Seriously, I’ve been thinking about how much havok and destruction will be caused by coronachan and I am amazed at how peaceful my area currently is. No one has any idea how hard this shit will hit. Anybody else have this weird zen about them?
Anyone else amazed by how calm it is before the storm?
>Anybody else have this weird zen about them?
Delusion and confusion are some of the first symptoms. You're toast
the virus is the least of my concerns lol
Don’t call them sheeple for nothing
it still fucking amazes me, I don’t consider myself a genius, but even a modicum of research would show the dumbest motherfucker that this virus will do serious damage to the economy and food supply in the best case scenario. jew programming has worked, the people will follow the government into the fema slaughterhouses with a smile on their faces
people hear 3% death rate and just assume that means nothing. they don't understand that that's 3% on top of the amount of people that die every day from other shit.
so you mean like other health related illness that corona can invoke?
Nobody believes it's a pandemic. Where are the bodies falling in your street, for example? Where are the people missing from your workplace?
We had a very bad winter of 'flu in 2015 hand in hand with MRSA. At least half the people working at the hospital ended up catching one or the other, and either taking a week or two weeks off. That wasn't even pandemic levels of disease.
This is a shock test. They want to update their 1950s protocols regarding bioweapons. All of these fanciful measures they are planning are indeed sensible, and would be used in the event of an outbreak of something properly nasty like airbourne anthrax. Hopefully right off the bat, too, rather than four weeks too late. This corona exercise has highlighted that public transport is a lethal vector, and we may have to rethink our "Green Travel" initiatives in workplaces. Beyond that, some old people die. Like they always do, every year.
I'll believe it when I turn up to work on Monday and half the staff are absent.
It's because nobody cares, life isn't worth living these days.
Alarm rings
Get out of bed
Shower and get dressed
Eat breakfast
Go to work up to 16 hours per day and listen to overpaid suits whine about everything and threaten your job.
Corona-chan just fucking kill me now, please.
I hope to God this is a nothing burger. Every ounce of data, every number crunch has shown me however that this will be a global catastrophe even if the virus kills a little over .5% of the population of the world. People’s reactions to the deaths are going to be the major concern
The deaths are brutal, fighting for your life in the hospital for weeks before your lungs can’t take it anymore. Once that shit picks up and hits social media
get hope lad. Watch this video:
enter before the gate is shut
Theres too much ppl living so nobody cares 100 mil chinese or shitskins will cese to exist
You’re obviously autistic and most likely underage based on your shit thread
Hospital staff know panic situations. We also know that when the shit hits the fan nothing at all is released to the public. The Skripal affair was a huge turd colliding with a jet engine: the army dropped a live canister of chemical weapons near a civilian town by accident, and the local NHS Trust went into full lockdown mode. In the end, the public was spun a story about Russian spies murdering turncoats or whatever.
The very public nature of corona information indicates it's a shock test.
thanks for the info
I know for sure that they have gag orders on the medical staff in the US.
Corona Virus is probably a Black Death level plague, there would be no other reason to censor data and eye witness statements otherwise
imagine being this retarded
what’s a shock test?
prep while you can
What are the odds anything really get bad? I mean, it’s been weeks and still hardly a blip above an old folks home.
Irreversible lung damage is mainstream now
China’s state owned media published an interview with a doctor saying “it’s like SARS mixed with AIDS”
Pol was right
More like add usual number of deaths a day without epidemic and then add all the death caused by virus.
>What are the odds anything really get bad?
depends on what you definition of “really bad” is. If you consider food shortages, rioting and semi-martial law really bad, the P = 1.
The world carries on until the very end. It can flip an 180 in a single day though.
It’s following the identical progression from Wuhan, it took 9 weeks from first reported cases to shit hit the fan, shut down everything level. Stories are flooding in on Twitter from sick Seattleites not being able to get tested, it’s looking the exact same. Read this, it’s about the virus’s evolution and the implications for where it’s at in Seattle.
>black death level plague
No, far from it. Want to know why you think that? They want you to be the best goy you can be! Where do you get your numbers?
>d-daily mail
My point exactly media think tanks have plans about this, use events and blow them out of proportion to Gain viewership from people who wouldn’t have viewed before. They use this fear to make you feel unsafe, afraid and alone without there coverage.
