What's causing men to become more gay these days? Is it media pressure, zoomer trend, or What...

What's causing men to become more gay these days? Is it media pressure, zoomer trend, or What? Seems like people are being gay just to be cool now.

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Ice poseidon is pretty based ngl

ice piss is trying to look like ninja and is openly gay now?

Ice is worse than gay,
he's done things with his dog.

I'm sad his reddit died

It's you not having sex incel

Madwomen slowly rising in power.

piss andy is a massive faggot, always has been

roasties and mental illness

Chemical onslaught is my guess. That and nonstop normalization propaganda.

>I'm sad his reddit died
but ip2 still lives on

Did Satan make these abominations?

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fags no longer have to hide their shame in the closet


Pic extremely related

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xenoestrogens in water and all hygiene products and plastics


Kek the one on the left is almost dead to the aids

he's a dead streamer now rip. catboykami is the only edgy IRL streamer left

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Being gay seems like a pretty sweet deal compared to the modern womans desu.
Wish I were a fag sometimes.


lack of economic development is triggering epigenetics is slow down population growth

Who’s that girl I thought ice was an incel

Social engineering.

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>based cocaine dealer
ice poseidon fanbois get the gas first

Of course. It's about time the plebs realize demons are real.

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I'm putting together a team

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he used his short lived fame to fuck countless clout thots and is now living with one atm

because of cuck chemicals all around us.
feminism, women power, women being whores and sluts and pretending like they aren't.womens hypergamy. just look at social media thousands of hot women posting themselves. but they all have boyfriends their boyfriends are cucks that let them post themselves. then all the thirsty guys trying to get with just picture posts on the internet. once those guys get redpilled most of them get demoralized and turn gay. women act wicked and since they never stay with one guy their whole lives anymore. its impossible to know whats going on or have a chance.

You'll need the balls to get it done, count me in

Lack of water filters

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No state eugenics program to kill such genetic trash as these gays or me. With national socialism most of 4chin would not exist.

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Women are pretty big fucking whores.

environmental toxins

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It's ironic humor.


do zoomers ironically fuck and cum in eachothers buttholes and suck coks?

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>if only you knew how bad things really are

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Men are being forced to be like women

i think all gay people are just demented and angry because they are weirdos that could never get girls. they just want to be satanic and destroy their bodies because they hate themselves. its not because "i love gay love"

Hyper-sexualization in media and fashion is definitely a major contributor to homosexuality in western cultures

Twitch killed him because they fear the redpilled Jews power.

RIP Ice.

their brains malfunction when they see fake love on tv and movies and when they cant get super models

Yes, user. All zoomers take cock and eat cum. Every last one.

>All these freaks look like subjects of Slaanesh
Jesus Christ

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So I guess we’ve decided that being gay is learned and you’re not born that way. Which means it’s a mental health issue.

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Unironically anime.
Also microplastics seeping into water disturbing hormone ratios during the fetal stage and puberty. The frogs turning gay isn't just a meme, it's real.

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Along with all the social and subliminal triggers and conditioning, It's in the fkn water, I'm telling ya but keep drinking that recommended 8 glasses a day. And people will say "oh no you're crazy that's all a conspiracy man that's not what's causing it" I bet if some autist traced back to when they started dumping meds in our drinking water and cross referenced it with whenever homosexuality spiked it would paint a pretty obvious picture

(Highly informative)





Grower or shower?

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i know about these degens inflating their balls, but is this real? how can it even stretch that far? hitler should have pumped kikes up with helium to see how far we can go.

ice poseidon was always bi like he didn't even try to hide it even back in 2015

why do they take the nipples off ?

i always wonder, can these things get hard? i dbout it seeing this now. whats the fucking point of it?

Because being gay is viewed as a joke to those who are not.
Just look at the insults
>dude... You're so fucking gay
>it can't get any gayer than that
>what are you... gay or smth?

thats so disgusting everyones hormones are all fucked up. everyone acts retarded.

Because it’s not as stigmatised. Study after study shows about 2% of men are exclusively homosexual. It’s not increasing at all it’s just more visible.

these things probably cant get hard and they don't have any feelings in their dicks.
they just do it because they think its the coolest idea ever to turn into a guy.

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my fucking god dude. no wonder 3rd world is invading

I think when society deteriorates around you, it triggers some psychological circuit for degeneracy.

I guarantee you that increase in homosexuality are correlated with civilization collapse.

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seems true in all cases ive seen personally

>I guarantee you that increase in homosexuality are correlated with civilization collapse.

Conservatives keep making this claim about Rome yet Rome only fell once it went christian lol.

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its just so demonic. how mentally ill do you have to be to do this? just looking at the picture makes me gag. sick fucking hellish clown world we live in.

maybe the nipples are too big in comparison after they get the breast meat removed? all i can think of.

>seems true in all cases ive seen personally
There are some pretty good looking gay men/models. Did they just have trouble with women and go gay? Seems legit lmao

his image is based. yours is cucked.

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being a little effeminate faggot, like yourself, doesn't mean you are attractive to women.

Flag checks out.

>being a little effeminate faggot, like yourself, doesn't mean you are attractive to women.
Being an incel isn’t attractive either. What gives.

"Rome" moved over to Constantinople and continued on for another 1000 years.
But Western History always skips the Eastern Roman Empire / Byzantium.

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>Being an incel isn’t attractive either. What gives.
I don't know, sounds like a personal problem. Maybe start working out and get off anime.

What if it's because there's less of a restriction that forced men to conform to the social standard of heterosexuality? I mean, look at Athens.

Its because of circumcision and pornographic conditioning. Notice how he's grabbing by the head and not by the shaft, not a coincidence. It's used to domesticate men and leave them vulnerable to sexual domination.

Not worth it
99% of the population is literally a no go
All but one of my crushes were on straight best friends and it never ends well
Fucking sucks but I am incapable of loving women and only capable of feeling and getting off for men so its not a choice unless i go celibate or just try to force myself into a relationship

kill yourself

>Ignores the fact the fall of Rome and replacing it with Christianity led to the dark ages
Oh yup. The fact that so much knowledge was lost thanks to religiously motivated conclusions about the world says a lot about that era. Rome was far more enlightened, and it’s fall has nothing to do with homosexuality

Reminder: after WWII over 40% of German youth had an STD.
>muh immoral 2000’s