique and special. Like, they all have this complex culture; mystical, spiritual religion; 5000 years of culture and history. Swedes are the most normal and unsurprising people you’ll ever meet.

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Gas the cunts, gender war now.

literally this. Jacinda in NZ was was the final nail in the coffin for that idea for me. Women leaders on a country wide level is almost always a stupid fucking idea.

Decent bait

5 memeflags and one likely vpn shill:

Why does this topic attract 5 memeflags of total 15 posters so far?

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The bigger issue is they put both his feet on the ground and one leg looks way longer than the other one.

Nigga please!?

Working for MSBs psychological defense?

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There are about 25,000 kikes in sweden, out of a population of 10,000,000 Swedes, so the kikes are around 0.25% of the population. It's scary to think each kike can mentally dominate and mind control 400 Swedes. We are dealing with a ferocious enemy that has literal superpowers and Normies bury their heads in the sand.

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Because its a 3d object displayed in 2d, retard.

Watcha sayin

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Because you're taking the flak for us other flags.
But seriously, when are we going to cut the PC crap?

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Imagine being such an emasculated Christcuck you have to find your "identity" in worshiping the flag of a foreign country

That "superpower" is Christcuckery, which turns ostensibly normal thinking white people into Jewish slaves.

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> 9 years old
> islam class
> prayed to god in the toilet for something she doesnt understand

Sure seems like a real story....

This sure seems like a real story

8000 IIRC, was 15 000 before muslim immigration created a "hostile" environment and they left.

They have been busy bees here for some time now, small hats being small hats

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Nothing is surprising in Sweden.

How is work for MSB?

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Try again Mohammed. Those English classes aren’t paying off


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I was told by another user that political correctness as we know it today, first emerged to make sure protestants and catholics didn't kill each other, then jews claimed their spot in the program, and it all grew from there. Accurate?

>we had Islam yesterday

Is this a joke? They have an islam course?

I read about it once before, and it was supposedly a homework assignment for a 'hypothetical' conversion to Islam.

That's so Swedish...

And what I mean by "so Swedish" is the fact you say you don't have a culture.

You have a culture Sven. A 1500-2000 year old one. Get fucking over it.

>The answer is in the flag.
What do you mean? The cross?

Imagine believing that hes swedish

No. That's fucking retarded. Political correctness as a concept is derived from communism/Marxism and is meant to put artificial social and cultural pressures on individuals to force them to conform to the party line or else face penalties. Marxism itself is an outcropping of Jewish/Semitic/Talmudic thought where Jews tried to force their prophesy by conning gullible goyim into giving up all their property into the hands of an elite cabal of Jews, thus fulfilling Jewish prophesies about them ruling the world. The reason why Marxism was so palpable to the white goyim in the first place is because, again, Christcuckery. There's no moral argument one can religiously give, as a Christian, against Marxism/leftism as a whole. The Jews know this and exploited it accordingly by creating a moral-political system where white goyim think they're spiritually obligated to empower Jews and give Jews all their stuff.

When Marxism imploded in the 80s, the system erected in its place was globalism. Globalism itself is yet another moral-political system using Christcuckery as an attack vector into worming its way into white Western society. Most white people actually think they're spiritually obligated to import tens of millions of hostile orcs and undermine their own sovereignty and culture, now. Again, this is the Jews' doing.

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