/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1645

► Detected: 100,183 ► Died: 3,408

Indonesia police seizes 90,000 masks

French lawmaker tests positive

15 million to die, $2.1 trillion recession

Nurses refused testing by CDC

White House admits they lack tests

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Virus might spread through banknotes

Infected come out negative 50 to 70% of the time

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

210 dead in Iran, regime covers it up

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

China burning bodies without testing or registration

11:05: 59 new cases in Belgium.
11:01: 1,234 new cases and 16 new deaths in Iran. A 17th death mentioned in the source was previously reported at 19:53 on 5 March.
10:29: 48 new cases in Madrid, Spain.
10:28: 28 new cases in Malaysia.
10:21: 1 new case in Queensland, Australia. The patient recently returned from Iran.
10:20: 2 new cases in Indonesia.
10:12: 6 new cases in Norway.


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Other urls found in this thread:


► China 80,559 (3,042) ► International 19,624 (366): S. Korea 6,593 (42) Iran 4,747 (124) Italy 3,858 (148) D. Princess 696 (6) France 423 (7) Japan 381 (6) Spain 345 (5) USA 233 (14) Switzerland 132 (1) UK 116 (1) H. Kong 105 (2) Netherlands 82 (1) Australia 60 (2) Thailand 47 (1) Taiwan 44 (1) Iraq 40 (3) S. Marino 21 (1) Philippines 5 (1) Germany 577 Singapore 117 Norway 105 Sweden 101 Malaysia 83 Kuwait 58 Bahrain 55 Belgium 50 Canada 48 Austria 47 Iceland 37 Greece 31 India 31 UAE 28 Denmark 20 Algeria 17 Israel 17 Lebanon 16 Oman 16 Vietnam 16 Finland 15 Ecuador 13 Ireland 13 Czechia 12 Macao 10 Croatia 10 Estonia 10 Georgia 9 Portugal 9 Brazil 8 Qatar 8 Romania 7 Palestine 7 Azerbaijan 6 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Pakistan 6 Slovenia 6 S. Arabia 5 Indonesia 4 N. Zealand 4 Russia 4 Senegal 4 Chile 4 Hungary 4 Egypt 3 Luxembourg 2 Morocco 2 Argentina 2 Bosnia 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Bhutan 1 Cameroon 1 C. Rica 1 Gibraltar 1 Vatican 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 Serbia 1 Slovakia 1 S. Africa 1

China +150 (+30) Iran +1,234 (+16) Spain +63 (+2) USA +12 (+2) Netherlands (+1) S. Korea +309 Germany +32 Japan +17 Switzerland +12 Norway +11 Sweden +7 Malaysia +28 Canada +11 Austria +4 Iceland +2 India +1 Finland +3 Estonia +5 Romania +1 Pakistan +1 Philippines +2 Indonesia +2 Bhutan +1 Cameroon +1 Vatican +1 Serbia +1 Slovakia +1 Total +1,912 (+51)

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Why nothing more in Polaaaand ;c

It's all ogre, we are kill!

>Dead: 3,406
lol, still only 3,406.
How many days has it been stuck at 3,406? Four days? Five days?

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>100001 infected
>3405 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause a pandemic

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We want coronachan

Just the flu governor

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uh oh iranian flashbacks


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vatican getting it is a huge deal. that's the equivalent of someone in the white house getting it.

It was obvious that once it spread to the west we wouldn’t be able to control it. This shit is exponential now, but we can’t quarantine 700 million people or drag infected out to burn boxes because muh freedoms and muh small government

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>mfw tries to tell normies to prep for corona
>nobody wanted to listen
>just as TN get its first case, we're struck with a devastating Tornado and now everyone is chimping because local grocery stores were destroyed

holy shit LAFFIN that I prepped weeks ago

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Does anyone have the webm with a bunch of guys in hazmat suits dancing? It was posted in /cvg/ a bunch of times a week or two ago but haven't seen it since.


threadly reminder you doomers are retarded and this is a nothingburger

>literal who quoting unknown source
OK, Doomer.

Ebola Chan x Corona Chan Yuri when?????

>Same as White House
Sorry no, Pope Cuck is not important to anyone

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It's just a flu, bro.


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Our health minister just said Corona is less contagious than the flu.

