/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1639

French lawmaker tests positive

US doctors plead to get tests

All masks are now confiscated in France

Nurses refused testing by CDC

8% of the Iranian parliament already infected

Neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV2

SARS-CoV mechanism for antibody-dependent enhancement

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Survives 28 days in bacteria on surfaces at 4°C

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

MRC: 10% or less cases detected in China, 25% outside China

Netherlands only tests cases with travel history

nCoV to cost global economy $1.1 trillion

CCP: the flu only kills 144 people a year in China

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

► Detected: 97,910 ► Died: 3,356

01:18: 196 new cases in South Korea.
00:40: 4 new cases in Beijing. All were imported from Italy.
00:08: 1 new case in Colorado. This case was announced during a press conference about the state’s first case. The second case is unrelated to the first one.
24:25: 1 new case in Nevada
23:55: 3 new cases in Maryland.
23:20: 1 new case in Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States. Patient recently returned from Italy.
23:15: 6 new cases in Santa Clara County, California, United States.
23:03: First case in Colorado.
22:00: 3 new cases in Slovenia.
20:48: 1 new case in New Jersey, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:


► China 80,434 (3,013) ► International 17,480 (340): S. Korea 6,284 (49) Italy 3,858 (148) Iran 3,513 (107) D. Princess 696 (6) France 377 (6) Japan 380 (6) Spain 259 (3) USA 232 (12) UK 116 (1) Switzerland 114 (1) H. Kong 105 (2) Australia 53 (2) Thailand 47 (1) Taiwan 44 (1) Iraq 35 (3) S. Marino 21 (1) Philippines 3 (1) Germany 543 Singapore 117 Sweden 94 Norway 88 Netherlands 82 Kuwait 58 Bahrain 55 Malaysia 55 Belgium 50 Austria 41 Canada 37 Iceland 34 Greece 31 India 30 UAE 28 Denmark 20 Algeria 17 Israel 17 Lebanon 16 Oman 16 Vietnam 16 Ecuador 13 Czechia 12 Finland 12 Macao 10 Croatia 10 Portugal 9 Qatar 8 Ireland 13 Palestine 7 Azerbaijan 6 Belarus 6 Mexico 6 Romania 6 Pakistan 5 S. Arabia 5 Brazil 8 Georgia 4 Russia 4 Senegal 4 Egypt 3 Estonia 5 N. Zealand 3 Chile 4 Slovenia 9 Argentina 2 Luxembourg 2 Indonesia 2 Morocco 2 Bosnia 2 Hungary 2 Afghanistan 1 Andorra 1 Armenia 1 Cambodia 1 Dom. Rep. 1 Jordan 1 Latvia 1 Lithuania 1 Macedonia 1 Monaco 1 Nepal 1 Nigeria 1 S. Lanka 1 Tunisia 1 Ukraine 1 Liechtenstein 1 Poland 1 S. Africa 1

China +164 (+32) S. Korea +196 (+7) Italy +769 (+41) Iran +591 (+16) France +92 (+2) Spain +31 (+1) UK +29 (+1) Switzerland +21 (+1) Iraq (+1) Germany +281 Japan +49 USA +31 Singapore +5 H. Kong +2 Sweden +42 Norway +29 Netherlands +44 Kuwait +2 Bahrain +3 Malaysia +5 Belgium +27 Thailand +4 Taiwan +2 Austria +12 Canada +3 Iceland +8 Greece +22 India +1 S. Marino +5 Denmark +5 Israel +2 Lebanon +1 Oman +1 Ecuador +3 Czechia +4 Finland +5 Portugal +3 Ireland +7 Palestine +7 Azerbaijan +3 S. Arabia +3 Brazil +5 Georgia +1 Russia +1 Egypt +1 Estonia +3 Slovenia +7 Morocco +1 Bosnia +2 S. Africa +1 Luxembourg +1 Chile +1 Argentina +1 Total +2,747 (+99)


>1. Is a strain of SARS.
>2. Has a long incubation.
>3. Can spread in its incubation.
>4. Can infect the cns and brainstem. - SARS has a higher propensity to do this.
>5. Can attack the lungs, heart, kidneys, and reproductive system.
>6. Is airborne.
>7. Has some properties similar to AIDS in addition to SARS, because of HIV insert spikes.
>8. Is likely incurable once it breaks the blood brain barrier.
>9. it also can cause encephalitis, as SARS/Coronaviruses have a propensity to do.

