German elite commando unit hotbed for right wing extremism

Soldiers are caught listening to 'neo nazi rock music' and 'doing nazi salute'.

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This chad killed a globalist and I give him moral support. Is that a crime in the US?

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I think your second link was supposed to be this:

Thanks user, couldn't get a directly translated link.

Psst Hans... If you start a coup not only the average German citizenry but the police and military will join you too.

Could it be happening again? Please God, let it be happening again.

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I lived in the Frankfurt area for over a decade both in the U.S. Army and later as a GS-12 from the 90s into 00s.
For the most part the Turks and Iranians stayed in their little enclaves and dared not venture out and get rowdy lest they get the shit beat out of them by Polizei or a wandering pack of drunk U.S. soldiers from the bars in Sachsenhausen.
Then the U.S. shut down almost all of the installations in that area and the Turks and Iranians are now feeling froggy and the Polizei have all but completely stood down.
Damn shame. Germany used to be awesome. Now it's complete shit.

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I have a feeling if shit really pops off we're going to have a lot of military coups all over the western world

most of the feds are fash, they just need to get off their ass and take over already

nigga all the Iranians we have are university educated people that fled the islamic revolution, don't compare them with lowlife turks

the accusation 'right wing extremism' has no meaning anymore these days because it is hurled at anyone who is not a committed marxist.

Based neo SS

>military is essentialy bootlicking at its extreme
>be suprised when they start licking boots for real

>police and military
They do everything they can to vet people. Whether or not this actually works, or just radicalizes people further, is yet to be seen.

>German elite commandos do not want the 3rd world niggers and Muslim invaders flooding into Germany
>Merkel and EU: OY VEY!!! German elite commando unit hotbed for right wing extremism

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t. Iranian

Fuck normies.

>radicalizes people further.
This is all it does.

They wear the boots you fucking retard.

I'd imagine it can work in the short term, but then you run out of qualified people and society breaks down. Kind of like when they forced extreme integration on the South African police, who then became a laughing stock.

> neo nazi rock music

Der Funker ruft die tapf'ren Seelen, die treu zum Vaterlande stehen.
Verlass' mir bloß die Heimat nicht!
Aufrecht ist nur, wer kämpft und ficht.
Ob Pommern, Sachsen, Bajuwaren – sie werden kämpfen und nicht klagen.
Die Brandenburger schwenken Fahnen, die uns alle zur Reinheit mahnen!

Heil dir – meine geliebte Heimat!
Heil dir – mein geliebtes Land!
Heil dir – Wiege meines Lebens!
Nur mit dir kann ich bestehen.
Heil euch – ihr guten Kameraden!
Heil euch – weil ihr zur Heimat steht!
Heil euch – weil ihr nicht weichen werdet,
selbst wenn euch Sturm entgegen schlägt!

Sturmfest und auch erdverwachsen, das sind die guten Niedersachsen.
Die Hessen halten hoch in Ehren,
die Faust geballt – werden nicht sterben.
Der größte Feind muss es einseh'n, Thüringen wird nie um Gnade fleh'n.
Die Nordrhein-Westfalen,
dieser starke Haufen, lehrt jedem Feind bloß wegzulaufen.

Mecklenburger, Rheinland-Pfälzer, Holsteins Horden und Saarländer,
weichen keinen Millimeter. Fest verankert steht ein jeder,
von den guten Kameraden. Auch Sachsen-Anhalt wird es wagen.
Badenser und auch Württemberger, kämpfen mit Tiroler Herzen.

nah I'm German, Iranians are unrionically based and aryan

Its funny. This has been going on for years. On top, you have to imagine the idiocy of our government, they actually believe our military is actually built on democratic principles etc. Its the successor of the Wehrmacht and the SS, thats about it. There is a lot of denial and self-deception going on. Pic related is what our soldiers really aspire to be like.

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Theres always a boot on top with worshipers

based. I knew a guy who went Special Air Service who was 900% heil hitler.

Based I love RAC. wonder what band they were listening to

There's also people who lick assholes.
>muh bootlickers
Fuck off cringelord.

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Same here in Russia

Don't doubt it

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I would like to see some Police or military forces go full nazi and wipe out some muslim families and leftist antifa scum. We are facing extinction by intentional forced immigration, a few well-placed bullets in the heads of government politicians, Greens, and Leftists will solve these problems. Fear will make it work. If not, well, they will kill some more.

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Fucking kek I love Aussies.

Time and again I'm surprised by how often this pic is proven correct, even applied to a wide range of contexts. Maybe it's the Dunning Kruger effect?

