They fucking lied to us

We have been propagandized to believe that Hitler and the Nazis were evil monsters. But they wer the good guys, heroes who fought against the globalist cabal

If these videos don't get your blood fucking pumping, then you are a faggot beta male who wont fight for anything.

Attached: images.jpg (275x183, 11.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>But they wer the good guys
if they were they wouldnt have put jews into luxury camps and let jews join the party and let them have other high ranking positions.

one of the links is broken here is a mirror

What's the deal with Germs and nazis? Seriously fucking Americans don't get as triggered as you guys do when it comes to this shit.

Forced brainwashing and white guilt friendo.

He's a (((German)))

If the lion video doesn’t spark the flame in your soul then you’re probably not white. I showed it to my normie friends and they felt a certain way afterwards.

here's a better version for you.

Attached: masses of the volk2.jpg (6144x4104, 3.04M)


hitler is a piece of shit who saved the jews.

luxury camps for jews = you're the bad guy

>luxury camps
Yeah those wooden cots sure are luxurious.

Brainwashing and white guilt.

>swapping one propaganda for another

What about an olympic sized pool??

Attached: camppoolEbensee.jpg (1756x1200, 521.45K)

>hitler is a piece of shit who saved the jews.
He wanted to deport the Jews but they ended up getting killed.
Have you seen the camps? Weren't luxury but when you're a Democrat anything with a bed is luxury.

Pools have water in them.
This looks more like a concrete pit.

Attached: 1580674576454.jpg (2000x1481, 886.47K)

>wants to deport jews from germany
>imports all of Europe's jews, INTO germany

The guy is a fucking retard

Attached: jew_free_germany.gif (542x352, 33.88K)

I agree OP.

Unfortunately our Goym grandparents lapped up that Jewish propaganda in the 1930s.

Don't forget to thank a Veteran for his service!


Attached: aprXAzE_700b.jpg (700x696, 52.33K)

Never seen an empty pool?
what a loser......

Attached: PoolCollage.jpg (3988x3988, 2.36M)

Hitler was a retard that wanted to expand Germans borders at all costs and take over Eastern Europe for German resettlement. You mutt retards have been brainwashed by literal autistic morons on an anime board to this Hitler was the savior of the white race when his actions were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of white people. You literally have to cherry pick and make shit up completely to just to change history. Hitler invaded Poland and started world war 2 after knowing full well Poland’s allies would declare war in German aggression. You faggots shame the nationalist right wing movement by supporting the Nazis and it’s almost like you’re controlled opposition because I can’t believe how anyone with good intentions actually thinks LARPing as a Nazi and trying to absolve Hitlers stupidity is a genuine person

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>Gruelling and pointless physical exercise was one of the methods of "wearing the inmates down".[36] Here a group of prisoners are forced to play "leap frog".


jew kids played at camp
german kids fought grown men

Ya ya hitler sure did hate those jews.....

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_192-048,_KZ_Mauthausen,_Jugendliche_Häftlinge.jpg (800x533, 60.47K)

Welcome to your first day on Yas Forums.

Oh ya, this is the castle luxury camp, complete with a pool.


Attached: Mauthausenpool.jpg (576x254, 70.31K)

Wow, you’re telling me the Germans were committing mass murder outside of their initial Reich territory so their own citizens didn’t have to see millions of people getting killed. Wow. What a revelation. You’re telling me; oh my god wow, that the Nazis made the death camps away from Germans and in the territories full of all the Jews of the east and where the slavs lives and not in the heart of Germany. Fucking kill yourself you stupid nigger

Get a load of this newfag. He thinks the holocaust is real!!!


Attached: Auschwitz_drowning_pool.jpg (1024x686, 214.11K)

I'm pole thus hated by nazis, I can't be for it then

Orthodox jews didnt want to wash, lack of hyginie led to plague.

This was not a swimming pool. It was a water reserve created in 1944 to deal with fires created by allied bombings. I’m not a “newfag” just someone that has actually studied world war 2 outside of bitchute conspiracy theory videos that are easily debunked. Once again, this is not a swimming pool and it never was. Bored German officers going for a swim in a giant pit of water does not change the fact that this body of water was used as a water reserve. A quick internet search can show you that you’re a fucking retard that peddles fake bullshit

That's from Auschwitz......

Debile tu uważają ze Hitler lubił Polaków i nie krzywdzili ich. Tak samo jak Niemcy nie zabijali Żydów w Holokauście, tez Polacy nie byli zamordowane przez Niemców

No they weren't. They were evil, and if you support them, so are you.

just recently I learned that only 3% of the jews in the internment camps were actually from germany

I'm not racist in any way. respect me and i respect you. I'm half shitskiin half school shooter. Being racist is just to trival for me.

