Why do Trumptards feel so confident when Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, lost dozens of seats in the House in 2018 and loses in all existing polls against Biden and Bernie?
Why do Trumptards feel so confident when Trump lost the popular vote in 2016...
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because Biden has dementia
democrats dont vote
Because it's all theater and it's in the script.
Wow. Joe Biden is so far ahead of Trump that I don't need even to go vote for him. Thanks for saving me a trip to the polls OP!
Go check his vote numbers in any of the GoP primaries so far and compare them to the incumbent numbers from years past...specifically Obama. Then look at how O did in 2012 against low-energy Romney.
It might begin to dawn on you at that point...then add in the fact that at least as many Bernie Bros as in 2016 will either stay home or vote write in/Trump out of spite...
Trump won the popular vote by 25 million votes. Clinton won the illegal alien, dead people, and niggers stuffing ballots in Democrat-controlled welfare slums vote.
If Real-ID was required for voting, the Democrat vote total would be cut in half.
I have a feeling that there have been quiet changes in the background to counter-sabotage the DNC vote sabotage, so to speak...in same vein as the judiciary nominations that have been steadily going on.
Trump will get into a position where he decides to take it easy on Biden because he has dimentia. If Trump shows pity/empathy for a senile Biden during a debate he can't lose
Because there is an election season between now and the election.
I keep hearing that Joe blow suffers from a stutter, and we shouldn't hold his speech impediment against him because that's mean and bigoted... However, digging through old C-SPAN footage, I haven't seen any evidence of a stuffer. Joe was actually highly articulate in his Hay day. Democrats are the most dishonest people I've ever seen. They make me sick, user.
It's not so much confidence as that you know the outcome is gonna be amusing to watch.
If Trump wins, the smug Left loses. If Biden wins, the smug left loses.
only retards who dont know what the fuck a Constitutional Republic is & how it works invoke the made up "popular vote" to soothe their throbbing asshole
Somebody doesn’t remember the polls from 2016
Let's look at the internals of your poll shall we?
Oh dear; it's over-weighted to democrats by 15%!
it wouldn't. California is finding ways to issue them to spicniggers.
a bunch of boomers have died since 2016 and a bunch more shitskinns have came into voting age.
what a surprise.....almost al their polls are like this just different %'s of fuckery
Fox news is one of the most anti-Trump pollsters out there. Also, the Democrats were thought to have chance against Reagan at this same point in 1984, and look how that turned out. In 1980, Jimmy Carter was leading most polls until the day before the election and he lost 44 states. Keep coping faggot
Who gives a shit about the popular vote?
I guess you don't remember the polls from a day before the election that said hillary had a 10 point lead on Trump.
everybody underestimates Biden. No idea why. He has something goofy about him that makes people like him.
Polls are about as accurate as astrology and oujja boards. See 2016 Hillary 99% chance to win.
Your feeling is wrong. Democrats figured out in 2018 that they could get away with manufacturing a *lot* more votes than they ever believed they could.
Not really, just trolls misinterpreting them. The polls are over weighting democrats because all the interesting campaigns are on the democrat side, if you're trying to measure relative support for various democrats and you have a budget, you will want to poll more democrats than republicans to maximize the precision of those numbers. This makes the republican results less precise but that's ok theres no risk of trump not getting the nomination. Then you correct for the oversampling before comparing democrats to republicans.
Polls are fake and gay
Remember 2016?
You'll find out.
>republicans are record breaking voting for Trump in primaries even if there's no need to
>democratic primaries low voter turn out
You simply are ignoring the numbers.
Trump could still win despite getting crushed in the popular vote
I remember a poll in Arizona in 2016. It was Hillary +4. I looked up the methods on the poll. Democrats were oversampled at +10
Isn't this the first time in decades more people identify as republicans than democrats?
Because they don't understand demographics and think that what a candidate says and does affects how people vote. The reality is that Trump had a massive surge of support in 2016 that he no longer has, and he barely scraped by in the key swing states the first time. Unless the kikes are fully in control of our elections (which is entirely possible), Trump mathematically cannot win. The boomer die-offs alone make it impossible and that's without even considering the 40% white zoomers turning 18, the illegals flooding in at a higher rate than ever, and his loss of support due to revealing himself as a generic neocon.
Trump should attack Biden indirectly by going after his relatives for "allowing him to campaign for president". This would most certainly cause lots of headlines and people raising questions. Also, it would be sort of out of character for Trump as everybody would expect him to attack Biden head on. This would catch people by surprise and thus only emphasize Biden's health problems even more. Trump taking it kind of easy on Biden because even for Trump verbally smothering him would be "too cruel". I'm not saying he shouldn't bring up all the other dirt on Biden. He absolutely should. But the delivery of those attacks should come from a place of pity for the senile old man. After all, who would be so heartless and treat a mentally deteriorating old guy like that? It's like beating a defenseless child and Trump should convey such a dynamic between him and Biden. The best part of that is, Trump can still be Trump and engage in his unapologetic warfare - not against Biden but his relatives and friends, even the DNC like I mentioned. Use them as your proverbial punching bags and not Biden himself. Maybe I'm wrong but I feel that this approach would emphasize Biden's lack of viability as president the most by far and hurt his chances immensely. Supplement this with Biden's corruption, bad track record and all other dirt he has on him and Trump surely gets the popular vote.
