0.5% death rate outside Wuhan

>0.5% death rate outside Wuhan
WTF bros I thought this was the big one. what the FUCK am I going to do with all this rice?

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How's the toilet paper shortage going?

10 people died with the first 100 infected in usa sage

CCP numbers.
3.5% in Italy at the moment, who nows how many in Iran.
0.63% currently in South Korea.
Since time from infection to death is 12 days on average it's almost impossible to evaluate numbers.

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> 100 tested infected, it’s been here since October....

No square to spare, mate.


You can be the rice baron of Neo-Wuhan

Bootleg sake and sell it to the abbots. God damn you sure you are a bruce?

.5% deathrate is actually large, but the Corona deathrate is much higher than that. Not sure where you got that from. There are high deathrates in Italy and already high death rates here in the USA

Return it to Wal mart


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Just use poison ivy instead.

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Nice try chingchong deathrate in italy alone is above 3%.
Thanks for creating air-aids

Make a fuckton of sake or soju.

>6 weeks pass
>nothing happens
the state of happening fags

>j-just another two weeks guys

Take your meds. It’s not happening.

Did you keep the receipt?

People think that Aussies are buying it up it’s bug people sending to their quarantined families

>shartland only tests a couple dozen people
>coofid19 run its course in some elderly home full of 90+ year old fucks who werent gonna live another month anyway

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Also a drug that can prevent it from entering cells I hear

And arroz con pollo. Gonna get me some tomorrow

>still zero white deaths
>2 more weeks goyim!
getting real sick of chinese lies. no. we will not have free healthcare.

I think it's obvious that the virus was specially formulated by the Chinese government to be more effective and deadly against Chinese people. It's still a flu so you'll get sick, and the elderly will be in danger, but otherwise I think it's just a flu.
>and already high death rates here in the USA
Because it caught on in a nursing home. Almost every death was an elderly person.

A white boomer has died here

There's also a high probability that there are people who got very sick and died without ever being diagnosed with it. The govt hasn't exactly been forthcoming with this thing. In fact, no govt around the world has.

There's also the probability that plenty more people have had it and just got a cold or a flu and had no other issues so they never went to the doctor. I would guess this is what's going on in the west (or at least America) currently.

Not a single square?

Just sell it to the chinks in your country that are hoarding right now. Or give it away/sell at a premium to people in your community. You'll forever be remembered as that good cunt who looked out for them when the world was ending. Enjoy free drinks for life and when the next happening comes, people will give you toilet paper

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I think this is more likely. They'll never know how many got infected because most won't have symptoms or very mild symptoms. The actual death rate will be less than 1%. This shit is weak sauce. If they develop an antibody test and test people by the millions in all countries, there'll be gorillions who caught it and never knew it.

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What are you an agriculture inspector? ;)

fuck you nigger my community college is closed for the week, also 22 nursing students went and got exposed at some dumb fucking hospital. now one of our nursing students has it. fuck you nigger

I guess glowniggers really want people to track them down and burn their home down with thema and their families inside. Have it your way faggots.

Food bank. You'll be thought of as a kind and generous man as opposed to the idiot who bought way more rice than some people eat in a lifetime. If your comfortable spending a bit more money, then beans, black bean in particular, complete the protein and would definately put a smile on the cook's face. Of course, you could always keep a bit as a reserve. After all, natural disasters happen, and everybody should have some reserves, just in case.

if you read this youre gay

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man you guys have bad data enjoy watching your relatives croak you fucking faggots

based fuck you all

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based and redpilled

You buy the rice you pay the price user

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>it will happen this time, I promise!

No refunds, all sales final goy

.5% death rate outside Wuhan
not true, it is almost 4%

gay and samefag pilled

We're making bank at the store, canned foods up 65% from last year, rice and pasta 55%. Is gonna be great for my bonus.

You have to eat the rice. All of it.
Wuhan had a head start. Soon you will Wuhan too.


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sell it to the asian owners of your counry.

>WTF bros I thought this was the big one.
Did you sell off all your stonks too?

People serious enough to get tested with the ridiculous criteria some places have you mean.
Its running loose in the communities and most people have shrugged it off as a cold

Faggot fuck, the USA isn't testing with the same vigor as other countries are. We are short on testing kits and they are producing them in Europe. They let people in who have traveled abroad even before the president was informed and this became a national health scare because of it. There are hundreds more infected than you think and the death rate is equal to Iran or Italy (which is closer to 3% fatality rate), which don't have any reason to spoof their numbers like China does to save face (0.5%).

>10% fatality rate
Drink bleach motherfucker. Sage.

Dammit man. I laughed so hard at that I woke the family.
Must get a bigger cardboard box.

i already saw my grandmother fucking die, you are right, these retarded trash dont know what the fuck is going on, im in flushing NY, its been here for a while, lots of people infected and lots of elderly sick and dying

Even if this was a real post - why would extra food with a long shelf life be a problem?
You fucking eat it.