Whaling is positive

Whales eat 100million tons fish in a year, while world's all fishermen catch 20million tons fish in a year. Whale is enemy of mankind.
Whaling should be legal, it's delicious and it's a good source of fuel.
For the people that hunt whales, this is a very profitable activity. It is clearly not easy to hunt down a huge animal such as a whale, and as such they turn into heroe whenever they do manage to do so, and they get a lot of profit out of it.
Fuck whale, the minke is not even endangered. Not our business what Asia does anyway.



Whale is the cow of ocean with more meat, fat is useful too
Humpback whales such as we see in Hawaii every year in the summertime will eat up to 2–1/2 tons per day. They also eat schooling fish such as capelin, herring, sardines, and whatever else they can get. Do the math.
They're sea jews always crying about muh extinction but there's millions of them and they destroy the planet. Fuck whale.

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Humpback recovered. Minke and beluga are not in danger.. what's the problem? How is it not just a big deer in the ocean?

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It's not like shark finning at least. All the whale is used, only hunt from prevalent ass hole over population species. Who cares? It pays good.

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>T vegan

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>All the whale is used
whoopdy doo
all that means is humans eat what they can and the rest is fertilizer, instead of the other ocean life eating the rest of it.

... Name on part besides the skeleton that can't be eaten? And liver because Mercury. One other part?

its bad enough how many chink shills we have here now we have nip shills too
just go back to fucking your anime pillow and stop posting this trash

Phoneposting should be a capital offence.

>mutts dont know inpact of killing whole spicies

Why so you keep making this same thread? Pretty suspicious tbqhfam

Worst Korea (who also whales) telling anyone anything.
Because big fish is any better than auk, dou dou, or Palestinian. Yeah ok.

How much time are you here? Lol

Whale meat tastes like shit and only garbage islanders disagree. A lack of respect for other intelligent creatures for mere vanity and sport is the sign of a subhuman intellect.
The Romans believed the closer you became to pure good the less you needed to kill to survive. National Socialism and Italian Fascism sought to preserve the environment and ecosystem through study and care in what humanity did. The aspect of the super man is not power for the sake of ruling, but power for the sake of living on your own strength rather than borrowing or stealing it from others. To truly let the world be free of the reign of murder people must compromise with in order to survive.
By admitting you must kill another thing for tradition, for personal comfort, or for any kind of zeal you are admitting you are weak and need it to continue as you are. You are admitting you're not a man, but still a basic mindless heartless beast like all those other "lower lifeforms" you consume.

Wew lad Just stop talking you dont know shit about ocean life and inpact that would have
I can agree that climate change is over hyped but whalelin made dozens of species of whale extinct

Faggot, you've never tasted whale. It is good. Ass hole whale does more damage than good, and Romans drank lead water so fuck them.

Technical mammal, lives in ocean. Shoe fits. What whales went extinct?!

Romans drank from a more advanced water system than you could ever build and lived in a greater empire than your shitty chink islander offshoot.

Says fluoride guzzling faggot

You wouldn’t call a portabella mushroom a plant would you?

This. Even canned whale from Japan tastes as good or better than steak, depending on quality

>They're sea jews always crying about muh extinction but there's millions of them and they destroy the planet. Fuck whale.
epic, giga kek

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Nigger how much time are YOU here?

the sheer number of whales out there is frighteningly big, can anything be done about this cetacean menace?

If you cared about reaserch you would of known this this is 1 exsample im not gonna spoonfeed you

I've had whale meat and the funny thing is it's really fucking good. It looks exactly like steak and when you first try it you think "no fucking way".

Apples and bananas.
The media lies to say it tastes bad, but it is honestly the best tasting thing in the ocean.

hey OP good luck posting 100 times in your own thread

How'd you get a picture of muktuk white man?

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Why didn’t we think of this? Whale oil is RENEWABLE!

>on part besides the skeleton that ca
the point went right over your head.
whether humans eat the meat, or other sea life eat the meat, it makes no difference.
do you feed your dog? do you feed your cat? do animals deserve to eat and survive?
well then, killing a shark for a fin, or killing a whale for it's meat, makes no difference. the meat is not wasted in either.
what matters is how much the ecosystem is changed.

It went extinct in prehistoric times retard. Not because of whaling

>muh fish
That's propaganda fed to you by faggots that glorify steak and meat eating. Like OP.

Degenerate carnivores. Sage.

It changes for the better when ass hole whale isn't eating the world's fish reserves

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My water isn't fluoridated.

>only 2000 blue whales
pretty sad honestly. i wish you subhuman gooks just ate eachother. just make it open season on a gooks ass.

Fuck whales.

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This. Zero whales have gone extinct because of humans. Zero. They're tasty, eat them. It's that simple.

Sure thing, Takeshi.

>i want to live in an empty shithole devoid of wildlife the post

Why do you care about whales when you can't even kill turks

Because seafood disgusts me and therefore I don't care about their eating habits. I also don't care if they are hunted in moderation, but western countries won't into weyru hantu no matter how much you winge.

Get raped, Maddox.

How the hell does seafood disgust you?!

Because everything tastes and smells like shit. Oysters, shrimp and fish alike. The only thing that wasn't absolutely disgusting is crab sushi, but again it was just bearable.

Can't you chinks fuck off back to your moon rune exclusive shit holes?

>Thousands of whales

as in 2309 thousand blue whales not 2039

learn how to read you fucking retard

Says coke head goblin

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Also who gives a fuck if we make other animals go extinct.

Yea sure it sucks but don't act like we aren't animals ourselves, if an animal is dominating the system its on the other animals to adapt and survive.

This, I was reassuring Poland nigger that no whale goes extinct because of humans or Africans.

Hes a jap with a proxy his English is fucking terrible

>fuck a yuu dorphin
>fuck a yuu whay-ru

Imagine the smell

i thought wales eat krill

Not all

>Humpback whales such as we see in Hawaii every year in the summertime will eat up to 2–1/2 tons per day

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Asians have the weirdest hatred of sea life.

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Whale farming is the future farming

their culture was built on an island where their main source of food was sea life for a long fucking time, it makes perfect sense.

Whales are based floating holocausts responsible for btfoing ocean life which is great. Theyre also cute

europeans live on a continent where our main source of food is domestic animals
doesn't mean we want to genocidally exterminate them and ruin our source of food

gooks are just retarded

Whaling is cruel. Cruelty is sin. Sin is punished by God. I don't like cruelty, but for you, even if you don't care about that, you should not get humanity in trouble with God.

The whole idea of try to shame the japanese for hunting whales is a hypocrisy. in the last century western nations still hunted whales.

and shitty snow gooks still farm whales
ban them from farming it too

is this bait? the graph is wrong. there's probably about 10,000 blue whales, but you are actually retarded and can't read graphs.


fuck them

Yellow hands typed this post