i thought you retards are LARPing about this "ohh our poor white race is being genocided". but i came by some tweets, and they're fucking serious, not a drop of self awareness or irony.
yea you're right, they all look like pic related and are spending the entire day on twitter posting pictures of white women they'll never fuck and nazi era pictures and pepe memes, my apologies.
We all look like that? I'm curious to see how you look like fucking ape
Oliver Sanders
Nice try,shlomo
Evan Nelson
white men will be laughing after the next genocide commences, because guess what, culture isn't static, and civilization isn't a negro-hispanic structure, no matter how they organize themselves. In fact, the central planners are recruiting every white man to participate in a eugenical movement because they profit from caste based psychoterracing. Surprise!
You know who lived in North Italy ? Etruscans. Where do they come from? From the Middle East. Whose ancestors got blacked? Yours.
Luke Wood
Being fat doesn’t make people pathetic. The OP image suggests OP suffers shallow insincerity and an inability to grasp the world of pure ideas.
Yes, of course, niggering on about race is pathetic. But fat hatred is largely so ignorant that the policy preferences of anti-fats lead to more fatness.
Henry Gomez
Yeah the weight of your lard ass
John Martinez
>itt. Jewish niggers and regular niggers cry more.
Benjamin Peterson
well if they didn't larp as ubermensch giga-chad nazis i wouldn't make fun of their weight
You're not really adding any new information and definitely aren't adding any positivity to the site. Please, quit making fun of white people, inflaming racial tensions, and try to do something more positive for the world.
Being a racist or making fun of people going extinct via a series of Haitian Massacre of 1804's, is not a nice thing to do. It makes you look uninformed and heartless as well.
>they all look like pic related Post the uncropped one so that we can see the people around this person
Mason Ortiz
Dont feed the trolls
Xavier Cox
Per favore, se ti devi mettere in ridicolo per le tue idee distorte e la tua visione travasata del mondo, non farlo con quella bandierina accanto al nome.
Please, if you have to ridicule yourself for your distorted ideas and your vision of the world, do not do it with that flag next to the name.