Why are woman constantly lying about their appearance with filters...

Why are woman constantly lying about their appearance with filters? Went on a tinder date (pic unrelated) with a 7 and she ended up being an overweight 4.

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angles, this has been common knowledge since the myspace days. Are you a literal boomer?

>pic of nigger related.

OP confirmed cuckold

Face tattoos indicates mentally and physically damaged.

dont date people off the internet or social media ever.

I can't believe this isn't common sense...

I remember when people were ashamed to say they met online

Where to meet woman besides bars and clubs? I want a wholesome young lady with large bosoms, a healthy and fit body and a fresh and rose scented vagina.

>face tattoos
>went on a date

With your own standards being that low are you surprised that women aren't even trying?

The only true value a woman can provide to the world is sex (as well as the sons that result from the sex), thus women make themselves as sexually appealing as possible because on an intrinsic level they know it is the only way to boost their value as a human. It’s no different to man taking a job that pays more or learning a useful skill.

Why do think it is that the more freedom women have in a society the more sex obsessed that society becomes?

Because when women are given freedom, they try to convert that freedom into power (as most men do also), and of course sexuality is a good woman’s only power, so the women in a “free” society sexualise themselves, which is how we get to our current pornographied state.

> a fresh and rose scented vagina.
you can only find that in a E.M Forster novel.

best you will get is hairy tuna pie.

>(pic unrelated)
Yas Forums tard can't fucking read.


got quite the opposite actually
girl was a 6-7 on pictures and turned out to be a solid 8, quite impressive

Personality matters more than appearance. Filters showcase personality.

Why are you going on dates with 7 year olds you disgusting kaffir

This. Met a girl online and she totally ruined my life. There is always a reason women are looking for someone online.

You still banged her tho right?
This is why


>Met a girl online and she totally ruined my life


It's really, really bad, man. I was talking to a 8/10 cutie online. She wasn't super interesting but she was alright to chat with. She was a solid 8 in her pics, so I figured she would be a 6-7 IRL. I met her. My fucking god. Her skin was 30 shades darker than in her pics, her hair was completely different, she had put on about 30 lbs, and looked 10 years older. She looked so different that I didn't even recognize her, and I walked right by her. Twice.

That was 6 months ago and I haven't done any online dating since. I spent a week chatting with her and 45 mins driving to meet her. What a waste of my time.

shut the fuck up faggot

This turned me gay.

lmao look at her fucking block nose.

I can handle this.
>alienated him from frens and family
>told her friends and family only of anons faults, portrayed him as a loser, perhaps even abusive
>spent all his money
>cheated on him, multiple times
>eventually left him for a rich guy
>who she then cheated on
A story as old as time

>Yas Forums tard
Yeah we get alot Democrats on pol, really lowers the general IQ.

You're not doing it right. I met a cute, nerdy high school girl on the early (pre-tinder, pre-faceberg) interwebz, and it almost assuredly saved me from ending up with one of the "hot but promiscuous and disloyal" types of roasties I was hanging around with at the time. Married now and she's smart, loyal, hard-working, and low-maintenance. Bonus: being much younger than me really triggers my bitchy female friends and family to this day.

I like her "Creatura" tattoo.

>with a 7
>overweight 4
What are you talking about, fucking alien?

Zoomer simps on twiter are best. Following ugly egirls with make up and face apps.

Wait.. Am I the only one liking the right version more than left?


Same reason they're using make up. Now use your brain.

Long distance relationships with foreign Asian women are more successful than relationships with local roasties. An Asian girl will video call with you to confirm she is real. A roastie will want you to take her on a date and pay money, waste your time, and then ditch you.

Anyone that goes after local trash in this day and age is a cuck.

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>Aryan Master race
>Shows two Mongoloids

>choosing someone with face tattoos
>thinking someone who looks like this would be straight laced or normal at all

2/10 for getting me to post.

>tradcuck posting

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It's the attainability factor.
>Girl on left is nasty virtual Instagram whore
>Girl on right sucks your dick in Circle K bathroom

I'm dead serious. I find right more natural, calm and soft. Left is trying hard to live up to a fictitious ideal and displays insecurity.

>fatlonelyunemployed posting

Why do you want squat goblin children with Elliot Rogers tendencies?

Not the same girl dumbass the heart tatoo is in the oposite side

Wierd, everytime I go on a date, the girl always ends up being some geeky indian dude

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Pic. Unrelated. Learn to read you massive nigger faggot. Stupid!

unless you meet them on a discussion board or similar which has NOTHING to do with dating, kek

>dating a trash slut with horrible facial tats
What is wrong with you?!?

You already mentioned being a boomer, user. Don't embarrass yourself more.
>on the early (pre-tinder, pre-faceberg) interwebz

Anyway, my wife is also much younger than me. Congrats. Don't defend white women as if all of them are like your wife.

Why do you proliferate Reddit memes from a kike that hates white men?

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I would believe that attainability would lower your interest rather than increasing it. Being unattainable sparks a desire.

