Why are women evil?
Why are women evil?
because you arent having sex, incel
Do women grow up mentally after turning 15years old?
Unwavering attachment to the material world. Then again that’s most people.
have sex, Juanito.
It makes their vagina tingle
They are just weak willed
kind of only if you can trick them into giving a shit about a family and even then it will probably go off the rails at some point
They are npc ai designed to keep men hungry for slave labor.
Is it possible to re train women?
Name ?
Yeah, stop giving them attention like you’re doing right now. SAGE
So do we collectively ignore women?
Doesn't that mean only niggs will give them attention thus making them fuck only niggs?
That is an attractive girl in the OP.
It's because they can influence men sincemen are attracted to them. Many men (weak willed men) contort themselves, generally speaking, to the desires and standards of men that women want.
We need to be strong men and stand for the morals that we want our women to hold, and if we do so, we will find them.
Women can conform to the man if she likes him, but it might be a campaign over time of trying to change her opinion depending on how serious the subject is.
I want her to choke the lights out of me with those delicious white, thicc thighs
Im afraid not. Once she goes black she doesnt ever see white men the same...its on us to quit being cucked and brainwashed and stand up for our women. Or stand up to nogs in general. So sick of seeing white dudes quivering scared anytime theyre around niggers. Grow a fucking pair
Don’t give them attention they don’t deserve. Treat them like a male. A true female will stick by your side even if you don’t kiss her ass and bow to her.
The ones that want to fuck niggers are already niggers. Yes just ignore them.
dude if you ignore women they will literally start fucking dogs
men just have to start being idk men
first of all you have to stop being a spic
What book is this?
Read the story of Adam and Eve.
Women are not evil but gullible and self important.
Women get coaxed into bad shit by Satan (Jews)
Men do it as well to appease women
Society collapses.
it is in their nature
>Why are women evil?
100% of their power is from sexual exploitation.
>Men want women to be like men with vaginas and a cutesy attitude.
>Women want men to be an ATM and will leave if the cash supply runs out.
We get inundated with propaganda that says men are superficial and women are more cerebral and empathetic when often the case is the reverse is true and the media is gaslighting us. Giving women economic freedom was the worst mistake of our civilization and now with mass media we have women programmed to be parasitic hedonists.
Physical and intellectual inferiority (jealousy) as well as their instincts and muh feelings. Thats why bitches need to get whacked on the head every now and then.
Yes, but if it works on a male, that male is weak. They do this to contribute towards building a stronger humanity.
The bottom 50% incel, cucks, betas get strewed. but this is part of building strong willed alphas
this is so true
High test.
Evolution or if you prefer the God Hypothesis, humans are sinful by nature.
For the evolution side, women evolved to care for children. The more selfish and backstabbing they were (to a point,) the more likely they were to breed with quality males and produce offspring.
>For the evolution side, women evolved to care for children. The more selfish and backstabbing they were (to a point,) the more likely they were to breed with quality males and produce offspring.
And that is why, from a human, non animalistic stand point, women are worth less than dirt sometimes.
selfishness as an evolutionary advantage
Today will be one day of nofap. It hasn't been easy but I'm feeling positive for the future.
Why women are evil?
>they never get punished for misdeeds
>they seek material wealth as part of their maternal instinct and this is abused by feminists and lefties for political gain
>they lack the necessary mental capacity to analyse their own behaviour and thus congregate in groups of women which all inevitably become echo chambers of positive reaffirmation despite reasons not to be so cheerful
>their subservience to their husband as part of their natural instincts has been abused for political gain by making them subservient to the state above all else
>all the above means they don't listen to men
>and they can't be punished for misdeeds
I think that covers most of it
You don't ignore women, you just don't put them on a pedestal. They are nothing special.
That's the biggest thing. Pleasure is not happiness. When your contentment lies in things, you became a slave to those things.
Women stop aging mentally the moment they have their first child.
This is why a clean and moral life is the only path to true freedom. You become a slave to any vice.
Weak minded soii bois will never comprehend this.
They aren't
shills like to spam this board with "women bad" and other baseless BS.
It is my understanding that MGTOW (and related sub-group) is just a way of subverting and isolating white men even further.
Don't listen to this shilled out BS, go the a gym, get a girl, be happy and stop thinking you are "based" for being unloved
its in womans nature to be manipulative, just like its mans nature to dominate through physical force. however society conditions only men to overcome their natural tendencies and act civilized. women are free to lie, deceive and manipulate without consequence. they also have smaller brains.
This. This user is a Chad™. You don't hate women or completely avoid them. Go to the gym and get fucking spicy and then enjoy not having to chase women ever again. Enjoy having them do all the work pursuing you. Enjoy rejecting whores and having them tell you they've never been rejected before.
>Baby you gon learn tonight
I have lost all attraction to women this year and I don't know why
You have reached true enlightenment. Rejoice, brother
Pls gib big tiddy pinay
Duality. Good evil, up down, sun moon, man woman.
They do things to watch people suffer. They are easily manipulated. They use their bodies and seduction to get what they want. They live like nothing bad will ever happen to them, because police will defend them at all costs. All laws are in favor of them.
>They use their bodies and seduction to get what they want.
Women will do this for as long as they can ride that gravy train, even once they hit the wall. Bitches are worse than niggers in wanting free money, gibs, etc.
Nowadays men are too pussy to beat a woman into submission like they would any man
They have to be hot or we wouldn't be inspired to take care of such weak creatures and our species would collapse. Also not inherently evil just dumb with a eve like predisposition toward evil.
The only good thing I ever heard come from the mouth of an islamic scum.
Yes but you have to get them dickwhipped, before the incels start crying about it being impossible let me just tell you it is. You’ll know they’re dick whipped when they can’t go a day without seeing you, will text or call you constantly, and buy you gifts and food when all you’ve really done dick them down really good. All they want is for you to come over, hold and touch them in the right places, whisper sweet nothings into her ear and fuck her into the mattress. In between these dickings is when you drop the redpills. Just talk after sex, when their mind is most pliable because, surprise surprise, bitches are just as sex driven as we are if not more. Be subtle at first, work your way into feeding her redpills and I’ll guarantee if you do it right she’ll be saying nigger and hating fags in a month. All just to keep you around lol, sometimes the damage is permanent, I got an liberal Art hoe who dressed like a slut with facial piercings to dress modestly, get rid of her piercings (for so long the holes closed lol, she’d have to get pierced again) and got her more than comfortable with my casual racism. Women are fucking dumb and think with their pussy, if you get that kind of control over the phone them it’s game over for her lol
>Also not inherently evil just dumb with a eve like predisposition toward evil.
Huh? Sounds like you're doing mental gymnastics and playing with words here. Either they're evil or they aren't. I don't use the word evil. But women are a destructful force not only on men's lives, but also on society.
They think nipple butt cheeks and bloody piss flaps are the most valuable thing. They are also mostly dumber than dirt and copy each other in some unspoken group strategy.
>Yes but you have to get them dickwhipped,
Riiiight. You got it all figured out, just like Johnny Dep, Brad Pitt, Jeff Bezos, etc. You must be one of those so-called "Alphas." Yeah, you got it all figured out. LMAO!
I would lick this woman's asscrack until my tongue go completely numb.
Really pendejo? Was it not 5 days ago a young woman was hacked to death. Not only that her corpse was on the front page uncensored. Fuck you with your “ iTS tHe WoMeNs fAiLt!”
Come Mierda puto.