Can somebody prove or disprove pic related?

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They are thinking about BBC. You just know it.

The global age of consent being 14 seems to match up well with that chart.

Yes. Just google the fucking study. Stop posting that fake chart.

What's in that link, OP? I'm not clicking it

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Fertility. Females can give birth at that age. At one point in time is was necessary for them to simply for the survival of the human race. Nowadays humans live long enough that its sexually taboo.

It's only because these days girls are getting fat and worn out by their late teens.
Wasn't that way a generation or two ago.

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Kike, Puberty is the onset of growth into adulthood, not the completion of it. It takes several years before the hormone balance in the body reaches maturity enough for pregnancy, most 12-14 year olds who DO get impregnated lose their babies to miscarriage because their bodies are not developed enough to CARRY a child.

I don't know why this is controversial

I cannot argue with facts user

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pedo kike

I have a difficult time believing that most men find an 11 year old more sexually attractive than any woman in her 30's. A pretty 14 year old, yeah, sure. 11? With very rare exception, 11 year olds look like little children.

Yes, to answer your question.

Not controversial that young fertile women are attractive.

By my cultural standards, we should protect young adolescents from predatory adults, or even predatory older teens until 18 - and then, unless someone is mentally deficient, low IQ, etc. and required to have additional protections.

I'm ok with teens of the same age +-9 months having sex, I wouldn't press charges against either party. Sharing sexual imagery online with each other, probably not ok, too easy for older humans to abuse; worthy of a misdemeanour, confiscation of mobile phone, internet access, etc.

Protections put in place for children (

Normie cummies

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BROS I need a younger loli sister to FUCK

the averate 35 year old woman is gross. chekc out a young teen in sweat pants with no underwear on with and see what kind of reaction your have.

Depends where you're from and how you were brought up. If you were taught to be repulsed by paedophiles and underaged kids, you'd stay away from them... if a profile pic flashed up online? Different story.


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Convince your parents to adopt. Totally not shady.

As i get older and wealthier i seem to attract 18 year olds more than women in their 20s 30s. While I would like an older woman that i could actually have a real conversation with, godddam 18 year old pussy RULES dude

>Leaf post

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A young teen, sure. I specifically brought up 11 year olds. Look at that graph. It claims that an 11 year old delivers greater sexual stimulus that anyone 29 and above. I find THAT hard to believe. There is a world of difference between an 11 year old and a teenager.

I'm not saying I want to have sex with 11 year olds, but have you seen the average 30 year old woman that has been nuking her body with drugs(legal and illegal), alcohol, tobacco, birth control, cosmetics, and sun tanning, since age 14? There's a reason 14 is the peak.

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Lol in what countries is age of consent THAT low? Seriously. Tell me.

Men like pure debt free virgins without psychological damage from previous failed relationships. 1 failed relationship is burden enough to think twice.


buggering little boys is not included, aids fag.


Yeah, gonna need a thorough look at this "study". I'm sure it's like most, a complete sham.

No they are thinking about having sex with each other.

*smacks cock profusely*

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America, based on the legal age of marriage.

Again, there is a world of difference between an 11 year old and a 13 or 14 year old. With very rare exception, an 11 year old girl looks like a little child. A 13 year old or 14 year old girl, by contrast, often displays all of the reproductive cues that turn men on.

I understand how gross women age. I am a 40 year old man. Trust me, I know.

women are retarded at all ages man

There's xenoestrogens in everything these days bro, you're probably mistaking 11 year old girls for teenagers out in the wild without even realizing it

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>Overall, these data suggest that men find pubescent girls identified as being under the age of consent sexually attractive, but inhibit their willingness to report this; the greater the attraction, the greater the inhibition.
> Results showed the "classical control profile": the greatest arousal to adult women, systematically decreasing arousal as the female stimuli became younger, and essentially no arousal to any age categories of males or to neutral (nonerotic) stimuli. Arousal to both pubescent and prepubescent girls was significantly greater than to neutral stimuli (p < .001 for both).
Roasties literally on suicide watch.

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Jesus legal age in Vatican city is 16 for boys and 14 for girls.

