This is Capitalism

>Have money
>Buy up all of a critical resource when a disaster hits
>Gouge the prices and force people to pay or die
This is your sacred Capitalism that you degenerates are always praising.

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How would it work under communism?

Begone false dichotomy retard.

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Once a pandemic is called the feds will raid these retards.

Wasn't Germany forced to continually invade and pillage other countries because their economy wasn't sustainable?

Masks would be allocated as-needed and nobody would be allowed to hoard them. It's pretty straightforward.

Why is there so much communism on this board? Isn't this supposed to be far right?

Stupid masks aren't critical, you want to protect yourself from coronachan, fast, keto diet, some high doses of natural vitamin c.

Will never happen, using the P word means all stocks crash.


>This is your sacred Capitalism that you degenerates are always praising.
Who are you talking to? This is Yas Forums, not

You mad bitch? I was smart enough to get off my ass and go buy some masks before they sold out at Walmart. Still have a supply for myself and sold the extras on ebay for $150 profit. Try getting off your ass and doing something for yourself instead of eating chicken tendies in mommies basement and waiting for the government to spoon feed you.

How would the government know how many you need?

This is all your doing kike don't act surprised

Imagine living in Socialism Venezuela where you just don't have anything to buy, ever!
Your lack of perspective is staggering.

No. They invaded other countries which had been part of Germany prior to 1919 in order to liberate the German people being mistreated by their new rulers there. It was Churchill and Roosevelt and France who backed Poland and prevented them negotiating a deal like the other countries had.

>nobody would be allowed to hoard them

Central planning doesn’t work at all. Have you ever seen the people who work in government offices?

>either get fucked by predatory capitalism or oppressed by totalitarian communism
There has to be a better way.

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>More False Dichotomy bullshit
Lurk more, faggot.

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Even though they're essentially worthless with no proper face seal, it works out to 8 bucks per mask. Is that high for this product?

>news creates mass panic over literal nothing
>entrepreneurs hoard supplies
>retards watch the news, shit themselves in terror, and throw their life savings at the hoarders
>news gets ratings
>hoarders get free money
>idiots get useless face masks

Capitalism by design punishes gullibility, stupidity, and financial foolishness. I see no problems here.

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>Masks would be allocated as-needed and nobody would be allowed to hoard them.
You know that in Soviet Union exactly opposite happened?

Your racism doesn't even add up. Why would a jew want to stop capitalism?

Very good.
>Retards and lazy ppl seething

>He thinks the office niggers are the ones doing any planning at all.

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its called being intelligent.
we told you nigger back in January to get masks

They would be 10x the price in a socialist country, the people distributing them would make sure their friends and family got some then they would lose the rest so they could be sold on the black market. But officially they would be cheap priced in store but they never reach the stores in a socialist system.

You die

Science and basic arithmetic? They own the means of production. Whatever the scientists say is appropriate per person.

>>Buy up all of a critical resource when a disaster hits
You brainlet, he bought them all up BEFORE a disaster hits because the seller isn't a complete retard unlike you

> commie government goes to redistribute masks
>take masks from average joes
>they make sure important figures, police, and government officials are covered first
>masks run out
>millions of civilians are left without masks while government is FINE
>mass death among civilians, but dont worry, your rulers are ok
My dad was right. Communism is fucking retarded, and so are commies.

It's also natural selection, cause those masks ain't going to help.

The best part is that the masks don’t do shit

They are a disposable one-and-done product that you throw away after you leave the site of exposure, so it's probably more like 8 bucks a box, not 8 bucks a mask.

No they weren't, this is called "propaganda", it's a thing that people in power do to convince people to believe in what they want them to believe. Sometimes it's true and sometimes it's false, in this case we have a variety of the "false" propaganda.

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No it's not, apparently it's against some socialist laws to price gouge.
What absolute bullshit!

But really it's been shown time and again that price gouging in crises leads to more products flooding the areas that need it most.
Before gouging was illegal men would rent uhaul trucks and stuff them with foods to sell in disaster areas, actually providing relief.

how are people so fucking dumb. everyone running around saying masks are in shortage and people are raising the price. when this whole time you can go on ebay and get 1 for 1 dollar? i just ordered a military gas mask on ebay last week there is no shortage. its just that people are retarded. holy shit.

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Hospitals already do this with supplies that aren't short. Ever read a itemized bill? $80 for a plastic bedpan. Give them cunts a taste of their own medicine.

Buy it faggot. Month forward those are priceless.

But what?

Nice contrived example. Apparently there are only enough masks for the amount of people in government? Lol wrong. The government owns the means of production, they would just ramp up production brainlet.

user, go back to school, you don't know what words mean.

There is, my friend; one only needs to reach out and grasp it.

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>be party leader or military member
>get vaccine or protection
>be average citizen

this man has took a risk buying all those mask. no guarantees we'll even need them.

BASED capitalism wins again

In Poland retards bought out all the mask ages ago.
Right now our government is passing a law that will allow them to take private property to combat the virus.

>tfw preps buy out all the gas masks and protective stuff then stupid degenerates like OP with their "supertuesday" and "just a flu bro" gonna cry about capitalism and die horrificly

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He's a rich person. It's no risk to him. It doesn't matter if he loses out on a few hundred dollars worth of masks. Meanwhile people are dying while he's trying to extort them.

