How to deal with being doxxed?

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I'm about to be doxxed to my family, employer and everyone else close to me. Asking to those that may have experience..
How do you deal with the inevitable aftermath? And what would you have done if given the chance to best prepare everyone beforehand for the inevitable doxxing?

Lmao, grow a set. That's how. Optics is destroying everything and it's exactly what (((they))) wanted.

My thoughts too, I'm planning on completely owning it, and being completely unrepentant.

Were you on Ironmarch? All the ironmarch guys are slowly getting exposed by antifa, I bet it’s incredibly stressful to anyone who was a poster there.

Of course, the easiest way to not get doxxed is just to not be offensive, racist, etc in the first place

Is it legal to doxx someone like that?

I wasn't, they got shut down just a little bit before I was ready to get into their works, but I've got into Ironmarch literature and philosophy a lot since then. Very good stuff, essential reading for any Fascist imo

Get on the next flight out of NZ and start a new life somewhere else

It doesn't matter how inoffensive you are if you're discussing certain issues from the "wrong" side. These people want to control what you're allowed to think, because they know full well that their argument deteriorates under the stress of cold, hard right wing logic.

You don't know how bad I wanna get out of this shithole and go to America where I can buy an AR15 and live in the woods. We got accelerated from a reasonably libertarian state to a UK style police state in one day, trust me, it's not fun.

Double down on everything and learn the art of rhetoric. Confidence is key, project a total belief in what you're saying and almost a regret in knowing it to be true. In almost every disagreement and discussion I have about politics people ultimately concede that my central argument is right the key to this is need giving people space around the fringes of an argument to where you acknowledge they might be right. No one is going to get on your side if they feel that you think you're smarter than them. Let them save face by listening to their arguments on the superficials but stick absolutely to the core of your opinion. The inital victory that opens them up is not them saying "oh user, you're so right" it's them openly acknowledging the validity of your worldview. Once that is reached, you can begin to chip away at theirs. Make them think they reached the conclusion themselves, you just happen to have made them think about it.

Exactly, I never planned on going with the "I'm not really racist I swear!" route. I'm absolutely double downing on everything, thanks for this.

>Double down on everything and learn the art of rhetoric. Confidence is key, project a total belief in what you're saying and almost a regret in knowing it to be true.
Lol none of that will matter once this guy is labeled a “nazi”, when for the rest of his life every time someone googles his name the top result is “meet ______, violent neonazi white supremacist”. Good luck getting a job. When he’s broke and wants to get on benefits and the POC caseworker googles his name, guess what? Denied. Literal starvation incoming.

Primealy, gather as much information on the person releasing the information. It shouldn't be that hard to do as they leave an information trail. To prepare a case against them, under a number of laws. Privacy, hacking, stalking, ECT. Sue them to the hilt.

>people ultimately concede that my central argument is right
Most people who say this don't realise that they're boring to talk to. Who's going to read all that shit by you?

Say bye to a normal life forever retatd nazi
Getting advice from losers with no social life

We already know that nothing satiates the leftist mob once they smell blood. No about of apologising or offerings of repentance will suffice. The only route with any potential for salvation is to double down. It also enriches the public debate as a whole to speak out, even if it's a forced confession. Obviously choose your words as artfully as possible, don't literally start frothing about the Jews. Keep it measured, keep it rooted in evidence and, as I said, make it clear you don't find any joy in believing it yourself. What's occurring in the West is a tragedy, the issue with right wing American activists is that they're so proactive and gleeful in the way they argue that they allow themselves to be strawmaned very easily.

Have confidence that the vast majority of people really agree with you about what's happening, many of them are afraid of the angst that comes with acknowledging it. Guide them to the point that they themselves are forced to accept it by weighing up what they know to be irrefutable.

>that they're boring to talk to
Nah, I constantly worry about that and so don't let myself dominate conversations.

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>I'm about to be doxxed to my family, employer and everyone else close to me.


You deserve everything that's coming to you, filthy racist.

Well i think it's going to happen to me too. Not from ironmarch but a similar thing. Anyway so far I dont know if it's for sure but the possibility is there. Our beliefs are grounded in morality and honor. You have to ask yourself if you are willing to own your beliefs and do something now. Or if it was all a LARP. Just my two cents

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I mean, this is all contingent on what it is you've actually been saying that is about to be revealed.

Own everything. Never compromise. Profit.

Use an altered name when applying to things, or change it altogether. If this is a public doxxing that is.

>I'm about to be doxxed to my family, employer and everyone else close to me. Asking to those that may have experience..

