What the fuck is wrong with humans

What the fuck is wrong with humans

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Not sure what I'm looking at.

I don't know user, why don't you tell us what is wrong with you?

Both look like hapas.

hilarious isnt it. we always need duos. good vs. evil. humans are weird af

Out of the loop on both these people and their agendas but it’s kind of horrifying how world leaders are taking serious advice from literal children. Like what the actual fuck are they doing up there

>horrifying how world leaders are taking serious advice from literal children
I don't know. Not taking advice from kids got us to the present so...

All humans are shitmonkeys
Female, male, black, white, brown, yellow
We are a freak of evolution.
Some are cool but 99% are awful and a useless waste of space regardless of any “identity” trait.
> t. race realist

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Nigger tier logic

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Hoping a new path leads to a different destination than the one we already tried? Ok boomer.

I'm not either bro

The elites like it when their servants use young children for spokesmen. It gives them all something to fuck, and gives the elites blackmail over their servants.

The one on the right is not a human. It's a chink in disguise.

Whoever wins the fist fight the pedos get 1st place.

>weird looking, pre-pubescent girls parroting the same talking points over and over
Holy shit, I think these are prototype androids


Ignorance among other things

I mean, not taking advice from the mentally handicapped got us to the present so...

Left: Merry the Hobbit
Right: Elrond the Elf

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These kids aren't creative geniuses, they're parroting what they learn from grown ups
If you cant see that you might be a child too

god i wish the girl on the right can deep throat me.

>not taking advice from the mentally handicapped got us to the present
Yes, having the mentally handicapped directly being in charged was not the same as taking advice from them, technically correct.

That's what all humans do. There's no magic age where they suddenly stop being a product of their upbringing.

Dunning Kruger is going to have a fucking field day with upcoming batches of humans

As opposed to humans of the past?


let me cope

I support environmentalism but I have no clue why a child somehow reperesents it

I literally don't give a fuck if this isn't her, post more

Imagine fucking both of them at the same time.

>implying the 60lb 17yr old vegan retard has an ass like this
stupid beaner

Two physical example of why people explicitly tell pregnant mothers not to drink alcohol.

the one on the right looks like she has black hollow eyes

befitting for a woman

[spoiler]her username is u/dummydepressedbitch[/spoiler]

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modern diet with literally thousands of untested chemicals in them is only a few generations old, with concentrations of untested garbage rising and rising.
what exactly are you surprised about? you are what you eat, and we're all eating toxic garbage

speaking of which

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On what site? Also
You dont come here often, do you?

this man is a sex symbol to tumblr cunts

Aryan ecofacism vs mutt capitalism. Can't wait untill greta seizes the reichstag and starts fixing europe.

Fake, but still hot. Post more

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Actual authority and logic eludes people.
They seek faggotry instead. It's what happens when you stop beating females.

search up dummydepressedbitch on plebbit she has a fuckton of good content

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This would be correct if we were still living in 2013

Humans are Ayy test subjects.
Prove me wrong.
>Pro tip: you can't.

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She has no sex film tho

Using children as tools for propaganda is proof that politics has become too feminine. It's not about the message anymore, just manipulation.

>greta doesn't like planes
>airlines going bust over corona virus
>greta doesn't like cars that run on oil...

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Greta's like 150 years old.

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I love that Asian Greta!

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Based and checked. She's here to save us bros. Anons digits just confirmed it. Oil crisis now!

literal psychic vampire lords
alex jones was right

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She doesn't have down syndrome. It isn't Greta we know and love

Prove to me your right IL tell you why your wrong

That's not necessarily what's wrong with the world

We could b test subjects but it could b for profit or control idk but either it's not the test subjects fault Pro tip back you shi

>Not taking advice from kids got us to the present so
no it isn't user
adults aren't supposed to take advice from kids. The talking points of these children are just what they know FROM ADULTS. This is all part of the brainwashing to make it seem like children are on the level of adults, it's to screw up the way people see children. World leaders aren't listening to them, they know everything and more than what these children know. They are doing this for a big show to fool you.