Red pill: the elite that control our countries made the age of consent 18 because they want all the younger women to be virgins when they finally violate them. The Jewish elite pedophile ring is real and the epitome of evil.

>christian feminists reform group
lmao this religion just keeps getting more pathetic by the day

>Age of what now?

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You may be right. There was a lot of talk 30 years ago that we were hitting puberty a lot younger. In the last dozen years, however, ever since the xenoestrogens in food have soared due to the staple changing from a lot of corn to onions, thinks have been changing quickly. Sadly, it is also turning the boy feminine too.

I weep for the future.

I'm not sure how anyone can fuck anything above 30. Especially white women. They look like milk past exploration date, it's absolutely disgusting. I don't get aroused by 11 years old but I don't get a viceral disgust that I get from expired past 30s

I would have agreed with you 20 years ago, but I spontaneously made sex jokes about a girl to a friend, and it turns out she was 12. With minimum C cups and a hip waist ratio through the roof.
I don't know if it's the onions of the gay frog water or being fatasses (which accelerates adolescence), but women really start puberty by age 10 today.

First time typing s o y out in this website and I even put a zero in the middle in an attempt to avoid the immature word change. That's fucking evil lying there, whoever coded that in. It's not even a good joke.

16 to 24 is the sweet spot. Some exceptions can be made for those between 25 and 29.

Let me guess, the survey was from the middle east/of sandniggers.

fucking hell

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True, but look at the date of the study. 1995. We were hitting puberty younger in the late 1980's, but 1995 and whatever the hell is going on today with women developing super young and boys suffering under low testosterone counts is almost night and day. 1995 was 25 years ago.

Keyword being feminists. Most were arminians rather than actual Christians too.

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Age of consent is lazy and bad, but pedophiles are worse. Children need to be kept from situations where they would be abused in public schools, religious institutions, and among family. Getting rid of age of consent, state marriage contracts, and not criminalizing sexual behavior outside of violence will do way more to solve the pedo problem than age limits.

Sadly, I agree with you. It is a major blackpill as a 40 year old man.



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That may have been true 10 years ago when the government and corporations have been pumping hormones into our food, accelerating our maturity rate. When I was 16, I could easily grow a full beard and was effectively a fully grown by then
Nowadays, teens still look like children that still need to grow up
Also the graph looks like it has 2 curves, how strange

I've read before that old/ancient literature suggests girls would go through puberty around 14-16 years old, while these days the average is more like 10-12 years old, though I never really looked in to this.

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Good edit my sides...

Such a bullshit. Die pedokike.

>Modern feminism and feminism from over 100 years ago are the same

>16 to 24 is the sweet spot.
This unsurprisingly is also peak reproduction age. Anything from epigenetic diseases to lower child IQ comes from going outside that range. It's also much easier on the woman with less pain and far lower risks of complication.

the Bhutan fag who sends his nudes to polacks is back

Marriageable age was 12 in Europe before the French Revolution

People who are strongly opposing loli are either retards or jews. Lolicon is an example of virtual pedophilia, sure, however it is a very particular case of it which cannot be reasonably tied to obsession or sexual infatuation with real children. The depiction of loli is in stark contrast to depiction of a real child most of the time, nor does the 2d plane adhere to same rules as 3d does.
In some cases people reading and drawing lolicon manga have spoken that they actually relate to the loli rather than masculine figures in the media, which only reinforces the misconception of lolicon being tied to real children or fostering any real threat to them.
Loli is a man-made idol of innocence and purity, an idea, rather than something grounded in reality.
It its essence, loli is yet another among myriad of fetishes like vore or transformation, which aren't feasible in reality and exist only in the plane of fantasy of individuals. Policing loli would be effectively thought policing, rather than effective measure against real sexual predators and child molesters.

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You're probably the same type of faggot who talks shit on Muslims by stating, "Muhammad had an 8 year old wife!!! What a sicko!"
Islam is right about women. Muslims are based. Westerners are not infidels by default. We are infidels because we have been subverted by Zionist kikes who plague us with degeneracy.

>It its essence, loli is yet another among myriad of fetishes like vore or transformation
>like vore or transformation
Alright, I'm convinced. Veiwing lolicon should be treated more harshly than veiwing CP