Toxic femininity

Why are some women so fucking toxic?

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Who in the fuck who actually meets her criteria would want to get with this bitch? I mean, maybe if you’re horny asf and want to nut, but even then she’s all like “no hookups”. What a worthless cow.

>“no hookups”.

No hookups doesn't actually mean no hookups. It means men of X quality can't hook up with her, but men > X quality can.

she's too old to be demanding. Even her gay filter can't hide her age, plus she's fat.

i bet she must be very popular among whale hunters

Yes I always ask myself "who would date or have sex with these women?" but yet almost always they find some guy. It's so fucking strange. I feel like I'm the last male on this planet with any sort of standards while my friends and associates date fuck marry SINGLE MOMS, fat chicks, trashy girls with tats etc.

>X quality
Way, way better looking than her. This bitch is typical of others like her, she has big tits so she thinks she deserves Alpha Chad.

It’s funny, she has her age hidden and I was searching 36 and up. She’s probably 40 or some shit. Hope she stays single for life.

With a face like that the date won't be ending with the man on his knees.


devalue pussy. it's really not that hard. You guys are making the most mediocre skanky fats into narcissistic beauty queens (in their minds)

>myspace angle in 2020

Thanks for reminding me why I'll never go on Tinder.

Here’s the cunt’s twatter

>muh toxic masculinity
>muh toxic femininity
Stop replying to this retarded shit

it's thirsty blacks and browns driving the price up.



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I figured that was already implied. But, I have noticed that with most women on Tinder. Most will say “no hookups” but will more than likely be slobbing on some knob at the end of the night.

Holy shit.... A fat ugly cunt being this demanding. No self respecting man should go for her even if he meets her demands.

What's this from?

The internet.

Whites are just as guilty. Shitskins are just more open about it due to their low iqs.

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Because they are never satisfied, have the minds of sociopathic children and also don't have any legitimate interests or hobbies so they have to fill this enormous void by immersing themselves in drama and other obnoxious bullshit, as well as their hedonistic thottery to fill this enormous void.

They're beyond ugly and even at their peak they were maybe a 6 at best.

>big tits
those are busted up trash


Big hoop hearings; bigger the hoops the bigger the slut. And yes a big Lebron devil beard nigger with a veiny choad is welcome to scrape her barnacles.

Nicely said. Now let's get down to brass tacks; how deep in debt is she. I'd say combined debts are north of $120,000.00 without much of substance to show for it. Just frittered away in 20 years of being a witless shop till you drop for panties and shoes cuntiness.

cause men commit over 90% of all violent crime

>Bonus Points for living in my neighbourhood
of course the fat bitch doesnt want to move a lot

>cause men commit over 90% of all violent crime

If women could suddenly and miraculously be given the upper body strength of men think of how much higher their crime rat would be; it would dwarf that of men.

women stop brain development at 16-18
while men it's 25-27
So they are stuck being teens for ever while men become the actual adults

This ain't unique. Some dating app I was using ignored my fucking age parameters and showed me a 50 year old relatively fat Asian lady that was looking for a tall white dude with tats, an 8 inch dick and makes more than 100k a year. If there was one like that why the fuck would they pick her?

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I've heard lesbian relationships have the highest rates of domestic violence. Anyone have stats?

That first guy really dodged a bullet - in the real world she would've gone through with it then divorced him 6 months later taking his shit

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>no hookups
"No hookups" is there to catch delusional bluepilled orbiter$ and ass-kissing sois who think the ideal woman hyper- sexualizes herself but doesn't put out until after several months of courting, worship and sacrifice giving.


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It's because she is an idiot.

Women get hundreds of swipes/messages on dating apps because men send hundreds of messages/swipes to literally every single women that looks even slightly fuckable.

The smart women are able to quickly figure out that this means the same men are sending the same shit to every other girl, and thus the fact that she has 200+ matches means very little. The stupid girls however, are not able to discern this fact, and thus they sincerely conclude that they must be a super hot 10/10 high quality woman due to all the men that seem to be giving her interest.

That's the ultimate problem with online dating. It makes retarded bitches think they have millions of guys to choose from when in reality no one gives a shit about them.

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And the sad thing is, some thirsty cuck will still bow down to fuck her.

>they always want 6'+
Do they realize how rare that actually is?

Whoa powerful. All my queens out there, slay.

6'3'' jungle monkey here
Seethe harder, manlet

Because we got soft.

