Gday lads

>Man Jailed For Throwing Goon Bag At Police Officer To 'Slow Them Down'

>The banking rort

>Niggers again

>Nigger Refugee mum rorted $45,000 from Centrelink despite working SEVEN jobs and not being eligible for a penny - as the shocking extent of her deceit is revealed

>Sand nigger Husband loses appeal after leaving wife to die on bathroom floor

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Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks ABC for pushing more and more people to the right with your obvious jewish bullshit.

Cheers big ears.

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How do I get a gun frens?

Every cunt is getting sick as fuck pantries and supplies. It's fucking awesome, this is the best meme out.

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Kneel to us chad overlords

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>the bf

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join the ssaa and do a firearm safety course, then apply for licence. Total cost for AB licence is around 400$

the firearm

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I have the most based pantry right now and a bunch of meat in the freezer. It looks like a cook heaps. Deadset, I'm resisting putting the pics of this shit on tinder because it's so tough.

Do the QLD cops wear body cameras? I'd love to see the footage of the female cop being BTFO by a goon bag launched from a stolen pushbike. What a shot.

Yeah but they don't use them.

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The daily ride

Big W

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It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge

It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal

It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave

It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees

It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while the pushing mass immigration to drive it

It's the JEWS pushing left wing ideas in influential left wing periodicals

It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos

It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC

Malcolm Fraser exposing Jewish power in Australia and saying they deliberately bombed the USS Liberty
If you're an Australian Yas Forumsack, reading this is mandatory if you want to have any idea what's going on at all

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Hello AFP

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Add $2500 for the psych report if you have ever even so much told a GP you have depression. That is if you can find one who will do a psych report for you to get your hands on a gun.

Fuck lost 100 bucks on rigged gook csgo

Why do people think the power won't go out?
Fuggin ayy that would make up for 2020 100% untill the end of time!

Fuckin great job user.
Now they'll fuckin ban water pistols too.
Clap fuckin clap.

oi nigger hook me up with a gun

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Post tits you dirty slut

>Job agency wants me to do a trolley collector position that opened earlier this week
>Die from coronavirus or die from having support payments cut
I am actually scared. What do I do?

How do I get an ASIS gf?

People can't be trusted with water pistols

Push the trolleys into the storm drain like every other cunt does.

1st for the Cheesefather

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Wear a burkini with a gas mask.

You do this thing where you said you applied but actually don't apply for it.

>No Rudd-style cash deposit stimulus

Fuck lads I underage when the madcunt gave $1k away why wont this pozzed gov do it again. They'd rather prop up failing businesses abn fraudsters

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Just fuck up the interview

What faggot called the police on my suicide threat?
There are pigs on the bridge walkway area...

Not when you fill them with petrol and strap a sparkler to the front.

go to a gp and get a 3 month medical certificate for anxiety

Tell them you have a sprained ankle.

Is there seriously glowniggers in here posting cute girl glownigger shit because they're talking in the office and they're trying to fuck the other glowniggers?

Maybe hang around out front of their HQ and awkwardly ask out women entering the building? I think that's your best chance.

how can you fuck up the interview? they give this job to somalis

no. feds don't bother with auspol threads anymore

Start scratching your groin halfway through the interview.

Just jump. Cunt what are they gonna do shoot you?

I hate women. Women need to be raped and beheaded. Faggots need to be thrown off rooftops ISIS style. Chinks need to be deported. Whitey needs to pay reparations for the invasion. Aboriginals need to be given more gibs. Is that normal?

my local trolley collector is somali too

Kek, the Premier just sent an e-mail to all public servants asking us to consider taking a holiday at home to boost the local economy.

And to use some faggot hashtag encouraging others to do the same.

We also now have unlimited 'special leave' if you wish to self-isolate or you run out of sick leave, no need to dip into sick/annual leave.

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Spanish fr8 mauser.

Just coof on every cunt you walk past and say you are spreading the virus with intent

The Libs intend to inject cash into the "infrastructure" sector which many have warned is not a direct and immediate form of aid to alleviate the economic pressures we're facing, as its impact will be felt almost a year or two later when in reality it needs to be immediately appreciable within weeks or months.

Rudd-tier redistribution worked because the majority of the $900 was spent within a week on whatever people wanted, keeping many sectors of society afloat. I gravely fear the Libs are just going to funnel money into real estate developments thrn privatise the construction to a likely Chinese firm, to further inflate the bubble.

>how can you fuck up the interview?
The old 1488, Hitler is gr8, rant should do it.

Act like your retarded.

Yeah we stopped browsing these threads a while ago.

Missing out on that single event made me go on neetbux in the first place, all my friends got it, no party for me.

nsw health internal memo...
4 weeks pandemic

don't worry guys the boomers will still get their pensions it's all fine

>We also now have unlimited 'special leave'
public servants have always had that
lazy cunts

Can I hop on dsp if I tell my psych I have anxiety/depression? Or do i need a real disability?

