Panic buying has spread across the US from New Jersey to San Francisco with worried shoppers emptying shelves to stock up on supplies amid a surge in deadly coronavirus cases
An increase in testing for the coronavirus began shedding light on how the illness has spread across the US with the death toll rising to seve and confirmed cases reached more than 100
The recent boom in numbers has brought chaotic scenes to supermarkets across the country with anxious shoppers stockpiling food and medical and cleaning supplies
Shoppers have been pictured lining up with shopping carts overflowing with bundles of toilet paper, crates of bottled water and dozens of cans of tinned food
Inside, photos emerged showing supermarket shelves emptied of cleaning products and hand sanitizing gel

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Imagine the shit coming out of her ass

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Who tf needs that many paper towels?? and why paper towels lmao

I've spent over $2800 panic buying so far. My livingroom looks like a hoarder's house there's so many piles of cases and bags of stuff. Am I overreacting?

i haven't noticed a panic in western CT quite yet.

>Am I overreacting?
The normies are underreacting and soon they're all going to wake up at once and start rioting when everywhere is sold out.

Already people are getting increasingly unhinged as stores run out of stock. Estimates are that 1/5 of the workforce will be out of action too so expect a shortage of food + the fuel crisis looming.

People that hoard it and ship it oversea for a profit.

I've already killed like 5 people at Costco and Walmart fighting over Kraft Mac'n Cheese
keep us updated

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I spent $0 to prep.
everyone is over-reacting. Other than children, virus is going to kill us all, why waste time and money? I'll leave the money to some random children fuck it

>Buying retail to stock up
LMFAO tards.

I’m not bothering prepping because no one in aus can protect their supplies if shit truly hits the fan. I’ll just gather 10 of my mates and go shopping door to door.

Okay, cool. So I'll buy another $1000 worth of stuff this weekend. If anything I'll be stocked up for any future happenings. Better to be overprepared I guess. Like an Insurance policy.

Lucked out and went into a Staples today and they'd JUST gotten in 2 cases of Clorox wipes after having run out. Bought one entire case. Felt good.

I have about 40 Butterfingers. For some reason no one is buying those.
There is a sale on cereal today and tomorrow, hoping they're not sold out.

Its so funny watching normies and boomers shopping at the last minute, Costco especially.
>"Will there be any more of x?"
>"Nope its out till April at its earliest"
>"Anywhere else I could find it?"
>"About two weeks ago"
Best part of the job

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Won't you get the virus that way? The idea is to prep, then self-isolate. Not to get into hand-to-hand fights with infected people as the outbreak rages outbid control.

couldn't be more chilled here right now
ALDI had a sale on canned meat today and no one is buying. literally the only item that was sold out was regular non-refrigerated milk (3.5% fat), everything else is fully in stock.

This is not realistic thinking. You need food and water for yourself instead of relying on stealing it from others.


This is how the USA becomes street shitter tier.
>run on TP, no bidet in homes
>millions of families take to the streets to take dumps

don't even try, he's Australian.
He'll look at what you wrote and he'll see nothing but the words "rugby" and "beer", over and over.


Why is everyone in grrmoni unprepared? :^(

my buddy works at Costco and says him and his coworkers just cough a lot to keep people away and fuck with them. topkeking

doesn't costco have crazy return policies? when this becomes nothing won't they have so many people returning pallets of soup and tissues?

Is that you Cassandra

You and your 10 mates will all kill each other on day one. Good riddance.


Should i buy anything in particular? All these panic buyers are just running supplies low making regular shopping a pain should they stock up heavily on foods and drink I want.

I live in LA all the Chinese are buying it up to send to their relatives in china

No refunds



Looks like a woman teacher buying shit for her classroom.

If you don't already have 6 months of MREs on standby you need to stock up on as much canned food as possible for when society crumbles, ideally you'd want a variety. Honey also never expires and is calorie dense, nuts and dried food are also decent but not as long lasting as canned.

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I was already prepped: guns, ammo, food and water for 3 months for everyone in the house. When coronavirus started getting serious, I pulled my CBRN gear out and got all my food and supplies inventoried and in order to load up the truck and GTFO in 10 minutes if necessary. Mostly so if they announce a quarantine, I want to leave before they can mobilize an effort to quarantine our area. I’m in Seattle near where they’re building a zone to quarantine people now, so I’m right in ground 0.

It’s a lot fucking worse than you’re seeing on the news. There’s been sirens non stop every 20 min all day for 2 days.

>It’s a lot fucking worse than you’re seeing on the news. There’s been sirens non stop every 20 min all day for 2 days.
Is this true?
An user said he thinks there are multiple strains of corona and some are more deadly than others. This might explain the weird numbers coming in where some people have 'mild symptoms' and then others it's really bad.

What do you think?

society isn't going to crumble.
i've been buildung up supplies since 2018 because i knew the stock markets were going to crash - guess what: this alleged killer virus is just the fucking excuse for that.
everyone and their grandma have been calling a market crash for years, and now it's here, being rebranded as an unforeseeable one-time event.
they always sell the inevitable financial resets as something else so that normies don't catch up to the inherent nature of the financial system.

you're one of the bluepilled mongos falling for the fear.
yes, lots of old people might die, the days of super cheap garbage "made in china" are over and your TV might have to hold for much longer than you anticipated.
there will be a huge depression that will last for maybe 1.5 - 3 years and that will be it.

man up and learn that fear is a TOOL. unless you do that, you'll get used via that tool for all your life, user.