Takeaways - This virus can get as deadly as it wants and still spread, it has NO selective pressure.

I'm not fear mongering, this is what we know about the virus and is confirmed.

>232 cases
How long has it been 232 cases in the USA? Four? Five days?

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>Japan +49
First day of free public testing and this happens.
This number may begin jumping more and more.

clean yer fucking phone

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The Official-Unofficial Corona Virus Discord. We got shoah'd, come support the chosen people make it through their tough times. No kikes, no jannies, no trannies, no chinks, no gooks, no (((redacted))), no plebbitors.
Thanks. NqfNjh

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Likeliness of widespread famine 9-12 months from now?

issa bioweapon

Hand over the Ambrosia vaccine.

it has gone up every day what are you talking about

Unironically this.


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>Turkic countries remain immune


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If by likeliness you mean probability then 0.333.

We need to close the Michigan borders ASAP. We are still infection free and should keep it that way. Sorry to my family, all are in infected states ATM, but they are all fucked.

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I predict that we will see new cases of intentional superspreaders in the news. Imagine how many people will intentionally superspread without getting detected

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Coloradofag, the 2 patients here are 2 miles from me.

Virus is Genghis Khan reincarnate confirmed.

reminder yakutsk is part of russia so there goes your immunity, and with so many fucking korean chinese and japanese going there RIP

In America, superspreaders will be shot on sight.

The Virus was created in NeuSchwabenland so we actually win WW3 this time. Its over Allies

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>just a flu bro

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Great advice, I just dropped mine in a bucket of bleach.
Thanks, user.

eh, low for most areas, some areas are going to be fucked though

Serbia stronk

>respirator conected to the toddler's diaper to smell the peepeepoopoo

there were already videos of chinks spitting on elevator buttons imagine what assholes here will do

So, how long is the recovery time? My sister is a nurse in Seattle and she said it’s just a flu and it’s a couple of days

Why tf are you fucks acting like like we’re all gonna die

Just heard on Oz News dentists will be having to shut as soon as 4 weeks as surgical mask shortage means they can't do dentistry...

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washington reporting in, bro, the city feels dead as fuck.

there was ZERO rush hour traffic. NONE. hardly anyone was out walking on the streets.

for nearly a hundred miles the interstate was sparsely populated.

Death Stranding timeline

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>couple of days
lol no

Which country will have the lucky number 100,000? Place your bets

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Asked last thread but when's it gonna be safe to go to Italy again? If I have potential business there in November should I just forget about it?

Is it really accelerationist if only old farts die from it? Assuming the neuroinvasive stuff is just a meme that is.


I have a theory that everyone in the world is actually already infected.
Remember that guy from Spain who died in february 13th and was diagnosed with Corona-chan long after death?
He was in hospital for a couple weeks before he died. That basically means he was infected in late december or early january, much earlier than any cases of Corona-chan were reported outside of Hubei.
It means that Corona-chan was already on her world tour before first /cvg/ thread, and before anybody in the world actually paid attention to Wuhan.
Conspiracyfags can argue that there were two different strains of bioweapon released simultaneously in both China and Europe, but im afraid that's not the case.
Corona-chan never was contained. She's already all around the globe, inside every one of us.

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There's been news in Japan about hospitals also running low on blood donations.

>still had sage on
Shamefur dispray

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German figures are so strange...
We could hit 6 million infected and all of them would recover the next week and be back to work... according to german officials and their (((true))) numbers
Colleagues at work are convinced they are immune or at worst it’s a flu

its not the recovery time people here are tripping out about, as we can all see that most of the time the recovery is a bit worse than the flu for most people. its the concept that it stays with you and can reinfect you that is spooking people

Roaches cant carry the virus

north seattle college

>we're all going to fucking die

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only one way to redeem yourself

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Reminder: there wouldn't be so much panic and infighting behind the scenes of this if it was really as mild as claimed.