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I would rather die a virgin than lay with that sow.

It's like the "demisexual" or "sapiosexual" tag. Anything to not look like a zero IQ whore.

Problem is all the zero IQ whores do it.

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Not in my part of America.

Burger King commercial.

There is a reason cops and judges disproportionately kill their soon to be ex wives.

lol 6foot is not that rare wtf are you talking about

Beacuse women are stupid. Feminism degenetated them. Modern females must be dominated by the males ( sexually dominated too). Women s rightd are fucking cancer.

If your woman is toxic , you should fuck her hard. Send her to kitchen!

12% of the male population and any other demands drop that number even more.

It's the classic question. WHY would a man who checks all these boxes to be the top 10-20% across multiple categories settle for one woman when EVERY woman wants them?

so 1 in 10 people? How is that "so rare"? Also women rather be alone than be with a low value man. Low-value men dont offer them anything.

>low value man
fds tranny detected

>she has big tits
I bet her ass has its own zip code. When does harpoon season open?

Buzz words no argument in sight

Don't call it "toxic femininity" - that sound silly. Call it toxic feminism or toxic womanhood. Femininity as a word is seen as a good thing.

Tbf it's 12% of the male population because browncel and asiancel manlets are driving down the global average. White male average is somewhere between 5'11 - 6'1.

>Chad later kicks the thott out of his house and she tries to crawl back to her beta fiance.

I'm not making an argument, im stating your a roastie from reddit

>low value men
Holy shit, have a "female dating strategy" ho here. Jesus Christ, how lost are you to end up on Yas Forums?

Because 100% of the female population wants that 12%.

You didn’t tell the full story:
Women actually DO have millions of guys to choose from all the time in a world of online dating. They can get all the cock and male attention they want BUT they cannot ever find a husband.
Perfect response to any used up roastie telling an incel to have sex is:
>find love
>get married

People have already caught on that while we got hordes of incels these days who are the bottom 80% of the males along with that we got hordes of “emcels” to match and these are the bottom 80% of women. I guess for some reason the emcels don’t really feel as oppressed because they can always get dicked down by a chad and pretend he loves her for a brief period. Then jump to the next one when he dumps her. She at least gets the thrill of fucking. Incels just shoot up schools, retreat to a life of video gaming, become traps, etc.

this is the end of civilzation

Except slants and niggers also want the 6 ft Chads.

It's called pricing yourself out ofnthe market. The more specific your requirements and the more you deviate from the norm, the more expensive whatever you're looking for becomes.

It's part of why men are so thirsty. The lower the standards and larger net means there is practically zero reason, outside of disease or disformity, to say "no" and lose an opportunity.

The irony is the "stonk womyn" in this video got her breakout playing a college whore who loved getting fucked in the ass on Shameless.

I know guys who meet her criteria and they would laugh in her fat ugly face and would rather jerk off then put up with that feminist bullshit. They can get girls 10x hotter without the bullshit why would they?

vagene and bitch lasagna power

Basic psychology. She knows she is shit, thus projecting value is her only hope. It also boosts her self-confidence. Exploiting human behaviour and playing on feelings is the easiest shit ever, but very few actually have the skills and mindset to pull it off.

Truth hurts to low value men

Meh I don't know if there is a way to measure the actual value but yeah women want a man who brings something to her life.

Big tits? Dude.. I'd rather fill two grocerybags with sand and water, and play with those instead.

What is that, a shoulder?

Its because niggers exist. I knew many fat women who would brag about banging a booty call on the reg.

>no reason for a man to say “no”

I’ve always noticed this about the sexual market place. I think I remember back in the 80s and 90s women all seemed to feel oppressed by men’s standards. That WE weren’t attracted to THEM. And that being fat was the worst thing in the world for a woman. When in actuality when it boils down to just looks it’s the other way around. Men hardly have standards at all in actuality. Having high standards as a man is like shooting yourself in the foot.
Only about 40% of males throughout history actually breed. And this is because obtaining sex has always been a challenging task. Not that it shouldn’t be. Can’t afford weak genes to remain in the gene pool. But you should always know your place in the sexual market place as a man and do realize that even as a very good catch above average in fact, you can really only hope for slightly below average females to breed with. And as you go up toward chad tier you don’t really get higher quality pussy you just get higher quantity because at Stacy tier there’s nothing higher so Stacy is basically an incel unless she knows she can divorce rape chad for millions.

All women are low value disposable whores