/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1646

► Detected: 100,242 ► Died: 3,408

Indonesia police seizes 60,000 masks

Two major strains, newer is more aggressive

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

Nurses refused testing by CDC

Virus affects blood circulation

Testicular damage

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

Patients can get reinfected, no immunity

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

China figures likely simulated

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

China factories waste electricity to fake productivity

MRC: 10% or less cases detected in China, 25% outside China

China "suspected" deaths outnumber "confirmed" 6 to 1

11:05: 59 new cases in Belgium.
11:01: 1,234 new cases and 16 new deaths in Iran. A 17th death mentioned in the source was previously reported at 19:53 on 5 March.
10:29: 48 new cases in Madrid, Spain.
10:28: 28 new cases in Malaysia.
10:21: 1 new case in Queensland, Australia. The patient recently returned from Iran.
10:20: 2 new cases in Indonesia.
10:12: 6 new cases in Norway.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Polish people are immune

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► China 80,559 (3,042) ► International 19,683 (366): S. Korea 6,593 (42) Iran 4,747 (124) Italy 3,858 (148) D. Princess 696 (6) France 423 (7) Japan 381 (6) Spain 345 (5) USA 233 (14) Switzerland 132 (1) UK 116 (1) H. Kong 105 (2) Netherlands 82 (1) Australia 60 (2) Thailand 47 (1) Taiwan 44 (1) Iraq 40 (3) S. Marino 21 (1) Philippines 5 (1) Germany 577 Singapore 117 Belgium 109 Norway 105 Sweden 101 Malaysia 83 Kuwait 58 Bahrain 55 Canada 48 Austria 47 Iceland 37 Greece 31 India 31 UAE 28 Denmark 20 Algeria 17 Israel 17 Lebanon 16 Oman 16 Vietnam 16 Finland 15 Ecuador 13 Ireland 13 Czechia 12 Macao 10 Croatia 10 Estonia 10 Georgia 9 Portugal 9 Brazil 8 Qatar 8 Romania 7 Palestine 7 Azerbaijan 6 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Pakistan 6 Slovenia 6 S. Arabia 5 Indonesia 4 N. Zealand 4 Russia 4 Senegal 4 Chile 4 Hungary 4 Egypt 3 Luxembourg 2 Morocco 2 Argentina 2 Bosnia 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Cameroon 1 C. Rica 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 Serbia 1 Slovakia 1 S. Africa 1

China +150 (+30) Iran +1,234 (+16) Spain +63 (+2) USA +12 (+2) Netherlands (+1) S. Korea +309 Germany +32 Japan +17 Switzerland +12 Belgium +59 Norway +11 Sweden +7 Malaysia +28 Canada +11 Austria +4 Iceland +2 India +1 Finland +3 Estonia +5 Romania +1 Pakistan +1 Philippines +2 Indonesia +2 Bhutan +1 Cameroon +1 Vatican +1 Serbia +1 Slovakia +1 Total +1,971 (+51)

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Are my Socal boys ready to Escape from LA?

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>Dead: 3,406
lol, still only 3,406.
How many days has it been stuck at 3,406? Four days? Five days?

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nothingburger, still every product in stock and no masks

is this really happening? locked behind paywall?

Anyone has that baking soda cure screencap?

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Will you share your hazmat suit /cvg/?

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Full letter
Understandably, some of you may be wondering about the status of classes and campus operations in general. We are actively monitoring and responding to the situation and will continue to follow the guidance of public health agencies. At this time, there have been no recommendations by LACDPH to suspend campus operations, including modifying class schedules.

While situations like these often create uncertainty and concern, please be assured that the safety and well-being of the entire UCLA community remains our top priority, and we will continue to provide you with the most reliable and up-to-date information possible on UCLA’s COVID-19 website.

If you develop flu-like symptoms, seek medical attention.

it’s Asian students huh

quick question , I've got to go to the dentist next week, should I go?

Seriously, if the economy is crashing, why can't the jewish bankers adjust everything accordingly lmao?

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That's how science works. And it's already unlocked too, and every scientist knows how to get any study for free.

can't jannies will delete it for free

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Agreed. Now that anime is banned in Australia people should respect us

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>a place where your mouth is blasted with flouride by white doctors
I dunno

Nice, just infected 100k!

>15 cases in finrand

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Is there a booru or an imgur album or something?
I need to coom while i coof

>please be assured that the safety and well-being of the entire UCLA community remains our top priority

If they and the government cared so much they would have shut down schools by now

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45 NOW

Just how big will they get...

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100k PARTY!!!

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Anime is the only type of modern day art that has some value.


