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Nah. Fascism is the reactionary antithesis to communism and is not compatible.

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>siding with liberals and getting btfo by them for almost 100 years now
probably time for a reality check and a change of strategy

We will gas all fascist faggots comerade

>You're either with me or you're against me
I never claimed to side with liberalism.

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Nazis are just libtards on steroids

>You're either with me or you're against me
Only a socialist talks in absolutes.

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>allied with them in ww2 and got demolished by them afterwards
>ally with them politically in current year and get btfo by them every time
actions speak louder than words.

Begone, troll.
Worst take.

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That's what the nazbol said, not me.

yeah and taxes are socialism. go back.
name literally 1 thing wrong with socialism.

Get Corona'd bolshevik/kike pig rat motherfucker.

Allied with them to defeat Imperialist Japan and Fascist Europe, immediately set up the Iron Curtain.
Collapse in the USSR because of glasnost & perestroika and an eventual coup. Nothing to do with siding with liberals.

>That's what the nazbol said, not me.
>name literally 1 thing wrong with socialism.
Mass murder, nuclear war, human extinction.

Liberalism leads to democratic socialism which leads to socialism which leads to communism.
Fascist and national socialist dont need left wing political ideas and left wing economic policies.

Are we gonna accuse each other of revisionism or are we gonna bash the fash together?

You got shit fat boy.

How are Americans this stupid?

>Mass murder
Not murder. When our times we will make no excuse for the terror.
>Nuclear war
Didn't happen you're still breathing
>Human extinction
Has not happened, will not happen because of socialism.

Begone, bourgeois pacifist.

I saw that movie already

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And sucking nazi cock is certainly not, stop winking at fascists and think they will help us

chapocels lol

bird turd was the cia's bitch, just like every other coup attempted in socialist countries, and it's happening today too lol. it's time to face the facts, allying with liberals is a mistake, working with liberals is a mistake, and every time it happens it ends up fucking over the progress of socialism.

ask yourself mutt

Side note that's a disgusting appropriation of the Juche icon representing socialism with Korean characteristics.

Communism is kike subverted form of socialism.

Go away with you Jewish movie we are talking politics.
>name literally 1 thing wrong with socialism.
Many programs stop working when more people take out than put in.
It raises taxes on economic growth and input.
Social security its fucking us younger generation over.
Socialism only works with decent capitalist economies and majority white with high birth rates.
>Fascist Europe
One country you fucking nigger.
Italy, stupid fucking commie.
>Mass murder, nuclear war, human extinction.
So American?

Well refer to your meme flag

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This is autistic but not really wrong.
Hitler had universal healthcare.
A living wage for every German.
A guaranteed job and a currency backed by labor instead.
All of these are desirable for both the non-ideological left and non-ideological right.
All you have to do is realize you can't help everybody, so you gotta help your own.
All you have to do is say, maybe order ain't a bad thing.
All you have to do is say, maybe the "sides" are bullshit, and what's real is the people next to us, and what we can actually do to improve our own lives.

>Mass murder, human extinction
yeah as long as we're drone striking children for our banker buddies in the name of spreading freedom it's not mass murder.
>nuclear war
you mean the one that hasn't happened?

>we gonna bash the fash together?
Didnt pantifa get btfo by gavin and his homo gay proud boys?

This. Jesus was National Socialist.

Pot and the kettle.

Speaking like if wallstreet kikes don't rule us already

You have an American flag on.

Most of todays commies are on the side of globohomo and support replacing the native populations of the west so probably never going to happen if they continue believing that to be a good idea

Molotov Ribbentrop 2 Electric Boogaloo NOW

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Uh, the reason why we hate liberalism is because it tolerates cultural Marxism. If the liberals shut down all immigration and forgot the LGBTs existed, we wouldn't have a major problem with them. Fascism is literally the 1950s Democratic party.

Corporatism is the kike subverted form of capitalism.

Neither of you faggots have a rebuttal for why national socialism is actually liberalism and not actually white socialist social programs and nationalist beliefs of economic strength.

Corporatism =/= Crony Capitalism

>It raises taxes on economic growth and input.
>Social security its fucking us younger generation over.

Congrats you're politically illiterate.

>A living wage for every German.
Thanks to a strong economic output.

Yup. USA USA right?!

>banker buddies
Just say Rothschild.

Absolutely. Is that not desirable?

fuck off commie

>Tax every majority of their income and wonder why they leave for china and Mexico and there goes the majority of you income and federal taxpayers.
Communism everyone.
Grow up.

You're socially illiterate.
Communism died when Zion shifted from the USSR to Israel.
The massive political will to enforce it faded away, and Gorby just chose to let it die.
You're a naive child.

>nationalized industry can leave to another country
im lmaoing for real right now

There's no such thing as a synthesis here. Fascism is the ideology of evolution-created conditions and universalism. Marxism is the ideology of human-created conditions and relativism. You can't get any more different, and you can't synthesis the two without essentially becoming apathetic to what the two mean. They are utterly incompatible.

You can tax everyone 100 percent and get nothing back or tax everyone 2.5 percent and encourage job growth and creation.
Which will bring more jobs, which will bring more income like state, federal and income tax...which will encourage people to spend their money which will stimulate the economy.
This happened in nazi Germany.
Why didnt it happen in the USSR? People were dying from starvation in gulags.
Fuck off and grow up.

Communism is Jewish.

It's very desirable, communist don't get it.

Yes, the iron curtain was to keep everyone in and everything bad out.
No one ever smuggled anything in or out of the iron curtain.
Communist everyone, letting everyone know they know nothing of their political beliefs.

>cultural Marxism

Debunked cold war CIA BS. Capitalism and big companies buying everything, destroying any challenger destroys culture, along with the commodification of everything, opening new markets ETC

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No one will read up on either.

Meaningless claim and not the insult you think it is.
No. I did not go after physicality nor character.
Logically incoherent as well.

Well they should and they will.
If you want a living wage you need high economic output, high industrial capacity, and a tight labor market.
That means capital investment in new industries, private ownership, and immigration restriction.
It also means strong labor laws, strong labor unions, and strong incentives for companies to train and promote young hires.
It also means debt forgiveness to unburden young people so they can start families and businesses.
It means interest free loans for specific things like starting a family, or strategically important industries.
It means liberating women from wage slavery so they have the right to be wives and mothers.
It means many, many things that are desirable for all parties involved.
But there is a real common ground to be had.
The right and left have more in common with one another than with the neoliberal center.