>Łukasz Szumowski asserted that the situation of the first patient was "controlled from an epidemiological point of view." He reported that all the people who traveled by bus with the infected 66-year-old had been found and quarantined. He emphasized that the coronavirus "is not as contagious as influenza" and therefore does not expect 5-10 new cases in the coming hours. - I expect 2-3 more people who will have confirmed results - he said.

Were totally fucked. Time to bunker down.

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>first death on my country
>oh no
>look who it is
>some 86 year old boomers parent

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>100000k people got new kind of flu
Nice slide thread you got here shareblue shills.

If only China are cremating, how long until zombies?


Huh, my in-laws are there. I guess I should see if they're alright...

>tfw Best Korea is actually giving the best information about Corona prevention to its general populace

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Will you be alone in your hazmat suit boys? I won't

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But it kills a lot more old people.


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The oldest usually go first, but Corona-Chan works her way down pretty fast.

Death in the most susceptible demographic. Now is the time to panic!

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I'm so happy I was in on the ground floor watching gary become a meme.

it was obvious a month and a half ago that it had already spread all over the world. As soon as you see 10k of something that spreads like a flu in one city in the modern interconnected world, it is already everywhere.

I imagine our governments and the WHO knew this. They cant be retarded, they must have known and decided that it was better to just let it spread while keeping the economy running.

Part and (infected) parcel

Don't worry. Poland has the best healthcare and equipment to handle corona.


This guy isn't a legit source you retard.

remember always dabbing while sneezing to prevent the disease spraying!

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What the

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>those masks only filter out 95% of airborne particles

>not 100%

>thinking a tiny virus cares what amount of it you can filter out when 100% of the particles contain the virus

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>majority of South America, Southern Europe, Africa, etc. are Catholic
>important to no one

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this is the most beautiful girl ive ever laid eyes on
everything about her is perfect

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Same here.

Top kek. Nice user

Gary your numbers.... Are you feeling okay?



Downtown Nashville, Hermitage, Mt. Juliet, Lebanon, Cookeville. If you know anyone in those places then they may have been effected in one way or another. Worst Storm since '98

They delayed the daily announcement. The 25 year old healthy Łódź girl died but they're refusing to send the sample to Warsaw.

Our minister also said Corona is less contagious than the flu. Were so fucked.

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This will happen in America.
We hate being told that to do.
We love working.
Its ober.

boomers go first schocker i know

>Last to detect
>First to cry like a bitch

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>everything about her is perfect
except for the coof right


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Albania or Moldova are likely last, if not Malta. Malta should be able to easily control its borders & imports. Nobody goes to Albania & Moldova. Bulgaria's going to be swarmed by thousands of infected rapefugees from Turkey. You aren't gonna win this, bro.

Soon brother.

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Exposure levels matter. The higher the exposure the higher the chance it'll become serious and kill you

>Boomers die
>Housing market crashes
>Vaccines disseminated
>Buy a house

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BG got a deal with Turkey to not send refugees at our border

>tfw Malta could just sink all boats and shoot down all planes coming their way
>tfw they prolly won't

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>Bulgaria's going to be swarmed by thousands of infected rapefugees from Turkey
Malta gets a gorrillion african refugees that can't into italy each day

Malta is full of rapefugees, though



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I'm honestly surprised by how slow it developed here.

>implying any of the locations you listed are relevant

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>Malta should be able to easily control its borders & imports.
That's what we thought about Iceland too but now they've got 37 cases. Then again Iceland is a liberal globohomo democracy that can't and won't do shit to protect themselves. Maybe Malta will.

He's not even a boomer. he is literally old enough to be a boomers parent.

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So Pence is out. I hope you have bunkers.

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shes not infected bro, shes immune!


Fitting end to liberalism.
>Liberte, egalite, fraternite, ili mord!
Guess what was selected for everyone!

Yeah it's 9gag but the video is legit. Would post a webm here but audio is not supported.

The Polish ambulance team received gloves to fight coronavirus

Translation: -Attention, the gloves for Coronavirus. Put them on Arek(name). (laughs) it's beautiful (laughs) thank you (laughs even more) it's a fucking (kurwa) joke (laughs even more) im going to piss myself XD (laughs) Oh fuck me XD (laughs) Motherfuckers bought Construction Gloves XD (laughs)
*snaps gloves on his fingers
-o kurwa

>For a coronavirus
user I...

Belgium is fucked whatever happens...




So we can assume all the migrants in Turkey waiting to get into Greece are disease carriers. If not on arrival, they are by now. Keeping them out is a matter of disease control now. Turkey is already fucked at this point.

