What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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High expectations, mostly
No niggers counts as something wrong nowdays?
run by slavs
I'd say those places were improving rapidly before WWI
Marxism is dysgenic.
>be retarded & lazy
>show up at wok and do the bare minimum
>get paid and taken care of as much as the hard workers
>too stupid to dissent and get in trouble
>get rewarded for shitting out a bunch of kids regardless of how capable you are
Basing your nation's ideology on being anti-imperialist while being more nakedly imperialist than nearly anyone else.
America found it couldn't exist without an arch enemy and rebooted the cold war 2.0 slowing recovery from communism and allowing in fascism
Communism failed to reform. Or why are you lumping them together?
> frogs
> other reptiles
divide et impera
The "joke" fashwaves are utter kino. Any more?
Nothing, it went exactly as planned. The entire soviet union was just a way to advance eastern europe into a modern economic system. Traditional agricultural society full of soul was crushed and twisted into suit wearing, car driving, apartment living cogs in the global economy.
no acces to the ocean
mass importing over exporting unlike western countries
invaded for centuries
shitty geographical locations etc
i could go on forever
also this
hardly even a joke fashwave
>What went wrong?
....something went wrong?
Like what?
As far as i can see, everything's tip top.
I visited France and Germany last year.
It only convinced me to think everything over here is even more tip top.
many individuals with identity crisis
Germans Americans and Anglos not leting us live our lifes.
Why wont slavs embrace communism again?
We will take some things from communism like free healt care for everyone and free education, but allso some things from capitalism like private property. A new ideology will rise and God will be in the center.
>God will be in the center.
Imaginary entity from the skies will be the center of our lives. Wow, this is your answer OP of what went wrong. People are still stuck in the Middle Ages.
While it did play a major role, I don't think is the sole cause of the state in Eastern countries. People are very dumb and naive in these countries. They fall for every kind of propaganda, hate each other despite being very similar (see Yugoslavs), very primitive and are very prone to corruption and criminal activities in nature.
Judeogermanics and their Shabbos goys Germans.
Also Anglo judeomasonery.
Jews duh
Kikes without their German slaves are not that harmful.
Slav(e)s are barely humans
Americans fucked up their economy by asking saudis to dump cheap oil to the market. Also many consumer goods were hard to find outside of black market cause some party officials stole from the state and practiced capitalism.
Absolutely based
It's not communism you idiot. Eastern Europe was shit way before muh communism. Pic related.
Finally the Ruski admits he's a Mongol-o-Tatar and not a Slav
>most developed regions of Europe are those that have been the most populated since the dawn of time
DUDE, really made me think.
They didn't try real communism.
they did
Tatars and mongols are way better than slav(e) subhumans
No they didn't.
Real communism cares about it's people.
So why do you point to gommunism? Western Europe had advantage from the beginning because of more towns and because of access to ocean.
that's why real communism never happens
I didn't. West Euros also didn't have to deal with steppeniggers for centuries and had a massive headstart due to post-Roman infrastracture, so.
Yea, it is also worth noting that Romania and Poland (very similar from many standpoints), despite developing at one of the fastest rates in Europe are still lagging behind by a century or so in terms of mindset. No clue about politics, 90+ % believe in the skydaddy. Yugoslavians and Magyars aren't less gullible but at least they don't believe in the sky daddy to such a degree to go on pilgrimages across europe like poles do or to wait for 24h, standing, to kiss some bones which may as well be fake as romanians do.
I live in Polish "LGBT free zone" city
>this retarded of a benis
This is proof that an All White-Ethnostate won't work. Eastern Europe is %100 White and it is still a shithole.
Only Multicultural Countries only work.
>muh jews
Mikhail Gorbachev happened
lots of asiatic folks, communism, and fucking brutal winters as well as the corruption
sl*Voids are white niggers
someone spilled red ink on eastern europe
Jews happened.
Fifth colum/deep state. They sold the people out. Not unlike whats happening to the west.
CIA meddling broke the USSR.
For Eastern Europe, a part of the continent that was perpetually engulfed by military conflicts, plagues and general exploitation enacted by foreign empires for hundreds of years, the 1800s and the beginning of the 1900s represented the "golden age", a period of time when everything - from philosophy, architecture, industrial output, demographics etc - advanced exponentially, just like it did in Western Europe during the 15th and 16th century Renaissance. Elites were being formed under a Monarchical system that was focused on creating a meritocracy that would work entirely for the betterment of the nation state, middle class was finally prospering after centuries of nonexistence, lower classes now enjoyed complete freedom and had a small piece of land that they could call their own, and the academic world was flourishing like never before. The antebellum and interbellum period are widely and correctly recognized in Eastern Europe as some of the best periods in time, ever - it's when most of the countries, after hundreds of years of occupation, annexation and cultural oppression, were finally free to choose their own path.
And then communism came after ww2. And all of the elite was completely purged, all those students were imprisoned and coerced to work for the "new system", all those soldiers never came back to their families, all those millions of regular people that wanted nothing more but their lands ended up in gulags or reeducation camps. Then came the brainwashing, the paranoia induced by the police state, the neighbor betraying the other neighbor for absolutely nothing in return, the son rating out his own father for listening to "US propaganda" on the radio, the endless queues at state-ran stores that had empty shelves, the complete destruction of the rural areas where tradition was preserved for hundreds of years, the demolition of churches and architectural wonders ...
So yeah, I always point towards communism when I think of our sufferin
As a romanian gyppo i 100% agree with that statement.
Government corruption.
Ironically this.
Jews destroyed it from within, in addition to fifth colum which sold the country out. Gorbachev lived the rest of his life out in the US...
Communism bolshevism.thry are richer than in communism btw
Kike management
>The antebellum and interbellum period are widely and correctly recognized in Eastern Europe as some of the best periods in time, ever
Lul. Maybe that's the case, but in Poland the Golden Age is during the Renaissance in 16. century. This is when polish poetry kicks off etc. Poles think 19 and 20 century were already a decline.
Jewish uprising, funded by western capitalists -- aka Bolshevik Revolution. Killed at least 60 million Russians and, along with a similar genocide in China, paved the way for western dominance for the next 70 years.
>Jewish uprising
70% of bolsheviks were Russians. Read about Sergey Nechayev or russian nihilists.
For Poland indeed it was an age of decline, but for many Eastern European Balkan countries it was the first time in history when they had the complete freedom to do whatever they wanted to do. It was also the first time in centuries when there were no longer any serfs, people were actually free and even owned a piece of land of their own. No more attrition wars, no more scorched earth tactics to fend off superior enemies, no more yearly taxes and payments to superpowers etc.