/GBG/ - Greek Borders General - Roach Navy At It Again

Turkey sent 1000 police special forces to the border to prevent "refugees" from going back
Turkey is stopping any journalists or cameras 20km away from border, no filming or reporting allowed
leftists protest in solidarity with Refugees in Thessaloniki
Greek patriots unite to defend their borders
could this be why greece does not like "refugees"?
Greece reinforces border with additional 40km fence and barbed wire
Two men shooting 40mm Gas Grenades at Greek Border
Greece BAN Navigation from Lesvos to Samos to halt illegal immigration
Increased activity over south east Aegeansea, Greece, amid high tensions in the boundaries in Evros


EU puts list of several measures to be taken to secure border and Greece, one of them includes funding new asylum camps

check Pastebin for full list of updates, images and original videos with audio
Previous Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


1821st for 79mil dead roaches

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According to Greek government sources, the nationalities of the migrants arrested at Evros from Friday 28/2 till today at 6AM are:
-Afghanistan, 64%
-Pakistan, 19%
-Τurkey, 5%
-Syria, 4%
-Somalia, 2,6%
-Iraq, Iran, Morocco, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Egypt: 5,4%


100% shitskins goatfuckers



The Greek government decided to extend the length of the current fence at Evros on the borderline with Turkey to 40km from 12.5km


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>I very often get mistaken as "Middle Eastern" when somebody meets me for the first time. I do not look Middle Eastern. Perhaps it's because I look "very Greek", and people are able to recognize that, but we are automatically considered a Middle Eastern country.

White US Marine sends shitskin Greek he "mistook" for an arab to the hospital

>So far, the following crimes have been attributed to the NSU: the National Socialist Underground murders, a series of murders of nine immigrants of Turkish, Greek and Kurdish descent between 9 September 2000 and 6 April 2006

>He has described himself as being of "100 percent Greek" descent.[2][3]
>Although he is often cast as characters of Middle Eastern ethnicity, Mantzoukas is of Greek descent.[6]


>Zorba the Greek (Greek: Αλέξης Ζορμπάς, Alexis Zorba(s)) is a 1964 British-Greek comedy-drama film written, produced, edited, and directed by Cypriot Michael Cacoyannis and starring Anthony Quinn as the title character
>Antonio Rodolfo Quinn Oaxaca (April 21, 1915 – June 3, 2001), more commonly known as Anthony Quinn, was a Mexican actor, painter and writer. He starred in numerous critically acclaimed and commercially successful films, including La Strada, The Guns of Navarone,

Attached: Dimitrios Chondrokoukis.jpg (320x436, 79.46K)

How many turks dead from Russian missiles?

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we arent white, we are meds

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This is the start of the Anti-Christs reign.


Attached: recep_erdogan_Gematria_Value.jpg (616x138, 112.65K)

You really need to stop trying to use this whole thing as an another opportunity for another try in your eternal attempt to infiltrate whites.

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Hey mahmut, i heard your goat is pregnant. Congratulations for being a father

Attached: goat.jpg (960x720, 111.15K)

You're an evil, cretinous race of slav-albanian-gypsy-turk-levantine-turk-armenian mutts larping as some kind of "med" race. The original gayreeks have been extinct for centuries.

pic related; gayreek nationalists protesting refugee camps on the island of crete.

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You also need to stop stealing white ancient greek culture. Stop dressing that shitskin like an ancient greek and start dressing him like byzmuttine.

Attached: ancientvsmoderngreek.jpg (960x954, 87.25K)

Look at ancient gayreek art than talk to me about goat fuckers lmao

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these are your relatives goatfucker and not greeks

Why aren't more people paying attention to this situation?

What about this curly-headed shitskin? He's the second in command in golden dawn.

He looks like a mulatto shitskin from brazil, not europe.

Attached: Ilias Kasidiaris 2.jpg (600x400, 60.89K)

u mad af mehmet

Attached: ult.png (600x580, 571.7K)

Meme flag Kikes....

