Circumcised penises are cleaner. Circumcision prevents coronaviruses Circumcision reduces the risk of penile cancer. Circumcision helps prevent infections such as syphilis, gonorrhoea and herpes. Circumcision reduces HIV risk by up to sixty percent. Circumcised men are less likely to get papillomaviruses. Circumcised men have higher sexual stamina (last longer in bed). Women vastly prefer the streamlined appearance of a circumcised penis.
Furthermore, even barron trump is circumcised.... every male in the Trump's family tree is circumcised.
Ivanka circumcised her son too.
There's zero reason not to get cut. Stay mad tubeworm dicks.
Nope, I vote compulsory circumcision for everybody before 2 years old.
Brody Gomez
>Circumcised penises are cleaner. >Circumcision prevents coronaviruses >Circumcision reduces the risk of penile cancer. >Circumcision helps prevent infections such as syphilis, gonorrhoea and herpes. >Circumcision reduces HIV risk by up to sixty percent. >Circumcised men are less likely to get papillomaviruses. >Circumcised men have higher sexual stamina (last longer in bed). >Women vastly prefer the streamlined appearance of a circumcised penis. Gunna need some sauce cope monkey.
Thomas Hughes
Are you circumcised? I find people who want or support it are themselves circumcised.
also nigger, you are talking about the bozgor from cluj, I am not him, he's a fucking retard. But I got circumcised at birth, I posted about this even on december 2018.
Jacob Thomas
Thomas Lee
I can simply pull the foreskin back revealing my huge globe dickhead and it looks better than any molested raped bastards
Aaron Foster
Samuel Gonzalez
I will circumcise my kids, and I will advice everybody to do so. No one's going to stop me!
Do you not miss your 22,000 nerve endings? Also, where's the sauce at for your absurd claims?
Robert Thompson
Mutilated dicks are pain inducing. If you want to feel what it's like to be mutilated then wrap sandpaper around your cock. American women have such callused blown out pussies that they don't mind.
Jacob Rivera
>muh unending 22,000 nerve endings How am I gonna miss them when I never felt them you stupid uncut gross tubeworm dick? read here I am circumcised from birth.
Caleb Barnes
slide troll thread, do your part
John Robinson
Juan Hill
based the digits have spoken.
Compulsory circumcision for everyone!
Michael Thompson
Circumcision is, bar nothing, the single most barbaric, unjustified thing that America allows to happen to its own citizens. Even in other cases where America does fucked up shit, there’s the vague illusion of an excuse. Circumcision is just genital mutilation of innocent infants and every reason given for it is an obvious lie. It is PROVEN that it reduces sexual sensitivity and is linked to the infectious deaths of hundreds of babies a year, to say nothing of the people who suffer from botched operations. The only reason it gets tolerated is because this country really does not give a fuck about men and is incapable of admitting it has a policy that unfairly and brutally targets them, and because Boomers would have to uncomfortably admit their complicity in mutilating their children, which they will never do.
You can at least make the choice. Never, never mutilate your infant son.
Adam Turner
>mfw less than 1% of this country is cut while one in twelve inhabitants has HIV >mfw Shar-pei cocks still argue that getting snipped doesn't prevent STDs
WHERE IS YOUR DATA FOR YOUR ABSURD CLAIMS FILTHY GYPSY? >Circumcised penises are cleaner. >Circumcision prevents coronaviruses >Circumcision reduces the risk of penile cancer. >Circumcision helps prevent infections such as syphilis, gonorrhoea and herpes. >Circumcision reduces HIV risk by up to sixty percent. >Circumcised men are less likely to get papillomaviruses. >Circumcised men have higher sexual stamina (last longer in bed). >Women vastly prefer the streamlined appearance of a circumcised penis. Btw i'm hoodless and despise my parents and the practice.
Aiden Thomas
What a Gyp.
Hunter Cook
>never mutilate your infant son. Except everyone is doing the other way. And I plan to do it to my first son.
Brody Allen
Henry Lopez
Of course the kike uses a fucking diamond analogy.
Xavier Ortiz
Do you want to receive circumcision too my brother? There are a few good practitioners here in Romania that would do that in no time and cheap.
They’ll never understand how awesome we circumcised are. I’ve bedded my women and they all prefer my chad circumcised penis. Smelly, jealous, and dirty anteater virgin dicks give out so much hate to the circumcised.
Thomas Lewis
It's just a flap of skin get over with it. I bet you come to this thread because sunnetçi mehmed cut off your pee pee while you were a little hahaha
I’ll give you a quick female perspective. Circumcised penises win because they’re more attractive, cleaner and inviting. The uncircumcised penises I’ve sucked in the past always felt like I had potato skins in my mouth and no matter how much I tried pulling it back the skin it would always bunch up somewhere. Not to mention one guy I was with I am 100% sure there was dick cheese hiding in there. I don’t need to explain how revolting it is to have dead penis skin in your mouth.
Jack Anderson
turn the caps lock off you hyena, it makes YOU look like a nigger.
Parker Barnes
Brandon Harris
comparing body building "sculpting" to cutting a piece off your body, that was supposed to be as is
Long story short: an orgasm is the product of MANY nerve clusters being stimulated. What happened with your circumcision is that many of those nerve clusters were removed, others were callused over, and some closer to the surface of your skin - around the head of your dick - actually get exposed and irritated more. The reason you can’t handle her sucking after cumming is because a very limited number of nerve clusters are being overstimulated, whereas in the non circumcised case the stimulation would be more spread out. If you weren’t circumcised, you’d have both more stamina and better feeling orgasms.
only faggots are uncircumcised and they last less in bed lol.
Lincoln Baker
If you’re serious about wanting to limit circumcision, stuff like this doesn’t help. Don’t shame people for being the most innocent victims of genital mutilation possible-everyone is innocent as a baby. They deserve compassion, not you mocking their mutilation.
>feel what it's like to be mutilated then wrap sandpaper around your cock I don't have to I am already cut. The statistics lie, far more than 5% of my countrymen are circumcised just like me. It's been a tradition here.
Brody Price
So instead of a massive peak of sensations the sensation is more leveled out! I wonder if an uncut individual is able to feel what I feel with my "mutilated" penis ?
roma gypsies don't circumcise here, try again "smath" kid.
Jaxson Allen
It’s hard to verify the exact state of someone’s subjective experience. What IS known is that an orgasm is the product of many nerves being stimulated, and that overstimulation of a few clusters can actually lead to pain even with gentle stimuli. If you’ve ever felt that sexual stimulation after an orgasm was weirdly painful, that is a product of circumcision. What IS verifiable is that circumcised men, controlling for all other factors, report less sexual satisfaction, higher rates of complete lack of sensation, and more trouble achieving erection and orgasm.
Levi Campbell
It's the same story with US spics, they don't circumcise, that's why there's a growth tendency in america for non-circumcised men. Those are the spic men actually, who aren't circumcised and are immigrating, crossing borders.
Robert Campbell
Your hiv is from injecting drug use predominately, not from sex
Grayson Jenkins
What do you know about physiology kid, don't make me laugh... YOu don't even have a diploma for biology sciences. lmao. So, opinion discarded shill. that flap of skin doesn't have any significant innervation ...
Blake Murphy
>Ivanka circumcised her son too. Did she suck the tip?
Eli Murphy
A typical Romanian hospital for children. And that's where OP let cut his his dick. Kek