How do we fix Coronatards?
How do we fix Coronatards?
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Spread coronavirus yourself to make sure they all get it and die faster
We'll get the last laugh, normie swede.
by killing all the people without masks
By laughing as people like you catch it and die.
If it's the first time you get it great, but we'll take anywhere between 2-10
Guy in the bottom left isn't even wearing a filter
The plastic bucket head is an ingenious idea
to be honest in most modern subways you'd want a gas mask anyway (imagine the smell)
corona just a good excuse for these people
You son of bastard bitch you tricked me with your fancy boomer meme
This is my political enemy, the London cosmopolitan woke "elite".
Why do all that if you're just going to touch stuff eventually and then take the mask off and touch your face.
Unless these guys are autistically washing their hands everytime they touch something, they're going to eventually touch their face and it will creep into their eye/nose/mouth eventually.
Better off just not going anywhere near people/public
> ITT full of coronatards
t. maskless Swede nigger.
Please try and stop rimming your nigger boyfriend’s arsehole, for just a little while.
so just neet?
Oh, you want a turn?
Poke a small hole on each side of the bucket, run a piece of string through each hole and attach it to my belt could I have been so blind!!
peak aesthetic
I had the Corona. It was a nothingburger.
Phone poster Master race here. What subhumanoid flag does this poster hold?
All that and no gloves... wtf
Imagine hating on based aesthetic masks? Couldn't be me.
Kept me busy for 10 seconds, sike
Good share, m8.
This is my big concern, not the virus itself.
Spain's ports are similar. The supply chain , as well as an overrun health service will be our downfall. Estimates here is it will take 2-3 months for normal supplies to return.
Just join them instead.
Now I'm mad. Gib my seconds backs
Let them be retarded, the stress alone will cause a great many to commit suicide
oh shit. the boomers are using their heavier maymays now.
>bottom left
>mask without a filter
the attention whore refugee from cripplechan
>this is the enemy that tried to stop Brexit
I never went to cripplechan
stop making crap up
Kill them with fire
>none of them are wearing gloves
Obvious kike shill lurk more glownigger
anticorona shill detectet !
>you can't be coming in dressed like that in a store like this. it's ridiculous.
Cheeki Breeki
Imagine shaming people for protecting themselves by wearing masks during a fucking virus pandemic.
Why get mad at people wearing protective gear? It doesn't affect you and actually protects you in case the guy himself is infected but does not know it yet. There is literally no reason not to wear gear. I'm at the airport in taipei on a layover and literally the ONLY people not wearing masks are whites, mostly boomers.
as long as you don't touch your face.
That's what your skin is for wash your fucking hands.
Only if you wear those medical masks. Respirators don't filter out particles, only in.
very informative. I will laugh at companies that put all their eggs into the china market.
Every major US company is going to feel the pain. US food supply is going to be ok, since we tend not to buy china food stuffs.
they arent bulletproof are they?
>everyone who catches it dies
take your pills
YES you incredibly dense shithead
everyone will be wearing masks might be a good time to cause trouble I don't want to sound like a fed or anything
>by killing all the people without masks
Seems to be working flawlessly for North Korea.
This is a Chines notice to Citizens that if they get too close to the Nrth Korea Border they will be shot by Nork Border guards.
> inb4source
>no gloves
>unsealed hood
the utter Chadly larp of it all.....