WOW what a (((coincidence))) (((They))) found another elderly holohox guard hiding in America

WOW what a (((coincidence))) (((They))) found another elderly holohox guard hiding in America.

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i hate jews so fucking much
can't imagine why anyone would want to gas the trash

50 years from now they will still be claiming shit like this!

It's well known that the guards made all the important decisions

They need to deport this piece of shit to Germany too. Hope they rot in BBC cum once they go to prison

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It happened get over it

(((They))) will still be magically finding them 500 years from now.

why are they deporting them? are they illegal or something? makes zero sense beyond the fake news psyop angle

nah. it's hilariously fake.

>studies show children of holocaust prison guards can inherit legal guilt of parents

They already did, no problem deporting Germans, 9th circuit was A-OK with it!

Mutt's law

He din du nuffin

They'll be deporting user's that wrote positive things about Hitler on the internet 500 years from now.

As if it wasn't enough that millions of German POWs were worked to death in the gulags of Siberia by Jewish commissars while starving and murdering millions more German civilians, they have to hunt down the elderly survivors to make examples of them for eternity.
Death to Jews.

What happened?

Yea but they only killed 12

>every Nazi sympathizer in the world gets deported to Germany for trial under global Holohoax denial treaties
>everyone from Yas Forums meets up and stages a revolution from prison

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500 years from now. The world will be half-nuked and mutant offspring will convert to Nazism.

>when they come for all your aliases and you have to face an army

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He was born in 1926 (100-74). Do by 1930 he was 3. By 1939 (ww2 started) he was 12. Sounds a bit young for the German Army. By 1944 he was 17. By 1945 he was 18. Just old enough to be in the Army. Sounds like this story is about HATE looking for a victim!

Why do former Nazis all consistently live to be 90-100?
Was the chad Aryan genetics not just a larp?

yes, when they said Thousand-Year Reich they meant Hitler would live for 1000 years.

they've been hiding here for decades, Amazon has a new show about it

Good point.

>Profits from Hunters goes towards finding real elderly NAZI's and sending them to Germany to be convicted then sent to Israel to be killed.

What's infuriating is that there's zero lenience for alleged Nazi's that were just teenagers at the time like Palij. As if a teenager would have the moral compass and fortitude to go against the pack. Also the 70 years the man had to look back and reflect upon past mistakes apparently mean nothing because we're supposed to be sad that someone's great grandma died in Auschwitz.

Don’t let a single krautoid survive, they must be hunted down at all costs

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Burn kike.

>Implying this isn't based.
I bet you also think this isn't true, demonrat shill.

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LOL Jews have lenience towards the only government that actually stood up to them and didn't listen to any of their lies and bullshit in the last 500 years. They love torturing and killing these people, they are still mad about the Romans burning down the 2nd temple 2000 years ago, you know how I know this, because some kike when't on about it for 45 minutes at CPAC last year. Most of the ZOG brained boomer audience had no fucking idea what he was talking about.

The age matches the 2016 story about the 90yo who was 21 when she magically walked out a gas chamber, she didnt even know until another camp resident told her that she just experienced the gas chamber, would have thought being the only one to walk out alive would have told her that. Cant find the img that has been going around

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He's not actually accused of any crimes from that time, so no, he didn't

I understand that you have the emotional maturity of an infant but this is a bit much. Should he not be responsible for his war crimes?

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It didn't happen yet, but it's going to

What crimes, kike? He isn't accused of any

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Oops, wrong one, here

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This type of stuff triggers me. There could be former Nazis in my community? Are you kidding me?

The holocaust is not important.

What the fuck kind of german name is Jakiw Palij?

god there's so much filth in there
>Germans flee because the allies are marching onward
>take their prisoners with them because allies are slaughtering everything in their way
>this is somehow a death march to cover up muh crimes
>Germans were so autistic to systematically kill 6 gorillion jews in a short timespan despite that it's impossible
>somehow get sloppy on occasion, for example when a jewess overslept
>there are tens of thousands of these "sloppy moments"
>still, Germans are robotic killers

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I got you a third time

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>charging a 94 year old man for imaginary crimes
Yeah, he's the one with infantile emotions

he's a Pole

And 80 years later they deport people who were teenagers and not even accused of crimes. The camp system he was in was supposedly especially brutal, less than 50% of the inmates died

Isn't there a statue of limitations or something?

You should be held responsible and hopefully you will be some day.

He's not accused of a crime. Bullshit 80s laws allow him to be deported for being German and alive in 45

Nah we would all have gay sex

>young german soldier being sent anywhere other than to the front line as provisional infantry in 1945

There was no "holocaust" and you know it you lying Jew.

Go and spread your lies somewhere else.

Sounds like they fooled the newcomers to the camp into not eating in order to take more food for themselves.
Typical newbie hazing prank.

What war crimes?

Lol Ohio out of all places.

but they won't ever put the people who loaded the firebombs on to allied bombers, on trial, let alone the flight crews.

wow thank god they're going to punish a 94 year old man, what virtuous people

My thought as well. This was also likely because troublesome prisoners would be denied mail which could at times include red cross food packages

I literally don't see a problem with that.

relax and boycott Israel


In 10 years nobody will remember the holocaust.

i wonder if german have the balls to execute him

i mean, i can literally be imprisoned for 8 years just for my comment you replied to
meanwhile, the bolsheviks are back at it again, they're talking about shooting the bourgeoisie and putting them gulags in the leftist parties openly now - and not just some extremists but party officials

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Relax and nuke israel is more like it.
Nah this is the future. Year 2040 holoc*ust survivor relives horror. Jewish great-grandchildren have memories of their past. And if and when we do explore Mars, there'll be a goddamned memorial to the biggest lie of the 20th century.

>Memphis is Jew Central for Tennessee
Jews and niggers which is why Memphis always votes democrat. They elected that fuck Steve Cohen that ate KFC in congress in a lame attempt to troll Trump. It failed.

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