You should have come clean to begin with, therefore doxing would have had no effect. The biggest consequence of doxing in my opinion is that people find out you're a liar, and that you're a rightwinger.

I would just ignore it, it goes away very quickly and no one fucking cares unless you've got a big popular name.

French foreign legion is always an option too

Sorry, I mean "and NOT that you're a rightwinger." People seem to be more triggered by the fact that you put up a facade then if you were just open about your beliefs in the first place.

It's much more accepted now than it used to be. There's black people at my work that know I am NatSoc and they dont care. We get along fine. Interesting times we live in

Is this a random antifa dox or someone you know is outing you?

Go to syria. Fight for Bashar. U will be stronger man

Apologizing is agreeing that you done wrong.

do you know the person that wants to dox you?

It is unironically freeing. Embrace it. Double down. Use it as a platform for free expression.

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>Have confidence that the vast majority of people really agree with you
this is pure truth. As soon as someone starts to trust you and the topic becomes political ... its almost like light/pol/.
Obviously there are people that cant be saved but the vast majority is agreeing sadly they are too afraid to speak about it

Doxxed for what? Don't you have to actually do something wrong for that to matter? What are they gonna do, tell these people oh look out for user, he lurks with the evil hacker known as Yas Forums!1!

Celebrate in secret. The real hazards not only don’t doxxx their victims, doxxxers are sometimes infiltrators faking hatred with a method that increases the risk that anyone who messes with the target will get caught.

good luck niggy

>working class

You leeches are universally dispised by the working man. You would probably get curbstomped at a union jobsite. The irony abounds.

Own your own business and you never have to worry about this.

>Own your own business and you never have to worry about this.
Until antifa tanks your yelp reviews, invades your Facebook profile, and posters your entire town with “meet your local nazi” fliers.

Feign confusion and lack of interest.

1. Thou shalt not commit thoughtcrime.
2. Thou shalt not speak thy mind.
3,. Thine opinion shall be in line with the sjw mob.
4. Thou shalt not have normal preference for that which is similar to you.
5. Thou shalt not shun that which is alien to you, and when that alien is violent and destructive to you, thou shalt do and say nothing.
6. Thou shalt not notice patterns.
7. Thou shalt consume mindlessly and unquestioningly.
8. Thou shalt not doubt the ww2 foundation myth.
9. Thou shalt not seek those who are likeminded, not likegenetically, or likeappearanced.
10. Thou shalt pay for thine worthless media, be it though but a worthless duplicate with no physical value and thus it being worthless in its value.

>normal life

does not exist

This. Anyone who frets about "being doxxed" is a spineless faggot. These people hate you, hate your race, hate your religion, want you exterminated, and you care about fucking optics and what people think about you? Disgusting.

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This is laughable. Patriot Prayer and proud boys have been obliterated by antifa. Doxxed PBs literally can’t even get a job at McDonald’s. Meanwhile, what happens when someone doxxes antifa? Nothing. what, are they going to get in trouble for being antiracist? No matter what you think about antifa, it’s undeniable that they are winning.

Not everyone on here is a needle dicked little faggot like you, hanz

They can't do shit if the system doesn't do it for them. They're weak as shit.

And don't worry, I'm not cucking out for anything I'm owning all my beliefs I've already told all my family when it comes I'm going to be completely unrepentant.

>right wing

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the fuck is an optics?

Pretty based op. This could actually be a good thing. We need more people to stand up for what they believe in

what are you afraid of? will you be put in jail? and if some faggots dont like you then fuck them

I agree, it reflects poorly on our entire worldview and our race when people run and hide once being exposed for believing in what we do. Fuck them all we're here, and we're radical, get used to it I say.

What did you do to be put in a situation where you can be doxed? You must have done something specific that made you stand out, right?

I met a guy that look like this freak could of been an ancestor, double ringer or a clone of Hitler. Dude was a freak had womens underwear and stockings. Furer is a degenerate

Dox them back and knock on their door at 4am but run off before they see you and put gnomes there.

The fact we most of us are hiding our beliefs is what is preventing actual change from happening in the first place. Besides since we all know so many people in the world feel the same, they just don't express it, I don't think it's going to be as bad as you think.

the local weekly paper regular doxes with photos anyone reported by local antifa to be non-liberal and has had at this point many people put out of their jobs, lose their homes, get kicked out of school permanently, etc. one guy was for clicking like on some facebook posts that antifa decided were racist. the local paper doxes people, ruins their lives permanently for thought crime

so sue for libel and punitive damage