Fuck the robot kids, goy

buddy of mine sent me pic related, he's outraged but I need to tell him why he's outraged, perfect redpill opportunity. does anyone have any infographics about the amount of kikes in Hollywood specifically? and also the correlation between convicted pedos and jews. I had a few on my old machine but I lost them all. thanks frens

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How dare men want to fuck things

ok pedo


Stanley Kubrick was working on the movie A. I, before he died.. Speilberg changed it and finished it ruining the true meaning. But many say that he was hinting at just this type of thing. There are many of the themes still there.

It's absolutely DISGUSTING something this morally wrong and also quite hot be released to the public.

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Shit is so creepy and fucked up

and what a coincidence his daughter ends up as a crackhead pornstar

why does the robot have to be a 10 year old?

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LOL... OMG thats such a good point!!!!

Fuck thats great. Its like an extra layer of the sickness

Kill all Pedos!!!! in minecraft

Can you post a link or are you too busy sucking cock?

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How does a machine age?

sry I needed cummies

Well everybody knows Weinstein (jew/rapist)
Everybody knows epstein (jew/pedo).
Maybe not all know that epstein is connected to hollywood e.g. friends w kevin spacey (pedo)
Some know about Polanski (jew/pedo)
Few know about how Woody Allen (jew) married the adoption daughter of his former girlfriend who he helped raise.
Less know about how Spielberg (jew) has a history of child actors growing up to be fucked up (corey feldman/drew barrymore) or dead (corey haim/heather o'rourke) with claims of sexual abuse swirling these child stars. And he adopted a daughter as well, who is in porn/jail now.
And who remembers James Gunn (jew) being fired for extremely explicit pedo tweets.

This is just the top of my head.
Much more filth in pedowood.


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repeat with me:


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Why do any of you losers care about someone fucking a robot?
The director clearly did this for attention. She expects and wants the controversy you idiots are generating.

>fuck the robot kids, goy

Way ahead of you.

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> just let the normalization of pedophilia happen goy
>just watch another movie
>its just art and attention seeking
>don't look into it

She wants to be gassed?

you don't even realize how much of a massive piece of shit you are


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>10-yr old robot
Were they just offended by the depiction of someone using outdated technology?
>"Is he... using one of those old Nokia phones?! Disgusting!"

The maker of this movie is gonna be the next big thing for the years. Outrage sells but the flick is probably lame.

I see Jews are missing the good old days of the Weimar Republic

Remember when they introduced Jack Tripper on Three's Company? A dude pretending to be gay on TV was quite the novelty.

Now kids chop their dicks off and they want slipstream fucking them into our consciousness.

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What does the robot look like

They should have made it accurate with a muzzie practicing for a white girl. Afterall Mohammed raped a 9yo so 10 is practically a senior citizen for a Muslim

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How can they get away with it everytime?

does that mean its legal in germany to buy child sex dolls?

otherwise a problem is that while in the story its just a robot that happens to look like a child, it's still an actual child actor on screen playing the part.

>Thinking pedos wont molest real kids if they have a robot

Not how this works. They'll get tired of it when they always know its not the real thing. They'll need new, sicker things to get off, and the immorality of it is what gets them off most of the time. This just encourages sexual deviancy

still too soon
they haven't fully convionved people that kids are like adults yet.

>people can buy anime figurines easily which they hot glue
>buy sex doll

NOOOOoooooooo!! BAN IT NOW!, sex doll kill vagina value!!! aaaaaaaaaah!!! HUMAN FEMALES WILL BECOME LEGACY WOMEN

>build a fully functional sex bot
>have to wait 18 years before you can even use it

Sounds like a Jewish ploy to get people to watch the film desu.

No, user. This is art. It's different.

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I'd kill for a ten year old sex bot and artificial vagina.

The infographs are a mistake, half of them are outdated and if he finds a single error he will discount you. Just mention their vast over-representation and have him do the research himself, it'll stick better that way.

>They'll get tired of it when they always know its not the real thing. They'll need new, sicker things to get off, and the immorality of it is what gets them off most of the time. This just encourages sexual deviancy

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There's pedophiles in all races.

Basically hit the wall already, lol

gefördert von D+Ö




So they could cast a young girl and say she's a "robot".

they should have made it a jew pedo that escapes to israel after getting caught, you know like reality

It is not a person. If you build an adult robot, it is still technically not 18 until 18 years later.
See how retarded this is? This is your argument.
Fucking kids is bad, having sex bots hurts literally no one at all

He's right, ad hominem is not an argument.

Leftards will unironically support this film. Also, in a few months they'll be going around calling people like your buddy "pedophobic".


It’s a girl wearing a silicon mask to remain anonymous. Also it gives a doll like uncanny valley feel. As well as a greta potato vibe.

There's pedos in all races.

robots dont have an age like humans define age

A child sex bot will lead to men raping kids.

Murder everyone involved in the production of this film
>A.I. by Pedo Spielberg was already about this

>oh no, robots can't consent

So progressive

Nice try, kike. Get lost in the desert for another 40 years please.

Honestly this is much ado about nothing. Is Lolita a pro pedi book? No, Nabokov goes to great lengths to make Humbert look like a pile of shit. The same will be true of this film.

The passing of time from the moment you were born/made.

Or it will lead to men creating sex robots, which will replace women, which most certainly scare you, huh sweetheart?

