Come to Russia, Czechia, or any part of Eastern Evropa with that goofy smiling "hi how are ya" attitude. We will make sure your mother cry when she see her sons face again
>Cyka blyat kurwa blyat
Come to Russia, Czechia, or any part of Eastern Evropa with that goofy smiling "hi how are ya" attitude. We will make sure your mother cry when she see her sons face again
>Cyka blyat kurwa blyat
Because in Russia, Czechia, or any part of Eastern Europe, there is nothing to smile about
Who would want to go there anyway.
Your women are fat. This is why you spend your time chasing crocodiles, its more pleasant than being around australian "woman"
Every 50-100 years, someone comes. Gets slapped in the face and leaves.
Anyone who wants to see what slim woman looks like.
This. Russian people do not smile. If your life is actually going well and you are not one of those sore losers they look at you with suspicion and contempt. Russian people are perpetually misarable to the point of finding identity in their misery.
wow, real nice attitude there.
Pretty fucking raw for a flip to talk shit about other people's countries. Swamp ass and ladyboys, methamphetamine and Huk terrorists, Flipland has it all, except modern civilization.
>describes the philly
what so I'm supposed to be fuckin impressed
This is Czechia flag you American idiot
> goofy smiling "hi how are ya" attitude
What's wrong with it, island monkey?
I just had the pleasure of having a euro trash housemate. I have learnt your tricks and know your weakenessses. Your thieves, stand over artists, common criminals.
>not the basedboy of slavs
Ha, funny. Your country is made from Jail-cell scum, lowest of the low. Thats why you Australian will fuck anything: abbo, crocodile, and worst of all, australian woman
> fake a smile
courses literally troughout all the fucking 80s and 90s in muh west
All the corporate behaviour textboox and posters say
> always smile to muh client
But yeah, you smile because Russians have nothing to smile about.
My autistic Uralic cousins smile tho. They are weird. I bet they would make Mickey Mouse knock off videos as political drama like the Arabs if they got funding.
Yeah, everyone knows all your women are staring prostitutes.
Whatever, how are you going to make some money? Is there jeans you can steal in Italy and sell in Russia? Guns to run from Albania? Car to steal in Germany and drive to Montenegro? Move to Australia and claim pension?
Your entire ancestry is based on stealing resources and land, anglo nigger. You deserve to get robbed
yeah what a shithole my city is. i better fuck off to eastern europe
Who gives a fuck what you think? Stop making these retarded threads. Goddammit Im sick of these reddit fuckers
We have these types in America as well. Had a bad run in with one that had to be solved with violence. Never a good deal and I actively avoid anyone remotely stupid and violent to the point of walking away midsentance as soon as I know I'm talking to a retard.
Have you actually visited Eastern and Central Europe? People there are friendly, they smile, they are not as neurotic as the ones in the west. Most my best experiences and moments in life are from Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and so on.
Stop making people think that slavic countries are some sort of shitholes with miserable, constantly inebriated people in tracksuits that will beat you up if you look at them slightly wrong.
People are people (Bell curve applies to every country), but there in the east, I feel as if the western neurotic norms are not as widespread.
howdy marek
What the fuck is a Czechia? Is it the squatting slav meme country? All you guys do is post yourselves doing stupid shit like getting cats out of trees with branch saws.
You suck at bating, gook
You have no idea of Anglo rage do you?
bullshit, been to prague. They're all pussies, and their women are easy as hell. Every czech guy is super friendly and wants to ask how Australia is and advice on how he can move here.
You guys are the cucks of eastern europe. Nice guys though. Hot women (but loose as hell)
awww i`m soo depressed in this shithole. i better call dimitri and juri to clean my boat
have you seen your hideous ogre fucking women? lol
>Eastern Europe
pick one
it's true only in ukraine and some part of siberia(this is where all bydlos live)
ah shit sorry thought that was a filipino flag lmao what a shit country
Sexy pic mate, where is this? looks familiar but unsure which city
we should invade that shithole, they still have toilet paper!!
gold coast, surfers paradise
>goofy smiling "hi how are ya"
Are you brain challenged or what?
