Reminder: Once you get coronavirus you get monthly flare-ups until you die

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You're fucked

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Take me already to the other side, we are all gonna die

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Reminder, this a complete and total psyop to convince the public that we should allow the government to declare martial law in the case of an emergency and let investors run away with even more tax dollars as they inject you full of literal poison.

You get different strains, like with the common cold

Dude there have been like a 100 more worse deadly epidemics.

Name 10

Not in the modern world before modern medicine took hold. This is the first new age pandemic. It’s only the early days so far







That's not how viruses work you fucking retard

Like PMS?

Provide your evidence why this disease won't grow to those proportions given its current growth rate and fatality rate

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That's how this one is proven to work given what's it's already done you fucking moron

>source: my ass

ah so now the chinese sources are fine?

5g flare ups

>Once you get coronavirus you get monthly flare-ups until you die
Nice source, asshole.


Because it doesn't exist, you ZOG brained retard.

I aint scared of the goddamn flu. One time i went on a 2 week long fap bender on meth. By the end of it my unit was swollen up elephant man style. Black and blue. I probably lost 30 lbs in that time. Bet your ass i went to work immediately, smelling like lube and battery acid and all. Coronavirus aint shit. Fuck vitamins and doctors. Getting your dick sucked is the best medicine

These threads convince me its being hyped up for some reason. There's zero truth to that claim.

Reported mutt shill for blatant disinfo kike campaign
Remember to sage


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Fuck all this psyop bs. I was just told in class some German exchange students had to flight off back to Germany because one of their relatives has Covid19 and now idk what to expect. Seriously , fuck this globalist hell I hope we all die from that shit.

The Chinese sources haven't once said it either. You have a minority of patients who test negative but get symptoms again.

Inaccurate tests have been a problem from the start, biphasic infections are nothing new, secondary opportunistic infections are rife during pandemics and likely not tested for and finally we know there are two strains, it might be possible to catch one despite immunity to the other.

All in all there are several reasonable answers other than "this is super aids that will never stop until you're dead".

It's over

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Hold your governments accountable for every death.

Well 90% of the viruses aren't really curable.
They just give meds to boost your immune system to combat it that way.

Or like try to block one of its reproduction steps.
Reason why there are still shit like AIDS, common flu, herpes.

yes there are reasonable answer but the /cov/ schizos dont even read the papers or research they often link and just go full nutto making bizzare claims every day

>tax dollars
What are they going to tax? People won't and can't work, and supply-chain will halt.

Says who?

Sure thing, Chang.

Where? What study?

Technically the Spanish flu was the first "new age" epidemic.
We had most modern tech for viral infections by then.

this. Corona virus isn't even real you bait eating retards,


No, it's just a psyop to destroy our economy so Trump will lose the election. And because people are stupid, it's getting some traction.

Man, people are incredibly fuckin' stupid.

Yes, and most of them are about as impressive as the common cold, too.

reminder, op had his penis surgically removed

you teach me and i'll teach you


It's exactly the same as the normies who dismiss it all saying "it's all over hyped", they have a bias towards what they want it to be, a laziness to not look into it and so hear a report that pleases their extreme and are done with it.

I'd say the retarded denying normie approach is far healthier anyway given their bias is to just want to get on with life and not to run away from everyone in a hysterical panic.

Well they just paid a generous sum to the lovely folks in the pharmaceutical industry. Interesting connections those people have with the events leading up to this.

This is SARS, not the flu

Look into the last 100 years of virology and epidemics and tell me what a reasonable person would take away from that. There are better preventative measures one can be taking rather than shitting up a politics board on a cartoon image forum.

It's real

It's good to be caucious and ready but dismissing, panicing or fearmongering is just fuel for retards.
You should have few weeks of canned food, water, meds and what not just in case anyway but some retards overdo it and make it end of the world tier

I'h been somewhat sick for about 3 months.
No fever just mild congestion.
No biggie, I just pop some mucinex and all is good.

Nah, it's 4g flare ups.

this is the life of a woman or a gay
this is why you are unhappy btw

No, his source is best China CCP long live Xi.

an aromatic plant with grayish-green leaves that are used as a culinary herb, native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean.

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Nah, mate. Flare ups of 3G in its death throes.

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Nigga, they didn't even have penicillin back then. Leave alone modern tech to fight off viral infections.

Do you have any facts to back up your claims?


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Here. Save it faggot, so you can properly use an imageboard.

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Provide the relevant studies please

Have another

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Im a happy man actually desu. Mainly happy just that i wasnt born a fucking sour pussy...aka a little bitch traumatized by the idea of catching the FLU LOL. You must be literally shaking...


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Why not both?
It's a real virus and they are using it to declare martial law and buy stocks for pennies on the dollar. Total war soon friends.

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White people
Football fans

herpes is a lifelong virus with occasionally flare-ups

i get a cold sore every couple years

Penicillin is for bacteria retard
They had the smallpox vaccine by the time of the Spanish flu brah.

>Source: Yas Forums

Didn’t they invent penicillin in the 1860s?

Thats becuase herpes can hide in glial/nerve cells. That doesn't mean it will be impossible to get rid of you could engineer a cannibalistic bacteria eventually we just starting to learn how to do shit like this percise enough to target specific cancers. There is no sourced evidence suggesting that this is whats happening with covid-19