Yas Forums-tards are pathetic

i thought you retards are LARPing about this "ohh our poor white race is being genocided".
but i came by some tweets, and they're fucking serious, not a drop of self awareness or irony.


they're like a bunch of pic related lookalikes jerking each other off at how white and victimized they are.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>this guy is fat so you are ALL fat
ok, retard

yea you're right, they all look like pic related and are spending the entire day on twitter posting pictures of white women they'll never fuck and nazi era pictures and pepe memes, my apologies.

>pic related

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They are the cringiest larpers

We'd prefer to just have first world problems instead of Lebanese Christian level problems ... wouldn't you?

do you feel better now that you got it out of your system?

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We all look like that? I'm curious to see how you look like fucking ape

Nice try,shlomo

white men will be laughing after the next genocide commences, because guess what, culture isn't static, and civilization isn't a negro-hispanic structure, no matter how they organize themselves. In fact, the central planners are recruiting every white man to participate in a eugenical movement because they profit from caste based psychoterracing. Surprise!

man it is going to be funny


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Actually I'm fit and muscolar, like the most of far right people

you will not do ANYTHING, stop fantasizing and live in the real world, Yas Forums isn't a reflection of real life, go outside

Don't you have a goat to fuck Abdul?

muh goats!!! b-but what about muh hijacked planes!! a-ant muh pedophile prophet!!

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>We all know you are a fat ugly lifeless monkey


>I'm fit 10inch penis and fuck on the regular
>Kek shareblue jew kike nigger shill

Italians are related to Lebanese people.
Dont be racist Giuseppe

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Lmao based, when he has no argument left he resorts to schizo rants like here

I'm from northern Italy we are more white and Germanic than you Mohammed

>>Kek shareblue jew kike nigger shill

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Funny coming from you.

I lift weights though.

You know who lived in North Italy ?
Where do they come from?
From the Middle East.
Whose ancestors got blacked?

Being fat doesn’t make people pathetic. The OP image suggests OP suffers shallow insincerity and an inability to grasp the world of pure ideas.

Yes, of course, niggering on about race is pathetic. But fat hatred is largely so ignorant that the policy preferences of anti-fats lead to more fatness.

Yeah the weight of your lard ass

Jewish niggers and regular niggers cry more.

well if they didn't larp as ubermensch giga-chad nazis i wouldn't make fun of their weight

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>falls for zog words
>actually pretty smart

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you have a shit day in your desert shit hole, dont you ? no zog but desert shit hole like de dust 2

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internet isn't real

so lebzoganon isnt """(((real)))"""
now you know.

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typical 18 hours a day on Yas Forums schizoid

You fucking retard, in northern Italy there are Celts, Ostrogoths, Longobards and other Germanic people not Etruscan

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youre white, you are as white as can be! pure 99.99% european!

ok... so?

when you got time for shit baits i guess its your typical day.

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Yeah look at the Salvini lol
Stop being a racist ass and embrace your identity, Gio

lebanon jealous asf haha sandnigger

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checked da truth
>inb4 schizo

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>T. i hoard jew memes all day all night and use them as arguments

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we simply eat the jews

the ultimate white pill

You're not really adding any new information and definitely aren't adding any positivity to the site. Please, quit making fun of white people, inflaming racial tensions, and try to do something more positive for the world.

Being a racist or making fun of people going extinct via a series of Haitian Massacre of 1804's, is not a nice thing to do. It makes you look uninformed and heartless as well.

Please stop.

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>they all look like pic related
Post the uncropped one so that we can see the people around this person

Dont feed the trolls

Per favore, se ti devi mettere in ridicolo per le tue idee distorte e la tua visione travasata del mondo, non farlo con quella bandierina accanto al nome.

Please, if you have to ridicule yourself for your distorted ideas and your vision of the world, do not do it with that flag next to the name.

Sorry for my bad eng

Color it in at least.

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making fun of the delusional #WhitePill twitter bubble that keeps fantasizing about killing other races isn't spreading hate


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Reported to twitter for fascist propaganda.

My identity is white like my history and my DNA

Sta zet terun, southern Italians are definitely non white they are Berber/Arab subhuman

So I'm superior

i don't like reporting these people, it feeds into their narrative that they are 'victims' or 'oppressed', which they are not.

we should publicly ridicule them and explain why they are delusional.

>lov me people
>lov me n’cestors
>ate lia’hs
>ate trikereh
>lov me diet
>lov me manly bro.

>simple as