I hear more and more that people get married off of dating apps. Personally when I ratio is 10:1 male to female I'm sure it warps their mentality since the women probably get 10000 messages a day.

Was she Asian? It's crazy how filters can completely change their skin tone.

>E.M Forster novel.
holy shit, literate people on Yas Forums


>I'm dead serious. I find right more natural, calm and soft. Left is trying hard to live up to a fictitious ideal and displays insecurity

What the fuck is wrong with you, I'm dead serious. Both versions are tatted up hoodrats one paycheck away from being a methadone clinic lifer.

All East Asians are short, feminine and lack empathy/morality. Why make little goblins when you can make Chads like me? Genuine question.

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I tell them straight "your photo is very deceiving..." They don't like that haha

But repaying lies with honesty is exactly what they deserve. Then they get to sit there at the restaurant table alone, seething or crying as I walk away. After that who cares what they do? Eat alone, make their excuses to the wait staff. Hopefully they feel great embarrassment

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>women are feminine
The absolute horror.

Make a female profile with one or two borrowed photos. Its insane, i had to try it one day. Holy shit its a constant barrage of thirsty blokes. Try it and post results

He is faggot bro

Just be gay.


similar story here
Met my wife on a nerdy true crime discussion board in 2001. Finally met in person after a year or two of posting about gruesome shit together. She's still an adorable ghoul with the mind of a homicide detective, a face like an Irish schoolgirl, and the body of a 1940s film star. We've been married for eight years and are totally happy.

You gotta check out the mind, the personality first. Meet someone by talking about anything except dating. Then eventually check out the rest of the package. Sometimes there'll be potential, sometimes not. In time you'll get lucky.

Just dump the whole mindset of modern hookup culture. It's poison. Approach meeting women the old fashioned way. Whether online or offline, look for a real person with a soul and interests which may be compatible with yours. And don't settle.

Not him but pillow yourself

Listen man, your meme is just tired. If you're a fat, old, bald desperate man then sure, buy an Asian bride, and good luck. What've you got to lose? If all you're looking for is a dumb, subservient 3/10 woman that will tolerate and only occasionally mentally abuse you, I suppose you can achieve that. Vast majority of Asians are fucking ugly, and get exponentially uglier when they take their makeup face off.

Married twice, this both times.

Only differences:
>I made six figures at the time. I'm 6'3". Left me for poor short dumbfucks with smaller dicks

I'm not exaggerating at all, boggles the mind.
I was specifically told dick was smaller so sex didn't hurt. Also (the first one) was sick so she could relate better. (Sick on drug addiction)

I initiated both divorces. Women are just insane: even when you assume they're just gold digging whores they'll still self destruct below even that standard.


That's part of the problem though. Imagine if you got 10,000 thirsty messages a day. Imagine how overwhelming and daunting that would actually be. Nobody could really handle that. Only the sociopathic narcissist types will thrive under that kind of pressure because they need attention like oxygen. Normal women will end up getting put off or scared, or just make the wrong choices again and again because men lie about shit and misrepresent themselves too. This is why online dating sites are hell, especially the ones which just market human beings like cheap merchandise. Even meat market bars are better than meat market internet.

I'm only speaking relatively. Control your nigger temper.

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I'm glad you do that. You should. Everyone should.

It's reasonable to choose a flattering photo, one that doesn't make you look like complete shit. But altering pics or choosing ones which make you look 75 pounds lighter or not even like yourself is bullshit.

You just told everyone you have a nerdy wife, and she settled for you at a young age. Stop trying to project your insecurities on to others, user. I'm still in my 20s. You're a boomer. I bet your wife isn't even thin.

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Was she white or black?

>didn't have kids
>still has an opinion

relentless virginity

>feminine men are women


>Being unattainable sparks a desire
I guess so. I think we're conditioned though, to unconsciously assume that tv/movie/internet personalities aren't "real" people. Being infatuated with or especially trying to meet/befriend them is usually a sure sign that you're not mentally well, and is almost always unwanted. I dunno...

You realize that the pre-tinder, pre-facebook internet is only like 15 years ago. I hope you are joking and not just actually that bad at math.

>sympathizing with holes
>the HORROR of getting attention

this is why my wife is a portal through which my progeny manifest, and nothing more.

>muh keeds

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>dating someone with fake eyebrows

That places you around 40 or older, user. That's old.

>>since myspace
You are the boomer

>she settled for you at a young age

>man with cute younger wife
>somehow a bad thing

We are both white. She was blonde and blue eyed but the size of a buffalo. Guessing the photos were over 5 years old. Since those photos were taken she lived on a strict all cake and pie diet.

Face tatoos are a red flag

The most fun kind

I also have a young wife. Never said it was bad. The problem comes when he tries to defend white women as if they are all his wife.

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The only cool Hapas have Asian fathers and white mothers.

correction. tattoos as such indicate that a person is damaged, not just face tats.

>t. have tats

Welcome to the thread, Tenda. Took you a while to show up. Your bot algorithm is getting slow.

She's cute though

>I'm still in my 20s
>already considering the mail order bride route
>tries to denigrate others
Fucking sad.