Russian Sex tourist pedo in the Philippines talks shit because all the Aussie Pedos are nice and get all the girls.
Man I like smiling. I'm happy. If that makes you mad, then I guess it is your problem and not mine. Fucking solve your own shit or you will always be unhappy.
Also, slavs are white niggers so it doesn't surprise me they hate other people being happy when they aren't.
and bigger dicks. imagine having philippino size cock
>Man I like smiling. I'm happy
No, you are just retarded
out of tp but gots plenty of peanut butter
Say one bad thing about Czech Republic.
your flag says phillipines tho dummy
Shit hole
Australian women have 30+ sex partners before they finish studies. Your women are shit, no wonder you came to eastern evropa to see beautiful woman. NOBODY in the world goes to australia for woman.
Just one?
My city
Your city. Make trip on other side of city and get stabbed by niggers chink faggots muslims
most czech I know are fine, they hate niggers and mudslime, are mostly red pilled or black pilled nihilistic anons. they hate commies with a passion
Shut up French loser. You invite many nigger in France. In France you prefer black congo nigger to a Slav, you are fucked in the head
i don`t think thats peanut butter..
looking great
I went to Eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine, Russia) and smiled everywhere and no one cared. They could instantly tell I was Westerner and got excited to hear about my interest in their countries, peoples, history, and cuisine.
t. public smiler and maker of slavic friends
>bullshit, been to prague. They're all pussies, and their women are easy as hell. Every czech guy is super friendly and wants to ask how Australia is and advice on how he can move here.
nobody undestand, but still))
From my experience, it's existence
told you guys, black pilled and nihilistic to the core haha
He one of those who moves to foreign country and then welcomes niggers in your stead calling you nazi.
Za 10 kosarei
>come to a miserable pile of shit from your functional, well-off countries with your happiness and your healthy mentality and we slavniggers are just gonna have to react with characteristic petty, juvenile resentment and try-hard tough guy attitudes
the Czechoslovak Legion was fucking awesome
We Slavs should stick to ourselves. They will never learn.
Why are you all so sad over there? You still on holidays vlad? Or are you just larping?
fack you suka pizda
Beautiful city, nice people, and no shitskins.
Yes, these facts correlate.
This is the reason subhumans like you need to get gassed, step up you degenerate piece of shit.
>Australian women
Hot as fuck
Are you making these assumptions based on some russian gopnik made thread? Nobody gives a fck here. Literaly. We dont care about westerness, we dont care about your smile or wealth we dont feel hate or jealousy either. Nobody here gives a fuck about you doesnt think about you and living our lives. Fake smiles are cringe but w/e. Happiness is emotions, there is no need to smile like retard sll the time because your were told its polite. We like genuine people more thats all
Whats next...? You gonna post some kpop stars as showing how korean women look?
Do you fucking gays realize you have zero chances with the top 0.01% of women?
Hitler was Australian
If i were gay I wouldn’t have need to chase women, you fucking white trash retard piece of shit
Make up
individual variability is in each population
But mostly Australian woman really very ordinary, if not lower
take one for the team, mate
Ya you are a fucking gay because only virgin gay losers like you post pic of model women. Fucking fag. On average nobody give a fuck about fat australian whores
Got them seething with such little effort. Onya champ, half a sausage roll and a quarter pouch of white ox awarded.
I think you need some Preparation H, for being so butthurt.
thats true, lots of them are feminist whores, thats why most boomers have asian or eastern european whores to suck cock. i will buy one as well one day
On average nobody gives a fuck about eastern europe because it’s a literally white trash shithole where everything looks like it was made in the 50s and never touched again. This whole thread proves that point. Your entire point of this thread is to show how indifferent you are to other peoples opinions about your white trash shithole but if you truly don’t care why make a thread?
Imagine the smell