>b-but I need coverage
This is the point
Call me a chink or what have you but this is a known commen way to gain viewership
>hiding from us
They are hiding this from you? Really? With the constant coverage and fear mongering?
You want to know how something is not happening? The second a Jew tells it to you.
>first it rocks your immune system
>then it finishes you off with the organ damage
how can anyone not think this is a bioweapon?
yeah for sure. It's like when you ask that question "what would you do if you knew you only had a month to live?" Go sky diving? Shoot up heroin? Have lots of sex with prostitutes?
I'm sitting here playing Escape from Tarkov and it kinda surprises me that this is what I might be doing with the last month before the SHTF .
Shouldn't I be trying harder or something?
holy shit, the more I learn about this the worse it gets
when’s the meteor going to strike? lol
that source is utter trash. they have some good stuff but most of it is sensational garbage
Don’t forget it possibly invades your nervous system and never goes away.
no much you can do but, hold your dick in your hand. till its over.
>food shortages
>semi-martial law
Yeah, I’d call that pretty bad. What is your ballpark guess in odds as to whether we hit a stage like that. I don’t mean one small county in bfe, I mean nationally or most major cities. 10%? I have pretty strong doubt it will get that far. I had ordered $400 worth of N100 masks, but my order was cancelled and I didn’t think it would be worth it since everything I read tells me it’s on a down trend, so I didn’t try to order someplace else.
same lol, I was just goofing off playing vidya. I knew about it since January but thought it was just some minor thing, then all of a sudden at the end of February I get flooded with info from Yas Forums (which I rarely go to) and now I am preparing myself for the worst.
I honestly feel like a lot of my life has been wasted but I am content at least, I have God. Going through this without Christ would be impossible
Do you know what that source is? It’s China state-owned media. They’re the least likely place to allude to this thing being engineered or hyper-dangerous. I think the source is one of the most important parts of the puzzle, I was shocked when I read that and saw where it was from.
>by accident
oh how could I forget.
this is some Biblical level shit frens
I think that most of us want to ride it out
Not zen, but definitely more prepared and with lots of redundancies than the normies. I've seen first-hand when things go to shit in a disaster. Having a wife and your sixth kid doesn't help. I'm really scared things will go to shit for my wife and kids, but won't show it. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Thas not exactly true. An 80 year old that already has lung issues, and is going to die anyway, is going to get the virus, and they will say the virus killed them. Most of the people dying from this are 50+, with preexisting conditions.
>not responding to my post
Shill glowy conformed
Realistically, best case scenario:
>food shortages
>semi-martial law
>martial law
This solely depends on the severity of the virus, regardless of that, the virus is serious enough to cause panic given the known data. If this thing has a kill rate of over 5% change rioting to 100% and semi-martial law to 0% because martial is going to 100%.
Most people don't realize how many people are required to make supply chains going. Taking China as example
From those 100K people more than 50% are part of some factory or company and will have to be replaced.
If those 100K are just 3.5% the case number would be close 3 000 000. Of those 3M at least 15% will be permanently crippled. That's almost half a million people, again over 50% are part of workforce.
Suddenly you find yourself in need of 350K new workers that will need training and supervision. Now take into consideration the majority of deaths and cases will be from cities so you won't be able to replace them with simple farmers from the countryside.
Even for a nation of 2B a need to quickly find over 350K workers will be a problem. And that's all only assuming that CFR is indeed 3.5% (it will increase as the medical system get overwhelmed and supplies perish) and that number of infected is just 3M.
It's a logistical nightmare
no inb4
>majority of dead are elders
Assuming that disease becomes increasingly deadly for people above 40s
Usually you are still part of the workforce till at least your 60s
People over 70s tend to socialize less and they don't have to go outside so often reducing the risk of catching infection.
Another thing is that again, as the medical system get overwhelmed and supplies perish the risk will increase even for younger people.
This disease will probably kill less people than the chaos it will create in a long term which WILL kill a lot.
>Do you know what that source is? It’s China state-owned media. They’re the least likely place to allude to this thing being engineered or hyper-dangerous. I think the source is one of the most important parts of the puzzle, I was shocked when I read that and saw where it was from.
it's canadian retard.
