Do Dutch people hate polish immigrants? not sure what to expect
Do Dutch people hate polish immigrants? not sure what to expect
>work hard for a few year then fuck off back to Poland
Welcome to The Netherlands
>fuck our women, commit crime, beg for gibs
Fuck off were full.
They love nigger more than pols
As long as you fuckers dont kill cyclist when you drive around drunk nobody would care. And guess what, you fuckers do that constitanly.
Though you guys also get completly abused by our greenhouse owners, so at least you guys work and thats better than what we get from the colonies.
the former, after 6 months of looking for a job here, decided to check 'work in eurozone' got an offer immediately, so thinking 3-6 months maybe 1 year max, just curious if the locals consider polish as dirty economic refugees or they are fine with it
Stay in your country
don't have a driver's license, so no worries about that
>As long as you fuckers dont kill cyclist when you drive around drunk nobody would care. And guess what, you fuckers do that constitanly.
You should be thanking us
Nah, learn the language, stop driving drunk, and you'll do fine, atleast you guys work, your our white brothers!
the only available jobs are shit with shit pay, might as well break my back for euros for a while and then have a few months vacation instead (or save for some investment etc)
Then be sure to check where you work and what rights you have, cus they will defently try to take advantage of you.
We don't hate anything except unemployment. As long as there's full employment you could bury us in niggers and we'd do fuck all.
Unfortunately the EU is currently destroying our economy, so don't plan on making this a long term destination.
If you keep your mouth shut no one would even know you're are Polish. Me personally and people I know don't give a fuck about foreigners working in our country so long as you're white, good worker, bonus if you go back after a while.
For what?
pretty sure the polish agency will do the fucking, but as long as they arrange it and the money comes through, whatevs
>thanking you for killing our people
Motherfucker are you retarded?
>inb4 cyclists arent people
Then the Dutch arent people either.
WHy don't Brits stay in their cuntry too? There are like 600.000 Brits in Spain only. They should fuck off.
Come to Australia bro. Highest minimum wage in the world
from what I gathered the housing is in pretty small towns around Utrecht, so will end up recognized as a foreigner on first shop trip, just curious as small polish towns can be quite unfriendly to foreigners
We're extremely calm and tolerant people, who have been antogonized for about 30 years now by migrants, therefore we feel beat down and angry. I now hate basically all migrants. Used to hate the Poles because they broke into my house, but now I don't care about that anymore. Behave even a little bit and people will soften up to you immediately. Based on what you say in this thread, you will have exactly zero problems. watch out for the muslims though.
Yes, they really DO hate polish immigrants. I've never been to NL, but from what I've gathered by myself they hate Polish.
They literally hate everyone apart from themselves, so maybe there is that. They are horribly insufferable racists
Well they will put you in home thats to small with 10 other of your country man that you need to rent and pay.
They will make you work overtime without getting the bonus.
Also prices here are way higher compared to your country so all and all i wonder how much money you will be left with.
Stuff like that, but if you dont care then be my guest.
wish there were offers to Australia, but all is Netherlands and Germany, one day still hope to visit you cunts
>Yes, they really DO hate polish immigrants >I've never been to NL but
Epic meme
he extra 8 and 10% vacation pay(or whatever it's called) they state straight up, so probably will be fine, supposedly 2 persons per room, we'll see
I live in a small town and never noticed anyone ever being unfriendly other than myself giving nigger families and coal burners dirty looks. Some shops might have self check out so you can buy your groceries without interacting with anyone. Most cashiers understand enough English to help you out anyways so you don't need to worry
friendly reminder that at least 80% of the "dutch" flags ITT aren't even fucking white LMAO
did you guys know that niggers like the subhumans of suriname unironically think they're 100% dutch? it's real funny stuff
enjoy being a white nigger
I cana behave no problem with that, but from my stint in UK... it's the guys who previously fucked up that destroy your reputation and it's pretty hard to change it after that
thanks, enjoy working same job for 4x less
You do it for the vacation pay?
Oof user, i feel for you.
I hope you will be better of later in life.
I do not work you fucking white toilet scrubber :)
I think you'r mixing us up with the French
Does Australia have strict immigration requirements? I have no skills so wagie I am but Aussie cunts seem like fun people to banter with. Your country also has interesting wildlife.
It is what it is. You experience is probably going to be:
>drive here in van
>get assigned shit sleeping place
>wörk and speak almost only with poles
>get some funny looks on the street maybe when you speak Polish but no hassle
>become depressed but get money
>king in migrant free comfy Poland
If you would live here longer, you will find many nice people and maybe enjoy some architecture, though everything is of course browned and besmirked now. You'll be completely fine.
Mmm poedersuiker
French do not hate the Polish. The Dutch and British do hate them.
But that's mostly due to the fact there is no new Polish immigrants in France, I do not defend the french.
Polish people migrate only to Germanic countries to serve their Germanic master just as Hitler planned 80 years ago.
Being Polish is fucking embarrassing. 90% of people are white niggers
It's our last attempt at colonialism.
well, I was neeting last 18 months, but savings ran out, so that's that
Nah most of our hate goes to Turks and marrocans so we barely have anything left for polacks. Except some people in the trades who are miffed that "they took ur jerbs"
people are you are the reason of brexit you should be nothing but ashamed of yourself
Moving abroad is like being a whore or a thief
that's what I was hoping for, except the depression bit as after 6 years working in corpo I actually look forward to a not-deskjob
From my 16 years in the netherlands the only ppl ive ever heard cry about polish immigrants are the "day took our jawbs" tards who dont realize nobody wants those jobs in the first place.