Will trump get it? Since he's an old fuck he could die as well

fuck bros the first patient in my city just died. she was 95, looks like this is it, nice knowing you all.

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At least it got to the EU officials as well

user from Lodz with friend in GIS. Notice how nothing has been reported on her. Last was that the samples were to be sent to Warsaw for a final result but the Lodz gov refuses. She had 2 negatives and 1 positive.

Right now GIS is monitoring 10,000 in Poland and 90+ are suspected in hospitals. It's everywhere by now

What, are you paying the roaches to delay the swarms? That's stupid. Never give them any kind of money. Shoot anyone who dares to cross your borders illegally. This can be solved with bullets alone. Those are plentiful and cheap. That said, I doubt that these invaders are going to give a fuck about where Turkey sends them. The Greek army is protecting its borders. They'll go for an alternate route if they won't be able to pass. You better bet that they'll aim for Bulgaria unless you have your military there as well. Turkey doesn't give a shit about deals. The EU paid is short of 7 billion to keep those subhumans. See what they got from that.

You don't want to actually repeat another fearmongering kike bullshit that there will be no vaccine, don't you?

>DOW Jones declines nearly 1k points for the second time in nearly two weeks

just imagine, IMAGINE if Trump dies from corona-chan

Canine coronavirus has had a vaccine for decades.
If you really think we won't figure it out eventually with the entire world on the job you're a retard. Question is when, like I said, I hope its right after the boomers go.

>Indonesia police seizes 90,000 masks

>muh small government
lmao don't be delusional. our governments have no functional restraints, they COULD quarantine the entire country should they want to. it's just that they are more loyal to globalism than their own people so they actively won't do what it takes.

Can I catch nothingburgitis if I get a female to suck my willy for masks?

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God, it's so fucking generic.

Get some taste, pastanigger. And I say that as a guy who watched BABYMETAL live in Japan.

China infected itself with the “weak” S Coronavirus strain and spread the L strain. This way, they attack the world while saying “hey we got hit by it too!”

- prove me wrong -
Ps: I’m serious

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Western poofs

That's a lot of fives.

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Yea we got our military ready

Fucking sandnigger students brought Corona to Budapest. It's the deadlier strain. RIP paprika.

You can only dream, kike.


My bad. Seems that I was misinformed. Malta's fucked. Albania & Moldova it is. No reason to go to either country & they aren't the common routes for rapefugees either.

when will famous people start getting infected?
that will be when the fun really begins

>working at chinese restaurant
jeez, imagine all the unsanitary filth coming out of this compounded situation

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Je to koniec, bratru. Umrieme ako panici. :(

>fuck bros the first patient in my city just died. she was 95


Unlikely, since he has special doctors and medicine.

>Trial run of coronavirus vaccines kills all lab animals
>No vaccine for common cold
>No vaccine for SARS
>No vaccine for MERS
Anons I....

i can kind of see this, do we know if anti-bodies from the S-strain grant immunity from the L-strain? im guessing not but?

Good. If not Greece, I hope that you shoot them down.

Macquarie Park?
I work literally 10 minutes on foot from this place...
The childcare centre with the infected staff : some of people from my company had kids there

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So I don't want to seem like a schizo, but people always say that this is a Chinese/American/Israeli bioweapon. But what if it was made by Best Korea? Think about it, they're handling it the best out of anyone right now, and they would gain the most out of ruining every country around them.

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they’re so much more at risk all that work travel combined with half of them having vacations in italy shits great

Check this one, too.

for you
the fun starts when Bill gates or Bogg caught it. those two knew everything about this virus


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don giv a fucc, get yo dicc succ

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I'm starting to think it's just a big hoax.
Do you know anyone who knows anyone who got it?
It's always some "doctor" confirming a case but it might just be the media making it up.

Be smart Yas Forums stop believing their jew lies.

right where is the aids vaccine user? How long has aids been around, 30 years 40 years maybe 50?

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He is fast!

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We need to reinfect them back. Quickly pastabros release the plague ships upon China.

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This account is a US deep state shill account you moron. Always saying how the Iranian people love John Bolton and Mike Pompeo and want US-led regime change.

China is already testing it on 'doctors' (see: prisoners in lab coats) we're well past the animal phase. Like I said, if Canine coronavirus has had a vaccine for decades and this novel coronavirus is as bad as every indication says it will be, we'll find one. The simple question is when and will it be too late.