Anyways, I'm just ranting and he probably won't do that shit and just go after Biden like he went after Jeb, Cruz, Hillary, Bloomberg etc. Just an idea that popped up and I had to share.
Biden is a way bigger threat to Trump than Bernie imo. Bernie is dead weight for the party. Then again a lot of people said the same shit about Trump.
A large chunk of bernouts won't vote Biden, his dementia will harm his charisma, and trolls (russian bots) will inundate social media with gifs of biden sniffing and petting children
This exactly
Because people like you constantly insult anyone who disagrees with them. Over time this has a cumulative effect and people start to get sick of the constant purity spiral, cannibalism and denigration from their own supposed side.
So they walk away, and realize the news isn't often honest about Trump. They get to know "trumptards" and realize they aren't all Nazis, in fact they are far more accepting than their old, condescending douchebag lefty circlejerk group.
The man's popularity over time has risen, he's done a much better job than the MSM predicted, he speaks his mind, which people find refreshing, he's got a positive attitude and is generally high energy. Also he is always talking up the USA and Patriots love that.
By comparison, his opponents seem to hate America "white men are evil blah blah blah" they are all doomed and gloom, want to open the borders and give free healthcare to undocumented immigrants (illegals)
He may have lost the popular vote back in 2016 but the entire MSM was against him. Now he has 4 successful years under his belt and more people than ever see through the fake news and find the "progressive" narrative distasteful.
He'll get reelected unless Corona chan ruins the economy
It was less than 4 years ago that polls said trump had less than a 1% chance to win against Hillary. You would have to be retarded to trust polls again after such a short time. Did you just absolutely forget about that whole debacle? Did you forget that the entire world was watching as trump got elected handily after every poll showed him losing by 99%?
How quickly the media forgot about all the fucking scandals coming out in the months leading up to the election - the California DOT admitting to registering thousands of illegals to vote, the vehicles seen bussing inner city voters out to the suburbs, etc.
>Why do Trumptards feel so confident when Trump lost the popular vote in 2016, lost dozens of seats in the House in 2018 and loses in all existing polls against Biden and Bernie?
Probably because biden has more provable baggage than hillary and doesn't even have the BUT I'M A WOMAN DEFENSE to fall back on. That's before the dementia angle, before you bring in his lying, his failed presidential runs, you also energize the base that hated Obama, because they really really hate Obama. Biden loses this every time.
>let’s ask more democrats than republicans who they’re going to vote for
>oh look Trump is losing
He's the Aryan chad. He beat the whores, the darkies, the faggot, and he's beating the Jew. For all their love of diversity even the democrats are going to choose the Aryan chad as the only man who can win.
>He'll get reelected unless Corona chan ruins the economy
He was the only politician to warn us our economy was too dependant on china though
mmmmm your tears shall be tastiest
>everybody underestimates Biden. No idea why. He has something goofy about him that makes people like him.
Neoliberals overestimate how much people care about Trump's so called problems. They make the Democrats and their media apparatus angry so that means everyone hates him!
As a bernie voter I don't hate Trump and in fact like him a lot better than Joe "I fucking wrote the Patriot Act" Biden. So uh have fun losing when you find out Joementum was a wet fart.
And the only one with the balls to start a trade war with them
People who still believe polls after 2016 are an enigma to me. How is everyone so fucking stupid?
>Trump lost the popular vote
>lost the popular vote in 2016,
Popular vote doesn't mean shit. the electoral college exists for a reason.
>lost dozens of seats in the House in 2018
Every president looses seats in congress mid term. This is historically provable in both the senate and house. America always shifts like this. And if you look at the fact that he kept the senate and lost minimal seats in the house compared to the results of midterm elections for every president in modern history you will see that he faired better than most.
>and loses in all existing polls against Biden and Bernie?
Polls will be forever shit for several reasons going forward and they are the same reason they were shit in 2016. 1- poll info was leaked on those with favorable opinions of trump in 2016 so people know to lie to avoid harassment from the lefts constant social war. We will all say yeah I'm with (insert blue candidate here) then go into the anonymous voting both and say fuck you while voting for trump.
this shit right here..polls = much lol
That's a fake news poll, dipshit. It polls registered voters not likely voters. Trump's winning the LV polls in enough states to win the election.
>national poll of registered voters
polls are useless until they start focusing in on undecided likely voters in competetive states
Hillary Clinton is going to be your Vice President in less than a year. Enjoy!
it doesnt matter if ID is required when the urban polls are run by corrupt democrats and the gop observers are also corrupt democrats
How many times do we have to go over this?
This, we will win easily. I'm not even bothering to vote this time
KAG! 2020
Hillary had a 99.99999999% chance to win according to all the (((polls))). It's all made up fake bullshit
>when Trump lost the popular vote in 2016
thats fake news user, this time we will film polling centers and do head counts between people in door and votes recorded, you will find mafia control of most polling centers apparent, which is why Jill Stein had to be paid off to silence her inquiry into fraud voting in Michigan
yeah she won't be as repugnant to voters this time?
people will be all, ok creepy child molestor biden is bad but Hillary sure makes up for it with her constant accusations of cannibalism and child rape shenanigans
seriously dude
>popular vote
That's not how you spell California.
>polls meaning anything
Were you not here for 2016 or are you just pretending to be retarded?
>Not wanting to produce the highest most soul crushing number against commies, causing them to suicide
Get a load of this fag