Yeah you don’t need anything too crazy. 90 days food, water, medication and enough guns and ammo to arm everyone in your house for a sustained period.

Then if anything does happen, you’re not screwed. You can rotate your food out by using it for camp food or during major seasonal storms.

Until you hit a house like mine, where we also have 10 mates and lots of guns AND training. The reality is you wouldn’t get within 200 ft of someone’s residence who knows how to setup LP/OP

Thats when they will be able to send more out, the supplies are just not there. Its only for rice, cleaning and sanitizing products for now.

There's a man going 'round taking names
And he decides who to free and who to blame
Everybody won't be treated all the same
There'll be a golden ladder reaching down
When the man comes around

The hairs on your arm will stand up
At the terror in each sip and in each sup
Will you partake of that last offered cup
Or disappear into the potter's ground
When the man comes around

Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers
One hundred million angels singing
Multitudes are marching to the big kettledrum
Voices calling, voices crying
Some are born and some are dying
It's Alpha and Omega's kingdom come
And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree
The virgins are all trimming their wicks
The whirlwind is in the thorn tree
It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks

Till Armageddon no salaam, no shalom
Then the father hen will call his chickens home
The wise men will bow down before the throne
And at his feet they'll cast their golden crowns
When the man comes around
Whoever is unjust, let him be unjust still
Whoever is righteous, let him be righteous still
Whoever is filthy, let him be filthy still
Listen to the words long written down
When the man comes around

>An user said he thinks there are multiple strains of corona

Well you don't need to listen to an user to know that, it's medical fact right now

I'm amazed at how it's Costco that's been getting cleaned out hard. It's like a zoo there. Meanwhile the Winco and Safeway near me are perfectly fine.

Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers
One hundred million angels singing
Multitudes are marching to the big kettledrum
Voices calling, voices crying
Some are born and some are dying
It's Alpha and Omega's kingdom come
And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree
The virgins are all trimming their wicks
The whirlwind is in the thorn tree
It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks
In measured hundredweight and penny pound
When the man comes around

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts. And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him

I'm aware that the market is going to crash. It's been long overdue and corona is just the acceleration of it, not the cause.

Most normies seem to have some idea of the financial system, leftists at least talk about that a lot too. The only people I see defending the financial system now are unironic conservatives who think TPUSA is good.
Trump will use the corona virus as an excuse to try to cover up this fact as well, as will all politicians everywhere.

That doesn't change the fact though that the MSM is downplaying it too, the WHO is downplaying it and repeating fake numbers. People are being told to keep calm. All flights should have been cancelled straight away but they were not because MUH ECONOMY comes first to politicians.

>go to clean out safeway
>go bankrupt because you prepped at Safeway

Whole foods will be the final line of defense when they run out of food it will be time to take our suicide pills.

The Virgin Denialist vs the Virgin Panic Prepper vs the Chad NoPrep and Accepting Death

I have prepared well for this happening
Chest rig
Shitload of ammo
Backpack full of books to occupy myself at night

If things actually go bad I am going to have the time of my life for a week or two.

Yes, I live in Seattle where the outbreak is occurring right now. Just this week every major corporation shut down their offices, along with 100s of small businesses. I’d say a good 20% of Seattle is shut down now, with more closures coming. Most of our schools and even the department of defense out here are closed “until further notice”. Our port, aka the gateway to China, is nearly empty. It’s downright eerie. Normally you have crates stacked as tall as office buildings for miles. It’s totally empty. I’ll get a shot with my drone tomorrow.

There’s posts all over our social media about people finding someone at their work got the virus, and the offices are closing. The media is not reporting any of this. Store shelves in a lot of stores get emptied out during rush hours. This weekend is going to be really crazy I’m sure.

Look at this shit. This is what happens when you let a woman lead in a crisis.

>potential pandemic leading to supply chain disruption thus leading to disruption of food supply.
>Better stock up on paper towel and tapons.

That whole fucking palatte could be replaced with 2 dishrags and a bottle of detergent.

who says she isn't just supplying a motel or that it's just one of her 19 carts

Meanwhile I stocked up on alcohol. It’s going to be great to trade it or drink it when Seattle gets locked down into a quarantine by the National Guard

Cool story
What happens when you need to poo


Lets get these lies out onto a tray.

Did you look at the fucking picture? Do you think that pillow princess works, let alone thinks? Her job is to get fucked and go shopping, which unfortunately includes groceries and not just the other useless shit women waste money on. Her husband told her to stock up on emergency supplies while he is at work. And this dumb cunt buying this because to her an emergency is the toddler spilling apple juice.

As long as its non parishable you can always consume it later if this blows over

>Meanwhile I stocked up on alcohol. It’s going to be great to trade it
Are you that dude that bought 8 bottles of shit-tier booze thinking he would become king of the wasteland with it?

Give us a keyword so we can find your thread tomorrow, dear user

Just look here:

As each day passes it’s getting more empty. Already parts of the city look like it’s totally abandoned. And in spite of everyone staying home, police and EMS activity has had a huge spike in the last few days.

wow, someone's angry at women.
i'd love to see the robbers faces when they loot you and discover that those are pissbottles, not precious jugs of applejuice that they murdered you for.
jesus christ you must lead a fun and fulfilling life with your attitude
fucking lmao

The likelihood of the water or fresh food supply getting disrupted is very small, government will step in.

The likelihood of assholes buying out all ply toilet paper is very high ... so better be one of the first assholes, so you don't have to use that shitty single layer recycled shit.