Whatever the scientists say is appropriate per person.
> 0.6 masks each

This is communism
>if you dont survive you dont need mask

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Where I work we sell medical masks and a couple of weeks ago the price was increased from 5 dollar for 50 to 80 dollar for 50

>they would ramp up production
Capitalists aren't doing that now because?

You clearly don't understand that private citizens providing more supplies means demand goes down and the price as well.

Without an incentive to bring in products all disaster victims have to wait longer to receive aid. Which can cost lives.

Lol sure thing little buddy.

Yeah that's called being smart. China has the worst outbreak and they're handling it like absolute chads. You couldn't do that in America because "muh rights" meanwhile everybody is going to get infected and fucking die because leadership lacks political will to make strong decisions. You know I'm right.

I can't wait until the happening is called off and these retards aren't allowed to return all the shit they tried to scalp.

So, shortages it is. Also hoarding by the party officials and upper class.

And if they weren’t capable of producing enough for everyone?

Didn't Venezuela get a bunch of supplies from America and hid them.

Oh no let me buy a useless product that isn't going to do jack fucking shit! It's everywhere nigger, if you're mad maybe pay a visit to the people who allowed it to happen.

Commies aren't people

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Those 1$ masks are likely knock offs.

>because their economy wasn't sustainable?
Yeah building and manufacturing Mauser rifles, hugo boss and Volkswagen cars sure is unsustainable.

They are but it doesn't matter because they're being bought up in bulk by capitalist parasites who then turn around and price gouge. Don't you get it? Communism ensures that the middleman doesn't do that. Resources flow directly from the government to the people.

THAts not even a lot. That’s a little over $7 a mask.

You know there are multiple German guns, clothes, cars and watches from nazi Germany that Americans buy today.

Another perfect example of capitalist corruption exploiting a disaster and hurting everyone involved in order to make a profit.

But, but, muh true Communism has no upper class!

>You couldn't do that in America because "muh rights"
if shit gets really out of hand they will declare martial law

Oh, you’re baiting. You got me.

In the UK they are intercepting masks like this in the mail

You clearly don't understand that artificial/abnormal scarcity and fear artificially skew the supply/demand curve no matter how many supplies you actually have. You probably also think having easy credit doesn't affect "the invisible hand of the market" either.
Or you do understand and think we're going to fall for your libertarian bullshit here.

Sure. Would love to see your face when you selflessly sacrifice you and your family without your decision.
Dont know why every fucking commie thinks he would be of higher rank.

Good larp.

The boxes normally go for less than $10.
Post the in store prices.

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""Safe""way wageslave here. I have some unknown illness but I haven't seen the doctor yet, not because I can't afford it LOL I'm just lazy. For the past week and a half I've been cooffing on people at checkout and when I handle their deli food.I would wash my hand's but they get dry from the store's cheap soap, in fact some times I don't even wash when I've gone pee I just tuck my penis over my pants then tuck it back, a bit of pee gets on my apron that I don't take off because lol lazy, but what can you do? haha. Anyway It gives me joy to think I'll take others with me if this shit gets serious!

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for what reason?

You could have done it as well and got rich. Capitalism is great.

>this is your retarded brain on liberal pills


>Why is there so much communism on this board?
New faggots, Jewish shills, shareblue and antifa, reddit.
Isn't this supposed to be far right?
Yes and no.
We have free speech and agree and disagree on many things.
Unlike every other website you can say whatever you want and wont get shadow banned or silenced.
The down side? Your retarded ideas get torn down.

Shouldn't the government step in, as directed by voters?
>see shortage of vital supply
>initiate tax funded production to normalize supply, sold at regulated price
>hoarders have to lower prices in face of increased supply and lower demand; but they still eventually turn a profit
Mixed economy should work for the people, as directed by the people

Way off, I have experience in the results of actual disasters, hurricanes.
None of your theory crap.

>Puerto Rico did
Which is even worse. They are just corrupt spics. I imagine Venezuela only gives it to those that voted for the dictator. The ones that opposed are dead.

>They own the means of production.
You faggots say this but never extrapolate.

So they can give it to 25 year old schoolchildren refugees ofc

I'd rather die than wear a masku.

>buys up all critical supplies to create artificial shortage raising prices to make profit
>blames capitalism

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Are you a party official?
You need at least a year's supply.
Are you not affiliated with the party?
Masks are not working. You don't need one. Move on comrade.

Ironically those knock offs maks are likely produced in Gomunist China.

>The government owns the means of production, they would just ramp up production brainlet.
Why bother? Seriously why bother? You don't need millions to have slave labour.
Secondly lol.
So the working class dont own shit the goverment know the government with its all knowing all mighty well thought out programs and ideas.

my bet is that it would be racist if you walk around with a mask. Could make people dislike chinks and chinkophobia has no place in bongland

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>I have personal experience gouging people during crises, I certainly wouldn't help them if I couldn't make money out of it.
Yeah, fuck you too, user.

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If someone is stupid enough to pay for it then fuck'em they don't deserve to have money. You're just pissed you didn't think of it first and don't lie and say you'd never do anything like that for personal gain because that's bullshit.

You know the China government went door to door with handguns right?
You know they started dragging people away and putting them in huge white boxes.
You know communist have mass slaughtered their own people.
China has done it countless times.