Men already do that fyi

who keeps electronics for 10 years?
should have upgraded that obsolete shit

Anyone making anything related to pedophilia is a pedo. Even mentioning pedophilia is weird.

>Remember when they introduced Jack Tripper on Three's Company? A dude pretending to be gay on TV was quite the novelty.
Loved that show. Also JT was in what would be the modern day equivalent of sexual assault mode 24/7. World sucks today

it doesn't apply to inanimate objects

call me back when they ban dildos

>what is frog boiling
>what is slippery slope
keep being a good goy

Fucking my "copy" lexi bell fleshlight did not make me hunt her down for the real thing.

Sex robots are for men who can't get with the hot women they want to fuck, child sex robots will lead to those same men raping kids.

I know, but this will somewhat normalize child rape as we stray further and further from God. Or at least you do.

Yes it does, how old is your TV? how old is your car? etc.

I was kinda holding on to the possibility that audiences were merely disgusted by a man using obsolete technology

I don't give a fuck what someone does with an inanimate object

>how can they get away with it everytime
>the tax payers funded this

Basically that's how modern Europe works (or doesn't, since it's dying and falling apart).

OK paedo.

Because you can't get away with it, if you could, you would.


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Not an argument.

Actual kids.

Stop posting weird shit.

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So the guy can get erect, obviously.

Sex robots are for men that understand that bio women are mostly hot garbage, not worthy of companionship or love.
Love is a necessity though, and unfortunately it is next to impossible for most modern women to feel love.

Ok pedo.


Germany is working ahead of the curve! Rock on, Germany!

All things are permissible in simulation. That’s part of why it would be potentially unhealthy to regard our universe as a simulation even if it IS, but that’s also why robopedophilia is not an issue. The robot at near-future tech levels does not have consciousness, and at more distantly futuristic tech levels need not be given the capacity for trauma-responses akin to human trauma-responses. We can protect the mind of the robot at the level of design; we cannot likewise design a human unharmed by premature sexualization.

Furthermore, some of the damage done by pedophilia IRL is that even if an apparently secure bond forms, pedophiles get bored by and disinterested in people who age out of their target demographics. This leads to a chain of broken hearts in even the best possible case. (The best possible case being gobsmackingly rare, the results are usually worse than that!) With robots, it should be possible to design a relationship partner who will be of the preferred age of the pedophile forever, securely bonding them so that they are no longer a roving hazard.

...I feel sorry for Google’s captcha AI.

If the movie was about a migrant in love with a 10-year-old German girl, it would get a standing ovation.

Of course it's not an argument paedo. It's simply a statement. You already admitted that you're a paedo so there is no need for an argument.
Are you retarded as well?

The complete lack of mentions of pedophilia in my childhood was a disservice to me. Representing pedophilia in a technologically safe manner is probably a good balance of saleability and cultural necessity.

Based. This user gets it

robots bad muslims good

if the movie was about Muhammad and his 6 year old bride it would get a personal award from Angela Merkel

robots aren't children you faggot nigger

Funny pedo-normalization humor you got there, partner.

Okay bro, whatever. Just don't rape kids.

You're either with Jesus or against Him.

>Fucking a sex doll means that you'll move onto real kids despite the sex doll being superior in literally every way and wont age.
2/10 logic. Even modern small sex dolls don't cause child abuse.

They are already fucking actual kids. What's your point?
>It will normalize it
Prove it. Incest porn has been a thing for awhile now. It certainly isn't normalized you fearmongering roastie faggot. Get the fuck out of my cunny thread.

Child predators want the real thing, robots are not people.

All jews are pedophiles
All jews are pedophiles
All jews are pedophiles

well how far do you want to go back? atoms were forged in supernovae billions of years ago
there's 2 ages you're treating the same in this discussion
age of consent, which is an arbitrary invention of humans and only applies to humans
age of literally anything else, which is

Where is your proof? Surely you base this view point on solid evidence.

This. No one would care if the robot were played by an adult. Now it has free international marketing.

That's good government slave. Keep consoooooming and cooming

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I think I will, schlomo, because they are robots.

>When you know the source

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>pedo degenerate

Not an argument, baseless acussations.

Men who rape robotos that look like kids will want to rape real kids too.

Robot children look exactly like children or will in the future.

Only child rapists get child sex dolls, if they don't rape kids is because they can't get away with it. In the future when this child sex robot thing becomes more normalized the child predators raping child sex robots will rape real kids too.

You are either with Jesus or against Him. I'm not trying to convince you not to raupe kids, i'm suggesting you read Revelations.

There's pedophiles in all races.

I don't believe in atoms, i don't believe the flat Earth is millions of years old.

Surely the men raping child robots won't want to rape real children, particularly if it becomes an accepted thing in the future.


Readcthe synopsis. The film is about a guy with a robot daughter. Literally has nothing to do with sexuality. Jesus Christ, pol is projecting hard on this

I'm the darkest person in this thread, you have the permission to refer to me as a "nigger/nigga". I give you an n word pass.

He's atheist/pagan cuck. That's the face of modern day (((natsoc))) pol. Coomer, pedo, probably homosexual, no morals, full of hatred. Industrial revolution has truly been a disaster for human race

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>raping child robots
>raping robots
Alright so you are just a retard with no arguments whatsoever white knighting machines for some self fellating bullshit, got it.

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