This is italian statue found at Herculaneum
Nice try sandnigger. Go fuck your goat now


no u
You are afraid of memeflags because if everyone had one you would be able to tell easily who is a shitskin and who is not unlike when a shitskin ahMED has a german or US flag and starts talking on behalf of that country pretending to be a white pol ambassador from that flag.

Would it be appropriate for future historians to relate you to the foulest degeneracy of faggotry happening currently just because you and today's faggotry share the same timeline?

mad af KEK.

Attached: bombs.jpg (301x167, 17.6K)

>ancient greeks invented sodomy, beastality, women's rights, alexander the cuck wanted to create a hybrid subhuman race with dravidians in south asia
>hellenize and get replaced by millions of armenians and assyrians during the byzantine times
>get btfo by muh medbro catholics in west for being orthodog shitskins
>lose your capital to a central asian tribe who named themselves after a bird with nuts hanging from it's chin
>fight multiple wars over cyprus, yet the island remains divided decades later and greek-cypriots don't even see themselves as greek
>despite being a shitskin country, gayreeks still get cucked by the EU egalitarian policies and import millions of niggers and pakis because of the EU
>modern greeks look like half-nigger mulattos from brazil, but they still LARP as white, """olive"""-skin, or southern european when it benefits them
is there anything more cucked than being a greek in the 21st century?

Another sad diasporan shitskins being paid in worthless drachma to shill on Yas Forums. Sad

Why do you look like this?

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Wtf ate you talking about? Greeks are brown as fuck.

>huehuehue u mad bro yea u mad huehuehueheuhue
yes, stop LARPing as whites. You are not. Other than that you can go fuck yourselves wherever you want I dont care.


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The Somalids are a race on their own, although they are under-represented in political-intelectual circles. They make their presence in sports, piracy & crimes.

They were more than likely the original troublesome Sea People, the Barbary Pirates & finally the Somalian pirates of today. Somalia is their last nation free of domination by other genoms mainly because 90%+ of the nation are genetic Somalids.

In Greece the hot tempered Somalid elements within Greeks started the riots that couldn't escalate to an all out Somalid rebellion & remained the muscle of the anarchists in Greece because they are only 25% of the Greek population & live side by side with Lizards who use them for political pressure on the Europid Greeks.

There are three types of Greeks: the Europid Greek, Arabid Greek (his nose gives him up) and the Somalid Greek (his curly/fuzzy hair will tell you):
PIC RELATED; Modern day Greek-Somalid mutt with short haircut to hide his Somalid curly hair

Attached: Dimitris Limnios.jpg (220x214, 17.1K)

Ancient Greek=Modern day Somalid?
DNA tests are the best way to go about this because mtDNA back channels have their effect also and in Greece African mtDNA is very low compared to Y-DNA, which shows that Somalid males did indeed migrate into these lands in Neolithic & possibly historic times.

Iceland - DNA
Europid DNA 98%
Somalid DNA 0%
Arabid DNA 0%
Other DNA 2%
Spain DNA
Europid DNA 80%
Somalid DNA 7%
Arabid DNA 4%
Other DNA 9%

Greek - DNA (national -most recent composite-)
Europid DNA 40%
Somalid DNA 30%
Arabid DNA 28%
Other DNA 2%

E1b1b = Somalid Dad
E1b1b V13 = His Greek Somalid seeds

E1b1b Somalid cluster mainly a majority prevailing gene in the southern Part of Peloponnesse (47% all over Peloponesse) & 25% all Greece, there is another E1b1b cluster along the coast line this group must have been isolated & pushed into Albania or maybe E1b1b was already settled in the coasts & was split by the European tribes crossing into Southern Greece I can only imagine what happenned to the Somalids on these coasts.

