Hello JEW. Just a red pill for you:
You have been brainwashed to think that Israel is a science power, has global control, and other circle jerking bullshit that you brainwashed penis mutilated non showering fags post on your undergroun network that is just a whatsapp group of ego nonsense.
Here is the reality: Jews only have control over jews. The only agenda they have is an agenda for YOU little simple jew. Your life is a job, your posts on interent are a job, the way you dress is a job, the way you have to think is a job. You are the one that is being directly controled, brainwashed, used for an agenda, and then trashed.
We are the free world. We have fun. We post whatever the fuck we want. We will not be killed. Jews only kill the jews that betray them, not us... The cocksucking jews that tell you little jews that we will be round up one day, are just usinng lies on you, like you are taught to use lies on everyone.
And now enjoy your fucking corona, like everyone else, and see them turn their back at you. Cause they have no fucking clue what to do. They dont control the globe. They control you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I dont get the point of this
saved, very well drawn. A bit depressing for no reason.


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Would shOehorn

I don't want to spam

but are you going to make a clear point, some time before the thread is archived?


I thought that was Boxxy at first. Just Shoe.

t. oldfaggote

that IS the goal. the clear point emerges with success overall. Not All Who Wonder Are Lost

stop being pic related and make a point

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It is our feelings of certainty we impose upon ourselves from outside our collective Will to determine truth for common purpose which is used as a medium for control. This may hav provided adaptive advantage to human social groups in the past but a vacuum is quickly emerging. I am attempting to identify where that vacuum and surf it like a wave as it closes behind me. all are welcome to join



>Within this context religion can be divided into two discontinuous paths. One path will seek order by referencing outside the Will of human understanding to what can be known and unknown. The other path is one where everything known and unknown can only be determined by the individual and only the individual alone by self reference. These two absolutes are self-contradictory abstract definitions of what can not be real as a path to truth determination. All successful metaphysical models of the past have been some combination or complex integration of the two. A leader or diktat will adhere by a model which his/her known unknowns are the unlimited, and where what can be known can only be determined by him/herself for the benefit of those who follow him/her or to the detriment of those who oppose him/her. Those below him/her will follow the metaphysical model where these known unknowns are limited by doctrine, incapable of reason, and determined outside their own Will to self determine. In an era where information is immediate and available to all, any total discontinuous separation of these two is no longer possible. We therefore have embarked on an era where direct conflict for how/what truth will be perceived, and by which means such is determined, for an equilibrium that correlates congruency within our new medium.

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Take your pasta schizo

Do your job, jew. You dont want to displease your masters.

The solution will require complex communication because:
>Nurture Is an expression of nature. Communication IS organization emergent. The likelihood any two people who share truth effectively will share common ancestry, is explanation for why people self organize among the identity they share communicatively. The origins of the diversity of language is congruent with the genesis of ethnicity where by systems form spontaneously within a sequence whose interior is a reduction of complexity (order). A system of formality does not order itself complete and consistently, but is rather the product of continuous human Will proclaimed upon it’s sequence of transmissions informed by post-rational sets of initial axioms that unfold to signal the most legitimate format recognizable to the whole. Thus morality is indistinguishable from shared human agency. It is that common medium through which truth is abstracted and expressed throughout institution as legitimate progression of knowledge. Our collective Will is the energy which compels a state of change to progress in the direction of our agency. The name of the game is to exist in the future where that which continues must change by moving forward. If a people desire to prevail within a spiritual struggle, they must achieve the morality which justifies victory.

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history is no longer the bitch of someone who controls it, its a big sea of self service.

Coinciding with this realization is one where we realize we choose to lose (or win)

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does it expand, contract, or travel? which choice do you make?

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History is perceived by humans through human knowledge

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Jews were manipulated into helping us start the world wars and cuck the world into global trade. They won't have a purpose in the post-American world


Shill Identification Model
>the veiling of x(do, say, be) where x is true and no attempt to disprove was given or is actively avoided

Shill is a thing that is a veiling of the truth within to a magnitude as close as possible to zero. Shill is by definition as false as his own fantasies which it must project outward to exist in our reality. Shill is not real, but must convince you that it is. It can only succeed when it imposes false limitations by creating artificial boundaries in a pathetic attempt to obstruct the path of becoming.
*It is not your duty to convince Shill of the truth since truth is already as true as nature itself
*It IS your duty not to become self enveiled by its fantasy of unbecoming
*Other Shill Identification Models not specified may or may not apply

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>I cannot wish what I do not want away it is there for a reason
>To ask myself what that reason is I must ask myself what reason is
>When I know what it is I will not exclude what is there for a reason that I want if what I have is a reason
>If I can wish away everything inconvenient I would have nothing left to wish for
>If I could have everything I wish for I would have nothing left to live for

Attached: Garden_Of_Shills.jpg (1300x1300, 167.81K)

>I live in a container
>It is a container that I built
>but I never knew it was a container until I realized something was outside
>It is my firm attachment to reality that allows me to step outside
>What you see, is me free, as you look at me through your container

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I love boxxy and will until the day I die!

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>Take your pasta schizo
Veiling of truth determination

is this the name?

Never got this one before until the other day. Literally 8 years of channin

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I c a wave

>is this the name?
Fucking lurk more.

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oh yikes

>is this the name?
Veiled my patience

06:31 "Need a Name"

1:00:29 SineRider - "Moments Alone" (Need a Name Remix)
1:33:11 Clemens Ruh - "Broken"


I miss our queen.

Those are good dogs. I know one

veiling of potential

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very very true, jews are literally rabbinical/monetary golems

>jews are literally rabbinical/monetary golems
veiling of potential

>very very true, jews are literally rabbinical/monetary golems
checking for accuracy

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How are you not dead of coronavirus

its a matter of chances, and some awareness on what to do and not to do, like everyone else




kys before life kills you fragile kid

very nice contribution to the thread, you really felt like you had to be part of it, didnt you?

Schizo posting.

correction the real jews are the black isrealites and you supposed real jews are the fake jews

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>kys before life kills you fragile kid
veiling of love
>life kills
>fragile kid
veiling of potential

veiling of truth

look out its a veil

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>Schizo posting.
veiling of truth determination

I always knew that Italians were based, the Vatican dropping red pills.
will eat pasta alla bolognese today as a tribute.