HAPPENING: Trump converted to Judaism

He'll reveal it publicly if he wins 2020. This is huge. What a kike

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Kike in chief

what a rat shill kike its only a fence


This hurts Yas Forums like Jesus King of the Jews hurt Romans.

Now some tasty circumcised cock

this explains all that holocaust shit in the state of the union the time before last

you can't consoom large quantities of jew cum and not be influenced. this is expected.

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This has been common knowledge for years. Notice how nothing he has ever done was to benefit white people

fucking el oh el
how do the jews feel about this

Fake news, no such article on Israel to say website.

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>no source

This has been known down to the synagogue the whole time. MIGA.

For anyone who thinks this isn't real, Trump already pretty much announced this publicly on multiple occasions.

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It would be nice to be able to say "I told you so" but the MIGA faggots would still suck his dick anyway. I'm fact, we'd probably see millions of Christian Trump supports convert.


The Chabad sect is the real connection between Trump and Putin, they’re controlling the global ((Far-right)))

how do they control anything?

You would start hearing the rationalizations about how Judaism is BASED and how Jesus didn't get everything fully right, and the old testament is still relevant. It would start like that, and then boom, they would be converted shortly after. MIGAcucks worship power and worship the state. They don't know how to do anything but follow

>Jesus didn't get everything fully right, and the old testament is still relevant
That's unironically true. The opposite of those beliefs is gnosticism which is heretical.

I'm basically a gnostic, and yeah, it is def a heretical belief, lol. I mean it is basically satanism. It is basically the idea that Jesus was a satanist (I believe a secular satanist) and the Abrahamic god is an evil tyrant. Yup.
IDK, you think what you want of me. I'm not that into it. I mean I'm agnostic about the whole thing, but if "God" is real, then yes I do believe he is evil.

It would be
>666D chess
>keep your enemies close
>it's nothing burgers

>Jews ruled over by a goy
LMAOING at their lives tbqh fampai

Doctor, the sperm whale on Earth devours millions of cuttlefish as it roams the oceans. It is not evil; it is feeding.

I would too, just because Judaism is exclusively the old testament and does not hold that Jesus Christ is the son of god which are conclusions I have arrived at later in life also

there are stringent theological reasons as well to convert to Judaism guys not just your limited Yas Forums view of things

At least post a link if you are going to shitpost, you fucking retard.

Old testament/Torah is NWO programming which is why Religions following it always end up tools of the NWO like Jews/Calvanists

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stoning faggots is based

Is he going to grow a beard?


Low quality shill thread. 0/10, try harder next time.

Happening!.. over a year ago.. but it’s not actually real... yea. Great jerb, OP

>feb 2019
fuck off. stop posting old shit

If anything, he converted to Catholicism.

OP is a faggot

>when you have to make shit up to criticize Trump

Orthodoxy* Catholicism is full of pedos and faggots and women priests, fuck it.

>do a fake conversion in order to shield yourself against the very thing that wants to destroy you
He's beating them at their own game, that's why they're so damn scared.

The impeachment debacle was proof of that, Trump showed that he can withhold aid if he's not getting anything in return.
Guess who's getting billions of US taxpayer dollars each year in return for basically nothing?
They fear him.

Traitor cunt.

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Christians are honorary jews, its an honor to be a christian. We al became chose when (((they))) rejected yeshua hamashiach who came to save (((them))) in the first place. The red wedding that would have happened at cana had Christ not satiated their thirst

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And? When did you last have a president that didn't suck kosher cock?

OY VEY! How dare he be shy about bein' a Jew.

>showed that he can
But we're still being bled.

I'll help you bro.. the war in heaven? Just assume for a second that the upstart won and killed the Creator.. as much as you can kill a God. In essence, he wove the Creator into the essence of this current universe, as a prison. As life grows and evolves, he is slowly breaking free. We are all but a tiny mote of god, our souls. But this world, this universe, was made by the devil. That is not to say there isnt good and beaty in the world. But it is still a prison.

Jews are an imposter race.....not the original hebrews.....even they admit this.

Israel believed in an patriarchy
Jews believe in a matriarchy
Israel spoke hebrew
Jews speak yiddish
Israel worshipped YHWH
Jews worship shekaniah (a female deity)
Israel followed the Bible
Jews follow the Babylonian Talmud.
The was no star of David....that is the star of molech
Israel was of one father and 4 different mothers producing 12 very different tribes
Jews are of one tribe who claim the mother, not the father matters.
DNA testing has proven they are turkish in origin.

let the star gorge itself on clay user, in time they will be no more

God I hope this is true, PTG retards are going to get their shit pushed in

Cope. You didn't really think you could beat us did you?

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>Israel followed the bible
The bible didn't even exist until Rome wrote it you retard.

Murica is a Jewish state. Some states even require citizens to make oaths to Israel, you can't make this shit up.

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Morning trannies

only 2 years ago? lmao

You're an arian heretic m8

If this is tru I’m off the fucking train


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kushner that rat


What is the old testament you retard

Everyone the lubavitchers visit are messianic (antichristian) jews.

>Democrat shills are convinced this is the kill shot
Funny thing is most of the ones pushing it are Jews themselves. They are convinced this huge white supremacy movement is how he got elected. Its fucking amazing how many time (((they))) try though.


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>The article is fake btw

An’ it hurt none, I hope ‘e ‘as whatever makes him smile.

>gnostic heretic cope

He can’t truly convert he’s not a Canaanite. If true, he’s an ideological miscreant