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There was another story about Aussie SAS guys taking a dead Afghan's prosthetic leg back to base and drinking beer out of it.

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No sensible person would dedicate their working life to protecting a multicultural hellhole.
I am not surprised at all, and I suspect other military units in western Europe feel the same way

The guy he killed said "if germans are not happy with rapefugees, they can live".
He got shooted by based german sent by god.

Please do it again, Krauts. We're going to support the correct side this time. No more brother wars.

Fucking based leaf.

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not just the military the police too. those leaked french texts show it. the worse it gets the closer a coup will happen

>The guy he killed said "if germans are not happy with rapefugees, they can leave".
And yyes he got shot in the end.
No intelligent person sheds a tear for that scum

It's the paragon of dunning-kruger

It's also true of non-violence.

Overlap the two and what do you get?

It sounds like some kind of desert sheik myth, a ghostly pack of warmaking aussie desert devils that roam the sands with a giant nazi flag haunting the wastes like the Dervish. hahahahah

Secretly all european youth is waiting for the krauts to wake up.

Our scout snipers have a cool flag too...

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At least he’ll die a true German

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>neo nazi rock music

What band?

I love Poland. Keep standing up for you country and its culture

Based Poland, would love to go back. Don't cuck to the EU

>military is right wing

>middle eastern unis

>all this larping

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And what about the French? You're the descendents of Charlemagne, Charles Martel, and Clovis. When will you rise and reclaim your birthright, kings?

Que faudra-t-il?

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Didn't a bunch get arrested?

>There is a lot of denial and self-deception going on.

Yeah, in this thread.

Your own military intel spies on your soldiers and ruins anyone suspected of "right wing extremism", so far very succesfully. Your army has fags, trannies and niggers, fighting vehicles adopted for pregnant women soldiers etc. Your only combat deployments are some ZOG globalist wars while at home the Bundeswehr is tasked with settling invaders in refugee camps in former bases. Dont even make me post the numbers of your jets, helicopters or submarines that are actually operational. And here you are deluding yourself that German soldiers are all secret SS men.

You have it all backwards. This conspiracy is another win for the kikes since they arrested the conspirators. Nothing to be happy about. So far no right wing action happened while your army is successfully used for jewish wars, refugee resettling and catching anyone who dissents in its own ranks

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i think its kangs these days

Frenchman writes and communicates in English better than an American mutt. Why am I not surprised?

Yeah and Yas Forumstards itt are all gloating and posting ww2 pics for some reason. Apparently this is how winning looks like for them

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Fuck the prime minister. Someone could stab him tomorrow and not one Australian would care.

Is this just in the army or is there also in police and other units? What about the GSG9? I remember there was critique by the media after it was shown that police officers where filming the Pegida protest in Dresden for private purposes.

There are surely many right wing men in elite formations, but such units are by nature under intense counterintelligence survaillence so planning and doing anything illegal is actually particularily hard there (as aopposed to what pol believes). Thats why they keep getting arrested and no right wing reaction from the army or police halpened so far

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Imagine well trained SOF guys take down globalists and BTFO zog nations from inside

well, what the fuck else would you be?

White poor/middle class is slowly waking up, as we saw with the Yellow Vest movment.
They started to understand that (((medias))) are a big scam.
In the same time, right youth is more and more radical, with an amazing work from 'democratieparticipative' (very popular french DailyStormer).
And, with all sandniggers we have, who are ultra aggressive, more and more people are tired of brown people and would like to kick them out from the country.

On the other side, France is still politically run by boomers who litterally loves brown people.
The communist ideology is very strong here, people always want to have free things.
Women are totally brainwashed. Islam is growing very fast.

So I think as long as we have electricity and food, it's stable, but the country is structurally very weak and it could turn to national boogaloo very fast.

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Imagine trying to pull that off in a top secret unit under constant intense counterintelligence survaillence by the govt. One of the worst places to be if you are into coups and plots as opposed to poltard childish revenge fantasies

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men with brain and muscle have abiliity to distinguish whats wrong or right.
unlike those zog cucked mutt golems thoughtlessly carrying out orders from joojoos.(pic related, yes)

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Actually this. Ykr.

I dunno, I'm only about 80% heil hitler. All things in moderation after all

Übermensch is a based non degenerate band with philisophic lyrics.
You can find it on Spotify under the names 'Ubermensch' and 'Anthrazit'.
'Die Ästhetik einer Schöpfung' is my favourit.