Anyways growing up in australia we were conditioned to think hitler was a fucking monster. But from what i've read. Hitler was just a dude who envisioned utopia. Sure he murdered millions of jews. But like jews literally own the fucking world right now. And us people who get caught up in shit are just collateral . And well from my perspective why the fuck is suffocating someone in a gaschamber different than deny them easy access to life saving medicines?

Like honestly the deaths that have been caused by captalistic scumbags, I.E anything they have the power to change but won't. far out weighs what hitler did. Honestly fuck the jews for demonizing hitler.My knowledge is small right now. But can i be half shit skin and still stand for what hitler belived in?

Yeah, I like hitler and all, but we can talk about that later. There's a pandemic and people around me are about to start dropping like flies.

gtg, figuring out how to lift without leaving my house
>Hail Victory

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Yes, hence why the death camps and most executions happened in Eastern Europe and not in Germany. The vast majority of the worlds Jewish population lived in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. The German jews and the ost Juden were viewed differently by Germans

>thinks hitler murdered millions of jews




hitler cock suckers are now claiming the holocaust was real, cause if it's fake, it means hitler saved the jews

Which he did.

Attached: holohoaxstories1.jpg (666x500, 212.86K)

I was once young and came to that conclusion. You'll grow out of it and see both sides of the same coin.

Hitler was a faggot

Your vids aren’t redpilled they’re bs set to music

They weren't the good guys. They betrayed us, plus they behaved like niggers when they were asked to leave. Nazis were the bad guys and they should've been all rounded up and burned in ovens.

You're a liar and you're going to Hell to burn for eternity unless you repent. The Fourth Horseman hath ridden. Soon you will be the jew.

Short explanation of the Holocaust:
>be hitler
>want to remove jews
>encourage them to leave the country
>Zionist help
>put them in ghettos
>war starts
>want to deport them to Madagascar
>shipping lanes blocked by Britain
>sea routes blocked by russia
>too busy to care about jews now
>put them in camps
>camps are okay, not luxurious, but not bad
>war gets worse
>food shortages
>cities bombed
>camps don't have enough food
>need to feed front line troops
>camps almost starving
>germans almost starving
>tyfus outbreak
>starving jews die in mass
>starving germans don't give a shit
>allies come and use diseased and starving jews as atrocity propaganda

Attached: SS anime boy.jpg (2480x3507, 3.79M)

>I showed it to my normie friends and they felt a certain way afterwards.


>i'm a kissless virgin lard-ass who will never get laid, and i'm so impressionable i need a hitler music video to have anything approaching self-esteem.

you pathetic cuck.

Fuck off the only side I'm on is family first, then country. WWII was planned, Hitler was paid opposition, and so I'm just kind of tired of these assholes who want a one-world government. But that's the point, to overwhelm and fatigue you, break you down over time. Hide behind labels, pretend to be good, do evil things and then blame it on your enemy. Build a following, lie if necessary, and then execute order 66.

I honestly don't give a shit what the rest of the world does at this point, but any form of socialism is merely a disguise to consolidate power. That goes for national or international or democratic or [xyz] "socialism". They're just labels. The game is made up and the points don't matter. So Hitler knowing the plan all along, did what exactly? Shifted the blame to christians? But that is the goal all along really, to kill off all the christians. That "forbidden fruit" of national socialism is just so irresistible isn't it? To have the power to crush your enemies, and fight back, and show them what real power can be? Oh if only Christians just cared enough to fight back, you tell yourself, but no they're cucks. Right?

Every human has their breaking point, but Hitler had his military do these parades on a regular basis. The grandeur on such scale, very purposeful. Flashy fascism smile for the camera with those aesthetic af uniforms? Who funded these things, initially? The elite catered to the "lesser of two evils" to build a base from which to launch more attacks. The Wiemar Republic a product of classic infiltration and subversion tactics. These are very old tactics, not something new. Plato's Republic is how old? Machiavelli wrote The Prince in what year?


Dude my mate's nan went through the fucking holocaust. Seriously man stop being a fucking faggot. It happened. it's not some giant conspiracy that millions of people are involved in. It's a part of humanities fucking history. If you think otherwise, you're not some woke faggot who's about to OD in redpills. You're just a delusional depressed sack of shit, trying to find a reason as to why things are the way they are. Thats why fucking religion rose to power in the dark ages fuck head.