Oh lawd

Update infected count in Czech republic to 13 (this includes one confirmed medical doctor from Prague)

I know you jest, but I know someone who genuinely thinks it's just a meme on facebook

Yes, you're shareblue jude. Gas yourself pls.

>they'll make a vaccine guys,have a little faith

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>with the "weak" S Coronavirus strain
i think you got it backwards since they've been cremating adults and kids like there's no tomorrow

we should've seen stuff like this by now

The weaker strain was released in Italy

Attached: dead kids.webm (368x624, 2.94M)

>China is dead and its economy will never recover

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during the spanish flu when people got the first non deadly wave they were more likely to survive the second wave that was a alot more deadly strain of the same virus. Some parts that were hit hard from the first wave barely were affected by the second.

2 very divergent strains were released from lab. Possibly not at the same time. This is absolutely obvious.

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you should wear protection even if it's only a suck-suck and forbid her from using her hands (risks of her touching skin zones around your willy) then immediately use gloves to remove protection and....
Wait I'm not even sure if that would work at all

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That means I work right near you. I think I know who you are, but I won't say here. Not kidding.

We know this isn't a jewish lie because it's halting globalism in its tracks. we literally had random normies in street interviews saying "i wish we were a dictatorship right now so we could stop the spread of corona".

If it's a hoax it's not jewish in origin.

>China is already testing it on 'doctors' (see: prisoners in lab coats)

kek based chinks fuck medical/science ethics

not too sure what you're laughing about i'm pretty concerned right now

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They dont. 1 infection makes you more prone to a serious or deadly condition upon reinfection if it isn't just going dormant

based korea is best korea

Oof, that's a mega yikes right?

God I wish this virus kills all Hercegovians in my country. My country is 98% stupid war faggots HDZ scum I do hope at least half of my country dies.

I like how similar that sounds to Slovene. Anyway, if nobody panicked before, they won't do that now. I haven't seen any changes since they've reported first cases here. Maybe it just takes some time to escalate. Just prep for a while. It won't hurt to have a few cans of sardines, a few kg of flour & yeast sachets and some peanut butter, just lying around in some dark corner. They last a long time and they wouldn't be a waste if you bought them. Freshly baked bread at home is fucking delicious.

At least in the US parts of government that deal with disaster preparedness have been strangled by budget wars for decades

All these schizos hoping for a happening here. Cant you see that the Spanish Flu will barely even kill 10k? We got bigger problems.
>Pic is prediction of the graph

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what the fuck is wrong with her neck?

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You won't get infected if you are healthy enough, right?

In capitalism if there is no profit motive then it simply wont be done no matter what, if it has a sever economic impact then they will fix it but AIDS does not affect the economy, only poor countries so they dont bother, its the same reason they dont bother trying to find aliens or go to space anymore unless there is profit motive

Gary in quarantine

Made me laugh when they released it saying these brave doctors had decided to test it on themselves and it's some malnourished looking chink with a face of pure depression being injected

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I don't know anyone who knows anyone involved in 9/11 how does it matter

They should be apologizing to the rest of the world. The fucking audacity! Truly chinkroaches are the kikes of asia.

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this would be so great. it would unlock a new sense in humans, lessening the herd mentality, realising the dangers of information spread throughout the internet, maybe it would even start a social movement away from technology

one can only dream

China's getting 1000 nukes directly dropped on their population centers.

There's not going to be a vaccine, you can't vaccinate against God's wrath.

10 cases in Estonia. all except one are from Bergamo city in Italy. Fucking infected pasta shithole
It's already in schools too. One school got shutdown because a student was infected

Europe is a house of cards.

Uyghurs forced labor to fill in during corona risk period

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It's just the flu, bro! -famous last words before Corona isekais you into a world that's far worse than our existence.

they already did infect someone by going to China

from the beginning it was known that aids only killed homos so the urgency involved in creating a vaccine simply isnt there
most of the fundraisers you saw for aids vaccine research were just grifts

corona on the other hand does not discriminate and the entire world is at risk

a working vaccine will be created soon but the question is will it be in time to prevent 1 billion+ deaths

Out like a canary in a coal mine!

COVID-19 Strain H-13


Devil's advocate: market was about to crash anyways so blame it on made up virus. But yeah it is real.