Comparing DNA results of Somalis, Greeks, Yemenis and Turks. We can observe the high amount of Somalid DNA among Greek folks even after century long mixing with white people and even higher than among Yemeni sand people; pic related


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Sandnigger's special forces arrived at Yas Forums

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This is an instinctual pilpul attempt tthat is generated by your merchantoarabic genes. Being a loud annoying shitskin until the other sides gives up. The only cure to that is straight up unapologetic physical violence until the shitskin is uncapable of making noises anymore as Ive found out through past interractions with ahMEDkikes.

Greeks are white you shitskin turk

Reports that the Turkish authorities are clearing the border after the Russian-Turkish deal

They sure are

Attached: Georgios Giakoumakis.jpg (400x500, 33.54K)

we have a lot of greeks and turks here and they all look the same LOL nothing wrong with that but youre literally the same people

I wish i was getting paid for this shit, The biggest ploy of Jews on Yas Forums is, when accused of being on, immediately send it back at the accuse. Jews have done this through out history with people like Hitler and Jesus.

Just make his skin a lighter shade of brown and you have a modern greek lmao

wasnt he the guy that kept making threads shitting on greece but everyone ignored him?
his JUST lvls are off the charts

The average Turk here is a hell of a lot whiter than the Greeks I see. Cope.

Stop replying to the memeflags and report for off topic
Το πιο πιθανόν να είναι κάποιος καμένος δικός μας άπλυτος που βαριέται τη ζωή του. Όλες οι φώτο του είναι από Ελληνικά σαιτ.

Based gyro-nigger

Yes it's a kike conspiracy to prove gayreeks are brown. Just look in the fucking mirror, schizo

Look at this ethnic gayreek man and tell me how the kikes are making him brown. Please

Attached: Ioannis Karalis.jpg (339x374, 32.03K)

konstantinos galanopoulos aek athens fc

Nice try sandnigger and nice photoshop. we gonna exterminate you soon, along with your fellow goatfuckers.

Attached: galanopoulos 1.jpg (1300x956, 176.12K)

Turks are shitskins
Greeks are white

Where are you from? I think you lack a fundamental understanding of English. I was saying that you are the jew and that jews love making out like their enemies, like Hitler and Jesus, are Jews.


>open thread
>its literally nothing but in fighting and low level bait and shitposting

wow it didn't take long for this good thing to be derailed, i can only hope things are going better irl then they are here

>konstantinos galanopoulos
crypto-slav stolen by gypsy gayreek parents from some balkan shithole.

And you will exterminate nothing shitskins. Gayreeks aren't having kids, 80% of your population is over the age of 70, and your being bombarded with africans and syrian dune coons.

Attached: Konstantinos Mitroglou.jpg (1361x1766, 373.11K)

I am just doing it for shits and giggles at this point.

fuck off schizo

Attached: gayreek niggers antifa.png (844x484, 585.13K)

>in fighting
I dont speak ahMED dialect so please try to understand what Im trying to say here via my non-subhuman dialect.

Again you fail to show a basic understanding of English... They must be getting really lax at the Israel school of acting civilized.
Also Show flag or gtfo


the genetics peak for themselves. armenoid-lenantine mutts that belong in north africa, not europe.

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But the thread can't continue if you keep replying to a bored subhuman with an armory of 100GB of pics and copypastas
People need to learn how to filter and report

sorry mate i dont understand memeflag you're going to have to translate before i read this post

Reminder that the roachking was humiliated HARD yesterday and they're venting through every outlet. Please be understanding to their suffering.

Since they are pretty much in the same area and we can see ancient civilizations such as Carthage and Egypt, it is probable that ancient north Africans were White.... Also show flag

I guess you are right, but realize that if we never reply to these people all anyone will see is their side with no rebuttals.

Sorry my bad I forgot to add the canadian flag here how could I forget the ahMED canadian ambassadors when they are so iconic here in Yas Forums?

kek, here here roachboys ITT.
come into my arms so i may soothe thee.