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>Serbia +1
I-It's fine! My president said that as long as i was my hands i should be fine! R-right bros?

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Finally some truth

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Fake and gay

2 confirmed and many with it but untested. We failed you Kazimierz...

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>case detected. a school teacher who went to class while she was sick
>school summons all the parents for a meeting
Why are people so retarded?

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>100001 infected
>3405 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause a pandemic

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Remember to coof on any and every rapefugee you see.

More boomers that returned from Israel.

The kikes are truly the eternal parasite.

>John Hopkins
Hey hold on a bloody second, those were some of the people resoonsible for the virus.


Attached: The President is no longer traveling to Atlanta today The CDC has been pr[...].png (898x636, 69.54K)

Oi! Get in the POD!

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The panic in DTLA would be chaos, they are keeping the lid tight, but for how long

I need some trustworthy source on this.

What will become of the world after this?

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Milions, bilions, permanent fusion with human DNA so she's a part of humanity forever

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So, who got the 100000th award?
Did he got celebrated about this?

>the president has moved to an undisclosed location for the time being

the 100000th award was given about 7 weeks ago, we're in 9+ digits now friend




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get in white man, were going to my prepared hide out and i need someone to breed with to repopulate the earth after this pandemic

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fuck it I'm cancelling , just think how many peoples infected mouths his fingers have been in

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the elites will emerge from their bunkers and have total control over the few survivors

Masks, masks masks.

Please answer this poll about masks: strawpoll.com/2d1rz7cs

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At worst? Same old same old. At best? We return to pre-1945 thinking and Europe looks after itself again after removing the politicians.

More governments seizing masks?
Just the flu goy!
Glad I stocked up ammo as well.

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0 cases here lol

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>those nips

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Thread theme.

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I wish

Unofficially the real 100000th is probably dead and incinerated by now. Officially? Probably in America or Germany in the next few days.

say aaaah

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What about people with Finnish ancestry?

I'd rather die than race mix you whore

>a planet repopulated with hapa mutts like tenda spencer

Just let the species go at that point

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put us on the map

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Who is 2nd? 25 year old from łódź died and theyre covering her up

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Yeah pretty sure the Pope has it.
How are they going to keep the lie going? Animatronics using his corpse?

Why can't she wear a fucking bra? Not that she has much to cover, malnutrition and all that...

it’s like a bad joke with an even worse outcome

Iran according to Worldometers
Belgium according to BNO

Thread Theme

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>100000 ppl git new kind of flu
You shareblue shills are really desperate i see.
Fuck off, your little faggot virus will not affect the elections in the way you desire. You just hopeless and mad, kikes.

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more nips frend

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Greta is the future generation. End it now Corona!

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106 now coofirmed in Norway.

8 schools and 1 kindergarden already infected. Still refuses to shut down everything. Still think its just a flu. Still think washing your hands will prevent further spread. Its over for us, it was fun while it lasted lads.


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next stop 200k

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5 more discovered on having the virus. Total number: 10
One student in a primary school of over 600 kids. School was closed for 2 weeks and no further comments were made.
And guess what from where did the rest of the 4 came.


This. And these same elites will be pushing a cure and making themselves out to be saviours when it was their hand all along.

>Steps of the Czech government to mitigate the corona outbreak seem really systematic and bold

Well we really do tend to turn to dark humour when shit hits the fan

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With what Army? They all died at that Point.

Would be comfy.

Trump is already in his bunker

Nice drawing, these fags making me coom to corona-chan AAAAAAA!

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>the first three cases of coronavirus confirmed in my state were also from the county I live in
What the fuck do I do, Yas Forums?

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Thanks, hope both will get cakes and free medical help later


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>25 year old from łódź died and theyre covering her up


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>The girl behind Goblina

Bilo je +1 pre mesec dana, sada je sigurno hiljadu i vise slucajeva.

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>With what Army? They all died at that Point.
Drones aren't affected by viruses silly goim.

There was a guy from Zielona Góra on the 4th and I've heard yesterday that soneone else was confirmed, but I don't know who that was

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No bras in pimple size, bro.

Cromartie high is like the only anime I ever laughed at

whew forgot about that meme

Ah, I see you are a fellow cunnyseur


thanks masbro

This. Buckle up, lads

>repent Zoomers

But boomers are the ones dying from Corona Chan, the Zoomers will be in charge once the boomers die

Of course we will have to destroy the yoomers first

Oh look it’s miss potato head

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>thinking the elites dont have drone fleets ready to wipe up any threat

The NEET shall inherent the earth

T. Jesus probably

He already was a turbo germophobe and now he is at a vulnerable age.

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