2 more hours and half for total destruction

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yeah, my flat mates friend's little brother back in Berlin has been diagnosed with Covid-19. Apparently he got it from the gym, where another infected had been hours before.

This is true

Looks like a veiny boomer forearm.

Guys Poland is totally fucked. I just watched 100 people walk by on the street from my window and 0 had a mask but I counted 5 coofers.

Totally fucked.

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Same People

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How old is that queen of yours, again?

>you can get both at the same time

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they're fucking immune because of allah mate, just like retarded indonesians that said this virus is happening because of kafeer

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thread theme

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Things are likely to go crazy today or Monday

thanks for spreading it everywhere i guess


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I do this all the time

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Based Pastas, bringing balance to the world.

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Can someone post the playbook summary of event 201?

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> Vatican +1

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Just a flu

In her 90s.

The problem is: it is a RNA virus, therefore, it mutates fast (way faster than DNA viruses, because we have a proof-reading mechanism in cells for copying DNA).
Therefore, the virus might easily escape the vaccines immunity (like the flu)

If the lines outside are this bad, then imagine the clustefuck at the registers.

>Um hello, BASED department?

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How are things, Russbros?

oh wait, they're serious?
Let me laugh even harder

>think they have the right to demand anything

They really do all look alike.

Call it the "CHINA MURDER DEATH BIOWEAPON VIRUS FROM CHINA!" because fuck China for making this shit.

i live with my mom and dad and brother none of whom are taking this seriously at all

i just want to lock myself in my room and not come out until this goes away but even if i could it wouldnt matter cause my family would bring it in the house

I demand a goddamn apology from China for polluting the planet.
Goddamn fucking chinks.

Fuck Jannies
they're called bugmen because reasons

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"Thank you China for releasing Black Death 2.0 on the world because everyone in your commie chain of command refused to take responsibility for the health of your glorious people"

That's a shame.

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i guess it doesn't affect gorillas

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>Why the fuck isn't every western country doing that right now?
Because it is pointless. For all the things you've listed none of what they're doing is actually working. Those barred buildings? Everyone gets infected as they share air and sewage lines with the single infected guy as they starve to death. Torching them? The guys doing the torching can't keep up before they, themselves, end up infected too. Same with those new hospitals, they're already over capacity and their doctors and nurses are dropping like flies. Those new hospitals will just be staffed by whoever as they prepare body bags for crematoriums that are already over capacity and full. The quarantine itself didn't even stop almost half of Wuhen from fleeing the city and scattering across the globe like rats.
> Where's the benevolent tyrants when you need one.
The CCP are not benevolent, they are self serving and the party's top have already fled to isolated communities already.

The only effective method should've been complete preemptive isolation of every. Single. Mode of transport, but unfortunately globalism makes that impossible.

Do what you can user, separate yourself as much as possible and hope for the best

if you're young. you'll be fine, your parents will die though if they're over 50.

Fine by me

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>not negative yield

get on european level


Iran is totally out of control

This. And they only test people coming from Italia, China and Iran and those they came in contact with so they have a nice smooth increase in numbers until everybody has accepted that it's all around us.

I wish

It was Bill Gates' gang who made it.

Zero cases or zero test kits? :D

Attached: corona test.jpg (919x509, 132.87K)

>that left pic
yup, there are even videos about that
And italian leftists elected officials actually initiated that "hug a chinese" campaign

> Alarmingly, our data predict thata single N501T mutation (corresponding to the S487T mutation in SARS-CoV) may significantly enhance the binding affinity between 2019-nCoV RBD and human ACE2.Thus, 2019-nCoV evolution in patients should be closely monitored for the emergency of novel mutations at the 501 position (to a lesser extent, also the 494 position)

>Moreover,-nCoV likely does not use mouse or rat ACE2 as its receptor because mouse or rat
ACE2 contains a histidine at the 353 position, which does not fit into thevirus/receptor interact as well as a lysine does (Fig. 3A). 2019
-nCoV RBD likely recognizes ACE2 from pigs, ferrets, cats, orangutans, monkeys and humans with similar efficiency, because these ACE2 molecules are identical or similar in the critical virus-binding residue