Now stop being a degenerate loser and re-read my comments.

So where does the einsatzgruppen fit in that went around mass shooting literally a million Jews? You know, the einsatzgruppen part of the SS that followed in the wake of the Wehrmachts advance that rounded up entire villages of man, woman, and child, and shot them into mass graves all over Eastern Europe?

He started construction of the camps in 1933. A simple online search will confirm this. You do not know what you're talking about

hitler was a freemason, if that's not known then they really kept this one secret..... They just ochestrate wars and stuff for their gain. Jewler was a little puppet. Coincidence body not found either.

>insults as to why you should listen to me

LMAO go fuck yourself asshat.


rail brought in hundreds of thousands of people, but never any food, because they were all murdered in the gas chambers, you murder apologist. you will know how it feels to have your respiratory tubes close off on you, just as they did when they breathed the gas, since you think it's okay.

repent or you will end up in hell after that happens.

t. The Nobody

See ya "nobody"

The Einsatzgruppen was an anti-terrorist organisation

hitler hated fremasons you ignorant faggot


And only like 150,000 jews died. Most from disease and starvation at the end of the war.
>himmler was strangled to death by British commandos. He wasn't at Nuremberg. Neither was eichmann.
>Auschwitz commander was tortured for 3 days until he admitted to gassing jews and turning them into soap (didn't happen)

>See ya "nobody"
you most certainly will.

Albert Pike's letter to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871:

The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.

The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the
final social cataclysm.

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You know im right tho. I know you sit there at night wondering why. Why this why that. You're human bro i don't know why you come off as such a nasty fucking dude but like man are you really this much of a degenerate. Have you really become so jaded that you've shut your self off, you cynical fuckwit?

you'll see me everywhere you look, soon.

six million, liar.

you are an asspained muslim.

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. . . We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

Attached: satanist_NWO.png (1200x2000, 1.79M)

Its ok hans.
The destruction of your race, people and culture and subjection by niggers is more than enough payment for something that didn't happen.
It'll be ok soon your flag will be taken from the history books like it never happened.

>invade the Soviet Union
>people resist German subjugation
>begin mass killing children and women
>anti terrorist organization

Lol. The men, women, and children of Dresden were also terrorists Nazis and deserved to be burned to a crisp, faggot

>Hitler and the Nazis
Hitler and the Nazis prostituted German nobility and the officer class and ran germany into the fucking ground. Everything that they accomplished could have been accomplished without the egregious loss of German life and territory. In fact, Stresemann had almost revised Versailles in the east but died before he could finalize it. Hitler only served to irrevocably destory the german people and abolish, by force, the most impactful state known to man

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The Germanic race no longer exists. We killed every German man in two back-to-back generations, then FDR and Churchill let the Soviets rape all the women who were left

Germans do not exist anymore.

Either Goebbels was a timeless genius or people are just as retarded as back then.

Ussr troops found the death camps. Same ussr troops that invaded Finland and STILL to THIS DAY claim the invasion was just defensive in nature (shelling of Mainila false flag, molotov rippentrop pact) and all else is just conspiracy. I have zero reason to believe history as it is written by USSR and "allies". In school I was never ever taught that Hitler wanted to fight against the small rootless internatiinal clique of capitalist (and jews) who moves capital fron country to another, abusing the locals and taking profits to tax havens abroad. This is literally what he said at the beginning of a speech I heard in youtube. Opened my eyes.

It can be both, you know.

Based OP
Have a bump

Hitler was a Jewish actor, along with the entire upper echelon of the Nazi party

WW2 was engineered to kill Europeans, establish Israel permanently, secure US and UN as their personal attack dogs, all while Jews were safely hidden away in camps away from danger

Read more about old Adolf and his rise to power, not one line of it makes any sense.

Is this supposed to say whites invented fuck all or what? Im doped up cause of medication for an abscess and am a bit appalled at this accusarion
>bong dental hygene btfo

He loved us like no one else ever has.

Burn calories, work them to death. Leapfrog isn't fun when you're made to do it as exercise as punishment.

The USSR had been planning to invade Europe since its founding. Hitler and the Nazis knew this, that's what NAP and Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact were for. The only thing that prevented communist hegemony in all of Europe, Asia, and Africa by the 1930s were the heros in Germany. We were the bad guys in WW2.


So they dismantled a highly anti Semitic and anti Bolshevik country in Poland that stood between the USSR and Germany and that defeated the USSR in 1920 because why? You stupid fucking faggot

Go find me a million Jew bodies in mass graves

Find even a quarter of that.

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