Just work hard, dont act like a nigger and youll be alright. Unlike the mokros and turks in there, you'll at least work.
the dutch hate everyone, thats why the english here put them in gulag camps for 30 years
Sure thing Austria. Now tell me again. Where are your colonies? The Balkans? Never seen a place with so many fucked up people.
But i guess you think its good and did evertyhing to keep it, like you do with your daughters in your basement.
In my oppinion polish immigrants are way better than those south-eastern goat eating muslim niggers
Yes they hate you, we all do, you bloodsucking leeches are no different to niggers or pakis, you steal our nations wealth, spit on our culture and commit crimes
You can all fuck off
True but we only have hate in limited quantities so polacks don't get shit on the most
If you speak decent english and aren’t afraid of monotone boring work you will be fine. Be careful with the agency you work with, some of them are great and some are absolute sleazeballs. If you don’t cause a ruckus on the streets or show up publicly drunk people will be accepting. Most important one is though, go back to Poland eventually. People will love to hear this and will give you some slack in shitjobs etc.
T. Former manager in greenhouse
We hate muslims. Everyone else is fine
sounds based, your country deserves to be wiped out.
in UK I had some calls from the job centre end as soon as I mentioned my nationality, so yeah kinda true, but ended up working for 3 cool weed smoking dudes, so definitely not all
We do not have a problem with polish people at all. Please ignore trolls here. Pools and Dutch are the same people. My hometown is liberated by polish general Maczek in ww2. He even left us a tank which is still present this day. Only problems I can think of is living next to a house of drunken polish men. Old people get annoid. Fuck that.
Yes and no.
>do poles work hard?
yes absolutely.
>does Poland often send their well mannered laborers?
No they are often loud, agressive litter vodka bottles everywhere, piss against peoples properties and start fights. they also enable chink subhumans to buy up every house in which they then stuff about 6 to 8 polish people. neighbors are on edge and suspect that they them of either also selling drugs or running some prostitution ring.
>do poles integrate well?
No polish are proud and stubborn and very nationalistic so they do not really bother. alot of them leave after some years anyway, but those who stay just stay in their polish communities and don't really bother to learn dutch. then again not every pole is like that.
overall imo poles work hard theyre 50/50 either nice and hard working and wont bother you one bit or theyre gopnik tier scum who turn my street into a third world shithole.
Fine by us you stupid fuck, theyre all old tourists who go to waste the wealth they have sapped from our country in some other cunt
Fuck them, if they all had to stay here and die it'd be a huge favour to us, and be one more nail in the coffin of shitty EU leeches
Dumb fuck
>The brave english put the women and children in gulag camps while the based dutch boers continued to fight off the gold hungry jew influenced brit.
I like polish people, they are very kind and fun to drink with.
Do keep in mind that we understand you when you swear.
majority of dutch hate marrocans and turks and headscarfs tho even normies. and normie girls are scared of them.
thanks guys, yeah as I said just temporary stint and my english is fine, bit less worried now, gotta run so the thread will die, thanks again!
Being American in this country is pretty great. I do have to say though, Amsterdams infrastructure is impressive but the layout is horrific. Seriously, how can the Dutch be so great at building things but so autistic about linking them together in a larger working system? Lamp posts in the middle of the sidewalk, trees growing out the side of bridges, weird shit like that.
Sorry I don't speak in clicks nugbu, how is the coast of ivory this time of year anyway?
Leaving spain in droves.
I live in the Netherlands, where many Polish workers are underpaid and have to sleep in shacks!
That's why we need Geert wilders
Dutch girls like gentlemanly brits, unlike invasive snotty whining vanspergs
Come to other cities, Amsterdam is pretty to look at because of it’s history but it’s pretty much a shithole.
No, The amount of infringement from the Communistic behaving EU parliament to "sovereign" EU nations are the reason that every decent inhabitant of the EU wants out of the EU. Only communists, gibs receivers, malicious people and other kind of lefties like the EU.
That's savage though tbqh mate I'm just being a cunt, we have a lot more tolerance for east euros than shitskins, we know you guys work
But it also happens that you're the reason our low income jobs are so fucking shit that it's basically mathematically impossible for many natives to even take them, which is totally fucked and is the fault of foreign workers
I work with a few balts though they're all good guys and good workers, they also learn the fucking language and expect anyone to
Amsterdam is the capital of cancer in our country.
90% tourists or hipsters smoking weed.
Some old buildings are nice to look at, but that's about it.
first of all amsterdam is a shithole. second of all its centuries old and constantly readjusted because buildings kept sagging in the soft soil. but the government of Amsterdam are radical leftist cocksuckers so what do you expect?
True. My normie dutch gf is scared of me, and it turns her on
Yes by pretty to look at I was referring to the architecture and history. Not the modern day carnaval shitshow it is today. Although girls from UVA are hot as fucking shit theyre equally crazy.
In my experience the Dutch bitch and moan about everything. My guess is Amsterdam is perfectly fine.