The Jewmedia have finally realized just how much “hair on fire” every day has damaged their brand but, alas, too late. Now they are stuck with this loser, Biden, and it is just dawning on them the entire reason Trump will get a 2nd term is directly due to their retardation and sperging out for 3 years. It seems much calmer because they are gradually winding down the hair on fire every goddam day. Some retards (yeah, you, Schumer) are slow to get the message but for Biden to have a prayer the news has got to be something besides politics until November.
60 million in the US were infected in 1 year by the last flu pandemic we had, but it had an extremely low death rate of 0.02%. Coronachan spreads quickly and is 100 times deadlier than that and will increase to almost 1000 times more deadly once ICU beds are no longer available. It will be absolute chaos, especially once stores start running out of essential supplies.
then leave the thread faggot who gives a fuck if you stay lol
>This solely depends on the severity of the virus
Also depends on the country and it's reliance on the Asian producers.
Dude, no it isn’t. Fucking google global times. It references China in the logo. The logo is the colors of the Chinese flag. You’re insanely dense. This stuff takes less than 5 seconds to figure out.
>This disease will probably kill less people than the chaos it will create in a long term which WILL kill a lot.
I feel like people are so far disconnected from what is required to supply their basic everyday needs that they think that stuff like food/water/energy/safety requires a very significant number of people, which if they die or are afraid to leave the house for fear of death, those industries come to a halt.
>Everything is as always
>More and more outbreaks
>Panic buying starts happening slowly
>Mayor events getting canceled
>Lots of flights getting cancelled
>Face masks being confiscated
(Germany is here)
>Pasta, rice and beans start running out.
>Gov. decides to close schools for a few weeks
>Wageslaves still out with face masks
>More and more conf. Cases.
>Panic buying is rampant
>Schools still closed
Virus outbreak doesn't slow down
>Major quarantine
>Martial law
Virus outbreak slows down
>Everything as always
This is what I expect to happen.
The "havoc and destruction" doesn't result from COVID itself though. There have probably been thousands of undetected COVID infections in the US at this point.
I can honestly see the US splitting into like 7 different countries because of the upcoming lack of government support. Never thought I’d be a doomer but here I am. This is going to be a happening for the ages
>gets called a glowy and proceds to tell me to leave
If your going to attempt to blend in on half chan atleast make some sort of effort
at least it has a happy ending in that scenario, thanks for the hopium.
When should I skip town? I live in a major city and honestly I want to leave as soon as possible, but I don’t want to wait to long and get stuck in an infinite traffic jam. What are some signs I should look out for to leave the city? And at what point on that list do you recommend that I leave?
It's amazing how such a tiny invisible thing could potentially be the downfall of mankind. Religion is invisible too and it's killed millions upon millions of people.
sorry I don’t argue with retards
If they showed the seizure video we all saw in january on tv normies would be freaking
Its all mind control. Oh you thought MKultra ended, lmao. No, you dont understand the simplicity behind "encouraging" someone to think a certain way, or that tv refresh rates match alpha waves.
Whats that youre flying a drone after that one fake ass airport incident without a permit are you a terrorist? Whats that you have an interest in anime are you a pedo?
I could go on.
>sorry I don’t argue with retards
Oh we know
it’s a very small virus, I have family in health care and they told me that it is small enough to go straight through n95 masks. Get those heavy duty respirators
>"Using surgical masks, whether in public or being near a COVID-19 case, likely offers little protection against virus transmission. The size of airborne particles containing the virus and that are in the same shared air space near a case means the virus will find their way into the areas where the masks are not flush against the face."
>Source:Michael T. Osterholm, PhD, MPH with Daily Beast, Feb 20, 2020
You don't even need to cite unnamed family members. Doctors have been saying it in the news for weeks.
So many retarded posts reiterating this.
They're almost always micro-sized droplets, not individual nano-scale virons.
But user, most info came out of China non media originally. It's only recently that is a media darling, and their spin is "wash your hands, don't prep, nothing's the matter guys."
surgical masks weren't under discussion
>100 people confirmed tested
>3 people die
>meanwhile 100000 in that same community can have it undiagnosed cause they aren’t 90 year olds with fickle immune systems
No, things are pretty crazy here. I came from japan where there's a good amount of paranoia and here in taiwan they got a ton of coof checkpoints and quarantine zones with the fever scanners.