Why do niggers hate Bernie Sanders so much?

Why do niggers hate Bernie Sanders so much?

"Progressives" across social media are very careful to not criticize niggers as niggers are the Left's sacred cows that can not be criticized but there is an acknowledgement that niggers did not support the "progressive candidate" Bernie Sanders but rather supporters old straight white male Joe Biden. For years the "progressives" claimed that niggers were supportive of leftist agenda and thus "progressive" politicians like Sanders but clearly that is not true

"Dear Bernie, black voters propelled Biden comeback, and they're not elite or establishment"

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Maybe a tiny percentage of Bernouts can uncuck themselves now.

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Niggers don’t like cucks and weaklings

>Why do niggers hate Bernie Sanders so much?

Because bernie can't give them anything that they don't already have. Free college, free healthcare, welfare.. Niggers already get that.

Nobody gives a fuck about climate change or giving trannys free neo-vagina surgeries.

We ridin with Biden

t. black man

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Biggers hate anything that requires them to use their brain in order to understand. Bernie talks about numbers a lot and niggers hate math so naturally they dont support Bernie Sanders.

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blacks dont care about feminism and gay rights

Because they're fucking niggers, they hate all old white men, even worse if they're jewish because that just screams elite.
Biden is a gigantic exception to this because he's an honorary nigger due to Obongo.

This shit isn't even news, even back in 2016 Black Lives Matter fucking hated Bernie and Bernouts were like "b-b-but why... he marched with MLK" and the niggers were like "mug nug bug fug muh dick dont give uh fuck BIX NOOD"

because they think he is a nerd

Reminds me of Murtaugh

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Because he actually did something for them.

They like Joe because he doesn't hate capitalism like Bernie. "Fuck bitches, get money", isn't just a phrase, it's a way of life for many a nigger. Not just Bernie but everyone except Joe is practically promising outloud to hike their taxes to hell. No sane person wants that.

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Maybe Biden's antics remind them of Marion barry? Some certainly seem to have a very high tolerance for goofy, corrupt bullshit in lieu of tribal unity (Biden worked at a pool once and was VP to Obama).

BTW, Cornell West and etc have a better take on Bernie Sanders (even if still steeped in wrong-headed "Oppression is the Totality of History" view of humanity) but apparently, so far, isn't enough to combat non-stop shilling from the MSDNC telling low-information voters that Biden "is the only one with 'electability'". LOL

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they didnt even finish high-school, why would they vote for someone that wants to cancel college febt? they already have socialism for themselves and don't want whitoids to have it

because blacks are conservatives who cant vote republican because republicans are racist whiteys

doesn't mean they're communist faggots

niggers hate Bernie Sanders.?

Zionists really hate Bernie Sanders

I am going to have to pay attention to this guy.

cuz he didn't die in the holocaust, when they was kangz they enslaved the jews to make them pyramids, the dollars are a reminder to never forget you're a slave to money you dumb fucking idiot

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Cornpop beat his bitch ass.

Niggers want pandering and special treatment. They have no interest in someone who treats everyone equally

That seems to be the consensuses

>Biden "is the only one with 'electability'"
but they're right. bernie would get destroyed in a general election by ANYBODY

Blacks see both Bernie and Biden as white males, but one has worked as Vice President for a black dude, so Biden it is.

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> Shlomo walking the tribe leader whilst assuring him that his people will be extremely safe in the United States.

"He was Obama's vp" dosn't explain that blacks also supported Hillary.

because you need like a 100 iq and a little bit of agency to like bernie sanders

the 2 times back to back loser

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>"Dear Bernie, black voters propelled Biden comeback, and they're not elite or establishment"
They sure as hell are voting what the Elite Establishment wants them to vote tho
Not that I care, DNC infighting is always funny to watch

Start viewing everything through the correct lens, and you see the redpill truth.
It's the old Aesop of the Farmer and the Viper.
It's always been just a race war. Nogs simply are in too weak a position to do anything but play the "pity me, give me rights and gibs, I just want help and justice I promise, don't be evil to poor me" strategy...
until they ever have power. Then look to Rhodesia and current South Africa, or whites in a black neighborhood or a black school. Anywhere they hold control, they drop the sappy egalitarianism "I have a dream" jewy bullshit, and start stealing stuff and cracking skulls within a generation's lifespan.

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they will vote for whoever the democratic establishment wants them to vote. They dont really care about candidated or policies, they will vote for whomever the DNC connected preacher and activists tell them to vote.

Bernie has nothing to offer to nignogs

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Would love to see pol get pics of bernie with niggers quoting shit like this as if it were a documentry


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Bernie is a Zionist, his criticism of AIPAC is that they have bad optics

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Black people are just fundamentally retarded, trying to understand them as a reasonable individual will make you go insane.

Except Bernouts can't or won't do math or read. You'd think they'd be shoe-ins for the black vote.

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it's a funny meme but incorrect. Niggers don't have enough agency to make decisions that way.

>all these bernie babies going full chimpout.com in their absolute rage
I love it

>be nigger
>immediately get gib's
Why would they support Bernie when they already have the gibs?
Less thing they need is to every one to get gibs

more white people applying their own logic to explain blacks assuming blacks thought this out at all. Christian values my ass.

you think black people listen to killer mike? haha

Jews ran the Atlantic slave trade.

Cotton was the oil of its day

Niggers know da troof now!

blame Jesus lol

>black people are brain damaged

you need a mumble rapper and Lebron James to sway black votes. Urban blacks don't listen to killer mike. that's middle class white people shit. Just like when Migatards thought Kanye would swing black votes. Blacks aren't Kanye's fan base

Because they know Sanders is not a true democrat

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user.....actual real life black people don't listen to killer mike. KM is just a CIA-owned hologram. Have YOU ever seen him?

I've heard some supposed dems suggest nogs overwhelmingly voted Biden because they're "longing for the good old Obama days".

Berners getting memed on by msm now wew

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Free shit for everyone = Less free shit for niggers.
There, do you get it now?

I really wish black people were slaves again, it made things so much easier to understand.

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I don't know but roleplaying as a black voter who thinks bernie is a 'racist ass commie cracka jew' in pro bernie comment sections is incredibly fun.

I'd say it's the opposite, having an openly jewish president and not just their puppet would spell disaster when shit actually goes pear-shaped.

>blacks don’t like Jews. The anti Semitic assaults are all black on Jew
>they already get the free stuff he’s offering
>unchecked immigration hurts them worse than anyone

Blacks hate jews and faggots. Bernie is both.


It's in my home state now and BNO hasn't reported it yet, why?

But the Tea Party only disrupted the GOP like the niggers themselves overran the party of the KKK.

What do you mean, black people already have free college and healthcare ? Is that true ?