What should the punishment for child abuse be?


>Torres told Bella Vista police Capt. Tim Cook in an April 7, 2015, interview that he twice placed a stick in his son's rectum and made him stand in the corner and do squats.

>Torres said he punished his son for eating cake while the family was on a camping trip in Missouri. Torres said in the interview that his son was doing the squats and that his wife forced the boy down on the stick, which resulted in the injuries that led to Isaiah's death.

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Mandatory bbc sessions to help the child recover via clockwork orange style torture, mandatory HRT injections and sissy bbc hypno for the perpetrator.

Draw and quarter.

In a normal society we would lynch these faggots at the jailhouse.

>Isaiah's death
So...regular jewish behaviour then?

Based Moshe

Rape and decapitation. I could take care of the first part and let you guys handle the rest.

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sad man, so sad reading stuff like this.

the kids already dead though pervert


That's way too easy dude. How about we torture them first.

In a normal society the judge sentences them to death you fucking retarded goon.

What's so shocking about this story? It's just Mexicans doing Mexican things.

I wanna rape the rapist though, by the way shut the fuck up or I'll rape you too.

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Wake me when these sick women get the same punishment as these sick men.

holy hell. how could you even sit in a room with that guy. I wouldnt know whether to cry or magdump in his face! its just straight up torture of a little child. like wtf. feels so bad when i see something like this.



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In this case, nothing. Children are the property of their parents. Communists don't @ me.

moar child abuse is what I'm talking about. just keeeep it coming!

beat that wimpy sack a shiet

>Man gets sentenced to death
>Woman doesn't


fake video

Brazen Bull

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No, children are the property of the father. So is the wife. The man owns the family and ought to do whatever he damn well pleases. Beat em, fuck em, sell em, eat em, or treat em right, doesn't matter. Sole discretion lies with the MAN of the house. And if there is no father, then they belong to government and ought to be auctioned off.

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holy based

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This is too fast

Most people vocally in favor of corporal punishment for children are just pedos who want an excuse to abuse a child in a "socially acceptable" way. So they try to gaslight people into believing that corporal punishment is "good" for children, and they mock those who oppose spanking etc for children by implying they will raise disobedient, spoiled children. Because their access to being able to abuse children hinges on people being gaslit to believe it's beneficial. Change my mind

isaiah jewish name
who the fuck would name a baby from the bible...

torres spic name...
so gassed and then deported??

Judges are unnecessary

One less jewish spawnling, that's fine by me.

>What should the punishment for child abuse be?
Elder abuse.

Too bad we live in a communist society and the state owns everybody.

You might be shocked at how true this is.
t. parens patriae

God is a judge. You can't break down all law and order just because of muh fee fees. We have a due process in this land. Retard.

Why, public execution by crucifixion of course

In a normal and sane society they wouldn't even have a trial, they would be shot on the spot

I remember reading the account of some military officer or general from history, I forget who it was. But they wrote that they forbade the men under their command from torturing prisoners of war, because the officer/general noted that when men tortured prisoners, they became violent, aggressive, sadistic.

The same observation is noted by Nietzsche, "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster", and also with Dostoevsky in his various writings, but namely Crime and Punishment.

You can think of it this way, ordering a man to torture a prisoner will create two victims.

This is good justice. It should be done to all who bring society down.

The world needs more public hangings

>Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
If a person abuses a child then the child should be able to abuse that person back.

Heavy medical rehabilitation.

As someone who has cause for some grudges over childhood mistreatment, it amuses me to see that principle advocated as you did, but I honestly don’t want to fuck with the people who fucked with me. One of them I’d rather reconnect with; the rest I’d rather have nothing to do with.

(((they))) want you to be a monster though

i honestly don't want to either. that's why i have tried to stop fantasizing about beating that cunt all over her body until she is black and blue too.

thats not what that means retard. thats not eye for an eye.

Maybe an eye for an eye would have been a better saying, either way I still think the punishment should be equal to the crime.


a swift death

Hope you are doing ok now, burgerbro.

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I'l fuck your whore mother while you're forced to watch you dirty cuck.

Proper punishment for any kind of child abuse.
Even if people are wrongly convicted from time to time I'd still be for this.

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you're just as sick as the child abusers if you think that

I bet that little faggot liked it.

Children aren’t people, they are property and to be treated accordingly.

I bet you want to give rights to cows and pigs, huh you faggot.


I would fuck you in front of your mother until you love me, you fuckin faggot.

That's why the USSR won. The Nazis set up large elaborate death camps and turned thousands of SS men into psychopaths. The Soviets would give a single officer a single gun and a shitton of ammo, and have him perform thousands of executions himself. Minimization of psychological damage.

How? An eye for an eye is the closest to perfect justice we can get.

>The Nazis set up large elaborate death camps and turned thousands of SS men into psychopaths
You are a dumbass.

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I'll fuck both of you in front of my parents while your ancestors are forced you watch you dirty kikes


Eye for an eye

Shoot them. Next case

In Australia we have very relaxed laws on child abuse. The first rape is a 50 dollar fine, and it goes up by 100 each time with a maximum of 400.

It makes me sick.

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Here’s your reply u complete faggot retard

You must be forgetting the Nazi Electro Rape Roller Coaster

Not if I’m busy fucking your dog, you Giant faggot.

If its a Untermensch, like a white person beat up a negroid child - no punishment.
Nigger beats a white child, instant execution.

Thanks, you child fucking Abo.
I bet you have a goon ride and huff petrol for fun.

based kike is based

Ur a gay cunt

I bet that’s what you’d be screaming at me while I’m balls deep in your rectum, faggot.


Offer them a trial with fair and low punishments IF they confess. Once everything is confessed and proven, shoot them dead or behead them instead.

Rape the pedos and make sure they feel the pain they inflicted on the children. After that, inflict as much pain as possible to harvest andrenochrome from rapists and then drink it. Fight fire with fire