Attached: Greeked.com.png (804x813, 870.2K)


Civilians burned suplies for shitskins at Chios camp
Greeks are finally awake.
Next step burn them alive


Attached: nice.jpg (945x709, 1.26M)

>Today, about 40% of the population of Greece claims full or partial descent from the Asia Minor refugees; as does an almost equal percentage of diasporan Greeks.

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 50.9% Abhkasian + 49.1% Lebanese_Christian @ 4.44
2 89.3% Armenian + 10.7% Abhkasian @ 4.59
3 87.8% Armenian + 12.2% Georgian @ 4.61
4 52.2% Abhkasian + 47.8% Lebanese_Druze @ 4.75
5 54.9% Georgian + 45.1% Lebanese_Christian @ 4.75
6 93.2% Armenian + 6.8% North_Ossetian @ 4.9
7 92.8% Armenian + 7.2% Ossetian @ 4.91
8 92.6% Armenian + 7.4% Adygei @ 4.93
9 93.8% Armenian + 6.2% Balkar @ 4.99
10 94.3% Armenian + 5.7% Kabardin @ 5.02
11 56.3% Georgian + 43.7% Lebanese_Druze @ 5.07
12 95.7% Armenian + 4.3% Chechen @ 5.08
13 80.9% Georgian_Jewish + 19.1% Abhkasian @ 5.1
14 78.3% Georgian_Jewish + 21.7% Georgian @ 5.14
15 96.6% Armenian + 3.4% Kumyk @ 5.17
16 97.4% Armenian + 2.6% Lezgin @ 5.17
17 99.2% Armenian + 0.8% French_Basque @ 5.19
18 99.1% Armenian + 0.9% Tabassaran @ 5.21
19 100% Armenian + 0% Spanish_Aragon @ 5.21
20 100% Armenian + 0% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha @ 5.21
gayreeks are the mutts of levantine arabids+pontic armenoids.
this is final

Attached: Gerry Sklavounos.jpg (292x346, 19.99K)

I shall read a CHRISTIAN prayer for you in these troubled times, my friend.

>Even the aggressiveness of the adults is often caused simply by the lack of vitamins in their bodies.

top kek, the fucking delusion on these feelgood baizuoniggers.

Attached: please be joking.png (238x276, 90.12K)

Yep, you can say that about most white countries, thanks you Jews....Also show flag.

seriously dude im not gonna read this shit

article about refugees and the psychology of opposition to refugees in Germany
>Wagner: There are tons of research that proves fears [of foreigners] break down when you come into contact with foreign groups. Also stereotypes and prejudices reduce because they are not confirmed.
>We have the latest research results, which show that the number of xenophobic attacks reduce, the higher the number of foreigners in a region, and that is exactly this pattern.
>The number of xenophobic attacks in eastern Germany, is, among other reasons higher than in the West because there are fewer people with an immigrant background.

What does it mean? German left is prepping the meme that British left tried about 6 years ago: you reduce hostility to immigration by increasing immigration levels, in other words you shove immigration down peoples throats until they submit.

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>Civilians burned suplies for shitskins at Chios camp
I'm just waiting for the inevitable slaughter between islanders and muslims at this point.

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the might of the gayreek army.... a curly headed scrawny sodomite shitskin. and you armenoid cretins still think you're related to spartans top kek.

Attached: literally gayreek.png (722x383, 696.07K)

Are you actually going out and there and doing your bit or just making threads? Nothing more Reddit than the latter

Attached: Greek coast guards fire into sea near migrant boat.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

read Camp of the Saints

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Yep that is about what they looked like from the picture, Neanterthal looking guys with dark skin and about 20% asiatic admixture

Have none of you autists seen what a gayreek islander looks like? Pic related.

Attached: Anastasios Dimitriadis 2.jpg (700x510, 112.52K)

Show flag to prove you are not a shitskin then....also show flag

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Attached: Giannis Antetokounmpo.jpg (1024x683, 70.46K)

thank god we ignored to turkish screeching and militarized the islands :D

Are you crazy user? Gyros is for humans. Those burned subhuman corspes will be dogfood