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Weird hunch:

did all of you died from it?

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Did ya get your TP user?
Gotta get ya TP when there's a flu about.

Any other questions? Altitude user Insider here for you.

>inb4 what did you warn us about?

States confirming their first cases on 3MAR

>Fuck you you're a LARP

I wish. Any questions?

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Yes. Yas Forums is actually purgatory.

what are the odds he got infected in a hospital treating someone from oversees more around the end of january?

No more living past 60, the chosen people need young healthy workers.

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>Mass culling that fractures the world
>children are immune so far,important
What’s next?


>reinfect you and stay with you

Huh? Link pls.







Half face gas mask because only needing to filter out breathing particles, or full face gas mask because scared that something will get into your eyes?

(how comfortable are safety goggles with glasses?)

but i dindu nuffin


Anons, I need some advice.

So I know a thing or two about programming and tech, is there any tech that I can work on and make open-source on Github which can actually help us somehow ?



So I had mild symptomps yestarday (no fever), went gym today, almost blacked out after squats. Now sitting at home with 90 bpm, how fucked I am?

Go back to r/dongald

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situation in LA please. Do you actually foresee a lockdown/riots?

This has been brought up hundreds of times already.

Before /cvg/ there was only the S strain that had lower r0 and lower fatality.
Then the L strain happened and Corona-chan got into her current form.
Only conspiracy I believe is that it has been intentionally or unintentionally engineered because its viral protease is just TOOOO similar to HIV's... making treatment rather easy with lopinavir + ritonavir. Suspiciously easy, in fact.

I wouldn't have any issues being here for all eternity.

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I messed it up too

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sure looks like a fucking nothingburger to me


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based durgasoft

please save us Mr Nagoor Babu

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Hokkaido expecting to lose 200 billion yen in tourism money.

>total apocalypse
>running water
also, it's the Chinks buying all the TO because they heard about what happened in China.


Why are people stockpiling rice, flour, noodles, pasta?

When the sickness gets to YOUR country in great enough numbers, who do you think is going to be working in the food packaging/processing factories?

Fucking Nobody.

They will either be sick or dead.

Like China, they might try to restart production, but when skilled worker X, the only guy who nows how X works, or can operate it is sick and out...nobody is producing anything.

Get Food now or die. Its that simple.

This shit could last 6 months to 3 years of continual sickness.

If you havn't prepped you are an A grade moron.

>Event 201 was created in response to a then benign virus that had been observed around the globe

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depends how hard transport gets shafted

Hungarian here, it's false.

>Did ya get your TP user?
>Gotta get ya TP when there's a flu about.

Got it last month before this shitshow.

Laugh Out Loud(LOL) At That Image ! Can I Save It ?

Agreed, but the leafs have already spread it here

What about Tohoku btw?

Ur russian ffs. Take some vodka and chill out. Ur good. Stress had toll on you and thats it.

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Hi user. I believe I answered you in the last thread. I have not been briefed on the situation in Louisiana, but they face the same situation other states in regard to their med staff lacking PPE. Also, I need to correct myself. I meant to press 5MAR. I'm tired user. Also, you asked about firearms. You should have one regardless of COVID-19.

Yeah, make a map of all the public toilets so your countrymen can poo in loo
This will reduce infections

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>100000 infected
Israel and make it Six Million

Perhaps we can enjoy the cherry blossoms without being swarmed by chinks this year

hahahahahahahahahha LOOOOL why people even bother at this age

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Don't suppose there's anything you could add to the compiled information?

Pretty sure some chink scientist analysed the RNA mutation rate and said its first human host was in late October.
Was news like 3 or 4 weeks ago.

Sorry, Los Angeles...not Louisiana. I imagine we’re far more fucked than them.