> First, residue 493 in 2019-nCoV RBD (corresponding to residue 479 in SARS
-138 CoV) is a glutamine (Fig. 1B, 1D). A previously designed SARS-CoV RBD is optimal
139 for binding to human ACE2 (Fig. 1B, 1C)
(26). Residue 479 in SARS-CoV RBD is140 located near virus-binding hotspot Lys31 (i.e., hotspot-31) on human ACE2 (Fig. 1C) Hotspot-31 consists of a salt bridge between Lys31 and Glu35 buried in a hydrophobic142 environment. In civet SARS-CoV RBD (year 2002), residue 479 is a lysine, which 143 imposes steric and electrostatic interference with hotspot-31. In human SARS-CoV RBD (year 2002), residue 479 becomes an asparagine. The K479N mutation removes the145 unfavorable interaction at the RBD/human ACE2 interface, enhances viral binding tohuman ACE2, and played a critical role in the civet-to-human transmission of SARS
- CoV (Fig. 1C). Importantly, Gln493 in -nCoV RBD is compatible withhotspot-31, suggesting that 2019-nCoV is capable of recognizing human ACE2 and infecting human cells


my earlier post about the reported amino acid variants that have been detected then you know what im implying/worried about

Attached: watch these residues.png (536x853, 371.88K)

Hubei announces complete ban on wildlife trade

Central China’s Hubei Province announced a strict resolution on forbidding wildlife trade and ordered a complete ban on consumption of wild animals or related products.

The decision was made by the Standing Committee of 13th Hubei Provincial People’s Congress and took effect immediately on Thursday.

Now you understand why North Korea is Best Korea.

Honestly I think she kinda wants to die now. Been a long time alive

just wash your hands bro

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>these intelligent boomers acting rationally confirms this is the end

I have the biggest hunkering for a burger, a massive, sloppy, greasy mess of a massive bacon-cheese burger, but I don't want my shit contaminated.

Denmark has only had 21 cases so far, risk it?

I'm not sure if she died, but I also had an info that she indeed has been confirmed by additional tests. Also she hasn't been released or anything, but 'no case confirmed'. Shit must hardcore if a 25 yo got hit so hard.

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A 850 student school just got shut down in a 400 000+ people city.

Are farts infectious?

The two "strains" differs by 2 amino acids.
This is, I think, a stupid clustering method. Honestly, there is already many variation of the virus... I don't konw why we should cluster them in 2.
Further reading here: virological.org/t/response-to-on-the-origin-and-continuing-evolution-of-sars-cov-2/418

>uk stuck on 116

When they gonna announce the new numbers lads

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さすが China

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Nice digits cunt

Fuck slanty-eyed yellow ching chong chang subhuman dicklet orientals, hopefully the world sees sense and we finally mobilise to remove chinks from the planet.

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I think Corona could be a modern Spanish flu.
>Media first tries to not talk about it
>Public thinks its not bad
>Deaths are rising
If corona is a modern Spanish flu, we can expect multiple waves. The first one (You are here) will only kill old and weak people, while the second wave (We could be close) will kill the younger people and cause way more deaths.

Attached: spanishflu.png (416x214, 19.01K)

What happened to videos of dead and dying chinks? I haven't seen a new one for ages.

Are they all better now?

Attached: one hates humanity.jpg (601x640, 58.82K)

It's been thought about, you're not the only one

The fact is:
>Best Korea - 0 BSL-4 Labs
>Wuhan, CN - 1 BSL-4 Lab

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they should apologize for turning 100k people sick in little over a month just because they can't stop eating the wrong animals

They got infected with the deadly L strain

Italy has spread the S strain which is more weaker

I'm not sure what strain the US have or what will happen when both strains meet each other

The most common Russian cope is "tuberculosis kills more people", it's not as bad as "just the flu bro" but i don't know if i should laugh or cry

Hello fuck my shit up department

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Chances are lower, but you are only delaying the inevitable

>Truly chinkroaches are the kikes of asia.
Seeing the way they're crying in pain as they strike us, that' really true

Is that.....
Her jumper.....
Heh, lol

It means there is so much demand for bonds that people are willing to accept essentially negative returns as long as their money is safe. 0.76% return in 10y is shitall to begin with but with inflation is going to push you down to negative.

nothingfags running out of steam

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Fuck China


It's not the rest of the world's fault that chinese are actual subhumans on every level.

Shit apparently is, so I will give you an educated maybe

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One of my flatmates is going to Italy in a few days and is planning on returning a week later.

What the fuck do I do lads? I tried telling her she's a selfish retard and she's just like "lol who cares if we die?"

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Based Best Korea

thank you giving us Corona chan. China Numba 1