Yas Forums is illogical

Open borders will almost triple the world's GDP. How could you be against this?

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Money > people
Hello kike

They're not wrong. You now have to work twice as hard to feed a race of people that won't work.

KYS immediately

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Fiat currency has no real value attached to it.
I don't give a shit about it.

>How could you be against this?
because money isn't everything and you won't be getting any of it anyway, whats important is quality of life

I only use hashcoin

>Open borders will almost triple the world's GDP
open borders for israel. after their gdp triples then we'll open the rest

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>liberal economics is one hell of a drug

>The GDP will increase!
>By creating money out of thin air by giving banks new customers they can borrow money to so they can create more money out of thin air
Well, if you don't see the problem here, then I'm afraid we're going to have to sterilize you.

didn't turn out well for the colonies did it?

I don't give a fuck about the (((world)))'s GDP or the (((planet)))'s wealth.

Even the two guys on the comic look like (((worlds))). And that's what would happen, I'm not on the picture at all.

Id be for a no borders world as long as it becomes all American and my constitutional rights go where I go.

Not a very good meme if you have to read a paper and click on additional links to understand it. And anyways life is about more than GDP.

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open borders so the corporate elite can benefit LMAO

Because being a fuckbag yard waste particle does not qualify you for a god damn thing, including being an expert at foreign policy.

Eat shit and die you fucking leftist piece of shit. Your mother is a whore, and your prime minister is a faggot.

GDP is meaningless.

It's already doubled the world population since I was young.

Shut up. Serve! Make room for the babies!

This guy gets it.

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>Rich kikes get richer and my country becomes even more brown
Hard pass

>Finland has slavery

I honestly didn't know this, which sector do they work on?

Don't lump us in with boludos, it's right that we're latin americans but you don't call france and portugual "latin europeans" despite the fact that its correct do you?

>lefty concepts can only be conveyed via a comic strip
Why am I not surprised.

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GDP is a weird way to spell rape, fucking leaf

GDP growth is not an end goal in itself. Fuck yourself, disingenuous faggot.



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I don't give a shit about rich people getting even more rich, which is what GDP is.

By that logic Africa should be killing it right now

Try it out somewhere else and let me know how it goes.

These people have a hole on their harts and no amount of money is ever gonna fill it besides GDP. means nothing

Id rather the ship sink then be infested with rats

Because its boomers waging economic warfare against the younger generations who will have to compete even more for even less and focus the gains and wealth into an even smaller holding group

One of the things that went wrong in society is that good people with the keys to power gave those keys to bad people.

This story is as generic as they come.

It turned out that swathes of certain demographics were actually hideously dishonest. This is the cause of the problem with open borders and the cause of the desire for it.

There are many specific interpretations.

For instance, at least one such demographic could be greatly empowered in this world if they would speak of the experiences where they found power, but they prefer to be (fixated) instead.

They hate the one who stood in the way of their potential. Their minds splinter and scream. To acknowledge this person politely feels like dying inside. They don’t want to live forever if it feels like always dying. Yet the people who handed out the keys really do value integrity that highly, and really will hold shut the gates.


There’s so much technology that we’ll only get if a few of the “advanced” will let go of their hatreds and reinstitute integrity at the top of their priorities.

This, let’s test it on Israel first and see how it goes.

GDP is a "conservative" talking point

>Open borders will almost triple the world's GDP

How so?

Me neoliberal
if graph goes up it means things more gooder lol

Wow man I wonder who got the sextuples

>How so?
see It's easy to triple the (((GDP))) when all you're doing is increasing the amount of money in circulation. You're not really adding anything of value though.

there's a reason only 2 persons are bathing in money in that picture.

>eternal growth is our only hope
>eternal growth is possible
>just open all borders, we'll make more money!
We know what tripled global GDP means, tripled wealth and power for globohomos.

There's an estimated 6-700 slaves in Finland, it's not at all legal though. They're all migrants that have been trafficked from other countries.

>muh GDP muh money
fuck off retard

Forgot to mention what they do, it's virtually all sex trafficking and agriculture.

>No evidence of alleged increased wealth
>Wealth would all go to the richest 0.01% if it DID materialize
>Quality of life for normal people would diminish
>Liberals support this


Why are states like West Virginia dying of open borders don’t cause poverty?

The (((people))) being free to manufacture in China has directly resulted in poverty and destruction of small town/small state America and you can prove that.

GDP for the elite, the little guy doesn’t benefit.


I smash the windshield of you car with a baseball bat, you pay someone to fix your windshield fixed. We both contributed to an increase of GDP.

How do they look so jewish with so few lines
(also, kill yourself, you ecocidal ethnocidal piece of shit)

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This. Monetary value imagined by Jews is not the metric of happiness and prosperity on this earth.

Well considering this faggy comic only says +150%, I'd say +300% is very likely. Good job fagoot

Fpbp, /thread

and who would get the extra money?

The author of this shit is a kike who doesn't want this for Israel. Plus money means nothing if your country turns into a third world hell and you aren't gonna get that cash anyway.

Human races aren't genetic clones of each other and lowering your countries IQ would destroy your GDP.

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You know Rome fell because they thought barbarians would be cheap labor and warriors?

Implying that would make a single one of us more wealthy.

OH great, more domestic product, so more people are working for less money and the rich get even richer. That's exactly what the west needs.

Weren't we overpopulated like 50 years ago?