Then they will give a few $250k speeches to the infrastructure industry after leaving office.

It was sweet. I went full abbo and spent it on a play station and a bike

I have personally thrown up half a litre of pink milk on que just for this situation

How do I get psychological help frens? I fear I may do something that I will later regret.....

What state?

My best friend has tourettes and he plays it off as a joke but ive heard him crying about it in secret

Call me a crackhead, but I always have a point....

You need to basically have no chance of getting a job and be some sort of mong.

Unless your psych is your buddy ect and will bs for you, anxiety wont cunt it m8

Correct. Also construction is at or near capacity so this will just increase already inflated construction wages with no immediate economic boost or relief.

They need to give out a $1000 bonus to all taxpayers. Simples. Only cost Rudd $12.7 billion which isn't much really.

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it's possible but difficult with just depression anxiety - you need 20 points across these tables:

I bought an ounce and paid an electric bill.

How do I get a job frens?
Nobody will employ a retard with AHD and verbal dyspraxia

PS. Gimme a GF or I'll rope

I've fucking had it, I'm done being a cow waiting for the slaughter.
I'm taking this fight directly to them. Wanna genocide me? Better get me before I ashtray the lot of you.

Just picked up pic related. You can see me live at the Central Synagogue - 15 Bon Accord Ave, Sydney or watch the livestream below. Going on live 9:00pm local time (5 minutes).

I just pray they have more targets than I have bullets. It should be a busy night, so I don't need to be so hopeful.

You know how it goes
Save while you can before it gets shoahed

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post proof

yes, but the rudd hand outs all had to be paid back with interest. no long term value once the new flat screen tv shits the bed.
at least there should be some long term value in infrastructure

even then it will get knocked back. I had 5 doctors sign off on mine and it was rejected the first time. I had to threaten to kill myself in centrelink.

can that glow poster/ ABC journalist fuck off already

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you won't do anything you nigger

I've done this five times

Act overly enthusiastic and talk about how you really need this job and that you're a hard worker and that no matter what you would be the best employee they have ever had the pleasure of hiring.

Here's the thing though: You're pissing your pants this whole time. You don;t acknowledge it, from your perspective the interview went "super well" then you get up and leave and they never call you back.

Nice larp asio.
Well, it was the first few times.

kill yourself faggot

If you can get an autism diagnosis of any sort that will cut it. As long as you act the part in the centrelink assessment

like all the flag poles they put up in schools? Get fucked, give the people their own money back you kike.

tfw just got diagnosed
wish me luck boys

Tarrant style?

I don't understand the purpose of life...
How the fuck do I get a GF?
How the fuck do I get on DSP?
How the fuck do I get a job?

Not bad. Have you tried squeezing out a log instead of pissing yourself

Get ya mummy to take you if possible & avoid eye contact and barely speak :)

Good luck user. Hope to see you in the daytime threads soon.

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I unironically can't even get a haircut unless my mum comes with me lol

No fren. I fear I may suicide and regret it later

Gahh you all suck some cunty flaps prepped on about how handy it'll come in paying for uni

>...full abbo...
Spending money on a bike.
Not really full abbo, is it?

You'll have to settle for a gook
dunno how youre going to get dsp or a job tho

begone mutt

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I have. It's actually really difficult to do, your brain stops you.

nigger you can’t regret suicide you’re fuckin dead. Although i heard 95% of people regret it during the split second or moments after they’ve jumped or pulled the trigger

Bee yourself

I don't get a haircut unless my mum cuts it at home

Just eat a few packets of extra strong mints a few hours before hand. Your brain won't be able to compete.

Who gave you that statistic? God?

Maybe you could pre pack your pockets with shit

op is base

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There's all these cunts on facebook longposting their 2 cents about Coronavirus. It's hilarious how there's this digital public and cunts hare having a go at it to make announcements.

Not as obvious.
>piss yourself is obvious to see - especially in pale coloured pants.
>stink like shit - they already hire Wetsuits who do that anyway


Kys normie

laxatives is actually the route I had to go, didn't seem worth it over just piss, but it was a good learning experience.
Fuck, where were you 4 years ago?

My parents left for the weekend. How do I cook bacon?

I don't care I click links get fucked.

>How do I get a gf
>How do I get a job
>How do I get friends
>also fuck facebook

i’m not a depressedfag but the study was interviewing attempters idiot

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Agreed. I do not even have a ((Facebook)) account.

you're gonna stay in newstart limbo forever living with your parents till they die till you're 55 and become the crazy old white homeless man surrounded by niggers and chinks

Government won’t ban travel from Italy bc Melbourne grand prix this weekend. Can’t ban team Ferrari from coming. The event is worth billions to the government.

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I can't believe you guys are working this late on a Friday night.
Is there nothing interesting to do in Canberra?

Just use the toaster to cook it cunt.

Ram a 4wd into the police station like that one guy did.

Howdy Rabbi

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Wrap it in tinfoil and put it in the microwave oven for 20 seconds